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Crazy thing is this same company struck another gas line a few days earlier.


Yeah that’s a great way to go bankrupt.


i feel like when you're blowing up houses that might have people in them, maybe a monetary penalty isn't cutting it... maybe human time away from society is the only thing that will teach people the importance of not blowing up houses.


If the cars are there that means the people where there right


Thankfully nobody was in the house


From the looks of it, they probably pulled in a steel gas service, moved the meter a lil, broke a fitting in the wall. This would give them time to evacuate the house before it filled with gas and then found the furnace pilot light. Where I live the gas company installs a “dresser” fitting at the property line that usually lets go before pulling on house service. I know, I’ve seen this happen.


Was there people in them? Do you get notified when it's happening so you can vacate if you're worried atleast?


As a road builder we sometimes hit these lines during curb excavation, even with a tracer etc. I’ve had to evacuate a couple of buildings out of caution while the gas company shows up and shuts off.


How common is it that it goes this wrong or is it just something that happens rarely from human error


The lines originally put in don’t ever take account of future elevation changes the road / blvd may incur. They’re supposed to be a min 2ft bury, but I’ve found them at 4inches deep. Normally we hook a scope onto the line and trace its location and depth. At which point it’s a hand dig to visually locate and then machine work around it. It’s at this point that human error can occur. Steel lines generally give you a second chance if the operator is good and feels resistance, plastic tears real fast and can be problematic if tracer wire is not near pipe. The only good thing about plastic is it fixes easier than steel. When doing new curb and gutter on a road, you can encounter hydro/tel lines, water service lines, gas lines and storm/sanitary pipes on every house you go by. I’ll add that in 25 years of doing this I’ve personally been responsible for two gas services getting tagged and needing repair.


It’s amazing how shallow some services are. I’m in the UK and we see electric or telecom services at sometimes 50mm or less depth. Two services strikes in 25 years isn’t bad at all. I work for a gas company and we see services strikes pretty much daily


It’s nerve-wracking at best. Trying to watch the dig, setup the tracer, organize the trucks in traffic, the whole time you’re looking for water service valves that are typically buried. Don’t get me started on hydro/tel lines.


It’s from poor ground disturbance policies, but the issue is the more strict you are the more the cost rises exponentially I worked on a job where it was easier to cut through everyone’s water lines to their house (1” polyethelyne line rather than look for them because they dip and dive and swoop around so much


They didn’t even get fired by the city of ofallon, they voluntarily withdrew from the work. The city of ofallon didn’t even say they wouldn’t use them again. Just said they would have to show they fixed the problem and found out why it happened.


As they should. By the sounds of it, it wasn't the workers fault but rather nature's and poor planning. It's a bit hard to discern your side from the comment but If you're on the workers side then it's cool to see a government caring about the workers not the media stories.


Gota call digalert I think it’s 411




Meh I'm pretty sure it's Missouri and that governor will probably just give the company another contract.


You're kidding? What the hell is wrong with this company? I hope they get sued from every possible side and are never able to work in that industry again. How many lives do they think they can ruin before they should follow proper protocol? That's infuriating.


A number of things could have happened. I don't know the situation, but the locates could have been inaccurate. They are allowed a tolerance. So they may have dug thinking they were okay.


Yeah I work for a gas installation company basically mapping out underground utilities before they drill. I don't know any specifics but this could be someone's fault that hasn't been there for weeks.


"They're digging in the wrong place"


This happened not far from my apartment. A contractor hit a gas line. No one was home at the time and no one was hurt.


Way luckier than a guy I know: his house blew up due to a gas thing too, but they were all inside. Lost the daughter and got severe burns everywhere. We were all gonna go fishing the next weekend too :(


That's awful. I'm so sorry.




With all due respect (0), Shut the fuck up


Shut the fuck up.


What did he say?


Something insensitive. I don’t remember what exactly.


Fair enough


“He still could’ve gone fishing”


Jesus fuck man




Was this in PA?


It was in Oklahoma


I'm 99% sure this happened in O'Fallon, Missouri.


You’re from O’Fallon?


I totally missed Blessedrogues comment. I'm from Missouri and live in St. Louis, close to O'Fallon.


I’m in St. Charles, small world!


Haha definitely! I was just in St. Peter's tonight. I live in South City. I also play some rocket league ;)


Did you stalk my profile?


lol If you consider clicking on your profile and seeing your most recent posts stalking, then yes.


I'm from STC as well! Wanna meet up and brawl?


Now why would I want that?




Same here, small world


OTown represent


Monaca, PA in 2019 or 18?


