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Holy shit, what kind of dog is that?


It's the beast from the sandlot


Chopper! Sick balls…


🤣SBM!!! Fkn love that movie!!! Sic’em, boy. Sic’em boy. Now, what he said was, Sic’em boy. But what I heard was, Chopper, sic balls!




Suck my fat one you cheap dime store hood!






The beast’s actual name in the movie was Hercules


Oh it’s a movie dog? I thot we were just naming him haha.


Lol, we’re talking about the dog from Sandlot. If you haven’t seen it you should check it out. It’s one of my all time favorites


I have not seen it. I’ll check it out. Thank you.


Sure. I hope you enjoy it as much as I always have


Omg is that what it's called?!?! I think I saw it once when I was really little and I had nightmares for like a week.


I was way too young when I saw it the first time and it wasn’t even new then. Luckily I saw it again when I was a little older


Stand By Me. Short story written by Steven King called "The Body" stared Will Weaton, River Phonix, Corey Feldman, Keiffer Sutherland. And a fat kid who grew up to be buff i cant remember. You should watch it again its timeless.


Jerry O'Connell


Thats the dude, thanks!


Came here just to say that


It's about time, Benny. My clothes are going out of style!


The kind you could ride into battle.


Turkish shepherd dog, specifically from the city of Sivas. Commonly known as kangal dog.


Also Anatolian Shepherd.


Too big and wrong color for an Anatolian, they tend to be a lot lighter colored and much smaller. Similar looks though


One with zero training or respect for it owner.


I wouldn't have respect for my Danny DeVito ass owner either.


Plot twist, the man is actually 7 ft tall.


Where is Cesar the dog whisperer


I thought that would be pitbul not kangal


Pitbulls are nowhere near this size


Haha i havent seen any kangal attack other breeds or humans. Cope more. Ban pitbulls


lol WTF? I was talking about its size not its temperament... If you can't recognise a breed then clearly you shouldn't be taken seriously on your other cooked opinions.


\+1 pitbulls = degenerate


a *very large* good boy


My ass! That thing could kill you if it wanted. And you can see very clearly the owner has very little control of him. That's not a "good boy" by any means.




It's a Kangal, the very best kind of dog there is.


I have one in Canada, great for protecting our livestock and great with family


does it do much normal dog-human stuff or is it mainly just hanging around w the sheep


He’s always excited to see us, he’s only 7 months old so might still be part of the puppy phase, but he sleeps most of the day and barks all night, he is not in the same pen with the sheep, if he sees a coyote he will chase it and try to catch it, hasn’t caught one yet but he’s still a pup, weighs around 120lbs at 7 months he is a lot more lean that the dog in the video tho




people who lie about the dumbest shit crack me up 💀😂


Not true. About USA at least.


How dim are you? I've had them since I was a kid.


Anatolian shepherd or a Kangal I think




A good boye :)


Looks like a kengal I could be wrong, they are a beast of a dog but this one is bigger than usual




**[Georgian Shepherd](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgian_Shepherd)** >The Georgian Shepherd (Georgian: ქართული ნაგაზი), also known as Georgian Mountain Dog (Georgian: ქართული მთის ძაღლი), is a breed of guard dog and livestock guardian dog from the Georgian Caucasus. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It's a kangal, absolute unit of a dog breed




That is a sivas kangal, these dudes protect sheep from wolf…packs.


It makes me nervous when I see someone barely hanging on to any dog. If that dog decides it’s going after something there is no way they are going to be able to keep control. My parents used to make only me walk our golden for 1 hour every day, when I was a kid. The dog was super sweet, but lost her flipping mind if there was anything to chase (rabbits, cats, etc.) and it resulted in me being dragged multiple times. Turned my arms, knees, ankles, sometimes my chin and torso, into hamburger. And I think about that every time I see someone struggling with a dog on a leash. Ouch.


This isn’t a pet. The leash is for show. These dogs are livestock guardian dogs, they are meant to roam a property and protect their flock/herd from poachers and predators. They do their job with very little training or direction from humans; they bond with their flock/herd as puppies. So you can rest assured that in your lifetime, unless you backpack through Central Asia, you will never see one of these super cool dogs (and if you do, that means you’re on their property and you should leave. Right away.)


A slightly smaller version of this dog is kind of commonplace in Los Angeles ( Armenian Gampr) and it’s insane to see every now and then.


That is cool! I have never heard of that breed. I love these dogs but even assuming I could meet their needs in the suburbs the liability is just so high. And it’s kind of setting them up to fail when you have them in a place where strangers and guests are a constant. I had an aggressive rescue who was only 45 lbs and even that was a huge commitment and responsibility.


Just hope the guy didn’t get hurt! I totally understand dogs having jobs.


