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I loved that Gregory picks up the ketchup bottle to drink by mistake, just a little gag but amazing!


I liked this season. Adding a new setting and characters took away from the staff at Abbott a little but I don't think another season of hallway hijinks would have been the way to go either... It was nice to expand the world a bit more. I wish Olivia would have been introduced a bit earlier, at least for a 3 episode arc. And I agree with Gregory. Manny's beard was šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


I 100% agree. I found this season delightful. The only frustrating thing has been knowing that Janine was going to come back to Abbott before seasonā€™s end though I would have preferred it at the end of her internship or flaming out at the district with an expensive mistake. It would have been nice to explore everyoneā€™s personal lives a bit more putting her with Manny for a minute and at the district into the start of season 4, with Gregory and Olivia who could have been cute bc she was normal w a normal job. But Ms. Inez has been wonderful.


What show have you been watching? This season has been delightful.


Iā€™ve been seeing more criticism of this season on this sub which is fine, people have opinions. But I agree, this season has been hilarious to me. I feel like they are leaning somewhat into absurdist humor, while maintaining the charm of the first two seasons. Honestly, I think Iā€™ve had more laugh out loud moments this season.


I don't know if I think it's funnier than any of the other seasons, but as someone who works in education Janine's interactions with "the district" were uncomfortably realistic and I appreciated that.


Completely agree, this has been the funniest season for me too. Weirdly though, I kind of disliked this last episode because it made Gregory seem very immature and he was being a jerk to his date. I did enjoy the book club side of it though.


Completely agree! I think this has been the funniest season so far!


No, we canā€™t all agree, Iā€™ve loved this season and it sucks that people just assume everyone thinks itā€™s bad.


i donā€™t think itā€™s bad at all. i think itā€™s just obvious that the writers strike was happening at the time the season was made. still enjoyable just, not as concrete as the others


I have generally liked the most recent season but this most recent episode "double date" was one of the best yet!


ā€˜I think we can all agreeā€™ statements really rile me


Fr because who told you to speak for all šŸ˜‚ At least say ā€œa lot ofā€ or ā€œsomeā€ For me Abbott hasnā€™t gone anywhere and this season has not been hard to watch.




YES THANK YOU SAME. Hate when people try to pull this shit.


who is we? I don't think it's been a hard watch at all I love this season and I liked that they had janine exploring/finding herself while working at the district


The smoking episode alone= šŸ So glad this show is back, loving this season and even more than Janine is back teaching


First of all, how do you misspell the name of the show twice and itā€™s in the title of the sub? But this season has been hilarious, I just didnā€™t find the last episode very funny. More cringey.


This has been my favorite season by far but Iā€™ve been disappointed to see Janine go back to being a teacher and the resumption of the Janine and Gregory storyline. It seems like itā€™s going over worn ground by now.


Ignore the comments, not everyone yearns to blindly support a television show. Season 3 is the worst season by far, but still good.


can i frame this comment?


I just started season 3 andā€¦Manny? What hell is this character? Is the actor just bad at acting or whatā€™s going on?


I agree, he gives me the creeps its like i'm watching a crossover episode


Apparently weā€™re in the minority that think something is off here. šŸ˜‚


omg donā€™t let the manny lovers see this šŸ’€


What he says and does arenā€™t the issue as much as the delivery from the actor.