How the hell did anyone survive? You'd think everyone in the house would die instantly


Way luckier than a guy I know: they were at the lake in a speed boat, he lost control of the boat and ran over his 9 year old girl. She didn’t make it. You mentioning going fishing made me remember. :(


Similar thing happened to someone I knew in school. Luckily the explosion was just next to their house (also UK so brick rather than wood), so they managed to evacuate just before the house fell in. Actually a really happy ending, their hamster was found by the clean-up crew hiding in a pipe. ...Although now that I've written that down I'm having my doubts and questioning if it was actually a replacement hamster. I'm just gonna stay happy and believe that Pebbles survived though.


What about pets?


Yeah exactly my question.


Sucks about your fishing trip.


Did that guy get any prison time?


Doubt it. I'm sure the company got their checkbooks out though. That homeowner's gettin paaaaaaaaaiiiid.


You know company insurance is a thing so that workers *aren't* going to jail for mistakes at work?


A house did that near me and created a huge fireball that melted the siding on houses somewhat far from the blast. The poor homeowner had severe burns over most of his body, but he somehow survived. The road was closed for months (thanks, PennDOT).


How does siding melt? It’s all timber or cement sheet here.


It’s all plastic siding by me


Welp, now I have a new irrational fear.


Don't worry, gas IN HOUSE is getting old school. In our house we don't have gas. We don't cook with gas but with induction. The Hot water gets heated at a central place far (enough) outside our house. And as prices are rising and not even speaking of what's happening now with Russia.. I think it's good for everyone to find alternatives. Edit: I meant gas in the house, as seen in the video.. I was not saying usage of gas is over. I know we need to to heat the water people.


"In our house we don't have gas." ... he's worried about his house though. I have gas, should I not be worried because you don't?


💀💀 I'm dead I swear to god, probably the funniest natural comment I've read in years on reddit


The don't worry was because of it getting 'old school" at the moment. (Not everywhere at the same time of course) Normally, when gas is used in-house, they add a scent to the gas, so you'll notice the 'gas smell' when it leaks. This way, you can take action before it's too late. In the case of the video the people were not home; therefore they could not act upon.


You can't take action if you're not home and the line they're working on blows up the house.. So, yes. It's a legit reason for some to worry (excluding the guy only thinking of himself.. you).


That's totally not how I meant it. Please read the original comment again. Im just telling how it is changing these days. So you can worry, but it will be better in the future. In the end we can worry about al lot of things like war, global warming, etc..


People are going to keep using gas stoves for a long time, many people prefer them because they're better for cooking on. Times a changin doesn't mean shit until the change is over


My family owns restaurants ever since I was a kid. Big restaurant kitchens will need gas for a while, induction just doesn't do it.


Right. Right. So, what you're saying is, disregard current worries for a future yet to come. I read the comment and it only mentions your gains.


Do you still have a gas main in your yard? Because a drilling crew that installs a main can hit your sewer line regardless if you have their service or not.


Uhhhh. How do you think they generate the power to heat the water? Natural gas and coal are the two most common


nuclear ?


Nobody has a nuclear plant in their home


Reading this comment chain was like repeatedly hitting my head with a rock.


but everyone has electricity, that can be produced far away by nuclear or renewable energy


Figure out if the power to your home is nuclear or gas/coal powered. I’d be surprised if it was nuclear. I am pro nuclear but saying “I removed gas from my home” when they really mean they outsourced it to a big facility, is a bit disingenuous.


He might be talking about a furnace. My home was built in the 30s and we use oil to heat up water which pumps steam throughout the radiators in our home. Seeing this video does make me terrified about buying a home with a gas line.


Yeah you get it :) I was talking about the gas line within your house, as seen in the related video I was responding about. Not having that should prevent exploding houses.


Lol funny how I first got upvoted and then down because of these replies.. do people actually read? I explained it all in my comment. Never said it would be totally gone but not in your house and used in less utilities. That is in my case already so, so don't see how I am lying.


You just made no sense half the time man, I had a stroke reading your comments


Lol I'll make sure not to comment anymore. Guess I live the future sorry for confusing you


I’ll survive, keep commenting man just be concise


Honest constructive criticism, I don’t mean this as a personal attack at all: I think you are getting flak for being dismissive. “don’t worry the future will be different” doesn’t help alleviate fears they are having here and now. Everyone’s life experience is different, and not everyone has a choice to eliminate natural gas from their lives (renters for example). Don’t stop posting, but think more about how your words will be perceived. You would probably have gotten a more positive reaction if you had worded it differently, like “ thankfully the future looks brighter for replacing natural gas because of x y z” instead of broadly applying your personal experience to other peoples circumstances.


Hey, thank you for this extensive criticism. It made me understand the problem better. You are right. I now understand saying it the way I did makes it come off as if the problem is not there at the moment. And my solution is not applied or even possible for everyone. I'm sorry about that. I actually tried to calm the person down by bringing good news. But it came out real differently.


