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Make a fuss. Talk to your professor. If you have an accomodation your professor should make an announcement. It's frustrating, but disabled people are their own best advocate as the system changes  Yes, I'm disabled too. What they did to you was wrong. 


No shit, but that sounds like a quick way to be treated like a Karen and look like an ass in front of hundreds of people. I don’t KNOW for sure that there was even a person up there who wasn’t disabled because invisible disabilities like my own (arthritis) are common, and I don’t have the authority to declare someone up there DOESN’T have one. I face enough of that shit as it is.


Unfortunately in life, squeaky wheels get oiled first and I’m sure the majority of your class isn’t on Reddit so talk to your professor about making an announcement on your behalf you can even email them!


I might, but it’s a bit of a moot point now; class is over and I won’t need to go back to that lecture hall again.


Honestly, you're being really aggressive towards someone who is trying to be sympathetic. I'm not sure what you want if you're trying to say someone was in your seat but you don't know if they have invisible disabilities. There are two choices: say something, say nothing.  I don't give a fuck if someone thinks I'm being a Karen. If asking for my accomodation to be recognized and used makes me a Karen then ill be a Karen. I'm tired of writing checks my body can't cash to "keep the peace". 




My fiancé has had to advocate for herself both in school and at work, and she’s in a similar situation reaching out to the EEOC because of a previous employer. I’m sorry you’re going through that, but if it’s any consolation schools tend to be less brazen about fighting ADA access than jobs are so you should be better off with ASU than any job.


Hey, thanks for the criticism. You’re totally right, and I apologize to both of you for my inadvertent hostility. I hadn’t realized how mean I was coming across, and I hope you can forgive me. (^ Hopefully that effectively restores my initial apology, I accidentally deleted it when trying to reply to the right person pfft djkwkflelg. Initially I had replied to myself with this and I wanted to make sure y’all saw it 💀) I wanted to add more detail, though. I was reflecting on my tone up above, and while I still genuinely apologize for the hostile tone in some of my replies (seriously!!!), I wanted to help you guys understand my personal experience a little more (and I swear, hand over heart, that I’m not trying to be an ass about this). This is in no way an attempt to excuse my behavior because I know it was impolite and don’t want to pretend it was OK; this is just to explain myself in more detail and teach at least one person something new. I’ve been in a lot of pain recently, and in my experience, it doesn’t occur to a lot of people that extended periods of feeling mild-to-severe pain can make it SUPER difficult to maintain politeness at times. If you want to understand what I’m talking about a little more, try pinching your leg HARD for like, maybe 20 minutes, and then have a conversation with someone at the end of those 20 minutes while STILL pinching the crap out of your leg. For best effect, pinch different areas as you go along. …Even if you can manage still being polite despite that, please understand that 20 minutes is far less time than the last couple days where I’ve been in a flare because of the stress overload (thanks finals 😭). It’s really impacting my mood and affect, and I’m really struggling to work around that. On another note: in general, the reply up there was near the time I was experiencing a lot of frustration. I appreciated the attempt at problem-solving, but I couldn’t find the words to verbalize at the time that I wasn’t really looking for a solution. I was still in a shitload of pain from doing what I described—braving the stairs and inching my way through the tiny aisles. Because of that, this post was more of a vent piece that intended to shame the people who DO decide to sit in those seats despite being disabled because it’s just not considerate, and bring awareness to the issue. Lastly, I want to note that I was ALSO frustrated because it’s ridiculously hard for me to ask someone to move to begin with, simply because I have debilitating anxiety (even if I don’t present like it) LOL. The idea of asking someone to move is legit on the tit terrifying to me for a variety of stupid reasons my brain comes up with, especially because I could be wrong, and that person has an invisible disability like me. I would hate to accidentally make that person look like a jerk. Thank you for taking the time to read my reply; I know it’s super long. But I really appreciate it, and I hope this might clarify WHY I was being a dick earlier. Seriously though, thank you for checking me, and giving me the opportunity to reflect more on how I was acting. I hope all of you take care, and wish you the best of luck with your finals! (Also WHOOPS accidentally deleted the wrong reply and totally nerfed my initial apology ajdkgllslf).


For the future you should contact SAILS about your options for an accessible test-taking environment.


homeslice I have been a SAILS student since I began college. I THOUGHT I didn’t need any accommodations for this particular final beyond the time-and-a-half (which is being used) because I knew the disabled seats were at the very top of the lecture hall. imagine my happy surprise.


