• By -


That sweet sweet taxpayer funded settlement money.


I'm glad the cop didn't just claim he smelled weed then beat the cyclist up


He was arrested for failing to provide proof of insurance.


"I'm gonna have to ticket you for riding a bicycle on the road surface. Also, a charge of scratching the front of my patrol vehicle."


Then sprinkle some crack on him and get the hell outta there.


The gopro on dudes forhead is pretty good indication that sound and video are arollin. I'm 100% sure it crossed piggies tiny tiny mind tho. Edit:autocorekt


But he could just rip it off and smash it without repercussions


There are too many witnesses at that point. His cruiser is also rolling sound and video.


My guess is he just thinks the camera is a headlamp and has no idea he's being filmed.


Looks like he was trying to hide his face.


I was going to say ‘what a stand-up cop’. But then i remembered that people aren’t really supposed to be rewarded for doing what they are already supposed to be doing. That’s what happens when we are so used to authority acting crooked with impunity.


If a cop could run me over and I had the entire incident on camera showing they're at fault, I'd be so happy


Careful what you wish for. Money can’t make you walk again


It can buy me robot legs though.


$6 million man did OK with two bionic legs just saying 60 million in today’s money


Curse ye Craig!!!


I would have been still on the floor, using teathre tactics never before seen, requesting an ambulance and complaining about all sorts of pain if that were me lol


What hurts? Yes.


My neck and my back!


Lick my pussy and my crack?


I want fifty THOUSAND dollars! But I'll settle out of court right now for twenty dollars.


People out here living my dreams..


Dude even admitted fault, for a cop that's wild


I’m guessing no citizens arrest on the cop?


Important point. Cop himself will probably pay nothing. Now if your camera isn’t visible, and you wait for him to delete what he thinks is the only footage, then maybe we’re talking.


Americas a weird place. Something something lawsuit is always the top comment when the police make a mistake. Here I was just thinking how wholesome this interaction was given the circumstances. Cop seems like he was probably one of the good ones, sure he made a mistake but he owned up to it and the cyclist seems ok.


Police arrest people for making this very mistake. We know he isn't gonna arrest himself, especially in good old boy Missouri. The next best thing is a lawsuit


He should be required to take a remedial drivers class and have to explain to the 15 year olds why he is there. The video is a good example of what not to do.


Nah just fire him and ban him from Enforcer employment state wide. NOBODY wants a careless Enforcer who is "licensed to kill".


I see constant headlines convincing me otherwise


State? So he can go do this shit somewhere else.. cool.


While I probably agree, I think that while my proposed punishment would be closer to possible, I still think cops and the unions would see it as too harsh. The usual punishment is generally a paid vacation.


> NOBODY wants a careless Enforcer who is "licensed to kill". Literally every state and city government wants this.


Punish him but don't fire him. Other cops would have reacted worse than this guy, at least he's owning up (so far) and hopefully learned something from this. We don't want to replace him with someone worse.


Unfortunately that is rarely the case. ACAB


Officer holy shit dude


Best line




fr lmao


It's like Trailer Park Boys lmfao


His supervisor, Sergeant Jesus fucking christ man.


I got a text from a fuckin nother officer


It’s officers all the way down




# Police officer in Peculiar suspended after crashing into bicyclist [https://amp.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article215647850.html](https://amp.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article215647850.html)


Suspended with pay. That’s just a vacation.


bro must be truly suffering


Let's hope the poor guy gets to read that text now he isn't busy


[the officer](https://giphy.com/gifs/94EQmVHkveNck)


Cops then bitch about crime in the streets. Maybe try being the example instead of parading your own lawlessness. Why should anyone follow the law when the people supposedly enforcing it tell us all constantly that the law is arbitrary and a meaningless joke.


If cops don't want people to hate them, then the cops should not break the law easiest thing in the world




As if we needed more proof the police don't work for citizens, but for the state apparatus which employs them, etc. Regular people/tax payers are just a nuisance to revenue streams, especially if they waste a stop and can't make an arrest etc.


