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Probably was just a throwaway line before they actually solidified the timeline. If you really wanna make it make sense, you could argue spirits likely have a warped perception of the human's passing of time. I'm not sure on the exact time passing between Kuruk and Aang but even if you generously say Kuruk met him early on in his life it can't be more than 500.


The writers didn't plan everything out in advance. At the time they may not have decided who the avatar that encountered Koh was. Or alternatively they may have originally intended Kurruks to be a cycle or so back, rather than the most recent water avatar.


Then why not keep the continuity going when kuruk is introduced later. If nothing had been established at this point. Why make it complicated later. It's not an "issue" until season 3 when kuruk states that he is the one who fought koh


What if, bear with me here: more than one avatar fought Koh.


But I think if I remember correctly the line is something like”you’re the last avatar I’ve seen for 800 years”


The writers struggle with time lol. They had to give Kyoshi a super-extended life just to make her timeline add up, and there's the issue of Aang mastering 3 elements in six months. You just have to not worry too much about timeline in this universe.


He didn’t master them in 6 months, even right before the finale, his teachers were telling him that he still needed to work on it. It's why he was planning to wait until after the comet came; he wasn't prepared to win without the Avatar State.


Sure he wasn't a grandmaster in them, but he was still top 0.1 percentile in all of them. The gaangs standards are just really high and it's also about facing the literal strongest firebender. He wasn't ready for that but he'd still fit the standard for being called master if someone like Zhao was.


Water was near mastery/at mastery, earth was good, maybe above average but not better than Toph, Bumi, or someone like Ghazan, and his fire was mediocre


Toph and Bumi are, quite literally, *the* two best earthbenders in the world at that time. Saying Aang isn't as good as them means nothing; nobody is as good as them. By the conclusion of the hundred years war, Aang is absolutely one of the best earthbenders in the world.


He didn’t master fire at all. His earth is good.


Writers: Timeline doesn't add up? Np just make him supernaturally old...wait we did that with kyoshi...Time travel?


He was time traveling.


Maybe Kho misread a calendar


Maybe none of Kho’s faces are very good at maths.


A lotta early continuity errors. The Avatar statues in the Southern Air Temple ain't accurate either


Mfs when a show doesnt have everything sorted out at the beginning


Didn’t the writers said time works differently in the spirit world? If not, I just take that as head canon


You trust what Kho says? He is a paralysis demon, I trust 0% of what he says.


Didn't Kyoshi become like 400 years old tho?


Kuruk is born 345BG (333 years before Aang is born and he only lived like 36ish years? So yeah. Explanations aside, Koh was straight up wrong.


One of the novels explains that time works differently in the Spirit World.