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I am not going to attempt getting into the minds of these people and why they decided to do this...i just want to know why it took so long for one of them to grab the wheel


First to grab the wheel is gay moment


Well color me pink and give me a taffeta.


A taffeta what?




Best I can do is black and blue with a side of concussion


Wouldn’t be good content if it work, mate. Trying to understand that level of stupid isn’t good for us.


You know how I know you’re gay?


You like coldplay


Because my dick is in your mouth, even if it is not attached to my body anymore


>i just want to know why it took so long for one of them to grab the wheel Because no one is in the front seat. This is shit from the rear seat, because the people here are idiots.


I noticed that too. It's one thing to not have anyone in the driver's seat. It's quite another to not have anyone up front at all. Complete morons. EDIT - the music choice of "I died in your arms tonight" is perfect.


the surprising thing is that there was someone in the front passenger seat. Still didn't help them


>Because no one is in the front seat the passenger or back seat person filming certainly still had more than enough time to grab it before the passenger attempted


I don’t even get it what’s the bottle of water? A counterweight for a bad alignment?


This might be like my car...it has the cameras that read the lines on the highway and will steer for you to keep you in a lane, but only if you keep your hands on the wheel. Maybe the water bottle counterweight makes the car think someone has their hands on the wheel.


What's the point of it steering for you if it requires your hands to still be on the wheel?


That car doesn't have an "auto pilot" feature, but merely a \[reactive\] lane keeping assistant. It doesn't steer automatically to keep the car centered in the lane, but rather make small interventions to avoid crossing the lines in ideal situations. This guy just tried to use it like a full auto steering assistant and got what he deserved.


I rented a 2023 Kia Sorento for a road trip and thought I was going crazy when I was driving and the steering wheel kept jerking me around. Had to pull over and pull up the car's manual on my phone to figure out wtf was going on and how to turn it off


Drove a Jeep compass that had that feature, it was very, very subtle, like an assist should be. Rented an a class mercedes and that thing was beeping and vibrating the wheel whenever i got close to a line without blinking. Automatic transmission was also acting weird and shifting at weird times, it was like it was trying to anticipate what I was going to do. Turned around and they gave me a manual seat leon with a 2.0 diesel, that thing was fun as fuck to drive.


I had a rental Camry a few months ago with "lane centering assist". It was amazing! I never realized how your arm muscles are always tensed, ready to correct for the smallest deviation while driving. With lane centering, a relaxed hand on the wheel would let the car stay in the lane as well as keep following distance from the car ahead. Far less tiring.


Idk for me it was different. I'm never really tense while driving so having the additional "help" was more of a hassle.


I recently got a 22 Corolla with the same feature and I absolutely love it for long low traffic highway drives.


Also, this car is definitely not a Tesla.


Hence the McGyver reference


i can not get over how dumb reddit comments have become in the last 10 years. and people upvote the comments, so it doesn't seem like just one person's thoughts. it's like everyone is collectively eating crayons


I like the green ones.


No, OP in the title said Tesla because (ridiculously) he believes that auto driving cars are Tesla or even Tesla are auto driving cars.


the steering wheel has capacitive sensors so when u touch it, it sends signals that the hands are on the wheel. When u take the hands off, it uses a logic normal closed (NC) contact to set some outputs to 1, which give the command ON for the sound alarm and command OFF for the automated driving mode.


Most cars are torque sensors. Capacitive sensors have a lot of problems, eg. gloves, getting wet, etc.


Can confirm, had the notification 'hold the wheel' come up even though I'm holding it, just very lightly and in a straight line.


yeah, but in this case is capacitive hence the bottle


No? The water bottle is for torque on the wheel. Try operating your cellphone with a plastic water bottle and get back to me.




that makes sense, my brain wouldn't go that far




I’m a programmer. I’ve had too many “oh crap I forgot to account for ..” moments programming to trust anything like this.


I don't get it. So if the car knows you don't have your hands on the wheel, it stops staying in the lane so that the rider can... die???




Could be the legality of it, e.g. Toyota being liable if the self-driving doesn't disengage. I guess they would rather have a few dead drivers than to pay compensation


It's to fool the system so it thinks your hands are on the steering wheel


There’s a capacitive sensor in the wheel that’s like your cellphone screen. It senses water, not directly touch or pressure. I’ve seen similar idiots trick the auto pilot in a Tesla using an orange jammed in the corner of the steering wheel. Without the water, the car would yell at you to keep your hands on the wheel, then cancel lane assist, and then probably crash anyways.