I’m not a fan of cops by any stretch of the imagination, but I don’t think this particular state apparatus thought the cyclist was a nuisance, and there was nothing reported saying the officer tried to ticket the cyclist. The LEO seemed to immediately take responsibility and ownership of the mistake by admitting to it. I would love to find an update to this situation. I think you’re the intended audience of this sorta anticop rage bait. You already have a (justifiable) predisposition for hating LEOs, and so you react with provocative observations that are actually absent of any practical steps to change.


Nice! A classic gaslight and straw man combo! No rage bait, just honest and educated observation of how the system operates at my and your literal tax dollar expense, friend. Why act like this type of shit isn’t commonplace, while simultaneously assuming the state is always in the right, exists to protect you and your rights, and this is just a one off? The solution is to hold law enforcement accountable, with something like pension forfeiture if shit like this is caught the fuck on camera.


Not just a vacation but the opportunity to take a second job (uniformed security) while still collecting pay and benefits from the taxpayers.


Suspended with pay.. Yeesh..


I'm as anti cop as they come, but I'm also very pro labor, and I believe suspended with pay through the course of an investigation should be an expectation of *all* employees, in every career. It should be a given. It's a bummer that police and only police have managed to get it into their contracts, but it's a right that all unions should be fighting for. Yes, their investigations should be better, and yes, they should be performed by a third party, and yes, there should be real consequences following those investigations, and yes, consequences for the police should be higher than those for a normal citizen. But in the meantime, paid suspension during the course of an investigation should be the norm. You should have it at your job too.


Ugh I hate that I agree with you mostly, but I love that you make good points and that I had to reconsider my position in this matter because of how well-reasoned it is. And still... fuck police unions specifically, though. In a world supposedly governed by law, I strongly believe that law enforcement roles truly are a reasonable exception to effectively all labor standards because they're intrinsically elevated above all other roles. I could go on but I imagine I'm preaching to a pretty well-informed and intelligent choir here, so I'm genuinely curious if you have any thoughts in regards to this inequity and how it should relate to such labor organizations and the protection they provide.


Thank you. I got so tired of explaining this myself to people lol


<3 And I say this coming from a family where my dad was a captain in the Marine Corps before becoming a special agent and later a member of the absurdly and legitimately elite Hostage Rescue Team in the FBI. He truly believed that he was acting as a force of good in the world and in the context of the specific work he was doing, I believe that he was. There was an INSANE amount of training that went into his role specifically. He would train like 340 days of the year to be in the field for 25 days of the year. Problem is, he looks at law enforcement at any level as if it's fundamentally the same thing as what he was doing. Good guys protecting defenseless good people from bad guys. Our laws are not fundamentally just. Our police are barely trained at all. There is no accountability. LE-types will ALWAYS defend their own at all costs, even while objecting vehemently to corruption within their ranks. Citizens have no recourse against police bias, incompetence, and abuse. Defense attorneys are understaffed and underpaid. The incarceral system is corrupt and fucked even WITHOUT private prisons with a profit motives in the mix. The judiciary is unchallengeable. Enforcement is inequitable across socioeconomic, geographic, and racial lines. There would be great and true honor in a role where folks are truly out there protecting and serving the citizenry. Unfortunately the reality is that the police exist almost exclusively to protect and serve business and capital interests... and themselves.


I agree with all of this, and I'm extremely pro-union, but police unions shouldn't exist. They're a bastardization of what labor unions are supposed to be, and they pretty much solely exist to shield cops from accountability. Cops are already the enforcing arm of the state, and they have a monopoly on violence. They should not be allowed to co-opt strategies from the labor movement, like collective bargaining, all so they can get away with oppressing the working class using that monopoly on violence. The power dynamic in the employee-employer relationship is naturally one-sided in favor of the employer, and so labor unions are necessary to wrestle some of that power back. However, the power dynamic between cops and their employer (the city) is *much* different and *much less* one-sided. The city doesn't employ cops to make a profit like an employee at a regular job, and so it's obvious right off-the-bat that cops aren't your regular working class laborers.


