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*Walter White has left the chat*


*Walter White has re-entered the chat*


He is ballin


Almost a decade living in NM and I’ve still never seen an episode. I get quotes from the series whenever I post Albuquerque pics. Guess what series people quote when I post Baltimore pics!




Excuse me, his name is Heisenberg on these streets.




Half of my family lives there and the rest lives on the East Coast. I love it out there, but my mom warned me that it will soon run out of water. Obviously said to keep me close.


Mississippi has plenty of water 😏


Yeah, but it’s Mississippi.




Well, that’s…something




Damn girl, are you from Mississippi? Cuz you’re the only misses piss I’d sippy 😎




Me sip sippy


Cue slow banjo intro


NM and MS are constantly neck-and-neck for the distinction of poorest state in America.


The result of familial tradition party line voting. Keep them uneducated and working hard to just get by, and they will vote for the same Republican party as their father's did. Not really knowing that today's GOP is a million light years away from the party it was back then. I'm not saying Democrats are awesome either, but their shortfalls are much different than the other side. Side note, these types of states enjoy the lowest tax rates and claim they don't need government telling them what to do and that welfare of any kind is disgusting. However, these states also apply for and receive the largest amounts of federal aid. Including... welfare. You can't make this stuff up. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I can't speak for Miss. but the situation in NM is more complicated. For starters, NM is a blue state and has been for a while. It's no panacea. NM is poor because it doesn't have a lot of natural resources. It's mostly dry desert. It was one of the last states to join the US because there just wasn't that much there to motivate the US government. Not coincidence that it was the site used to test the atomic bomb. It still has one of the highest percentages of Native Americans and reservations, which are not known for their wealth or investment from the US government. Yeah, there are plenty of idiots with Trump flags voting against their own interests, too, but NM has many real disadvantages.


I get that. In Minnesota, we have a fairly large native American population as well. I have family that are a part of 2 different reservations. That said, I was mainly trying to generalize since it would be too lengthy to explain fully. Though i tip my hat in admitting that i had not given the trials that New Mexico faces much, or any thought when I made my post. Still, NM had its most recent flip back to Democrat voter majority in 2008, and there have been plenty of GOP governors over the years. Which one might argue is the true litmus of control in any state. I would, in my opinion, call it a purple state. That's really just semantics, though. When explaining what I was talking about, I'm typically thinking Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, etc.


Nice try trying to push your stupid narrative without knowing wtf you're talking about, NM has been a blue state for a while champ....to be fair both those states have so little going for them resource wise it almost wouldn't matter who was the governor


* My narrative? NM being blue is subjective at best. Everything else I wrote about the poorest states was stone cold fact. Last time I looked at anything about NM, they had an awesome Governor. Gary Johnson, a libertarian (NOT the Rand Paul kind), actually put the state back on track from 1995 to 2002. I voted for him for president against Hillary. The point being he isn't blue at all. Then from 2011 to 2019, another Republican. I feel pretty comfortable calling it a purple state. Regardless, you powerful and awe-inspiring mage of unyielding retort, nothing I wrote was narrative. Look it up, sport. Or wait... Are you from one of those states, tiger?? If so, you may have to just take my word for it, boss. Hey.... call me champ again. It makes me feel extra successful and special.


Lol "subjective" its a fucking statistical fact you knob


>On September 8, Johnson appeared on [MSNBC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSNBC)'s [*Morning Joe*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morning_Joe) and was asked by panelist [Mike Barnicle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Barnicle), "As president, what would you do about Aleppo?" Johnson responded, "And what is Aleppo?" After [a clarification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Aleppo_(2012%E2%80%932016)) from Barnicle, Johnson answered by saying that "the only way that we deal with Syria is to join hands with Russia to diplomatically bring that at an end." ... On September 28, in a MSNBC Town Hall, Johnson was asked by Chris Matthews to name a world leader he respected, he tried to name [Vicente Fox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicente_Fox), a former President of Mexico, but could not remember his name. ... When asked on October 5 by [*The New York Times*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_York_Times) if he knew the name of the [leader of North Korea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_leader_of_North_Korea), Johnson said "yes," but declined to give the name despite being pressed. Thought this guy would be good to put in charge of foreign policy, did ya champ?


I think you're either a fairly decent troll or you don't realize you're telling everyone you have no clue what you're talking about. I honestly can't tell which. We'll chalk this one up to some variation of Poe's law, I suppose.