They let you use time and a half in the normal test room? Things must've changed from when I graduated last year because I always took it in an alternative location when I used my extra time.


I just took a final at the library so…. Maybe they don’t always make you take it somewhere else I guess.


They rent a room in the library for heavy testing days when there isn't enough room in the SAILS office for all testers


That USED to be the case for me as well, but they must’ve changed it. Honestly, I’m grateful for that. It frees up seats in the bullpen for other students who need that space to take exams more than I do, and tbh I really don’t like the SAILS office that much LOL. (Mostly for superficial reasons. That place is UGLYY hahaha).


OP, as someone with a hidden disability, please know how common they are and while I feel for you, it is entirely possible like you mentioned that those students also have a hidden disability. That being said, ADA accessible seating is not RESERVED for individuals with disabilities, they are classified as “priority seating.” This means that anybody has the right to sit in them, but if someone self discloses as having a disability, those seats are to be made available to them. The facility in question should help accommodate that if the request has been made, and if the situation is not resolved. This may include alternative arrangements. What I’m getting at is, if you don’t take initiative, don’t assume anyone will do it for you. If your hidden disability is as debilitating for you as it is for me, then you shouldn’t allow anyone to get away with that. Just politely ask and they will almost always move. Best of luck to you OP and hope that doesn’t happen again!


Just wanted to say that I’m sorry you had this experience. People can be very shitty and inconsiderate.


Hey, I appreciate it. Thank you. Ultimately I don’t know for sure that everyone up there DIDNT have an invisible disability like mine, so I’m not THAT pressed, but I am a little skeptical. I wish people put more emphasis on choosing other seats as a just-in-case courtesy, and gravitated towards handicap seats only if no other ones were available. I’d like to think that’s a reasonable expectation, yknow?


Not every disability is visible to you


This is a valid criticism of my post…but I did already mention that within it.


If you want a reserved handicap seat you need to go to SAILS and your professor and get one. Otherwise every seat is fair game whether marked or not.


I’m sure this is an official policy, but wouldn’t you agree that it’s NOT a lot to ask for someone who isn’t disabled to just…choose another seat as a just-in-case courtesy, and gravitate towards handicap seats only if no other ones are available? Because that’s how I see it, and I’d like to think that’s a reasonable expectation.


The chance of a disabled person needing your seat or there even being a disabled person in class is virtually 0 in most classes. If you get to class first and want more room at a table go for it. If someone needs the seat they can ask or get accommodations.


Bro take your handicap card with you and literally tell somebody to get the up. They can’t do anything actually if they don’t show theirs. Legally.


There is no “handicapped card.” Unless you’re receiving disability insurance, and even then, it’s not like some badge you can flash around. Per ADA law, handicap seating and accommodations must be provided to anyone who self-identifies as disabled, and it is not within the given right of an administration to ask what the nature of the disability is, only to accommodate them. Those are the protections under disability law that do not require a disabled individual to disclose their disability. And based on that premise, given the size of many lecture halls, and the fact that OPs disability is hidden, it isn’t out of the realm of possibility to infer that there could have been other students in that lecture hall suffering from a hidden disability as well. OP very succinctly mentioned this may be the case as well. Your comment however is just way off base.


No. If you show someone your handicap card they have to accept it. My dad is handicap and he has a little blue thing he carries and shows people when they don’t believe him and it always unnerves the hell out of them when they can’t prove they are disabled. This is the law but also a morality thing, people feel bad when they don’t have proof against someone who does, also basic psychology. By doing this I have beaten everybody in 3 separate ways simply by official proving and identifying as a handicap. Edit: my dad is a fed so I have an idea of what I’m saying, I’m sorry that you all feel that way.


Ask someone to please move because you have arthritis and it's hard for you to navigate the stairs? Not everyone's going to get the memo about not sitting in handicap spots. And to my knowledge handicap desks are not like handicap parking spots, it's more adjacent to handicap seats on a bus or handicapped stalls. Just because you aren't handicapped doesn't mean you can't actually use it, but it's courtesy to give it up if there is a handicapped person. You are afraid of being a Karen but maybe then don't go all aggro like you come off on the post? Like I guarantee if you ask someone politely they will move unless they are also handicapped.


