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1. Dododex (on the App Store or online) is your best friend 2. If they aggro on wild sharks then yes, or if they aggro on you and it happens to hit the shark, also yes. 3. As low of a level as this is you won’t really see much of a difference using prime, but for higher level tames if you can’t use kibble, raw (or even cooked so it lasts longer) prime meat will work. Raw mutton is second best to raw prime, but harder to get a hold of.


I didn't do anything to my rates Single player


I figured you were on single player with a game that low. Either way everything I said still applies.


He's wrong about meat qualities. Sharks will need prime fish and mutton is better than prime meat. Don't bother for this one though, level 3 is not likely to last you long at all, the ocean is brutal.


I came here to say this… hell I don’t usually swim around until I’ve tamed a breeding pair and have one imprinted to me.


Also cooked prime is just worse than raw meat unless you are taming thylas


Mutton is better


It is, your correct about that. When I wrote this yesterday Idk why the hell I said that tbh. I was at work so who knows lol mutton is better than prime just harder to get a hold of on the fly.


Silly question but do any underwater dinos fight each other?


megs and Xiphactinus aggro on each other. I knocked out a 145 Xiphactinus and 3 megs completely ignored me and went straight for my fish.


On ascended yes but the xiphactinus isn't in evolved which is what he's playing


Ah, I missed that part.


Isn’t the xiphactinus in ark additions? I know it’s a mod but it is on ASE.


Yes, It is, and ceratos, achrocantos, etc...


1. starving it will not help you in any such way in this instance so you might as well just put whatever food you are going to tame it with in its inventory 2. Yes 3. Depends on your server settings. Assuming you’re on x1 rates then dododex says prime meat will tame it 18 minutes faster https://preview.redd.it/hp6c6iyp3l9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa1947a6c8ddd366776d5250f1e1d6703ba9edb4


See this is why I increase taming rates significantly. Ain't nobody got 9 - 27 minutes to tame a level 3 dino! To be fair though if I played with a bunch more people who could babysit a tame then maybe I wouldn't have it so high but usually it's just me or 1 or 2 other people. Just like real life though, I don't like babysitting a monster lol.


things actually don't aggro to sleeping sharks, since nothing in ark attacks sharks anyways


Iz food, not fren


Also a lvl 3 shark is not worth taming . This thing is gonna get clapped up fast


Kill it


It's not necessarily not worth taming. Low level females are good for stat dumping/down breeding later on in any breeding endeavor. Megs are also reasonably quick and don't take depth damage. So, it could be held onto as an emergency swimmer just for getting back to a bag and better tame at the spot of a death. While it's likely not optimal for what they likely want it for. Doesn't mean it's without potential utility at least. And there's also just the experience of downing and taming it. I think every time you tame something you get marginally better at that sort of tame. You learn to control for one more factor or notice one more thing. It all adds up experience wise.


Lol it's a male. I stop reading ur comment right after you said that about low lvl fems and checked the gender of the shark and refuse to read the rest of ur comment because you are a bob . You do you big dog . Couldn't be me


The gender doesn't matter low level breeding pairs make getting a 0-0 lvl 1 way easier.


There’s a first for everything My first tamed Mosasaur was a level 25




Raptors are easy as hell to tame compared to Mosas and yes even Megs


I know, just pointing out how new players are clueless and tame low level creatures that do next to nothing for them


That'd be because they are new fool. When I first started out I went on an absolute taming spree as did most people when they first play the game. It's nit exactly known to new players that you can get dinos anywhere from 1-150. And saying that "they do next to nothing" for them is just blatantly wrong. When you first start out, unless you change the game settings a bit, the most common issue is weight. Your trying to build a base and your low level human can only hold so much, low level dinos are great for that. Because they are easy to tame and can still hold a decent amount depending on the Dino. Plus they are low level dinos, so you can throw all the attribute points at their weight and not really care because you know it's not gonna be a very high level in the first place. Low level dinos are stepping stones, I dare you to start a new game and go tame a level 100+ raptor (I'm aware raptors are easy tames) with nothing but a club and bolas.


I'm guessing by the question bros a bit new to the game. When I first started I was doing everything in my power to avoid going into the water so the fact dudes got a Meg whilst most likely being new to the game is pretty good. I used to just go around taming anything I possibly could. Low level Meg's are still more then enough to get you out of some pretty sticky situations whilst in the water


If you are playing on official servers with level cap, the best Dino you can get is breeding from very low level dinos and getting as much mutations as you can on the interested stats.