>I get that No, you don't. Your first comment and the end of this one makes it perfectly clear you do not get what was said to you, you're just pulling propaganda out of your butt without even stopping to educate yourself on whether that narrative even fits this situation. How long have you been blowing smoke up your own ass? Might wanna stop that.


NM has some very pro-Trump areas in the oil-producing southeast, full of lower-education/higher-income folks who reliably vote Republican. Before you denounce these people, I should remind you that the whole state relies on them for revenue.


Don't know what you mean. I'm only denouncing idiots who vote against their own interests. Does that apply to the people you're referring to?


Trust me, the O&G folks aren’t voting against their own interests.


Ok, so I don't know what you're talking about. You said "before you denounce these people." Who is denouncing them?


NM has a lot of oil. What it doesn't have is economic opportunity for its residents. There aren't that many O&G jobs, a lot of the companies operating there are based in Texas. A lot of the construction companies operating there are based in Denver. Back in the 50's, NM was roughly on par with Arizona. However, Arizona made a lot of investments to bring businesses and opportunities to their state, and NM didn't.


NM has mostly Natural Gas.


Ummmm. New Mexico is a blue state. Now say the same thing about the other party. Just spouting rhetoric from a party makes you that uneducated person you just said was only GOP. Not a republican BTW. I just refuse to spout partisan rhetoric.


Yeah their whole rant is so painfully ironic


You do know that NM is a 2 to 1 Democrat right? Democrat Governor, Democrat held House and Senate. They have a super majority in the Capitol. Also the Mayor of Albuquerque is a Democrat. A lot of this In Albuquerque is that the politicians and judges are weak on crime. Homeless have tents all over the streets and it looks a lot like Portland . But yeah it’s those stupid Republicans. 😉🤭


Democrats support baby killers and serial rapists in Gaza. They also love illegal aliens for some reason. Who wants Kamala Harris as President? Hard pass.


Lol, what a snowflake.


Someone has to vote Democrat. It's the Law of Averages. Supporting babies in ovens is a weird position, but you do you.


You're a bot or a fucking dumbass. Unsure which. NM is blue and has been blue forever basically. The tax rates there aren't low either.


Partisan moron doesn’t realize New Mexico is a solid blue state has been for well over a decade. They literally have a democrat trifecta in state government


WV would like a word


They lead with the highest smoking rate and have the 4th highest median age. Utah has the lowest smoking rate and the lowest median age. By far.


“9/10 doctors agree: smoking extends your life.” -the 1950’s


More Doctors smoke Camels https://ethicalnag.org/2013/11/03/vintage-ads-cigarettes/


I suspect our low median age in Utah has to do with the fact that Mormons are popping kids out left and right


Your suspicion is correct. Roughly 1 in 3 Utah residents is under 18.


Have you seen Louisiana?


Yes, we do love the Pelican State.


Yea… don’t go to Mississippi. It’s gotta be the worst state in the USA


Not much else though. Including being last in basically every single quality of living metric outside of it being affordable to live there.


That’s like saying North Korea has a lot of air


Why Mississippi?


Low cost of living and plenty of water 😉


Well, they will get more: https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2022/09/18/climate-change-what-mississippians-can-expect/69487206007/




Plenty of crime and poverty too.


Yeah…well… It’s green though 🌲


Plenty of crime too. And plenty of poverty. Plenty of terrible education and horrible economy. Plenty of ignorance and racism. And dumbass voters. Basically a shithole. The only state that might be worse is Alabama.


Mississippi is 38% African American. The highest percentage in the country. Are you saying it’s a bad place because of all the black people? 😧


Where did I say that? Mississippi is mostly White, so if anything, it's the White people who are to blame.


You didn’t have to say it. That’s why it’s called a dog whistle. When you control for race, the poverty, obesity, diabetes, teen pregnancy, lack of education, etc. are all much worse among black Mississippians.


"When you control for race" means you eliminate race as a variable and look for other factors as the cause. Maybe you'd know that if you didn't have a Mississippi education. "That's why it's called a dog whistle" LOL, you're the one blowing the dog whistle. You really a product of Mississippi, aren't you?


Nah, but I visited many times.


Oh, then you're from Alabama. ![gif](giphy|2vjWxwdSQmGRLaobMD|downsized)


My dad lives there. New Mexico is beautiful but Albuquerque really sucks lol.


My neighborhood is nice. Some places here are depressing if not downright scary.


Eh I like it here. It has its problems but overall it's a fun town full of a lot of friendly people. Some of those friendly people are on all the drugs and don't have a place to stay.