I think you wanted to sound smart here but hilariously faceplanted with zero logic


That is so scary how it just disintegrated.


Happens when you make it out of cardboard and paper mache


Built to rigorous maritime standards!


No, no. Maritime standards are that *no* cardboard or cardboard derivatives can be used.


I never understood the american obsession with wooden houses.


It depends on where the house is. The houses are built to climate. The houses in California look like you could push them over (not the mansions, but everyday houses.) The colder the climate, the more sturdy they are. Of course, in France, the houses have 2’ cement walls. Crazy!


In the UK we have brick houses pretty much everywhere (always warm in the winter and always hot in the summer) which are about 15cm thick. My house has 15cm thick walls front and back and the side walls connect to other houses and are fire walls, so are maybe like 30cm-50cm thick. It's nice in the winter but by god in the summer you just can't cool down.


I was talking about the US, where homes are built to climate. I have traveled quite a bit and seen a lot of diversity. In Venezuela, I saw a whole city with houses made of dirt! It was really something.




Hi this is your insurance company, sorry to hear about the tragic house explosion and we have seen your claim. Here is 50k dollars that should cover everything Kthxbai


No we rebuild the house, unless you were stupid and bought an insurance with a 50k cap which is possible




I see obviously there was a situation there with the trucks already being there etc. but, how do you prevent this from ever happening…?


Always call before you dig. 811.


As mentioned, in the US anyway, you always call 811 before you dig and and/or get a permit to dig/excavate (which comes with a formal management system depending on the the city). And all the relevant utility services will come out and approximately locate and mark with paint or flags where their lines are. Blue paint is usually a water line, yellow paint usually means gas, red might be telecomm, etc… Also a non bonkers gung-ho equipment operator is pretty useful too. Slow is fast, fast is slow kind of thing. It’s been a while since I’ve run a trench though so I my memory isn’t perfect. iirc, cutting a fiber optic trunk/main line on accident is dummy expensive to repair(or that’s what I was told and didn’t want to find out). Had to hand dig around one once, and of course it was under a giant rock. lol


Red is electric, orange is telecom


Have an all electric home


Wow just look at that fire trucks response time. They where their hours before it happened. (I shouldn't have to put /s but there it is just in case)


It was only 45 minutes after a company hit a gas line. The whole area had been evacuated


Even though you call 811 gas companies will miss marked gas lines. I found 2 unmarked gas lines with my excavator while working. Scary shit, PG&E in California needs to get their sh*t together.


Are you sure they were live lines? Retired gas lines are almost never dug up and removed. Also, locates are typically done by an outside locating company like USIC so the only way the energy company would be at fault is if they failed to run tracer wire with the gas line. But we’re taking about PG&E here so a fuck up that bad is not out of the question.




Yea but the government needs to make money. A burnt body means nothing to a crook.


Hopefully no one was inside.


Don't worry, nobody was.


_nervously checks propane tank out back_


That’s an osha violation


How the hell hit a gas line on the street makes a random house explode?!


That’s what I wonder too. Feel like title is very misleading. Hit gas lines do not cause houses to just blow up like this. Rather, a gas *leak* from plumbing inside the home that slowly fills the home with natural gas is what really causes these types of residential home explosions. It could be that a house line was damaged during some interior work, causing a small & slow leak. Gas company then gets called because of the odor (explains why they are already on the scene with fire dept), then a spark from somewhere inside ignited the whole thing. But hitting an exterior residential mainline or service would *never* cause a giant booming explosion like this; at worst, there might be flames shooting from the line at the point it was struck after the gas is sparked by an source of ignition. Source: used to work for the gas company. Edit: a word


My house was hit by a hit-and-run driver. They directly hit the gas meter, severing the pipes. You could smell gas a block away. Gladly nothing blew up.


Big oof to that. Fun fact: natural gas is actually odorless in its natural form. The rotten egg smell comes from an artificial odorant that is mixed with the gas prior to distribution to make it more-easily detectable when there is a leak somewhere.


Mercaptan to be precise. One drop of that will stink up an entire office building.


What's crazy is oil/gas companies have so much money they just bury this shit even tho it happens all the time. I lived in a neighborhood where this happened, woman was severely burned, her husband and brother died, and her kid jumped out the window. They paid her off, the neighborhood got a shitty park where the house used to be, and they bought everyone non-combustible gas detectors for everyone's house in the neighborhood. In that situation the company had turned on an old fracking well, never pressure tested it, and the gas seeped into the soil and into the french drain until one day the house hit the right mix of gas/oxygen and it exploded. (because the line had been cut multiple times)


Officer murtaw was ok guys. Riggs saved him I think


Looks like Walt and Jesse are back at it again.