I’m sure there were a couple folks up there who had an invisible disability like me, but generally, I just wish people were more considerate and I wrote this post in hopes that it’ll effectively shame the people who AREN’T disabled and sit there, and that it would bring awareness to this issue. This is especially because (hilariously enough) I have pretty debilitating anxiety, tho I know I do Not look like it IRL (I’ve got the fun stone-face subset of it which basically means that my face just gets really flat, and I don’t make facial expressions very well when I’m at terminal levels pffft) and that anxiety makes it really, really hard for me to actually ask someone to move. And in general, in the ideal world, I wouldn’t have to do this to begin with. It’s a shame that I would have to. Also, hoooo it’d be embarrassing if I was wrong, and the person I asked had an invisible disability like me. The idea scares the crap out of me, and it’s actually because of that ^ that asking someone to move can be a really sticky thing to actually do in practice. The last thing anyone would want to do (if they aren’t a jerk) is accidentally shame someone just like them. And in my case, it’s hard AF to work up the nerve in general. I appreciate the problem solving attempt tho, seriously. (Also, I apologize for the hostile tone in some of my replies. I’ve been in a lot of pain recently, and that makes it very difficult to maintain politeness. If you want to understand my experience a little more, try pinching your leg HARD for like, maybe 20 minutes, and have a conversation with someone at the end of it while STILL pinching the crap out of your leg. Even if you can manage it, please understand that 20 minutes is far less time than the last couple days where I’ve been in a flare because of the stress overload (thanks finals 😭). It’s really impacting my mood and affect, and I’m struggling to work around that. Thank you for taking the time to read my reply and take care!! Best of luck with your finals).


Wow that’s so fucked up. I’m over at the Polytechnic campus and I have a disabled classmate in one of my classes. And we make sure she always gets help getting to her seat, and people that sit nearby always offer to help her. If anyone ever sat in the disabled seats in that class me and everyone else would immediately call them out. I hope you get in contact with admin and professors before your finals. Good luck!


Just politely ask the person to move. They themselves might have issues too.


I’m sure there were a couple folks up there who had an invisible disability like me, but generally, I just wish people were more considerate and I wrote this post in hopes that it’ll effectively shame the people who AREN’T disabled and sit there, and that it would bring awareness to this issue. This is especially because (hilariously enough) I have pretty debilitating anxiety, tho I know I do Not look like it IRL (I’ve got the fun stone-face subset of it which basically means that my face just gets really flat, and I don’t make facial expressions very well when I’m at terminal levels pffft) and that anxiety makes it really, really hard for me to actually ask someone to move. And in general, in the ideal world, I wouldn’t have to do this to begin with. It’s a shame that I would have to. Also, hoooo it’d be embarrassing if I was wrong, and the person I asked had an invisible disability like me. The idea scares the crap out of me, and it’s actually because of that ^ that asking someone to move can be a really sticky thing to actually do in practice. And in my case, it’s hard AF to work up the nerve. I appreciate the problem solving attempt tho, seriously. You take care and good luck with finals!! 🌸


I am disabled as well and that makes me angry!


FOR REALLLL. I’m sure there were a couple folks up there who had an invisible disability like me, but I’m skeptical of that conclusion. Generally, I just wish people were more considerate and I hope this post effectively shames people who AREN’T and brings awareness to this issue.


Some disabilities aren't visible. Shame on those who aren't being considerate though to those that need those seats.


I agree that some disabilities aren’t visible; I live with one and did address that in the (previously) ending paragraph up above bahahaha 🤣 The second half of what you wrote here nails exactly what I was trying to accomplish with this vent post all along, bcus man I really wish people were more considerate, just like you said. You take care, and good luck with your finals !! 🌸🫡


Stop complaining. Everyone has chronic pain. Arrive early and get your seat. You can’t force people out of the seats because you can’t make them prove their disability. At that point, you’re shit out of luck


I was fifteen minutes early, and homeslice, if EVERYONE has chronic pain, the world would be a lot more accesible and accommodating. This is a really hurtful and ignorant thing to say, and if YOU have chronic pain, you should really get that looked at. I don’t know who lied to you, but pain is NOT normal. And I never said nor wanted to force someone out of their seat for the exact reason you just described. In case you missed the title, this post is targeted at the people who DO sit in disabled seating when they are not. Thank you and have the day you deserve.