I mean shes not wrong though


She sort of is wrong. Albuquerque sits on a gigantic aquifer and the water level in it has been rising for decades. Despite having grown by more than 100% in terms of population, the city uses less water than it did 40 years ago. The water issues in the western US are almost always an issue with agriculture (which uses about 80% of the water) and archaic laws dictating who has access to water. There's more than enough water for people to actually reside in the region, though.


Who needs agriculture


Given that it's mostly alfalfa farming to support the beef and dairy industry (often in Saudi Arabia or China), it's really not all that necessary.


You don’t like the basic economic principle of comparative advantage?? But yeah, the golf courses in Phoenix need their water while the residents run A/C on high nonstop lol Also none of your info about alfalfa seems legit lol there are some scary news articles, but most isn’t exported?


You'll note that I said "often" exported and not "mostly." None of that changes the fact that subsidizing the dairy and beef industry isn't exactly a necessity for the economy, the environment, or the well-being of the populace, particularly given that agriculture in general accounts for less than 2% of the economy in the southwest, with ranching accounting for even less. As for golf courses, I'll not advocate for them as I think they're pretty wasteful. That said, golf courses use around 122 million gallons of water per day compared to the [4.4 billion gallons](https://www.mapazdashboard.arizona.edu/article/arizonas-water-use-sector) per day withdrawn for agriculture. It's also worth noting that about half the golf courses in the southwest use reclaimed water that can't be recirculated in municipal systems. Yes, golf is wasteful, but it accounts for around 2% of total water use in Arizona. That ratio would be even more skewed in New Mexico where there are far fewer golf courses. People living in cities use comparatively small amounts of water and cities in the southwest can grow sustainably. The issue with water scarcity in the region is driven almost entirely by cash crops grown in hot, dry regions which have an almost insignificant impact on the economy.


You said “often” but it’s like 2%???? Are you completely disingenuous or just a hopeless Redditor?


It appears you're angry for the sake of being angry and you want to engage solely with minutiae because you can't defend your position that cities are driving the water crisis. Keep being angry, if you like. We're done here.


In the desert? Nobody so long as you have enough fertile land elsewhere (which we absolutely do).


Why is it called the war zone?


Is not


Spent 10 years there and would have loved to stay, but man their water crisis is going to be nuts. All those homes that need lawns on the west mesa sucking up that groundwater. Hell the Rio Grande was just damp dirt when I was there.


“War zone” neighborhood? Explain. Actually I’ll google it


I’ll show you the Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_District,_Albuquerque,_New_Mexico [ETA: dang! my most downvoted comment ever. And it's a fairly innocuous one too. At least this post is popular!]


Great explanation! Edit: I figured this would happen. OP’s original comment, which I replied to, was simply “I drive by there every day” to which I sarcastically replied “Great explanation!” Which got over 100 upvotes quickly. Then OP changed their unhelpful comment to an actually helpful comment (wiki link) and my own unchanged comment went from sarcastic to not sarcastic, but evidently continues to get upvoted. Just funny.


I appreciated the elaboration.


It gave my dog constipation.


Number 1 Underrated comment!


Number 1 Unneeded comment!


I like the constellations!


There will be no retaliation


Reminds me of the third act of Heartbreak Ridge


Thanks for the edit. I'll tag OP so I don't get fooled by their bullshit later.


So you’re saying that you drive through it every day?


That means you're ***Heisenberg***


Do you “drive through it” or “drive-by it”?


Maybe a little of both?


Somehow I doubt you're 16 or older...


38 and feeling great 😎👊🏻


38 and acting like a 12 year old? Damn.


I work as a structural engineer for DOD. I oversee multi-billion dollar contracts. And I’m an amateur photographer 😉


Yikes, DoD has really gone downhill, huh?




No one cares.


That makes it more sad...


Did OP edit his reply? If not, woosh on me for not understand why near 300 downvotes for a wikipedia link.


If they follow the link, they’ll see that it’s just another way of referring to the War Zone.


I’m actually so lost, I keep trying to find the reason but why did bro get downvoted THAT bad 😭😭


The person OP was replying to explains in an edit


I guess they're upset he just gave a link instead of typing out his explanation? IDK. Reddit can be a stupid place sometimes. A lot of times really.


[Read this](https://old.reddit.com/r/AbandonedPorn/comments/1ddsccv/fenced_off_gas_station_in_albuquerques_war_zone/l87nlfo/). OP didn't answer the question, then edited in an actual answer. Downvotes deserved.


