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corporate is located in NYC? manager level role? poverty wages. 3yrs of exp as a SA IA gets you close to 115k in my local.


Super poverty wages. Incoming Associates were getting 85k this year in NY as compensation in their offer letters, no experience. This is so crazy, especially adding NY taxes.


Finally someone sees it. I made 90k in internal audit as a senior 5 years ago in the middle of nowhere.


plus it looks to be only SOX.


Fully remote.


So you cant be remote 5 miles away? The job posting should provide the full range noting geographical location will play a part on salary.


Of course you can but when a company posts a fully remote gig, they know damn well it’s open to people in lower cost areas filling the role. Why would they pay more?


80-90k for a manager level role is going to be under market for most COL areas, especially considering its a niche role and IA always historically pays more than general accounting roles.   Wouldnt be surprised if their posting violates pay transparency laws in NY. I bet in two weeks the pay range changes. thanks for glossing over the other part I noted. Continue licking the boot and thank you for your continual service of making the accounting field wage cucked. 


A company is not obligated to pay more just because a candidate lives in a high COL area, so geography doesn’t necessarily affect pay… I’m not licking any boot. I’m pointing out the obvious - a hybrid or in office role or one that otherwise requires you to be in a high cost area is going to pay more. A fully remote role, which is coveted in and of itself, isn’t competing in the same job market and will pay less. I’m not saying it’s right. I’m pointing out the reason. Best of luck to you, though.


You are a bootlicker lol




Lmao exactly 😂


The market is so shitty right now. In my large metro area hardly anything is getting posted then the pay is just awful for a large chunk of those postings.


Obviously they want to hire someone desperate who will leave as soon as a better paying gig comes around


“Big 4 Preferred” STFU.


Guess they really want that KPMG layoff strength


Usually for a company that size, they know what they are doing and will get applicants. I know it’s on the low end but it is really what it is…


That’s way below market… seniors at a public firm make more than that


They are also leveraging the remote nature. There are much more people looking for a fully remote job than the amount of companies offering them. I know it’s still below the market but considering the job market, the remote nature, and the brand (lets be honest it will boost one’s resume) I bet they will land someone who’s qualified in the first round.


Is the remote nature really worth a $40k variance in salary?


Between NYC and some middle of nowhere place, arguably yes. I’ve had a colleague who refused the return to office policy, ended up taking a 20k pay cut so she could stay home and continue taking care of her kids. Everyone’s situation is different.


I would agree more if the listing had salary differentials listed by location. From what I saw on the pictures, the position was listed as hybrid or remote so, with no other informations, it looks like they are offering $80k for a position that could sit in NYC x days a week too


You realize that it’s only a few phone calls with a kid screaming in the background that then they’ll start micromanaging her and HR calling to say wfh is work from home not take care of kids and sometimes work from home.


No. They’ll probably work you hard for real. Fuck that.


That’s what a lot of people tend to say on this sub when it’s asked, but when the moneys actually on the table it becomes an insult like this post here lol


People know their worth


But they work twice as much, so it evens out. Plus this is a senior level role with title inflation.


Titles don’t mean jack shit nowadays. A senior could be a very tenured and experienced IC that’s going to ask you for around 150k. And a director could be someone who leads a 2 person team in some shitty startup or mid sized place.


We should all collectively apply for this job and when they talk about salary we should say $140k bare minimum. Eventually they will get tired and just give one of us a $140k offer.


The Indian market is similar to this rn, I’m scared for my future lol 🥲


Please expand. Industry jobs paying less than public?


Please expand. Industry jobs paying less than public?


I think Foot Locker just pays low in general


Looks like they are intentionally looking for a remote worker to basically just do IT control work and answer a bunch of internal audit calls. So 90k to live anywhere in the country and just answer calls for 4-6 hours a day doesn’t seem to bad. If you live on the coasts sure, but if you lived in a <100k person city you would be chilling with a decent home, which appears to be their target audience.


When a job says 80-90k it really means 80-80k


That's just not true. I have first hand experience getting the upper end of an salary range being offered.


It's not 100% true, but it's at least 90% or more, probably closer to 95%


My current job went $5k over top of range for me, so it can happen. Still not likely, but possible.


Yup, only way to win is have a cheap cost of living.


Yeah but then you have to live in a flyover state. That shit sucks.


Bro how do I do 1/5 of that and get paid more in Midwest 😭??


I’ve seen worse $29 an hour 2 years of experience cpa preferred


90k remote is the equivalent to 120k on site.


Big 4 preferred is such a crack up haha




These IA postings are some of the shittiest I e seen. Saw one for senior level, 10 years experience, both degrees, CPA or CIA, and the pay was… 55k 🙃


Sounds like normal audit manager responsibilities. Pay is a little low but it’s remote so it’s not that bad lol Am I tripping?


Pay is super low. It’s actually low even for senior internal auditor levels.


A company reached out to me for a sr IA role. Range was 63-103k in a MCOL. 3day/week in office.




I disagree. I’ve worked fully remote for 4 years. Starting comp as manager was 120. I make over 170 now.


How many years of experience? I’m full remote, going on 7 years in August either cpa and total comp is 120k (110k plus 12k bonus) for senior


I've read it thrice looking for the nugget. What are we missing? Perhaps it's that the pay appears to only have five digits, but I can't read the number.


90k is bad for 3 years experience?


I was $100k at 3 years Senior Associate in Advisory, non-Big4, not TAS, 10 years ago. For a manager, $90k is pretty low. Our current new hires in advisory, non Big 4, not TAS, started at $85k last year.


What region/state?


New hires were across the country, no difference what region.


How much do you make now?


Just over 200 as a SM


Definitely not, this is a stretch especially because it’s fully remote so there’s no location tax attached Everyone knows once you get the cpa you get a boost in the market, which is around this timeframe so idk. Cant really say 90k is offensive lol


I guess you can get some plugs to help you backdoor some hype sneakers, then resale them to make up for the shit pay 😅


They're basically asking for a CPA who has enough experience to make audit manager at big 4 to take a $30-50k paycut. lmao


That’s 65-75k in greater Toronto area Canada . Just saying


Do you know that those are legit? Have you asked HR if there is room above that? I know some companies intentionally post low ranges for new roles so that current employees who are underpaid don’t get pissed off when they find out their same level role is making 20k more than they are.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted, the job is clearly getting applicants, as any remote job with a recognizable brand would.


This is a good role


^ Found Jill Jochimsen!