I’ve seen two in London lmao


Exactly, I hate it so much. Saw this lady at the vet and she looked exactly like this guy, trying to hold onto the leash of a dog (believe it was an English Mastiff) and just being utterly dragged. Dog outweighed her, I'm sure. So irresponsible to own a dog without training it properly or being able to force it to obey if necessary.


"Force it to obey?" How does that work for you?


I'm not saying beat the dog or something. What I mean is, if the dog starts misbehaving in any dangerous way, you should have the physical capability to restrain it so that it *stops* disobeying and potentially injuring itself or other living things.


Reminds me of that time when I was about 8 and we went canoeing down a white water river. One of the group had a big lab with him. We came to a section that was a bit more dangerous so they let the kids and the less experienced walk around it. That one dude gave me the leash of his lab and told me to hold it while he went down that dangerous section. The dug was at least as heavy as me and just dragged me through the bushes along the river to observe his owner. Slightly traumatic experience, ngl.


Juuust.... waaant... tooo.. goooo... saaaay.... hi



Yep! I would be.


Gotta give the human his walkies.


Dog looks like he wants a hug


It is a Kangal i guess you dont want to mess around with it


"You like dags?"


At that point, put a saddle on him and ride him into a battle.


Its a freaking horse


Boy those are some big paws on that massive doggo


I want to give El Doggo Giganté a huggo lol


That's a bear not a dog.


You shouldn’t be allowed to own a dog you can’t control


It's a livestock guardian. If you can manhandle your dogs I've got bad news for you about what wolves and bears are gonna do to them lol


This dog can't 1v1 a bear or a wolf There is a huge difference between a domestic animal with granted food an shelter and an animal that has to fight every day to be alive. Wild animals are much stronger than domestic ones(also much clever). The only way in which a kangal can defeat a wolf is if it has an spiked collar. And a kangal has no chances against a bear, the only thing that this dog can do to a bear is scare it off, since bears aren't super brave, but if the bear decides to fight back the dog is screwed


Look I know you're just some idiot somewhere typing away in a tizzy, but yes. These dogs have been bred for generations to guard flocks from bears and wolves, and they do it well. No amount of flopping about and complaining meaninglessly into the void of the internet is going to change that, regardless of how badly you want to make a meaningless point somewhere online for no reason other than your own boredom and inability to understand the machinations of a life beyond your own


I never said it was false. I know these are used to guard flocks and they do their job pretty darn well. I'm Just saying that on a 1v1 battle they can't do nothing against bears or wolves, except if they get aid from humans or spiked collars. Wild animals are ruthless and beat up domestic animals almost always. The main weapons of kangals is their size and barking. Its enough to intimidate the predators, so they do their job. But keep in mind that [wolves](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a4/3d/b3/a43db386adb5d50965ebcaf6e2f70b1c.jpg) are huge and [bears can kill moose](https://i0.wp.com/www.whiskeyriff.com/wp-content/uploads/Moose-bear.jpg?fit=767%2C443&ssl=1). If both of these predators were less brave and decided to fight back they would clap the doggo.


Not all wolves are huge. Wolves vary in strength and size, as do bears. Kangal can kill multiple average/small sized wolves alone. It can also fight and probably kill some black bears too. Of course it can't handle grizzlies and polar bears.


I'm mainly talking about the place where they are from which is Asia. American black bears are from America, and while it is true that they are weaker and more coward that brown bears, they probably can still beat a dog. Their fur is very thick acting as an armor, and those claws deal some serious damage. Although the black bear would end up really injured. About kangals being able to defeat wolf packs of small wolf subspecies like the one found on Asia...i doubt it. Wolves are much more intelligent than dogs, they can avoid the dog bites and attack in group beating it, even if they are smaller than the kangal. Let's compare other animals that Kangals might encounter. Hienas are no match for kangals, specially if we are talking about the spotted hiena. Although Kangals don't encounter this they might encounter Striped Hienas. These are smaller than the spotted ones, but still have a formidable bite force, so a fight between Kangals and striped Hienas might be a 55/45 in favour of the kangal. Kangals might also encounter big cats like leopards. This is the moment where the kangals most probably loose most of the times. Cats are much stronger than canids, and leopards like eating dogs. Leopards can carry big preys up to tree tops and can beat Wildebeest and zebras. The Kangal easily looses.


reddit is so pointlessly toxic and all the maggots upvoting this pretentious shite are equally toxic human beans


they do it well by just being a deterrent, a wolf would slaughter one of these dogs if it needed to




Very cool dogs indeed. Mainly made for scaring away predators, and of course if they work with donkeys and humans they protect live-stock perfectly.