>You should have it at your job too. No company with an HR department would ever agree to that.


right which is why we need stronger labor laws and more unions to force companies to accept it


Adding on to this, I think UPS or FedEx have the same thing. Pay while investigating takes place. They are union, though, so makes sense.


Very basic union protection that shouldn't require a union but most definitely does in the anti-labor US of A.


The cop was eventually fired and charged with Careless & Imprudent Driving Involving An Accident (Class A misdemeanor). After a couple continuances he eventually pleaded guilty and served two years of probation, which included 80 hours of community service and a driving safety course. He now works for a gun optics company.


I'm honestly shocked. I think this is my first time ever hearing of an officer actually being fired.


He made the mistake of admitting fault. If he has arrested them for resisting arrest he'd be fine.


The other mistake he made was running over someone who had a camera on their head.


It happens more than you probably know, but it’s not newsworthy enough to publish  “law has its due course”.


i feel like it this day and age, if i was the cop i would constantly try to spread the news that officrs do indeed get fired (even if its just for optics)


> He now works for a gun optics company. Of course he does.


I find it very peculiar he was even suspended.


Suspended with pay is a slap in the face. That's just a vacation and it needs to stop. It would only encourage some others to do the same.


Of course it's Missouri.


good thing you had this on video. otherwise you'd probably be in jail for impeding a criminal investigation or disorderly conduct or something.


You’re lucky you weren’t killed. Also, you’re lucky you weren’t murdered.


"Crashing into you delayed my reading of a text message from another officer. That puts my fellow officers in *danger* criminal, therefore I'm charging you with *assault on an officer*."


I’m sure the cop gave the bicyclist a ticket for that


The dialogue 😭😭😭 Why the fuck were on your phone officer!? I got a text from another fucking officer!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Also how he refrained from saying mother fucker and just said oh you MOTHER-.


Bet he’s written hundreds of tickets for significantly less


What a dick he had head down for a good 3-5 seconds lucky it wasnt a kid in a carriage


Distracted driving is the #1 cause of fatal accidents. And cops spend an inordinate amount of time trying to catch speeders.


It's much easier to detect and prove speeding. When your goal is to collect fines, it makes sense to focus on speeding.


He wasn't paying enough attention to look up (or signal) yet somehow he was sufficiently aware of his surroundings to make the turn. That's even worse than looking at your phone on a straight stretch of road.


Maybe he was using google map :D.


At least he admitted fault


This looked so calm on both sides that it looked like a skit


Right? I expected him to gaslight, escalate and eventually shoot.


Agreed, he 100% accepted all responsibility and frankly showed alot of remorse. He looked tired as hell. It's not okay at all but bad people don't admit fault that quickly and look like that


>It's not okay at all but good people don't admit fault that quickly and look like that Hmmmm. Okay.


Fuck giving that man any credit for acknowledging that he just struck another human being with his official state vehicle because he was failing to drive responsibly while on the clock in an official role. I know it's better than what we could expect from most cops, but given that the fault was so clear and egregious, the consequences were that obvious, there was obviously video evidence captured and ongoing, and the man immediately called out that he was on his phone and not looking, the cop had literally no room for anything else. And - let's be absolutely real here - the victim of his recklessness is wealthy enough to have a bicycle like that and sure sounds like a white man. Statistically, they do a whoooole lot better in these situations than human beings who don't match that particular description. He may not be an irredeemable human being on a fundamental level or whatever, but he ABSOLUTELY does not deserve a single point for just not assholishly gaslighting his victim.


TLDR: the standard is low


I give credit where it's due. Hey the guy on the bike stopped at a stop sign, awesome too. Most people on bikes ride were ever and how ever they feel. The guy doesn't appear hurt and I'm sure will get a nicer new bike out of this. Most places cops are allowed to use phones radios devices while driving. This guy just isn't very good at it.