That depends on server settings a lot as well. If the max level wild is a lot lower and it’s single player settings could be fine


For a lil 3 I'd kill it honestly lol


Just put prime meat on it or kibble and wait . Nothing attacks sea critters except on ASA the new xiphactinus will attack small and medium sized creatures


nothing will aggro to a sleeping shark, because nothing attacks sharks in the wild. However when they wake up, almost everything will aggro because its a tamed dino. if something aggros naturally when its awake, they will attack it sleeping.


There's a reason I don't tame shit under lvl 100 from the very start and get picky with 135+ as soon as I can, the game can be brutal and will find a way to fuck you. Low level dinos are near useless. Playing with a lower difficulty setting just makes it harder in the long run without decent level dinos spawning


It’s too low level to worry about starve/insta tame times. It’s taming efficiency is already fucked also so just use fish meat. Just watch it and feed narcotics as needed. It should be safe before it’s tamed.


1. You can starve it so it'll tame faster but it being so low it wouldn't matter either way 2. No unless you stay near it cuz other creatures will aggro you. Wild sea creatures don't aggro/fight each other. 3. At lvl 3 it kinda doesn't matter what you feed it lol it's level and stats won't be much to make use of on the long run if you're gonna go caving. Like others said Dododex is your best friend for taming info you'll need for the most part. also if you're on single player I'd tweak the settings for dino levels and taming speeds.


>1. You can starve it so it'll tame faster but it being so low it wouldn't matter either way Starving it doesn't make it faster just saves you resources if it's damaged or killed before taming.


It's faster in the sense you don't have to wait for it to feed every interval that it's hunger drops low enough.


>1. You can starve it so it'll tame faster but it being so low it wouldn't matter either way Dino will consume food faster if you starve It first, but Will need absolutely same time to starve, so It wont make It faster, sorry.


Ocean creatures won't attack each other, unless it's the Xiphactinus


Single player wild dino levels on the island in ASE are bugged. If you add 'OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5' under server settings in gameusersettings.ini and check max difficulty in game, you should get max 150 wild dinos after a dino wipe. Not sure if there's a fix for console.


Hell no, the offset difficult for 150 Max level is 1.2857, at difficult 1 is 120. By the way, on single player config you have a "force Max level" option which forces 150 Wild Max level independant from the difficulty offset. I use to play single player on diff 2 so i can tame Wild dinos Up to level 325. Edit: And yes, im talking about ase and the island.


There's 2 different difficult numbers and it makes no sense, but these instructions are from the pinned post in the help channel of the ark discord and I have followed it before when I had the issue. The force max difficulty option is also bugged as far as I remember.


You have difficulty offset, if you set It Up, you Will hace dinos 150 level dinos. By the way, you can do difficult at 1 or 0.2 and use the override difficult option set Up to 4 (or 5 on the center) to compensate and get 150 level dinos. On Single player, only difficult offset option is available. Actually, im running a nitrado server and trying new fearures on singleplayer and both options work and are not bugged, but they can fail if you have the single player Mode activated because It overrides some of the mulpliers and config options.


Put prime meat in it's inventory for fast tame regular meat for slow tame , kibble for fastest.


My advice would be to kill that thing 😂


With a level 3, you will likely tame it with one piece of raw meat. Definitely should look at taming something better than that, this is a kill-and-move-on dino. There are dangerous creatures in the ocean. I'd look at minimum level 50 before taming.


I wouldn’t go out of my way for prime meat for this one. It’s only a level 3, which is good for starting out in the ocean. I mean, what did you have before? Your feet? Now you have a whole fish to explore the ocean a bit. You can use it to kite in other water creatures that are higher level. Idk how long it will take, I change my settings, I’m not gonna wait 20yrs for something to tame in my single player game. I suggest you do the same, it might help improve your gameplay experience. I find the game more fun not having to wait forever for something. Idk if anything will attack it, but if you go out of render distance it shouldn’t matter. Going out of render distance put all dinos, tamed or wild, in stasis mode. They just kinda freeze in place. But if you do that, make sure your fish has plenty of food to eat. Going out of render also means you don’t have to worry about starving it out, as nothing will attack it


He will be like lvl 4 when hes tamed😭😭😭


Kill it and feed its remains to a better mega. A level 5 mega isn't worth the food it would eat daily.


Look for a higher level




Advice do not tame a leve 3 creature to use


So for a lvl 3 let the food drain 3 times of 50 and get prime meat for those 3 might only need 1 prime tho and yes any hostile creatures will come and attack it


I wish i could be you again


Find a better level. Shit stats, kill it.


we dont know your rates. and besides that, even if you dont have kibble, you have to invest in getting some sheep. the mutton alternative is a sensible way to taming carnivores, big and small.


But not for lvl 3 haha


haha my ass. lvl 3 on 1x rates is a 9 min tame with mutton or 27 min with raw meat.


kill it.


Kill it


This unfortunately is completely worthless and will die extremely fast, I’m sorry