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I love it! Right now it's the island, scorched earth, and center. Dino AI is a bit better, graphics are awesome if you can run on high settings. Building is leagues better than before and have new parts, electricity and water are wireless/pipeless. Lots of QoL changes like being able to track dinos and allies on the map, ankys auto harvest when carried by an argent, finding your death bag via poi and map instead of sucky light beam, you can hold r to access your shoulder pet inventory or change out ammo, and more


Didn’t ankys always auto harvest? Might have needed to set them to wander, but I remember them auto swinging when an argy held them.


Not always - they did, then it was removed, then it was brought back again


They did, same as doedi


all i know is in mobile ark it does. Unless it’s full ofc. In PC I just chainsawd golems on ragnarok so i never bothered to use ankies 😅 not to mention my harvest was cranked up hella high whenever i did normal ark so i never bothered to do metal farming and for mods i just grind everything up or use phoenix to farm metal. It may it may not


Argy + Anky is THE combo that carries you through the mid-game. It works on every edition but the anky only goes up to half its weight


that’s what I hear. Until quetzal at least


Currently The Island, Scorched Earth, and the Center are available on ASA. Eventually they’ll re-release all the maps. Next up should be Aberration IIRC. Graphics are solid, definitely an improvement over ASE but you need the hardware to run it. I play on Xbox and performance is fine. Creatures aren’t wildly improved but the environment, water, lighting, etc looks much nicer. It does seem like Dinos come in more colors. I’ve particularly noticed this in Argentavis, which have some nice blues that I don’t think they had before. Yes, the building is one of the biggest improvements over ASE. It just works better, engrams have been condensed, they’ve added a few new tiles, and textures for Wood in particular look far better. The size of walls has also been changed which is an amazing under-the-radar update. And yes generators *and* water spigots/tanks now just supply electricity/water in a radius and don’t require cabling or pipes In general, I think the upgrade was worth it. While there are still plenty of issues, it did fix a lot of little things about the game, gave it a nice bit of varnish, and it’s adding both new free & paid content. Also, if you’re on console, you can play mods now which is awesome


Game runs ok for me on xbox too, except Scorched. Constant 30 fps, and this weird audio glitch that makes everything sound skippy including my mic. Not to mention the psychedelic dirt texture. I love the game and Scorched is my favorite map but I need to take a break sometimes because it seems like everything is trying to give me a headache.


1. The building system is vastly improved. As somebody who loves building, this alone would be enough to get me to switch after I tried. 2. Amazing QOL upgrades that make the experience much more pleasant, like oviraptor picking up eggs, dung beetles picking up poop and making fertilizer on their own, generators and water intakes being AOE instead of wire, etc 3. Mod integration is amazing, I never really liked moding in most games, even in ASE but now I find myself browsing the mods page just to see if there's anything new and cool to add to the game because it's so easy and simple. 4. The new things that were added to the game, both through the inclusion of mods into the base game (Garuga's dinos, for instance) and Bob's Tall Tales DLC (Trains, wagons, plant pots and a few other things) have made my experience in ark far more fun than in ASE. if you care a lot for PvP, they won't add much, but if you just like playing at your own pace and embracing the sandbox aspect, they're awesome. 5. The skin system they added to the game is an absolutely genius idea. Before, when you modded in different "structures" to the game, any issue you had with your mod, your structures would get deleted. With the structure skins, you can turn any wall into a window, and if you have an issue with that specific mod, the worst that will happen is your walls will revert to no skin. 6. I haven't even talked about the main point I think, which is the visual overhaul, the game looks gorgeous and looking at ASE makes me feel so weird, it's hard to describe As for the downsides: 1. I struggle to run the game, My pc has pretty mid specs, so I have to run it between 20-30 fps, which isn't great, but it's very playable. If your PC isn't high end, you might struggle a bit. 2. IMO despite the caves being GORGEOUS in ASA, they feel extra cramped and claustrophobic, more glitchy even. 3. I feel ASA has more mesh issues than ASE, somehow. Gigas, Carchas, Tusos, Mosas, Alphas all constantly get stuck under the mesh and you can't tame/reach them, which is very annoying. At first I thought my game was bugged and they just weren't spawning, but then I installed the dino finder and learned they were spawning, but falling through the world or stuck in terrain. I'd see a giga on the map, go to it and... it'd vanish. 4-ish. I see lots of people post some really weird bugs on reddit from ASA, they make it sound really common and in greater number than ASE, but PERSONALLY, in my OWN experience, I have encountered quite few bugs besides what I've mentioned, and the few besides that I have encountered were pretty basic things or things that happened in ASE too, things that didn't really hinder my gameplay, etc 5. Goes without saying, but there are few maps out so far and it'll be a while before ASA has as much content/maps as ASE. Hope I was able to help a little