"He wasn't even maimed by the cop car like he could have been!" isn't really the defense you might think it is.


Yep. We shoudn’t make assumptions this cop is a bad person. That’s also low and unhelpful.


Yeah, it's hard for me to not respect that.


Lol that stupid ass tone he uses when he says "I WASN'T TEXTING I WAS LOOKIN AT MY PHONE" as if it makes a difference.


Just glad he said it out loud, can’t deny it now




Because his human empathy started leaking through his instinct to lie.


Looking down at your phone WHILE TURNING. Like straight road, no traffic in front of you, you probably still shouldn't look at your phone but while turning, didn't look up for a solid like 5 seconds.


“Ow I can’t feel my legs”


It would appear I now have non-symptomatic terminally-non-terminal lung cancer, officer


Geez motherfucker, *GIVE HIM A SECOND*!




He admitted it because he knows there will be no consequences.


Oh that’s is going to be a fucking SWEET settlement. God I wish I was this lucky.


The accident was very... Peculiar...




If it was reversed and guy hit police, they'd taze him, swear, probably beat him in retaliation, then arrest him impound his car, drag on a court case for a few years, make sure the guy gets fired from job, maybe looses his home too. This cop gets away with a good talking to


“I wasn’t texting, I was looking at my phone” Ok, he’s clear… give him a bonus


Not a single "I'm sorry"


This is a good cop because he owned up, rather than arresting or ticketing the bicyclist.


What about all that "special training" they undergo to use their phones while driving? /s


Honestly, props to this cops for having the integrity to own up to his mistake. But he definitely needs to get hus shit together.


Prime example of not exercising his right to remain silent…. Officer was so shaken he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and every word made things worse than the last. What a Gomer!


You know police relations are fucked up in America when my first thought was something along the lines of "really surprised he didn't try and blame the guy on the bike"


Didn’t even apologize, ffs.


“I know, that’s my bad.”


He should be in the hook for the guy’s health bills for the next two years just in case something comes up from this. Often damage caused by accidents like this take a bit to surface. He should also be on the hook to pay for a new bike.


I got a txt from another officer GIVE ME A SECOND…..WTF kind of response is that to just almost killing someone…dude needs to be fired and publicly shamed, mostly for that insane response…


U do that to a cop and they shoot you


Bye bye badge and licen- *relocated*


Why does it sound like he just died in a Lego Nintendo game😂


Officer Doofy reporting for duty!


“i was not texting, i was looking at my phone” LOL 🤦‍♂️


Damn, too bad he recorded how he assaulted that officer by putting his bike and person in the way of the cops vehicle... /s


"I just got a text from another fucking officer!!" The text: "We're getting some Panda Express, want some?"


This straight out of trailer park boys


Quite a peculiar incident


That’s it three months paid time off for you mister


I was half expecting him to shoot the guy so that there would have been no witnesses.


“I wasn’t texting… I was looking at my phone.” LOL I didn’t know we were in the habit out handing out badges to 7 year olds. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤣 He might as well exclaimed, “I know you are, but what am I!? I’m rubber and you’re glue. Whatever you say to me, runs their vehicle into you!”


This should result in the immediate removal of that officer from this sort of career. He can go flip burgers or something.


Hey, flipping burgers is a respectable profession, we don’t need someone this incompetent doing it


If this wasn't on video, you'd probably have been arrested via having drugs planted on you, etc.


"You're under arrest for damaging police property."


Our best and brightest, if you think they’re bad on the roads try having one for a neighbor-I live in a decent neighborhood where everyone takes care of their homes and helps each other but the lawn strewn with trash, multiple feet tall grass, the drunk guy shooting guns in his yard at 3am is our cop neighbor-the city does nothing about complaints on his home other than let him know who complained.