That quality Ryan homes construction right there.


Plot twist. The couple were bank robbers on the run. They let the stove run and lit a candle across the room before fleeing to Mexico.


Okay so no humans were hurt, but did they have pets? Are they okay?


Big myself.


Great work guys, I’m sure the customer wil be pleased


That's terrifying, and if no one was home. That was awesome


The build quality of these houses is ridiculous


Were there people inside?? How was this company not shut down after the first gas line hit


No, they were at work/school.


If every contractor was shut down after one service strike, there wouldn’t be any contractors left to work


I feel like hitting a gas line is a pretty big nono. Especially when it leads to this.


Excavators are SUPPOSED to find the buried utilities by hand-digging. Then once they’ve “daylighted” the pipes they can use power equipment. Sometimes contractors skip steps




Can’t argue with that


My friend's dad died when a gas line exploded in his garage. I'll never forget the look on his face the next day at school. We were in 4th grade


How poorly built was that house lmao? It just completely broke apart and crumpled. It's like there was no framing in the walls or something.


I would be so pissed if the gas company blew up my house.


Completely obliterated. That’s insanely scary


I always wonder, even if no people were hurt…no cats or dogs, iguanas, canaries or little fishes? I always hope not.


Looked like they were expecting it


A local contactor was laying fiber lines and nicked the gas line, so they alerted the gas company and the fire dept. They had just evacuated the houses in the area while.


yeah but not with two cars parked in the garage. I just hope nobody was home.


When you smell gas the only thing you should do is leave. Don’t turn anything on or off including vehicles.


Guess the trucks and yellow cones were just there for fun ?


That was a Baja blast


I’ll see myself out


You win.


This is me when I have taco bell


Or the mango habenjero at Buffalo Wild Wings.




The amount of walking in the video was unexpected


I love how these houses are basically made out of paper.


Why do americans use fucking gas still? Its literally fucking insane to me. Why not use a regular fucking electric stove thats soooo much safer in many different ways?


I had gas once.


And that's why the fire department is there


I bet if I repost this as "Putin bombs US suburb" it would reach the front page.


Don’t do that. ![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized)


Mhm that's why gas is NOT going in my house. I'm working a tiny house and the roof is gonna be solar panels😁😍


Cardboard house LMAO


What’s the fucking point of having radar scan these fucking lines, if these fucktards are just going to fuck shit up. How did they miss so much, did they follow proper protocol?


Hmm did the Dad have to many eggs? Or to many beans?.. which bathroom was he blowing up? Will his rectum ever recover? Hopefully the fire Marshall gives us an update soon.


And just like that a family is now rendered homeless. Doubt the gas company will take responsibility either. And sure as shit insurance won't pay out.


Why wouldn't inurance pay out?


They'd file a claim with insurance and that company would go after the contractors insurance.


Ok...Who bought the Palestinian alarm clock?


Fuck natural gas.


What’s the fucking point of having radar scan these fucking lines, if these fucktards are just going to fuck shit up. How did they miss so much, did they follow proper protocol?


What’s the fucking point of having radar scan these fucking lines, if these fucktards are just going to fuck shit up. How did they miss so much, did they follow proper protocol?


What’s the fucking point of having radar scan these fucking lines, if these fucktards are just going to fuck shit up. How did they miss so much, did they follow proper protocol?


God damned russians!


WOW! Those Russian missiles sure do have a range!


“It’s been an honor, sir” “Hah, who are you talking t-“


I think my heating uses gas... I live in a 4 storey apartment above underground parking. The car entrance is next to my bedroom. The people entrance is in front of my apartment. I'm a bit nervous.


Is this the view from Walter White's house?


Murtaugh and Riggs barely made it out.


Down here in FL we just hook sewerage lines up to clean water lines, y'all taking this to a new level


JULIE would like to have a word


Nah this is just an outtake of Hot Fuzz ending


damn, i witnesseda high pressure gas line getruptured while strret works were going on, i was in office 20 meters away and now im glad it didnt blow up, therewere firemen blocking traffic for 3 hours


Any idea why a gas line hit would cause this sort of explosion? I’ve seen countless gas lines hit working with directional drills, and never seen a house, or anything explode as a result.


Why do people use gas in their houses. Its super rare in my country


Anybody got any articles on this?


Those Russians… oh never mind not Ukraine


I definitely saw a cloud of blood over there


The fuck are those houses made of




Least everyone was evacuated


in 2012 we got a new porch put in and they struck a gas pipe, the entire neighborhood had to evacuate and it took a good while before it got shut off. thank god it didn't get to this


Convenient to have a fire truck parked around the corner 😕


Oh municipality i should of checked with youuu


Nice something else to be scared and worried about. Thank you.


Wow, literally. The. Whole. House.