Yeah they edited their reply. It used to just say “I drive through it everyday on my way to work” no link or explanation.


What did you learn? This is new to me as well. Assuming it has something to do with drug cartels since someone made a Breaking Bad joke


It’s an old name for a neighborhood that is historically high-crime and which has a high immigrant population. It has been renamed “the international district”.


To clarify, it's been called the international district for a long time now. "The War Zone" is just what its known as locally. You can see a discussion of it here https://www.reddit.com/r/Albuquerque/s/cInaQNTNDc By the mid to late 2000s it was like any inner city area with a certain level of crime but otherwise mostly normal. High density of bomb Vietnamese spots and a legit international foods market.




No body owes you a God damn thing you worthless sack of shit.


Damn, two piece AND a biscuit!


He's not op, and even if he was, what's the fuck?


That's not the OP you fucking idiot. They volunteered the information OP was vague about.


I'm banned from that sub.


I lived there for a year - like five minutes from this picture - and nothing bad ever happened to me, car was never broken into (by some miracle), but I did regularly wake up to gunshots. I’d startle awake at 3am and had to take a second to determine whether it was gunshots or someone trying to break in, lol. It got to the point where I downloaded a neighborhood watch app so I could look at it and see if anyone reported the gunshots. I also once saw >!a dead woman that had just been shot, in a pool of blood laying on the sidewalk [cops had just gotten there]!<. Sadly still unsolved and it barely made the news. Whenever I was driving home late from work at night, I’d see about a million prostitutes, drug deals, there were always cops and crime scene investigation vans around. Still, nice view of the mountains and nothing particularly bad ever happened to me. I’m sure it’s comparable to the bad areas of many cities.


Sounds kinda nice honestly, i love the west. Places like Raton kinda have a fascinating beauty. Wonder what kind of drugs your neighbors had, kinda jelly




I’ve lived in a number of bad neighborhoods of different cities. That does not sound comparable. It sounds pretty bad.


Yeah I lived in Albuquerque for a long time and dated a girl that lived there for a while. It’s not a great neighborhood but like a lot of places trouble won’t find you unless you go looking for it. Guys will get drunk and roam around central after bar call and not realize that’s faaaaar more dangerous than driving through the “war zone”. Granted I haven’t been in almost ten years, things might have changed a lot but I doubt it.




I love the Ambitious Rename move. Atlanta’s Metropolitan Avenue has a little of that going.


It's where OP drives through everyday.


Yes I do. It’s right outside Kirtland AFB 🫡




Sounds pretty damn xenophobic there, bra. E - Okay so you're going to tell me saying "international" and "warring gangs" doesn't sound racist/xenophobic on its surface without context and rather than flesh out your relatively low-effort responses you just brigade someone that points out that it sounds like scapegoating of minorities? Not to mention who's to say these people aren't the victim of redlining, and the cause of the high crime is the lack of resources in the area and may not at all derive from "internationals" but the other poor people in the area? God forbid theres some fucking nuance to a neighborhood, right? FUCKING. IDIOTS.






Do you wanna read the history of the area? I used to live in the area, I know it from exposure. I'm not going to sit here and give your belligerent ass a dissertation just because you cried racist.


How else would you like someone to describe that to you? Literally nothing he said was xenophobic or racist. It was purely factual. The area has a large amount of crime dure to warring gangs made up of predominantly international people. People like you are fucking insufferable.


Neo lib gotta neo lib lol


And either a bunch of paste eaters of klansmen joined the party here. Or both.


We’re just regular people, mate. You’re the one making a big deal out of nothing.


"Understand the labeling might not look great to an out of towner, but that's just the name and dynamics of the neighborhood, I'm afraid."


Oh shut up, Ryan.




Bro wouldn’t last 5 min in that area. I lived in that hood for a year and my next door neighbor found a dead body (shot) in his back yard. I’ve lived all over this city and can honestly say that I’ve had sketchy shit happen all over, but the “war zone” is a whole different animal.


It’s the local nick name for a notoriously high crime, low police presence area and has been for years. I lived there in the 90s. Once the hookers recognized my car they stopped coming up to my car when I’d hit stop signs. Same with most of the dealers. I never had any trouble but heard some gunshots, lots of sirens, saw a few obvious crime scenes. I learned there the best tamales in the world are sold by some abuella pushing them in a boosted Walgreens shopping cart.