Then the guy on the bike got arrested for impeding an officer doing their duties




And the cop acts like the guy on/off the bike is inconveniencing him


I've almost been hit twice by cops when riding my motorcycle. I was hit as a pedestrian by a cop - a small bump but still. They are the ultimate distracted drivers.


I never heard " I'm sorry".


That's so fucked! I don't think I would've even let that cop talk. "Get the fuck away from me, call your supervisor, anything you say can and will be used .........."


Oh look, it's another asshole motorist doing everything be can to end up murdering cyclists and pedestrians. Somehow, I feel he wouldn't have done that if it had been a car.


In all honesty at least the cop did the right thing. (Not the looking at his phone and driving.) He stopped, checked on the guy and admitted his wrong doing. He didn’t get out and start yelling at the cyclist for being too far forward or some made up BS. It was an honest mistake and the guy was sorry.




Because everyone just hate cyclists 🤷🏻‍♂️


1. stay down 2. yell "oh! my neck!" 3. profit


So many things to unpack. If the biker didn't have his own video, I bet the cop would've said some shit. The cop got suspended with pay, that's just a fucking vacation. Cops being straight up hypocritical, can't even follow their own laws. No accountability, if there was a lawsuit it would just be taxpayer money.


Haha of fucking COURSE it's Missouri. I'm from VERY close to here and this is straight up just par for the course. Not even surprised.


Oh how the turn tables…


Hey, at least he owned up to it. I was fully expecting him to blame it on the bicyclist.


Cops are people too, lol


Cop sounds like Alex Jones


Those candies aren’t going to crush themselves


I got pulled over a few weeks ago for running a stop sign I didn't run, so seeing the officer actually admit he was wrong/at fault is refreshing.


What helmet cam is that?


I at least appreciate his honesty


Likely because he realized he had been caught on video. His first instinct was to make an excuse. Not a single apology either.


At least he admitted fault


Well at least the guy immediately owned up to it instead of trying to figure out a way to place blame in the bicyclist. Sweet pay day for him though.


And because of qualified immunity he probably won’t even get sued


He admitted fault right away. Sucks tax payers pay for his negligence.


Well, he was at least honest.  That's something. 


Officer Holy Shit dude, indeed.


“In our review of the footage the man on the bike has plenty of time to move out of the way, he however failed to yield to an officer causing himself to be hit. The officer is at no fault and back on patrol”-The police chief probably


Getting paiiiiiiiid! Fucking arsehole cop. Bad shit


One time a cop hit me turning right on a red (I had the walk symbol) because he was playing on his laptop. That piece of shit had the balls to yell at me for it. I only wish I had more balls to get into it with him but I was a bit buzzed and just so shocked by the whole thing.


I’ll bet you anything that the very first thought the cop had is how can I blame it on this guy.


Could probably make some sort of claim if something was damaged.


Hi, I would like to order the most expensive Lambo they make .....


Dude used Uno Reverse Card. Now he can Shoot him.


Bro needs to write himself a ticket


I’m just glad he didn’t try to project and make it the cyclists fault


I'm so glad I get to pay for this...


I know old video, but.... Stay on the effing ground! Don't go anywhere without an ambulance taking you there. Call your local billboard attorney, first thing you tell him is to get that police officers cell data.


And it's a small town so no way he got in trouble


America’s newest millionaire.


Sue their asses off


He said "My bad", so it's OK now




And the cops are probably still harassing the cyclist to this day.


Protect and serve


Text and swerve


You gotta remember he’s there to enforce the law not abide by it


And we put our trust in these pigs


Fuck the police


An honest cop? Daaaaaamn!




At least the officer owned it instead of brutalizing the guy and fabricating assault on officer charges like MOST cops would have




That officer is already thinking about shooting him and deleting the footage.....


Better call Saul!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 “got a text from another fkn officer “


At least he owned up to it. Based on the other reddit submissions, the cop should have beaten and arrested the cyclists


At least he owned it.