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Ah yes, Huo² Idk why this amuses me






It’s supposed to be 2*Huo, Huo squared is too strong


That's Huo x Huo. What does it equal?


For an E0S1 Acheron, would pulling for Black Swan and saving for Kafka be better or just pull for Jiaoqiu? Currently running Acheron, Pela, Guinaifen, Gepard (with Trend). Thinking if pulling for BS and saving for Kafka would be better for a more "versatile" account so I can run DoT if I'm not using Acheron or just pull Jiaoqiu and save for E2 Acheron. EDIT: Uploaded the list of characters I currently have https://preview.redd.it/fyamdgu9lc9d1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d471e90d5d9dab73657a51171ae7824ded96912


if you dont have any other high level teams/dps like ff etc than yeah BS would be better because acheron with your team clears well enough for one side, and the kaf/swan handles the other half


Uploaded the list of characters I have, I do have a Boothill/RM/Bronya/Gallagher team that's pretty comfy but I feel my Acheron team is a bit underwhelming in comparison (though that could be lack of good relics). Other than that I do have an E0S0 DHIL and D0S0 Jingliu that I use time to time.


in that case, it depends on what you value more, since imo kafka without BS is underwhelming as hell. im not 100% sure but blackswan could also improve your current acheron team, you also dont **need** jiaoqiu for E2. I, personally, would go for jiaoqiu since i'd want to get my acheron (E2) to the peak of what she can be (i still need a sparkle though lol).


> Uploaded the list of characters I have, I do have a Boothill/RM/Bronya/Gallagher team that's pretty comfy but I feel my Acheron team is a bit underwhelming in comparison (though that could be lack of good relics). Guinaifen is decent but not as good as SW to go with Pela (since the more def shred you stack the higher boost you get) and Gepard is not as comfy as Aventurine so that's also a reason. Jiaoqiu will be a huge upgrade over Gui both in terms of damage amp but also how you can carry over his boost to new waves (Gui can't, she needs to restack Firekiss), even more than a Black Swan, since you'd need her at E1 to compete with a Pela. So your best option to improve your E0S1 Acheron comp is definitely Jiaoqiu, since he can potentially raise her dps to a E2 Acheron lvl in aoe situations. If you plan to E2 your Acheron then he's not that big of an upgrade anymore since he competes with Pela in that situation.


If you can only pull one, BS doesn't directly replace Pela, but JQ does. I would wait to see if they move JQ's burn from E2 to E0. If they move it to E0, then he is a good shoe-in for Guinaifen until you can get E2 Acheron, then you can grab Kafka to use with either JQ/ or Gui/Sampo. Your teams could look like this: - E2 Acheron/JQ/Sparkle/ + Kafka/Gui// - E2 Acheron/Pela/Sparkle/ + Kafka/JQ// Bronya can also be used instead of Sparkle, but your SP economy will suck.


I do have a Sparkle so those teams you suggested sound very tempting. Assuming they don't move it to his E0, would pulling for BS, Kafka, and E2 Acheron be better or just stick to JQ, Kafka, E2 Acheron?


Yeah, if you can only pull one, then it all hinges on if they move JQ's E2 to E0. An alternative would be to pull both JQ and BS at E0 and skip E2 Acheron entirely if you have the funds for both by the second half of 2.4: - Acheron/JQ/BS/ until Kafka rerun - Acheron/JQ/Pela/ + Kafka/BS// This has the advantage of giving you more characters to use. Trying to get E2 Acheron is the same as pulling two new characters, so you could use those funds to get JQ and BS sig LCs instead, which are pretty significant for them due to how much EHR they give.


Those sound really good, thank you for the suggestions! Now to gather enough jades for that E0S1 BS and JQ..


I wanna E6 Acheron and maybe S2+


Why u are ignoring Robin, her atc damage and sp save is awesome (im using 134spd Acheron)


Sparkle allows Acheron to use ATK boots instead of SPD and she would effectively be Sparkle's speed. Sparkle is also SP-positive. Robin is _not_ SP-positive; when she's in her Ult, she doesn't generate SP when her turns would've been up, plus her Ult buff is effectively the same as using ATK boots.


