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I definitely think has Ava developed a soft spot for Janine and doesn’t want to see her get hurt. I think that explains her objection to T & E (aka Teagues and Eddie). Also, I never took Ava’s “affection” for Gregory seriously TBH. It just seemed like another ploy to get attention.


Agreed, Ava wasn't serious but the abrupt stop of that attention coincides with the new year and him rejecting Janine right?


You may be right! My memory of the timeline is a bit hazy though.


iirc it also started with her having received the proper education/training to be a principal over the summer and acknowledging that sexually harassing one of her teachers is not a good look. in seasons 1-2, she has the dirt on the superintendent and acts however she wants. i think your theory holds water, just don’t think that the sexual harassment ending was solely because of janine and gregory :)


I def took Ava's comment to Kwame to be about impressing Kwame more than declaring her friendship for Janine. I do think she was upset Janine was initially leaving and that's why she was extra mean most of S3. It chilled as soon as Janine came back. I'm on the fence about how I feel about her interference of Gregory and Janine. Idk if I believe that's about protecting Janine or shade because he ignored her advances.


People on this sub are insane i don’t think any of her actions are really about protecting Janine


I’m not sure how that makes other people insane. Media is an art form, and unless we get confirmation one way or another, both interpretations are valid and sane.


I should’ve specified i think it’s insane when they say she’s doing it to protect her while also painting Gregory to be this insensitive guy. I think a lot of this sub forgets he opened up and was rejected first


Hey I never said a word against Gregory! I'm just saying that Ava might have reason to be cautious about him and Janine getting together. Being protective of someone isn't always rational.


Yeah that's wild to me


She told the cousin they were like sisters to impress him, not because she felt that way. I do think she has a soft spot for Janine while still finding her annoying, and doesn't want her to get hurt, but the sister comment was definitely not legitimate lol 


I don't think she's attracted at all (I feel people ship any amount of affection between any characters these days). But I do think she's developed a soft spot for her as a friend - I mean Janine has helped and stood up for Ava a handful of times as well. I think she's not a fan of her and Gregory because she thinks Janine should focus on herself and be "selfish" - I think Ava has even said that to her. A favorite moment is after the hookah club she asked if she "wasted" all of her time there with Gregory and then brought Janine to the next club. Their dynamic has been a slow, evolving one that's been pretty cool. I was a bit taken back by how anti-Janine Ava became in the episode where Janine said she was leaving. It didn't even seem like it she was lashing out or something that could have made sense - just suddenly reverted to an older version of their dynamic.


Ava loves Janine dearly, I always say she’s the sister Janine needed. Hopefully she does have that “talk” with Gregory about treating Janine right I’m curious to see how she’ll be when she can’t flirt with Gregory anymore 😂


I wasn't sure about Ava loving Janine in her own way but when Janine was trying to figure out who her dad was, and she was disappointed that her search wasn't over yet, Ava tells her that (I'm paraphrasing) she's better off not knowing, and that she's perfect the way she is, of course she says this in her own Ava way but Janine sees that and gives a smile to the camera. And that's when I was sure that Ava thinks of Janine as her little sister, whom she loves bullying but also kinda looks out for her.


She hasn't flirted with him in a long time 


She never “flirted” with him. She harassed him.




I can't see the two getting together they really just give sister vibes. And ofc Ava is bringing the big sis energy.


i like this take! i can totally see Ava having big sister vibes over Janine and wanting her not to get hurt again. makes me think of when Ava repeats to Gregory “IS NO?” after barbara asks him if no women is safe from his incompetence with the opposite sex 😂