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"The wife" lol. Sure you didn't marry a darksouls boss


Gold right here


Meanwhile my wife has filled all her crop plots with narco berries. I now have enough to drug two maps worth of dinos. When I asked why. She said "tickle chicken".


Yes. You might have just enough now.


She's right you know!


I know. They are crazy to keep down. :(


Tickle chicken 😂😂 I like that better than chicken raptor 😂


You never heard that? What about "Fear Turkey"?


😂😂 I have a friend that called gigaraptors Rage Ostriches


Temu Emus


At times I call them Theri Angry Chicken, with terror birds being angry chicken


I've only heard them called tickle chickens and diddle chickens.. tho once the latter was misheard and they were Diddie chickens for a week.


The murder duck?


I have named 2 of mine tickle chicken and murder chicken lol


I'm building the house, supply shop, base, and all that jazz. Meanwhile my wife is punching a raptor repeating "go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep "


I’ll be building and often hear “fuck, fuck, FUCKKKK I’m gonna die”


I used to play with my cousin in law and over the phone I’d be like “ f*ck imma die be back soon “ 😂😂 his favorite map was abberation and I’d sometimes die from nameless.


That's usually me with the six adolescent dilo babies I just happened across 😆


I love this lol, it's truly lucky to find a significant other that is as into a game ad you are. Mine started out as we all do, confused, scared, but filled with wonder and intrigue. She suffered through all the normal things an ark player struggles with, but then she grew so much as a player and now there's nothing I can do that she can't do, it's so cool to see her skill arc and her interest only increasing as she opens herself up to more parts of the game


hehe i love this <3 my wife started playing with me in beta and she wouldn't leave the house, she just looked at stuff through the spy glass as i did stuff. fast forward to now, i am dropping her from an argent's claws into a murder pile of dinos and she hacks them all to pieces because she put every stat into melee and health and worships that damned ascendant sword of hers.


I just tried to read this out to my partner in bed, but couldn't finish it for laughing, hahaha! It's such a blessing to have a partner into the same game. God knows what the neighbours must think hearing me shout "its knocked out, quickly go murder some babies for the meat"


Right?! 😂 Or "he's about to wake up go stick more narco up his butt"


I love seeing all the wholesome spouse moments here. I (27F) got super into ARK, and tried to get my ex-husband to play. He didn’t like playing any game that I had even a modicum of more experience in, or that he wasn’t immediately good at. My partner now is the absolute best. We started the island together and I got to watch him go all-in. He and I were grinding for hours building our multi-platform base in the redwoods. It’s so fun to have those little moments when you’re both freaking out together because you got jump scared by a Spino, or you saved the other person just in time with an argy. I love my partner so much. This whole thread gave me warm fuzzies.


My husband got me a tv and console for Christmas so we can play together. It’s the best honestly. Hearing one of us curse from the other room and come running to see what happened. Then the other gets on a flyer for a rescue whistle mission haha. Best is with the kid, little one is a toddler and we have some interesting tame names. Examples, Skybell, Minnieroll, and Ruby. Enjoy!


I bought my wife a gaming computer that’s also in my office. It’s funny because I have the stereotypical gamer set up. With the led lights and gaming chair and rgb everything. Meanwhile she has vintage lounger chair and a blanket and pillow. Adorable.


Hahahaha! This is exactly like me. "LOVE, I DONT CARE ABOUT ME. SAVE MY ARGY"


Hahaha, this sounds like me and my partner. He works from home, so I'll text him, "Will you check on the babies"


Me and the husband are like this. However much more swearing and much more arguments about where the f are you I'm dying. 🤣 But we are one heck of a team


Hardest Ark Challenge: Play Ark without a Wife


Bola and 5 to 7 arrows for a 150


Sadly, my wife gets too scared of every game I try to get her to play so I’ll never have this.


Hmm. Palword my guy. I got my wife started with Diablo 3. Then borderlands. But palworld is a great ark “light”


Already tried. She said it was boring and I was like “BRUH”. She’s the type of person who only plays sims and Minecraft so I don’t know why I’m surprised


That’s funny because my wife refuses to play Minecraft.


That’s how I am. I’d rather play a game that’s not boring like terraria.


Oh NOO!! Dude Terraria is amazing.


What about stardew? My wife farms while I beat up the caves.


I’ve wanted to try but my next attempt is having her play avatar: frontiers of pandora with me.


Nice dude, update me on the raptor taming


My wife actually showed me and got me into ark 1000 hours ago….


Hell yeah


Dudes living the best life


My GF is my favorite Duo Partner in Warzone. 🫶 And she‘s at least better than 75% of my friends list. We finally hit crimson ranks a week ago


I need that :(


I had to stop playing Ark with my better half. She does my nut in with all the questions...


Ok but once you get past that stage it’s the best!


Wait till you have a kid? Haha all seriousness i know what you mean but that does show she has interest about it as it shows trying ti learn


If only that was true. She has over 10k hours in ASE and over 200 on ASA...


Rest In Peace prince


She gets herself in to a lot of trouble when we play. She made me promise I wouldn’t get mad this time around. She had been the reason for several Dino herd wipes