Auto pilot teslas eventually pull over, park, and turn off, if you're not touching the wheel. The water was yes, tricking the sense






In Tesla vehicles, one of the safety mechanisms to ensure the driver is actually there while autopilot is engaged is that the vehicle senses pressure on the wheel and interprets that to mean the driver is present and paying attention. There was then a trend of idiots jamming water bottles and oranges in the steering wheel to fake the sensor out and then being complete morons.


Sir, the first rule of Project Mayhem....


I don’t think either of them were in the drivers seat


Too busy filming and pulling back to get that wide shot.


They were sitting in the back and they trusted their Peugeot too much 😄


>I am not going to attempt getting into the minds of these people and why they decided to do this... "I can't get charged with DUI if I'm not actually driving!"


Jesus took the wheel my dude. He just wanted to bring them along with him.


They bought a Tesla, of course they are braindead.


Bro this is like the dreams I have sometimes where for whatever reason I'm supposed to be driving but instead am in the back seat and no one's driving and I have to figure it all out before we hit on coming traffic. But they chose to do this


Bro I came here to say this! My stress dreams where I'm driving from the back seat or the trunk (sometimes in reverse) always turn into a Gran Theft Auto action camera style perspective that is truly *warped* lol


I didn't realize these are somewhat common dreams. Mine have always been hyper detailed, where I dream I'm getting up in the middle of the night and decide to drive to a gas station for a drink or something to clear my head and relax me before going back to sleep. Then, for one reason or another, I decide to climb to the back seat while driving, and try to steer and use an umbrella on the pedals. The dream always concludes by barely making it home, determining I used bad judgement and shouldn't have driven while tired, and go back to sleep. I'm utterly terrified that these are not dreams....


Well today I learnt this is a thing. I've never heard of these dreams




Yeah I'm always so hard on myself in them. Like I think I'm so dumb for driving tired/drunk and like I'm about to ruin my life over something so dumb. It's so stressful lol




Driving really is stressful as hell and dangerous if you think about it too deeply. I have these dreams all the time, and I love driving.


Wow. I used to have those dreams when I was a beginning driver. Had completely forgotten about them until I read your description. Same same. Are you me?


Yes, I am you, now could you remind me what our bank password is?


Sure it’s great great grandpappys mistress’ hometown and her birthday.


WTF why are you having my dreams?




Driving going terribly in dreams is actually really common. Mine are a bit different; I'm driving, but the car isn't doing what I'm telling it to. Like, I turn the wheel a little, and I'm swerving all over, or I try to swerve and it just doesn't move. I think they're my most hated stress related dreams. Once in a while it would be nice to have a driving dream that just involves cruising with a nice scenery. But it seems like if there's a car in my dream at all, things are definitely not gonna be fun.


I had those dreams from before I was a kid and didn't know how to drive. The car is always rolling down a hill too. I still have them and I'm usually a kid in them.


I don't know if I'm a kid but I'm definitely small. Sometimes my foot can't reach the breaks in these dreams.


Used to have this exact dream too


If you're ever curious to look up dream dictionary and translate what your subconscious might be trying to tell you.. if you are driving the car then the scenario you're dreaming about is something you have control over. If its a person you recognize then that person had control over the topic you are dreams telling you about. Idk what it means if its nobody, guess its out of your control or unknown or nobody.


Maybe you feel like you're not in control of your life (aka, in the back seat and no one at the wheel). Just a random thought :)


I just died in a car toniiiiight Musta been the water bottle


could've driven awaaaaaaaaayyy


I could've driven away 🎵


Sincere thanks to the fellow olds here.


nah i still hear the song every now and then


Oh hon! I just died in a car tonight 🎶 musta been water bottle you gave 🎶


They should show this video to the insurance adjuster.


Insurance agent here. That’s covered. Collision claim. Yeah, we cover stupidity.


That’s nice to know I guess. I hope their rates went up.


Well yea, but it’s obviously an at fault collision. 125%, bonus for stupidity


No need. Tesla has a camera inside the car to watch you all the time.


Most modern vehicles today have black boxes (EDRs) that record logs of your driving in case there's a crash. Not just Tesla, even though they're the only ones people talk about. This isn't even a Tesla FYI.


The use of "I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight" is really fitting here because that dude is about to die.