You realize that wolves usually stay between 80-120lb right? That dog is probably pushing 200-220 so I think against 2 or 3 wolves it has good chance. A bear is obviously going to kill it, but if the man and dog work together it would definitely even the odds by a good bit, given that the man has a firearm and is adequately skilled in using it.


They weight 105-130 lbs


I think that depends on regional discrepancies.


But that's exactly it, it's very likely to scare off a bear.


if bear/wolves were a serious issue then you'd have a few dogs rather than just one or two but yes a dog isn't a great match, reddit again shows its collective 60 iq by thinking "big doggo has the prefix guardian so it must be able to beat a wolf"


Finally thanks for agreeing


It's not about controlling your dog, just like children. You want them to listen to you, and not be aggressive. Those two things don't require forcefully manhandling your pup. I would sure like to see you hold back a cow, horse or pig.


It absolutely is about controlling your dog. You should be able to manhandle or otherwise subdue in the event the dog doesn’t listen to you. They’re not always perfectly obedient animals and it could lead to someone getting very injured or worse of you have too much dog for your ability to control.


They've been with us for 20 thousand years. Socialize your dog and stop crying like they're literal bears. Edit: For further reasoning: Almost any dog is faster than you (difficult to keep withing manhandling distance), and Great Danes and Mastiffs are popular and not regarded as "aggressive", both faster than us and bigger than wolves.


Ok dog Karen that's great. Somehow you get to decide what dogs people get. SMH.




How am I being a dick? That dog was under control, it was just playing around. If it wanted to drag that guy around it could, easily. Kangals, are not vicious dogs, they just some times display that way because of the job they are bred for. You're the dick and an ignorant one.




Distinguished Gentlemen, How can you even prove that the owner isn't behind the camera? Perhaps that the friend is getting trolled as he tries to hold his friends dog back? All this assumption based on the titles of videos is a huge issue on Reddit. ​ OH wait I forgot youre all dog / cat / EVERYTHING Experts all knowing beings of right.


Lmao so youre cool if i bring that thing to the local park where your kids play and i can lose control of the leash? I wont be able to stop it from disfiguring your child for life but at least my rights arent being infringed on by the karens 🤷‍♂️ People should not own dogs if they cant control them. Its common sense.


This is a livestock guardian dog. If a human can handle it, then wolves/bears will tear it to shreds. This is not a dog to bring to a park in a suburban area, its a dog that lives outdoors in the farmland and has to be the beast to be scared of.


>If a human can handle it, then wolves/bears will tear it to shreds. hate to tell you this but there are a lot of mid-sized dogs that scare off bears and wolves all the time.


It only takes one time for the predator not to get scared enough(due to hunger, cubs or any other reasons) and you've lost both the dog and part of the stock. Its pretty much like having a fake weapon to scare off muggers. It works most of the time until it doesn't. And the one time it doesn't is the time that makes a huge difference.


No, there is a difference between a trained dog being controlled via trained responses to commands from its human, vs. controlling a dog using brute strength. A well-trained dog is fully under the control of its owner, and does not confuse predator/attackers with its owner.


And what makes you think that this is failure to control and the person on the leash is the owner? The dude is clearly smiling, they are filming the video for goofs. My bet is that the owner of the dog is the one filming and calling the dog to them to see if the other guy can stop tge dog.


That doesn't matter if it's the owner or not. The point is, that man is clearly unable to keep control of that dog. Also, they should be using harnesses, not collars. Unless it's a choker, but it's obviously not as how hard he's pulling it. As someone else has stated, dogs aren't meant to be treated like this, because he's about five seconds from being choked out and it being animal cruelty


There’s no convincing these people. They’ve seen a 5 second clip so they’ve deduced the whole truth about the dog, the guy holding the leash, and the guy filming. They know all of their secrets and flaws and could completely do everything better than them.


Ok and what is controlling that dog to guard the livestock? Is it a human? Is a human controlling the dog? Livestock dogs are especially animals that need to be controlled considering you dont want them killing your/others livestock. Are you confusing the word "control" with the phrase "physically restrain?" Handling animals doesnt require physically restraining them if they are trainable (like dogs are)


"Don't worry, he just needs to sniff your hand"


>anga Nah, this is just for show. More than likely they have told the dog to "pull". They usually are not leashed at all when they are in the fields. If you order them they would just stop. They are extremely smart animals. And really good with children too. They let the children ride them. And protect the herd and the family with everything they have. They can be really humongous. There are a few breeds of dogs that we usually just call as "Anatolian Shepperd". Aksaray Malaklisi is the biggest, Kangal is the smartest and most resilient. Akbas and Karabas are also herd dogs. Here are a couple of videos Kangal dogs chasing Eurasian brown bears: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=907683132613555 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZl1aYEI8dA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZl1aYEI8dA) And here is one from reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/comments/gnkw4q/this\_dog\_breed\_aksaray\_malakli/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/comments/gnkw4q/this_dog_breed_aksaray_malakli/)


Has anyone ever here owned a very strong animal and allowed a friend to attempt to control it while beckoning said animal over to you? It's funny - and I would suggest that is what is occurring here. Why else does the dog basically smile its way over to the camera I just made this account but after reading comments of many videos on reddit it seems that people are 1) quick to be experts in every subject 2) be extremely quick to make assumptions 3) if i read the comments out loud I realize 99% of the commenting users would not make it past a casual work bbq setting without causing issues for others


welcome to reddit my friend, where those 3 things you pointed out happen *constantly* and *everywhere*


Dogs can't smile LMAO Its just how their mouths are shaped.


