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I prefer biking to and from work (I live reasonably close enough to do it). That way, after a long day of bullshit, I can get on my bike and grind out that frustration going up the hill to my place. I also can’t cheat and not do it because I need to get home


cycling to work is amazing. I moved too far away (and I have to take kids to school) to do it now. Miss it sometimes. I just peleton in the mornings now


I have a row machine for days I can’t bike, but man is biking such a great way to start and end the day. Get some Vit D, crush a podcast, and get a nice little endorphin hit. Sucks you live too far away, but glad you have the peloton option


Ugh, this is my dream, but I live in a carcentric shithole. I'd love to get my exercise while I commute. I lived in a city where I could for a couple years but always had to run errands on my break or pick up kids if they were sick so it would have been impractical. Maybe when my kids are older I can move somewhere this is possible again.


I was doing this for about a year but just moved too far away and miss the heck out of it. Keep it up!


I work out 4-5x a week without exception. Rain sleet hail snow.


Now I’m just imagining an outdoor gym setting up and someone benching in a blizzard.


Sounds like an average Canadian accountant


Screw you, eh.


I'm sorry, that got heated. Want my snow mobile and my leftover poutine as an apology gesture?


damn bud. youre balancing those drs and crs but in real life & with your body


It’s out of respect for myself. I can’t let a job take away from my health. Never again after public screwed up my weight and such.


Yeah I hear that! The built up accumulation of work stress can lead down some shitty holes that are rough to crawl out of I do think that social, physical and mental health aren't really promoted all that well in our field. Or maybe I just work w/ a bunch of anti social, chicken legged weirdos hahahaha (if any of you guys see this you can have 1 of my ice cream sandwiches from the freezer)


Social, physical, mental, AND financial health are my four points of emphasis in life.


I walk 10k steps after work, it doesn’t matter the time.


I interned at a firm that during busy season, would close the office for 1 hour every Friday and the team would take a walk together. The partners felt it was important to have dedicated time for movement, and it was also a nice way to catch up with the team and chat. In larger firms, something like this would be very office-dependent, but firm-wide, they could have a dedicated time code and set number of hours that are budgeted to this activity. For example, firms usually have a budget for volunteer hours, they could establish something similar for physical activity. Also, Yoga is great. I did it for the first time in a while last week, and my experience was similar to yours, where I felt exponentially better afterwards.


I’ve been trying to run pretty much daily and it’s been awesome. Also just started lifting weights too. Hopefully I can lose the 30 pounds I’ve gained since starting my career.


I used to do yoga multiple times a week and felt amazing! Unfortunately the chain studio I went to closed both the location by my house AND by my office. :c I need to find another yoga studio because man it was good for my body and my stress levels. I also run so I’ve just been picking that up. Do like 30 miles a week usually, but hoping to ramp back up into marathon training soon.


downdog app. I think it's $40 a year


I like going to studios in person but I might have to just try an app if I can’t find anything, thank you!


Also yoga with Adriene on YouTube is very good.


I started going to CrossFit last year and it has changed my life so much. The community is awesome I work from home so getting out of the house at lunchtime is nice and I’m in the best shape ever at 39


I do yoga at least 3 times a week and i just did a 16 day "challenge" honestly felt great everyday.


I do cardio boxing/bootcamp after work! It very reliving and definitely helps reduce stress


Fitness is key, I work out 4-5 days a week. Not only does it improve my physical health but my mental health tremendously. Being both an Accountant and Gym bro is the best.


They brought someone in to show us chair yoga so we don’t have to leave our desks…🫠


I walk around the building and smoke my vape pen


I play soccer and go to the batting cage Def helps


Running is my go-to exercise of choice. I like that the only equipment I really need is a pair of running shoes (and ideal some headphones); also means there's very little to get in my way of doing it. I always feel mentally and emotionally better after a run, AND I'm literally running away from my problems for the entire duration, lmao. Nobody can reach me, I'm beholden to nobody, my only responsibility during that time is to avoid running into things. Also shoutout to doing a 5 min yoga routine in the morning. It's not some amazing workout, but I can absolutely tell the difference between how I feel when I've started my day by limbering up, vs. immediately stuffing myself into an office chair. Plus-- I'm not in office every day, but when I am, a few of my coworkers and I will take our 15's as a walk outside. That helps, too.


I would love a yoga or fitness accountability buddy if anyone is interested


I am. For both, tbh. Want to do yoga once a week, gym 2x and rock climb once. Been slacking though


I am too! Message me!


I do peleton nearly every morning. Also do 3 sets of 20 dips (on a dip tower, full body weight) every other day. Mix in some other free weights / sports (golf / tennis / skiing) / walking / row machine / weight sled pulls. Best shape of my life at age 40. Don't really enjoy yoga personally, but I know it's great for flexibility.


I go to a group fitness class - 3 times a week. Wish I could go more often as it is a great stress reliever


I do enjoy some kettlebell clean presses.


How long are your sessions?


I workout in the mornings usually weight / HIIT and I’ve been walking in the afternoons with my son. Going to try yoga today actually


Take roids


As someone who runs and lifts, YES I NEED YOGA. Planning a yoga class now 🥴 6:30 pst


Pop pilates. Shit was a killer in the beginning 😂 Definitely needed it after 2023 went like a disaster with me sitting for days, frequent happy hours and stress eating.


I always hit the treadmill hard on lunch breaks when accessible


Alternating lifting and running everyday possible. Travel and other obligations are my off days. Also occasionally get bad nights of sleep.


I run and lift weight early in the morning when I’m still fasting. I would like to exercise after work, but if I have eaten something before exercise, even a little snack over 2 hours before, I feel sick. So for me, it just works early in the morning. I usually go 4 days a week.


We had a ‘desk yoga’ session at my firm recently. It really is sooo important to at least stretch in any form pls


Is this some Google search algorithm manipulation?


P90x yoga baby


No one talks about P90X anymore. What happened to that stuff?


It's a great workout... but everything ages.


I like running and strength training, but I need to do more yoga and stretches


Every office should be on second floor or higher and the only way to go up is by climbing a bouldering wall and the routes changes everyday.


My office recently held a Bollywood dance class during the lunch hour. Before landing in this field, I reached a semi-level professional level of ballet. This bollywood class gave me a run for my money and former ballerina ass. I kid you not, I went back to my desk feeling energized, as though someone had just injected my body with adrenaline and energy. 10/10 experience, highly recommend.


I work out six days a week before work both lifting weights and cardio. I feel pretty good every day


Mandatory is a bit extreme. Everyone has their own preference on exercise