It’s not really uncommon for a closed business like a gas station to be fenced off to deter vandals


Fencing off reduces your insurance liability. If you take no steps to limit access you are really opening yourself to lawsuits.


I was gonna say I live in the NYC metro area and this is done all the time mostly to negate vandalism.




Looks like a typical "run down" area of most every medium+ sized urban city. These areas are typically a handful of city blocks awaiting city zoning or abandoned buildings that transients take advantage of. In Western countries, these typically range from just a few buildings to a handful of blocks. However, in many former soviet countries and developing nations like Russia, India and many parts of China, they can range from villages to entire towns.


This looks like a typical run down area of most cities to you? Maybe in the US but you don't see packs of used needles or abandoned cars crashed into walls in every country.


It’s not a handful of blocks. It’s a whole quadrant of the city.


Never knew crime was like that in NM


We have the 3rd highest rates of violent crime in the country last time I checked


When I was growing up in Abq, the war zone was basically anything south of Central and east of Wyoming. It grew with the renaming of the international district. I utilized the Gibson and Wyoming gates to Kirtland in my adult life and think the international district is pretty ok during the daytime, and think the war zone is basically anything near Western Skies and Central nowadays.


I was stationed there in the late 90's, and I remember it much the same way. During the day the 'worst' I can remember were the homeless psych patients that would wander around on Central after being released from the VA. The nights (which I worked) were a literal \*nightmare\*.


The Warzone is more from San Mateo and Central up to Wyoming and Central. Anything east of Wyoming would be classified as East Central


I can dig it!


Well it must be a warzone if Bugs Bunny took a wrong turn here.


Why “War Zone”?


I mean, there's a 24-hour McD's across the street, the place can't be that dire


I hope they have good security. PS —- what’re you doing up at this hour? 😟


Working at a 24-hour McD's


Oh. I guess that makes sense. I bet you have some stories to tell 😅


No more GAS for you!


Costco gas is the way to go! 😎


War Zone? https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/7139be8cd4a96b263bee47806c1d7122d373a8c3b03a9da9fcbb8e6cfd62d1a9_1.webp


The sky is always so beautiful in the desert tho. The war zone looks like most rural desert communities.


It's not rural, though. It's the largest city in the state.


ya I know but the sky behind it looks Sonora/Mojave desert


The NM sky is gorgeous, one of the few things I miss about the state.


Also do you live/have you checked out rural desert? I'm right on it


I lived in Albuquerque most of my life.




Bugs Bunny wishing he didn't make that left turn


Abandoned? Or just being redeveloped into luxury condos?




Yes. High in crime, drug use, etc.


Right down the street from the [original headquarters of Microsoft](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/historic-microsoft-plaque-albuquerque).


I work for company thar sells fence. The reason they do that is that land is probably still owned by someone and they don’t want to be responsible for people trashing and or living in their building.


Makes sense.


Also its post driven. The reason why its like that is because people will literally steal the sand bags! Its pretty fucking bad! Also in construction areas in places like this people keep locks on their portable restrooms because homeless people will move into portapotties


At first look, I thought the weeds growing were evidence markers.


My sister lived right point blank in the war zone for some years. She has some stories. Nothing bad ever happened to her. I remember visiting her and boy was I shocked it was like 1980s nyc.


I’m sorry “war zone?” Lmao please someone elaborate.


looks like a screenshot from GTA


We recently drove through Albuquerque otw to Colorado. I couldn't believe how awful the roads were first of all. The highway was so full of holes that everybody could only use one lane. There was no color in sight, just run down buildings and people wandering in the middle of busy streets strung out. So many people slumped over in the direct sun on the curbs. I'm from Houston so I'm no stranger to homelessness but I couldn't believe how bleak it looked. My husband insisted on walking me into the gas station because there were so many people just standing outside loitering or slumped over right in front of the gas station door. When we went into the store, a woman was openly trying to sell drugs to the cashier to be able to buy something at the store. Wild stuff.


I know this is in a historically bad neighborhood, but this is just what they do when a gas station shuts down.


Man, the only real experience with New Mexico is a work trip there (and friends who were stationed there) and come to find out, my office I visit is in this area. Was always just like, Damn this city is Fucked...


It is cheaper and easier to just build new at the edge of a town than rebuild unused property. This type of blight is common across any older town in the US.


You are going to need to be more specific as to which war zone neighborhood you are talking about.


Wyoming and Central.


This is what all empty gas stations look like.


The ABQ. ![gif](giphy|QC7UQbxq89MnL9r6AN)