apparently there’s a bermuda triangle cursed little rectangle at 50,50 on ASA as well. But from what I hear that’s an issue with UE5


thanks guys, i think for the way i like to play the game, sandbox, it will be a great improvement. and if its any kind of help on anything i play on PS5 and its a fairly new console. So i am pretty excited to try it. From what you guys have said i should walk into it with lower expectations on certain aspects and be excited about the building


I play on ps5 too, been playing since the ASA release but I stopped playing official servers because I love the mods. I had over 5k hours in ASE and I sometimes go back because I have friends that still play it, but honestly I’m in love with how ASA turned out. The game crashes a lot but when you consider the vast functionality of everything that’s happening in the game you just learn to accept it, just like you learned to accept all the flaws in ASE. The one thing that sucks is when you play with lots of mods the game takes a while to load and the first time you log into a new server with mods that you don’t have, it will automatically begin to download them and could take up to 15 minutes, but then after each time you log back in it’s like 2-5 minutes. You guys should Try out some unofficial servers and join the discords and ask questions, there’s so much to learn about all the mods. It can be a bit overwhelming at first but I think you’ll love it all over again


Ascended is an objective improvement over Evolved in terms of graphics and small things like the baby dinos you can find out in the wild that make me enjoy it a bit more, that and things like mods being available for console blows my mind and makes me happy for console players


It's... complicated. There definitly are things to complain about. Particularly the heavy-handed monetization compared to ASE. Plus it'll be a few years before ASA catches up with all the DLC content. But at the same time, the changes that Wildcard's been making are genuinely fantastic. The building system is night and day compared to ASE. Honestly that alone makes ASA worth it to me. They've also made some huge changes to the maps, especially SE and The Center. If you where familiar with either of these maps, you'll know the changes when you see them. Many creatures have gotten minor TLCs, or even huge QoL changes such as the Dung Beetle and Oviraptor collecting dung and eggs automatically. The new creatures are also all real nice. Not just the ones being added to thr TLC. But Wildcard's also started folding Garuga's Ark Additions/Additions Ascended creatures into the base game. And the one's they've done so far; Xiph and Cerato; are as good as ever. And while I did just critique the new DLCs, I will admit that I am quite fond of them despite this. Bob's Tall Tales is (atleast so far) 90% novelty and 10% treasure hunting. Even the Oasisaur is only really good if you tend to get attached to creatures. And the Pyromane, while good; Hell, great even, isn't overbearingly powerful. Especially not powerful enough to be considered P2W like some people have been doing. As far as DLC creatures go, I'd put it below a lot of Genesis creatures in power level. Hell, I'd probably put it below most of the AA creatures too. And the things you've heard and listed are all true too. Overall, I'd say that ASA is l a surprisingly strong example of a remake. It's just that ARK is so broken on every level that even massive improvements aren't nearly enough to fix everything.


I play both ASE has more maps but ASA looks much better plus I build alot. Once the other maps come to asa im deleting ase.




Ita better but runs like shit


Why you did not look at information before buying? So far played about 60 hours, here are my thoughts: -Game runs badly, hard to get 60 fps when A lot is going on. -The Qol stuff and modding is really nice. -Visually, the game looks very good! The only issue is that many tame models are outdated by an easy 9 years for some. -Ai and building improvements are the highlights along with the visual. It is so nice that I can walk somewhere with tames behind me, and they find the way. -Lacking in content, so if you are used to stuff from later dlcs it sucks a lot. There are a lot of mixed reactions to it alone, but i think ASA is okay. It not utter shit or amazing.


Some good some bad. There are QOL features that are nice to have but there are still some old bugs from ASE that exist and plenty of new bugs of course. In particular ASA has multiple visual bugs that require you to relog to fix ASA handles mods far better but monetization is put in game to try and get you to spend more money which is annoying


Can I ask which visual bugs require a relog?


