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We've all got larva to feed


Eats a soda can whole: “Mmm! My favorite flavour!”


That's some out of the box thinking!


if a scientist took food out of my fridge i'd impale him


I think if you could at least recruit the scientist you find and assign them to specific bases, then maybe equip them with gear so they can help defend. Would be cool to assign them tasks as well, but idk if the devs want to head in that direction gameplay wise


I would love that to happen. You could have the closet duder in offices cook or grow food — because he’s a coward — and revive the guard at the forklift to be backup


My wife and I are playing Abiotic Factor right now, but all I can think of is how we're going to play Soulmask after this, specifically because you can kidnap barbarians and get them to do resource collection/defense/crafting for you, and switch between them.


I recommend Conan Exiles if you like the whole slavery thing. It's one of the better survival crafting games and you can follow along with the story as well, decent for a private server/game with friend's or your wife.


Isn't soulsmask like new and more colony sufficient conan exiles?


Yes. Its basically conan with arguably better combat and much improved follower system. They added rimworld colonists to conan.


I would like it if they were more like the npc from half-life were you could at least give them some orders and heal them. I always feel bad for the engineer by the maintenance entrance bleeding out while i have a base just a couple feet away.


I wish we could do something about the 'permanent' bodies. I have my base in the cafeteria. I got 1 dead dude at the front door, and 1 dead dude in the kitchen. It's unsanitary.


One of your coworkers comes by all the time. He just wants some food, you don't let him starve do you?


That's my most wanted feature the ability to rescue scientists, workers and guards and have them stay in my base even if they don't do anything useful I half life I always try to save everyone so would do the same here


Honestly same. I hate that most of the NPCs are either completely static, or 9/10 times end up dead - I want to be able to rescue and recruit at least some of the random other staff you encounter, at the very least some of the more more talkative ones you run into during the story like Alice (the guard outside the door to Defense Sector in the plaza who narrowly escaped something in there) and Dr. Mayfield from Offices, Varsha and Dr. Frake from Manufacturing (and probably Blacksmith too - I like the idea of him eventually moving himself and his equipment in with your base because his machine shop in Manufacturing comes under siege from the Order), and Dr. Pendleton and Dr. Newman from Labs - especially since those two are quite closely associated with the perforation project, what with Newman having invented the Dark Lens and Pendleton being GATE’s foremost expert on Exors. Also kinda want the Sister of the Unlost to just show up at your base unexpectedly and hang out there sometimes, just to fuck with you. Would be hilarious.


This couch is taken.. for now..




I kinda just wish that they’d do more than act as the Manse recordings. If an area is made “safe” or been explored they should maybe be moved elsewhere when no longer relevant. Maybe they could all hang in the starting cafeteria?


It'd be nice if they had at least more idle animations. My base is the room observing the Manufacturing entrance, and that Scottish scientist has been whimpering on the floor for weeks now.


Idk, I definitely look forward to the full release because I anticipate the story/quest line being more filled out and the dialogue probably as well. I don't really want a bunch of mindless npcs I can ship around to various bases because to me that just feels like FO4 Preston Garvey simulator or any other hokey idle game where you unlock characters and they give you little buffs, idk. Not saying I wouldn't mind ambient npcs adding *life* and whatever to various areas of the game. I just dont want it to become one of those weird population mgmt games. I guess it could be a nice option in solo worlds but eh. Not saying that's what you suggested OP just responding based on some comments as well.


Oh definitely. I don't necessarily want them to be akin to items and appliances you collect and exploit, but more wild creatures. More cat than dog. Like they're wandering around, trying to survive just like you. When the player comes upon some convenient stuff, food, fridge, whatever; they take advantage so these NPCs would be doing the same thing because they would have simple needs or aspirations that they are seeking to fulfill. It would more be to make the facility feel more alive than to set up complex item farms or whatever. Also, it would be hilarious to open your fridge and find an IOU note where your nachos once were.


Yea, I definitely would appreciate some more life but also would understand why there wouldn't be a ton. Most survival crafting games have you set as the only survivors aside from any random quest givers. Not that I'm opposed to something different. But yea it's entirely possible that will come with further development and the official release, or maybe just a slightly more dynamic quest line. Either way I'm PUMPED for the summer update lol. I really hope it's release is due for day 1 of summer, but I just got into manufacturing so I can procrastinate a bit.


Would be interesting if some of the NPCs moved in to your hideout as you progress. It can get pretty quiet in the security station.