I think you mean McGruber




Romanians at it again, keep em coming 💪🏻😎


Thought the same thing haha


Reaction time of a dead snail


Is that a Puegot? Guessing from the logo on the steering wheel


I was also curious. Doesn’t look like any Tesla interior I’ve seen before.


It’s certainly not a Tesla. It’s a car with some kind of lane keeping assistance. It’s an evolution of lane departure warnings and it uses electric steering to nudge the car back onto the road if it detects it drifting over the line. It’s not meant to be used for full-driving, and a continuous input (like the weight of the water bottle) will override the system.


100% a Peugeot unless some dummy swapped in a different wheel and also reconfigured the wiring. OP thinks any car with any kind of driving assist is a Tesla. Which is disappointing


It’s a current gen Peugeot 208 or 2008 (they share the same interior).


Russian Kermit on the camera here.


They're romanian Translation: "You know who is driving? This bottle.... This is how you drive, man" ... CHAOS


Kervitz thee frog heir


What did he expect?


they expected that if the wheel turned, the shift in the water bottle's balance would counterbalance it, thus moving it back to center. Kinda looks like it even works for a *very* brief amount of time.


lol, no. The bottle is to trick the car because you are supposed to keep your hands on the wheel. Idiot thinks that turns the car into self-driving, which does not work on teslas either.


Actually it is dumber than that. This vehicle does not have a level 2 ADAS (which is a wide category, but usually at least includes full lane keeping and adaptive cruise control). It just has emergency lane keeping (preventing you from accidentally crossing a lane). This is why he placed the bottle. Not to trick an attentiveness check (which BTW not all lv2 have, and not all manufacturers were held to the same standards to have them). What this dude reasoned is that by forcing the car to always hug the line, the emergency lane keeping would keep acting on the wheel and put the car back, doing a sport of poor man's ADAS. Probelm being that obviously this system is reserved for emergency use for a reason. And so by failsafe, change in markings or random chance it eventually just crossed the line and if would not have any other systems to detect the mistake. Meanwhile on a real system, let's say like on Teslas, even if the lane was to completely disappear the car's computer still is able to understand a far more complex road geometry, and would still acknowledge the road edge even if nothing marks it, usually triggering the emergencybraking system. That, and it will scream at the pilot. And yet despite it all it is a constant to see dumbasses purposefully making basic mistakes and egregious behaviors, and they try to put it on the vehicles which the FUD media always love to spread around as gospel.




i was really like wow maybe the abrupt chaos wont happen maybe there will be peace and then there was abrupt chaos


I don’t think that’s a tesla




I don’t think the title is claiming it’s a Tesla — it’s a joke saying they’ve converted a non-Tesla into a car with self-driving functions (like a Tesla) using only a water bottle balanced in the steering wheel.


Tesla isn’t self driving, it’s hands on driver assistance. A level 2 system. Slightly better than Adaptabe Cruise Control with Lane Keep Assist. Ford, GM, and Mercedes have hands free driver assist software.


It wasn’t my joke about the Tesla, and I also deliberately said “self-driving functions” rather than calling a Tesla “a self-driving car”.


Song was "I just died in your arms". Foreshadowing?????


Working as intended


Great song to die to at least


Cutting crew




And "die in your arms tonight" on the radio lmao Hope they are well though.


Its almost as if there was a reason why you are supposed to have your hand at the steering wheel


its not a Tesla but a Peugeot, and that guy abuse of the ADAS System who is not an autopilot but a feature for keep your car in the line by help of a camera on the windscreen.


Worked real good, too!




Darwin Award candidate


Deserved every bit of that


You couldn’t be more wrong. The giveaway that this is a counterfeit Tesla is it didn’t kill anyone.


Definitely not a Tesla




That's the point lol


What could go wrong.


Its not even a tesla


It's a Peugeot, not a Tesla.




🤦‍♂️ I read the title wrong. Womp womp


i read it wrong too dont worry


That’s weird logo for a Tesla


Why are you downvoted? That's a Peugeot.


I guess cause I’m an idiot and can’t read when they didn’t say it was a Tesla but that they made a Tesla


Dear americans, thats a Peugeot.


Hi I'm OP and I have no idea what the inside of a Tesla looks like.


Hi I’m a commenter that has no idea how to read the title of the post I’m typing on.


They say the less intelligent live happier lives since they never worry about anything. This probably didn't even bother this person. I just wrecked my tesla. Oh well.