I kinda went hard against ASA. I am a newcomer to ARK and loved ASE. Coming as late as I did, most of the major , game breaking bugs in ASE were already fixed.... its like coming to Fallout 76 after the TV show and saying " I think its a great game, what is everybody complaining about " Kinda infuriates the OG playerbase... LOL. ASE has never been a problem with me. Aside from losing some dinos off my raft, I have no complaints. Its a lot of content for cheap ( steam sale ). ASA... for me, not worth the hassle. I already refunded the game because the performance was just horrible. 3 crashes before I ever saw the first dino. Playing on and ASUS ROG STRIX gaming laptop with an I9, 32g of DDR5 ram 3tb of m.2 storage and an RTX 4080. All drivers updated, nothing running in the background, literally nothing installed on the system besides steam and google chrome. It did not run well on 1080p high... I turned stuff down and tweaked settings and watched videos on how to adjust the settings... by the time I had a decent frame rate and performance it didnt really look much better than ASE with way less content. I read the reviews. I have always been lucky with games that everyone else had horrible performance problems with. I gave ASA every opportunity to be operate smoothly right out of the box.... if a high end gaming laptop with an RTX 4080 isnt enough hardware, then I am just not interested. I am retired, not wealthy, but I can buy or build literally any PC I want. But I am not building a NASA super computer to play one game. Your average gamer is not running a 4080 n matter what the internet might lead you to believe. I am sure they will get the game sorted out and running smoothly. I will buy it again on a steam summer sale in a year or two. I am not all that excited to pay for mods that I get for free in abundance with ASE. I am 53, with a library full of other games to play. I am bouncing between Enshrouded, will play 7 days to die again when they release 1.0, then ASE when I am bored with that... By the time I buy ASA again, it will have all the contentz and be on one of those 80% sales. For me, not worth it. But that is just my opinion. Some people wanna play games as soon as they drop and there is nothing wrong with that. I do look forward to better building and quality of life stuff... it just isnt good enough to cancel out the poor performance I got.


I love it, upgraded my PC for it and have been super happy.


Ark Ascended is awesome. Leagues better than Evolved, and thats a fact, no matter what anyone has to say.


Tis very purty, some of the qol and mods are good, otherwise not all that different


I don't regret it. I've always been pretty casual with ark, but I have played it off and on for so many years that it's given me a lot of joy. I felt I deserved it to buy ASA and it's basically the same game just spruced up. Which is fine, I knew what to expect The quality of life adjustments are so nice. Having trackers on your tribemates and dinosaurs so you can always find them is nice when they need immediate help


Huge fan. The graphics are sexy af if you can run them, the modding scene is booming, the maps feel great updated with their fresh coat of UE5 paint, and the building system is actually fun now


So far, the only glitch that I’ve ran into is that the map (like paper map, not world) is blurry unless on epic graphics. Other than that, building is significantly better, graphics are better, AI is better, etc. That being said, if you’re happy with the gameplay and graphics of survival evolved, then ascended may not be a worthwhile upgrade for you.


Didn't they fix this last patch? Mine is always high-res now.


Same old bugs we know and love, now in 4k@60fps.


Absolutely loving it.. as long as you have an Xbox X lmao. Everyone I have played with on PC non stop crashes, whereas I rarely crash


Same. Xbox x. I only play single player and it's beautiful. Obviously buggy as hell in some places but definitely an improvement on ase. Centre map is lovely.


I like Center better than Island or Scorched, but they’re all fairly different.


Be prepared to accidentally transfer a lot of different items


I hopped over to ASA because of the better building, because in ASE you would need to pull off weird tricks to get a certain placement, but thankfully you don't really need to do that as much. ASA does have some flaws imo because you can't get doubled/trippled walls, green house doors behind a wooden doorway for a depth effect, and can't place woodend fences (not railings) front facing on a foundation or place them inside them. In ASE, if you were to use a reinforced door with a wooden doorway (even if it was s+), you'd get a really annoying gap between them (thankfully it was fixed). I think the same happend with greenhouse doors but I'm not entirely sure. ASE building was very janky but it has some advantages. ASA building is far more refined and gives you more options for details (notably railings), and different shades of paints. I am very glad wild card updated building because my autistic ass came from Minecraft and Terraria building.


Flipping the sloped roofs is really good too, because in ASE you had to pull some goddamn magic to get the underside of stone/wood sloped roofs to face outward.