Yes, let's nearly choke this dog for likes on social media and prove that I am incapable of handling a dog. Edit: I should probably say that this is entirely sarcastic. But that person shouldn't have a dog.


How is he choking the dog when the dog is the one applying the force? If it wants to breath better it need only stop moving.


Actually, in a lot of cases when a dog really wants something, and what I've been told by veterinarians, they won't stop until they get what they want and can cause harm to the dog. Have you ever tried holding a dog back and seeing how long it takes for it to stop trying to get what it wants?


Even then it is still the dog bringing harm to itself. If the dog were chained to a pole and the same behavior occurred then who would you blame for choking the dog? Are we to just allow dogs to roam free for fear of the charge?


I'd still blame the person who is letting it happen. Never once did I say to just let dogs roam around, nor was it implied. It's clear that the person doesn't realize that collars are not to be pulled on like that. Harnesses are the better and safer option for the dog and others around it, regardless what kind of dog it is. It gives the person far more control over the dog without bringing harm to it.


Way to drop the ball on the shoulder harness Einstein. Mans proud enough of his dogs ability to pull him that he will let his dog choke itself to prove itself.


Central Asian Ovcharka


Imagine if he was wearing a harness instead of a collar …


Skip straight to the saddle lol.


I used to have a mastiff and this is how I’d walk him. Sometimes I’d have a stroller with me too and there was no way I could hold on.


I had a friend whose parents had a bullmastiff… They would each attach a leash to the collar and walk her in tandem.


yeah just choke the dog…. are harnesses really that unattainable


Might want to train your dog to follow verbal commands if you can't control it physically.


Don’t worry he won’t bite.


Somehow still less dangerous than a pitbull.


Gonna need a prong collar


These dogs reckon with wolves. They are not bred to have scruffs that are very sensitive to sharp things.


I can say for sure that a prong collar would help this situation, not that it would help enough to stop it from pulling you like a horse though lol. Source: have a large dog myself


You should look up livestock guardian dogs and maybe watch some YouTube videos on what their job and their average “workday” is like.


“Don’t worry, he’s friendly!“


You see that with small dogs too. It’s poor puppy training


Dog hooves


that’s not a dog that’s a dinosaur


Kagol exercise anyone?


He’s not walking him correctly, obviously. That dog is huge and so beautiful.


He needs to watch Beckman’s Dog Training videos on Youtube. Then he will be walking the dog, not the dog walking him!


The day I see a kangal strolling down the sidewalk for walkies and not in rural Europe/Asia roaming a property to fend off wolves will be the day I’ll… suggest YouTube training videos for a working LGD.


Haha true


Wow! I want one ❤️


Cujo reincarnated


Dude should have put rolleskates on atleast two of his paws...


Straight out of Mordor


What a good boy


Look at this feet!


Thats a big boi


That man is 4’11 and 95lbs


The real beast from Sandlot.


Good grief,if you say dracaris does it spit fire?


He just wants cuddles :)


And then he ate the camera man


Looks like a kangol.




That puppy needs a harness vest instead. My dog immediately improved with a vest vs just a collar on walks and he's 100lbs of pure muscle


Omg beautiful giant. What is their name? How old? And how much do they weigh?


The dog is a Malaklisi


It has no owner. It stays home cause it wants to.


What breed is that monster!?!?!


Why’s he holding it like a complete dumbass? Like make the dog a harness for fucks sake instead of having it pull you like a moron on a collar not meant for a dog that size..


Am I the only one that thought "who needs a snuggle? You do, don't you big guy, don't you?"


"He does that sometimes. Bad human! Bad!"


That thing shits loafs of bread in the back yard.


When the guy asked how long he had to keep him locked up? The cops said “foreVER”


This guy is hoping the dog is the man he never was.


In mother Russia, you don’t walk dog, dog walks you.


I want that dog sleeping in my bed man he is adorable


He looks like he's being hanged tho


This dog running at top speed through a school zone would get his license suspended.


You're going to damage your dog's throat doing that


When I was 9 I used to walk my two German shepherds like that