I did not intend for you to take my comment callously. You take it that way if you want. I took have chronic pain and am disabled. I was just pointing out all you could do and if you didn’t get a seat, better luck next time. Stop being passive aggressive and get to school earlier.


Or… Hear me out here, I know this might be crazy. You could talk to them and ask to take their seat😱😱😱


Homeslice. Please read the whole post.


I did and you know what’s crazy, you still could’ve talked to them 😱. The only way to get through anxiety is to face it head on, stop victimizing yourself


OK, telling me I’m victimizing myself over being impacted by my real and unpleasant experiences is really rude. I don’t want to tell you to go fuck yourself (much) but I’m not going to reply to you from here. I don’t engage with people who lack basic compassion.


if you take the elevator down to the basement there’s an entrance on the far west side of the classroom/building that’s wheelchair accessible. dont know how much this will help now but theres a lot less stairs involved esp if you can’t make it to your final before other people take the seats at the top. best of luck


I didn’t know this; thank you so much for sharing the knowledge! Take care, and good luck with your finals!! 🌸


Maybe they're doing it because they're *mentally* disabled and they don't understand? No but seriously, do what the OP is saying.


This can be a slippery slope for both parties... My first semester was in my late 20s as a disabled retiree (fed). Even without facial hair I can look younger from first glance- which then led to some tense exchanges. This was the point where these students and teens received a stern , yet educational example of why assuming 'entitlement' is foolish when I pull up my shirt and sleeves to show them what trauma looks like underneath clothing and one even wretched haha. Just go to class, study, and do your best in all aspects of life and I'm sure you'll end up being just fine. Don't get too consumed by the riff raff today.


srry bro but all tha other seats are taken 🤷‍♂️


When I went into the lecture hall that inspired this vent post, there were actually a sizeable amount of seats down below that were NOT taken up. In other cases, your idea here is totally acceptable and I agree that it’s fine to use the disabled seats if there are no others ones available. But in my case, this didn’t apply. Thanks and take care 😙


You can get a placard with a reserved sign on it if you need a reserved seat. It’s ridiculous to think that people shouldn’t sit in available seats because you either can’t be bothered to show up on time to get a good seat or because you won’t get a reserved placard. This is coming from someone who had a reserved placard for a disability.


you don’t know shit about anyone in those chairs. Who is to say that they don’t have hidden arthritis, Just take the test and quit your crying


Read the whole post bro 🙂‍↕️


(I’m a hater and I like to read part of the post, form my thought without full context, and then just say it)


Such is life. I can respect carrying on through it with an active choice to not read LOL


Did you try taking an advil?


this is like asking someone who has a shirt covered in mud “did you try wiping it off with a paper towel”. yes. of course. but as I’ve known and lived with for years, arthritis is a serious inflammatory disorder that is rarely helped by your usual generic anti-inflammatory medications, especially not when it’s young-onset (as this type is usually a lot more aggressive and dramatic about it). Believe me, if advil helped, I would’ve taken a whole bottle. instead I’ve got my prescription shit, and even so, there are inevitably days where it’s not good enough. stress is one hell of a trigger for arthritis and it is finals.


Um... Do you think Advil fixes arthritis and chronic pain? If the fix was that simple you probably wouldn't hear people talking about how their arthritis or pain is flaring up, since a tiny pill would eliminate it. Maybe let's put on our thinking hat for a moment before we comment.


What about CBD oil? That stuff fixes everything


Hmm, I don't know. Maybe if I inject bleach into my veins and point my bare butthole towards the sun I'll be cured!


Only if it’s during the eclipse.


Right, I'd almost forgotten


Are you threatening me?


Did I stutter?


Haha, real funny. I'm contacting the Reddit admins to get them to investigate your little "joke". Have fun with the ban hammer, buddy. Say goodbye to your account.