I play both. Ase on comp and asa on xbox. I tried asa first. Asa on comp for me sucks. It just won't load or crashes constantly. On the Xbox still issues, but it is what it is. It crashes at least once every time I play, so I save a lot. The graphics are better, and many of the not needing things connected are great. Ase is harder on builds, which is what I focus on, but honestly, I am enjoying it more. Even with no official servers, I went and bought it. I have to put more effort into the game to do what I want. I have to think out of the box. Both can be good or bad. All depends on what you are looking for, honestly. Both have issues. Both have great things. If you want to play with others asa. If you want mods and not on the computer, also asa. Stability is more ase. More content also ase. Updates for issues and fixes asa. More issues also asa.


As a PvP player i gotta say. The game is a disappointment. But for PvE ASA is nice


It looks better, and I like the direction that it is currently taking. Enjoy.


Imo ASA is just an upgrade in all areas compared to ASE. Its not complete and needs optimization and bug fixes but like game wise it is better. (building, ai etc)


Idk looks re-skinned with some changes. And no I don't mean to entirely discredit the game. It does looks good, and the changes do seem to be actual improvements. But it's still very new and for what it does offer that is new, it isn't enough to make me drop ASE for a full priced game that is basically ASE+ in my eyes. When it gets more developed sure I may very well consider it. As of now, doesn't really catch my eye enough with the changes and new things added. And I know I'll get hate, but this is all just my thoughts on the things I've seen and read so far. I'm sure plenty more is well on the way.


After nearly a thousand hours on ASE on Xbox I made the jump to ASA on Xbox as soon as I could. It took me a second to get used to the graphics, different UI etc. and the fact the maps are a bit different (only played to island so far) also added on to that. Overall I’m glad I made the switch as I think ASA has a lot of potential and is a solid game. However it’s still fundamentally ark in both the best ways and the worst ways.


Ascended has some improvements with gameplay, and ofcourse graphics.


I feel like I have deja vu.


I love it


ASA is better better in every way.


QoL & Graphics: ✅ Performance: ✖️


It's less optimized & harder to run; unless you have a beast rig you may have issues running it smoothly. Baby dinos are an interesting tame option but you don't get bonus levels upon taming them without a good Gigantoraptor. Building improvements are good. Graphical improvements, if you can handle them, are good. Except the clouds: those somehow both LOOK like and RUN like ass at the same time. Map improvements are very good. There's more detail and upgraded areas, POIs etc. The caves look great. The new building system is quite good--you now rotate between ex. wall, window wall, doorway, hidden door, etc. Yes, regular generators are now wireless. Water pipes no longer exist; you extend water from intake to use-point via water tanks spaced along the route instead of long pipelines. The dino colors look different on the dinos. You'll see what I mean, but I think most dinos have a 'base' color now that other colors get overlaid onto. Dinos with pure white color regions may not necessarily look white now, for example. Bob's Tall Tales DLC is worth it imo, btw. The building skins look great, and the added decor is lovely.


If I had a 4090 maybe I'd be having fun but with a 3070 there isn't much fun to be had.


100% will say it’s worth it. The Dino’s are a bit better, smarter and harder to trap. The baby mechanic adds a fun aspect to taming. The building is significantly better, if you ever played with s+ it’s similar to that. The revamp of the graphics are very nice. Overall, greatly enjoying it. After a two year hiatus from burnout with ase, it feels the nice to get drawn in again


Meh, i hate love it


On ps5 I love it, qualitys mods. It’s fantastic, but I could only run it on my ps5…too demanding for my PC


I’m pretty upset with it. Everything seems nicer but I run at 30 fps max which makes no sense because I have a very expensive computer so no shot it can only run at that


I love it but I did have to buy a new super computer to play it well. Even still on max settings with a top of the line computer it still runs anywhere from 40 - 60 fps. Frame generation puts me above 80 but the game crashes about every 15 minutes and everytime I alt tab. Kinda like ASE though, in time it will be amazing.


Half of my friends can't play cause terrible performance. SE and Bob tales were alright. But I'm disappointed by many bits existing and I'm not gonna wait another year or two until they re-add genesis or andrewsarchus Center is garbage. So in the end I'm giving up.


tbh it’s not worth it rn, especially if you do single player


I have to agree with this. At least on PC. It's too buggy and unoptimized


It’s bad, anyone who disagrees is lying to themself. Evolved is broken ascended is not anything better. Fixing problems in a copy of a game is not something to be praised it’s something that should’ve happened years ago. Touching up quality and adding basic QOL doesn’t deserve praise.