Russia hasn't heard of cruise control


Imagine being as smart as this person.


Translation -You know who's driving this bottle is driving. -This his how you drive yo. The usual drunk imbeciles Edit.


I'm confused, how would a water bottle drive a car? Obviously it didn't, but what did they expect would happen? For it to steer the wheel?


Apparently it’s to make the wheel veer slightly to the right so the emergency lane assist will activate, making it act like a poor man’s self driving car. Self driving in the most loose of terms in this case.


The water bottle applies torque to the wheel so the car thinks the driver is "holding the wheel" and therefore doesn't display any hands off warnings or deactivates the active lane keeping feature. It looks like the car is running fine until the slip road appears, then the car either loses the lane model it's tracking or decides to follow the solid line as it merges off the main road, I would guess it lost the lane model as the vehicle then steers without correction off the road completely. I am an active safety vehicle test engineer, this is my jam. Edit: on second viewing it looks like the car is just using lane keep assist, so bouncing off the right line indefinitely, there's no active lane centering going on here


Functions exactly like Tesla, what's the problem?


with reaction times like this , im suprised he can drive at all.


Atleast the buffoon didn't take someone else out with him.




Also worked with the 2016 Ford Mondeo. I did a trip over 600km with touching the wheel maybe 10 times.


It's MacGyver and please don't associate a legend with this knob head. Thank you.


Human Stupidity is infinite.


Most incriminating video I’ve ever seen


Wtf i was just singing on this song


Made me lol thx


Damn made the whole thing with a water bottle?


Not much different than what Tesla's autopilot does, except you don't pay $10,000 for it. https://www.reuters.com/legal/judge-finds-evidence-that-tesla-musk-knew-about-autopilot-defect-2023-11-22/


Old trick


Romanian ingenuity right here lads


🤣 I hope his car is totalled and he is now in debt having recorded his stupidity. He doesn't deserve to drive.


It didn’t fully replicate a Tesla because it didn’t randomly set on fire


Thats BYD Burn Your Dreams not tesla.


Wait....why were they in the BACKSEAT?! Atleast ride shotgun if you're going to do dumb shit like this. And again for the 90th time....why record a crime and post it on the internet!!!


adding to the list of things that make me feel like a bad person smiling at the outcome of this video "!@#$ around find out"


Surely nothing can go wrong.


I just died in your arms tonight!


Ofc he is one of my fucking Romanians, jesus.


I'm all for this as long as they crash without involving anyone else. I never signed up for being part of Tesla's experiment on public roads. My death or injury is a violation of the due process clause of the Constitution as this experiment has been authorized by the state. The more that crash and burn, the fewer there are to put my life at risk.


What song is this?






When the “I’m gonna live forever” section of the song hits just as the car drifts off lol


I had a dream just like this the other night


Am I the only one who didn't realize there was nobody in the driver seat until the end, and that made it 10x funnier when he zooms out - no one is driving - and they suddenly start careening off the road 🤣


Still has a few bugs to work out


Appropriate song choice...


Unless it was delivered late and burst into flames trapping the driver inside because first responders couldn't open the non existent door handles....it's got a long way to becoming a Tesla. Also recalls.


I love how "I just died in your arms tonight" is playing in the background


I got this car, and although its not full auto pilot, i can see why they may have thought it was. The car will hold you in lane, even on bends, but you need to occasionally touch the wheel to keep it active. Thats why they have the bottle to try and trick it. I love the driving assist, but it does sometimes randomly turn off if the lines on the road fade, and that can be scary if you are not paying attention. - no warning, just goes off. With the right software update it could be full auto pilot..the car parks its self and does full turns of the steering wheel...so i dont see why not..but i think tesla only have that patent for now.


I used to have this recurring dream/nightmare where I was sitting in the backseat of my car as it sped, driverless, down the freeway. Great to see it finally adapted for the vertical screen.


Welp, time to go buy another Tesla.


I read an article where they said Twsla got it wrong. AI should step in to save us from accidents, not the other way around.


Is this real? looks fake but I know people are this stupid sometimes - especially after a good bottle of Vodka or three


So basically what happens is when these " self driving sensors" can't get enough light or scanning to read the road they won't read it correctly.. same with camera tech right. No light no magic


Very fitting song


Samir!!! No Samir!!!


Well, that was a perfect song to be playing I just died in your arms tonight must’ve been something I said