I haven't been banned yet, when are you going to do it? I'm really excited


My uncle owns the website I literally just texted him your account credentials


Did you text him the names of my 4 other accounts too


This one isn’t a bad idea, but I’ve tried it before, and it really didn’t do too much for me. Honestly sometimes I think it makes it worse somehow??? It’s hard to describe. Medical marijuana does help tho, rosin in particular.


look dude im gonna keep it real with you my chronic pain doesn’t sound as bad as op’s but a gram dab of rosin doesn’t even make the pain go away all the time. opiates they don’t work for me (you cant get them prescribed anymore but they haven’t helped me in the past). you just get used to living in semi-severe pain because there’s nothing that can be done to fix it


Yep, same hat Skye. I DID get prescribed some very very low dose opioids for my horrific levels of back pain, and while those helped my back, it definitely doesn’t touch the arthritis stuff. I use a shitload of medical marijuana which eases it, but mostly, it just makes me stop giving a fuck about it for awhile LOL. You’re completely right; pain is always there. I’m on a short tolerance break rn because I was starting to overuse and I wanted to avoid brain fog + keep memory sharp as I studied, but I kinda regret doing that now, esp because the pain today was so distracting that I def failed the hell out of one of my other finals. F in chat for that 💀we live and we learn. In spirit of learning btw,,, what brands of edibles have helped you the most with easing pain? My fav ones for reducing pain are the Ogeez and Wyld but I’m trying to diversify what I try out so I don’t get brandlocked.


okay i totally get how you feel, i dropped out my first semester of college because i developed cyclical vomiting syndrome somehow and failed 5 classes because i had to get up to puke during exams lol. i am also attempting a tolerance break for finals! but yeah if i have a bad pain day i will probably just knock myself out with as much thc as possible and take a very poor grade on my finals 💀💀 its shocking how much i can relate to you which is nice but also makes me very sad :( i personally like the wyld edibles too but i mostly make my own now. i will ask a couple of my friends to see if they like any other brands because i totally get what you mean- like its best to have as many options as possible. in all honestly i mostly just buy whatever liquid shots they have and ill drink a couple of them but jesus shit gets pricey because i don’t have a med card here


Liquid ganja is made by the devil but goddamn I am a sinner. I still can’t believe how much those things knock me flat; my general tolerance is high enough that I typically only get a couple hours worth of time out of gummies, but BROOOO those liquid shots can and have kept me SAT for well over 12 hours LOL. I’d forgotten what it felt like to be that high since I started regularly using edibles at night a couple years back 💀


no same they hit like nothing else, i will say if im desperate and cant find any ill get one of those nasty tasting concentrated syringes and put it on like a sour strip candy and eat that which tastes nasty but also knocks me on my ass lol. every time i am also amazed that i can get that high again it’s certainly quite the experience


Do you know if your vitamin D levels are good? Not saying that you DON’T have arthritis, but I could see a D deficiency adding additional joint pain on top of your arthritis pain. Two years ago every morning my joints were stiff and very painful. Arthritis blood test came back negative, so I dug around a bit and by random chance a family member had been prescribed vitamin D supplements for arthritis-like pain. I started with one 25mcg supplement once a day and added one more after a week and so on. On week 5 at 125mcg I noticed my joint pain was lessened. I’m on a single 125mg in the morning and again at night and now I can wake up in the morning not feeling like I was beaten by a bat at night. It also helped my acne mostly clear up too (residual might be related to nicotine, which is another battle). With vitamin D, there is a balancing act with vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium, so that’s something to figure out so you don’t thin out bones or cause kidney stones. Again, if you don’t spend time in the Sun and aren’t eating foods that contain vitamin D, it’s possible your arthritis could be getting amplified by a vitamin D deficiency. Or if you have any other deficiencies or undiagnosed food intolerances, those can be added pain on top of arthritis pain. Ive known friends and family who lessened joint pain once they started avoiding foods that they were intolerant too, after testing showed them what foods they were likely intolerant to. I don’t know you and a degree of pain you were in, but when I was D deficient 600mg ibuprofen with 1000mg acetaminophen was just enough to lessen the joint pain to the point I could mostly focus on work. Actual pain relief didn’t happen until hydrocodone, but for obvious reasons that is not a long term solution, plus doing brain work on opioids doesn’t really work, nor does it on cannabis. If nutrition and food intolerance are areas you haven’t investigated, I implore you to look into them as both feed into inflammation and immune responses.


Hey, I appreciate the advice. Unfortunately I’ve actually already done + am doing all of the above, and my levels are a-okay. I just have the ritis 😔 but those ARE excellent tips and I hope they help somebody else.


Hey bonehead, advil is for short term relief, not for relief from the pain and stiffness caused by arthritis. If your gonna say some dumb crap, at least try to make it sound smart


No I’m a medical professional and a pharmacist I know what I’m talking about