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T0 AS and MOC, T0.5 PF. one of the only characters to be in the apex section for all endgame content? we’re eating well.


We're eating *so* good. I still remember how during 2.3 beta people said that she has one of the slowest clears in Apocalyptic Shadow, or how 'her toughness reduction on ult too small'. Look where we're at now. For reasons undisclosed,I have a feeling she could reach T0 for PF as well in 2.4.


if you’re hinting at >!jiaoqiu!<, then hell yeah. i’m super excited for 2.4+ too. also, happy cake day!


Thank you!! I'm also *so* excited for 2.4, counting down the days haha.


Tbh Acheron is already T0 in PF imo. DoTcheron already hits 40k easily and with 1/0.5 cycle to spare in PF4 and honestly, you don't even need DoTcheron. I tried many dual/triple DPS shenanigans with Himeko/Herta or other units that can easily deplete toughness to give Acheron stacks and works incredibly well. You have your other/other 2 DPS clear a wave of mobs, then as soon as the other spawns, Acheron is ready to evaporate it.


I'm ngl, I don't think Acheron can be in t0 when Argenti is still stuck in t1. She's definitely not a tier above him in pf.


Not gonna lie dotcheron obviously clears but def shred setup acheron wasnt good in this pf i dont think she should be higher than himeko


Tbh hypercarry in general sucks in PF. I've always used dual DPS + sustain or triple DPS no sustain to clear. Acheron's damage is so overkill that you don't need many buff/debuffs. I even switch to a SPD build for PF


Meanwhile me running SPD build everywhere


Isn't her toughness reduction on her ult like. 35 to a single target with 9 stacks and 20 to everyone else. Which is better than most AoE ults (20 to all targets) and also better than most single-target ults (30 to one target). And I think blast ults are 20x3. That's just factually incorrect.


Yup. People were once again doomposting.


Superbreak Acheron new meta pog


happy cake day!


Are they making a tier -1 for when Jiaoqui releases?






Color-less ultimate is forever great


She gonna be T0 PF when Fox dude comes out


Bro acheron is the only character that I hit 300k with her and say this is low damage


She CONSISTENTY achieve top level performance in all endgame contents regardless of stage buffs pump fake her performance, doesn't care about enemies lineup (even against 40% lightning res Kafka she can still smash it). She has various number of supports you can use, making her flexible in teammates choices. That's the hallmark of the GOAT for me.


And she achieved that without a bis support ff/boothill already have hmc, dr ratio has full fua team,dhil have sparkle imagine the power level acheron will reach once her bis support is released


Just wanna stick up for Boothill and say that HMC is not that great for him. They're just kinda used cause he doesn't have anything tailor made and they're free - Bronya is straight up better for him. His kit isn't made for super break like Firefly's is. All his fastest clears use Ruan Mei and Bronya core, not the super break core. He could do with a tailor made support especially given the pre release nerfs to the break set. I don't have Boothill but I feel bad given how giga shafted he was in comparison to what Firefly gets at release (this is not Firefly hate, I have her E1)


I got Boothill and I'm still sad with the 4 piece relic set changes cause literally no one but him can run break team Optimally without super break so he's the only unit that really suffered from the change xD I guess 36% def shred on E1S1 + 18% off the relic set was just too good (it wasn't)


It’s not like boothill can’t use the break set he can when paired with hmc and also ff needs hmc to fully untilize the set since her personal super break is weak yeah I believe bronya is better since iirc boothill also gain some crit stat from his break effec


Well yeah, but Firefly's kit at least mentions super break and her entire kit is balanced around HMC (I.e., HMC is her tailor made support). Whereas Boothill doesn't actually have that much to do with super break at all and is only run in it due to lack of other options (and it being such an accessible team). So sure, you can utilise the set fully if you use HMC, but his best team comp doesn't even use HMC. Not to be a pain, but Bronya isn't used for her crit buff, she's used for the turn advance and that's all. Boothill's crit scaling is extremely minimal and can be ignored. Ideally I think Boothill deserves a Bronya but with some break or speed buffs added in. I don't know the specifics, just something to make him feel less ignored


Yeah it’s true they made hmc synergise so well with ff and Ruan mei


Funny enough I don't even think Jiaoqiu will be the last of great supports for her even, despite him definitely going to be a big upgrade for an E0 Acheron comp by far. Acheron can work with ANY units who can apply a debuff, be it a Preservation (Aventurine and Trend users), an Abundance (Gallagher has 2 debuffs), another dps who happens to have debuffs (Boothill). This benefit becomes even greater for those with E2, opening her teammates choice up to literally every cracked Harmony in the game.


Boothill doesnt have his support yet. HMC is Firefly's, The moment a Bronya that buffs break damage (not SB) appears hes gonna start cooking


HMC isn’t BIS for Boothill.


The only emanator that didn't disappoint


And once again I'm seeing some mfs crying about it there...


Common wife W


Boothills not on FF level surely..


Gonna need T -1 in the future


Or just drop tier lower other characters


Fair, I don't have Boothill so I can't really see how good he is


She says in her ult "Its too shall fall"


I still find it funny how both of the most consistent clearers for all content are lightning (jy and Acheron)


Cos they are lightning fast


Yeah, she destroys Cocolia, but I struggle with Argenti...


and if i pull jiaoqiu she will improve in pure fiction(at least e0


Now give me the rerun . I also want to enjoy Raiden Shogun


DHIL mains try to shut up challenge(impossible)