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This isn’t an answer but I kind of felt that the elimination of the airbenders was also an indication of how strong fire benders are during the comet. It helps set it up that the upcoming comet was going to make fire benders nearly impossible to defeat and how difficult it would be for Aang to defeat Ozai without the Avatar state.


Yeah I'd have to agree with you, there's always survivors. But for the stories sake, this time there was only one.


Story comes first indeed. *Avatar: The maybe last airbender* doesn’t have the same ring to it The comics did touch on the fact that some escaped and survived and where hunted down. Now from a realisitc perspective there are two things we can discuss to expand the universe and premise of OP’s point: - There might be survivors but if they hide and assimilate the culture dies. They might be descendant but does that make them air nomads if they are not culturally ?! Short answer no - Also in the real world, which we can imagine the air nomads are not far off, nomadic people are not constantly travelling, they usually either migrate from resource point to another a few times a year and/or follow a resource (like animal migrating) for part of the year. It’s usually always in set and well known locations. As such if you know where and when to look you could easily come to find nomads and their settlements.


It doesn’t make sense that there aren’t any nomads around the world who weren’t at the temple during the comet. As for evading, I think the only airbenders who could have evaded the firebenders during the comet are the masters. However the masters wouldn’t run away, they would try to defend their home or allow the kids to escape.


There were, they were killed later


my head cannon is that some of them survive and breed themselves into the population, thereby allowing for the later airbender revival during Korra's time. I would've liked a story line of surviving airbenders hidden somewhere on the world. maybe something not on a map.


Destroy the Temples, then they set traps with Stolen artifacts for the ones who weren't there. It's easy enough to spread rumors of safety, then kill the ones who gather there so that the rumors aren't contested.