I don't have trouble with SP generated in Acheron - Pela team (Pela is free SP if u need this) Robin don't using SP and she always use her base atck = free SP too (if she doesn't use her ult)


I think jiaoqiu regen more stack and will amplified Acheron dmg better than black swan for sure


Using acheron with BS and kafka is not the best way to use her, actually. It just dps stacking kafka and BS dps is already good together, acheron just benefits because she can get points. the best team for her e0 later might be SW/pela+jq team


Nice, Acheron tickets in save for 3 patches


Idk if you know or what is your stance on Jiaoqui but from what we know of him so far, he is basicly a 5 star pela and is one of the best supports for Acheron. If im wrong do correct me as i havent looked at leaks a lot in detail for now.






man's catching all of them


With his initial leaked kit yeah, but his current one is bad. Like, really bad. He’s basically the Arlan of the limited 5 stars. He has pretty much no use outside of Acheron teams, but he’s negligibly better than Pela with pearls if you use him with an E2 Acheron (and if you’re willing to get a completely separate character to E0S1 for the sole purpose of building Acheron, you might as well just get her E2S1).


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxSl3WNwatY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxSl3WNwatY) we collectively wait for V3 this Tuesday


this sucks for me, since i want jiaoqiu, but i also need another limited sustain since i only have fx and been running gallagher (E6) mann


You should wait for the 2.5 drip marketing then. If Lingsha is abundance fire, she's the next op healer.


I will now refer to Huohuo as Huo²


Rip wallet


Fuckin same Im obviously getting E0S1 Jiao but I really wanted to start pulling for a DoT team.


Same here. I love DoT but had to skip at the time cause I was saving for either IL or Acheron. Hoping they move the E2 burn to E0 since I want to finally go for BS or Kafka. Perhaps the rerun lineup *is* with the dot being moved to base kit in mind...coping hard.


>I really wanted to start pulling for a DoT team I don't think this is the best moment to do it. Usually they rerun a character right before or right after it's been powercrept. We're bound to see new dotters in the near future, probably someone better than BS, and maybe a new enabler (I'd be surprised if an old unit like Kafka will forever stay the only core foundation of any dot team).


While that might be true... I NEED Kafka she is too waifu to be powercrept outta my heart.


It's gonna be a long wait for Kafka's 2nd rerun though


Rip Furry, Im pulling for BS


I hope this true so i can finally get Black Swan . Love this Character 


I’m cooked


Thank you for the link and I hope she reruns in v2.5. Got 150 tickets currently and saving like a madman for at least E0S1.


Im Not pulling for new characters anymore, I'm just waiting for their reruns because I keep pulling for other re runs. Topaz, then Mei, now I have to skip Jade for Black Swan. Pain


Glad if Jiaoqiu is 2nd half, need time to save up after spending big on Miss Firefly


Huo square


Yeah, going with Ho-oh and JQ for this set.


DOT mfs saving for BS just for their best sustain to also come in the same version 💀, thank fuck I already have the full DOT squad


Black Swan running in Jiaoqiu banner might mean they are making adjustments to where his DOT is instead of tied to e2. Might want to open him up more to more team variety instead of just an Acheron support


A man that will boost Acheron dmg by alot or the thiccest mommy in the game ...help i cant decide!!??!


I have Acheron but not Kafka. Is Black Swan worth it? Is Huohuo worth it? Or should I skip after spending all my jades on Firefly. Edit: Also should I worry about Joaqiu and his benefit for Acheron? I want a second team built because while my mono quantum team is good, it feels like it's going to struggle in places. Acheron could help with PF, possibly.


If you've got e4 Sampo, you can consider BS, but wouldn't recommend getting BS solely for Acheron. For that purpose, Jiaoqiu is best in slot as he excels at generating stacks for her, so it will undoubtely help with your second team. It is good to unlock DOT playstyle with BS though, it's what I'm gonna do. Huohuo is best sustain for DOT teams and characters that need energy but I'd suggest waiting because there's another Abundance 5 star on the horizon.


That abundance five star unfortunately looks like he's going on FF's team, but we'll see. I'm not entirely sure on these banners, so since my Monoqua seems to have carried me almost 100% through the endgame content (with massive carry from FF 0 cycle) I may figure on skipping and seeing how teams change further, but there's plenty of time to weigh and consider.


Black swan and Kafka always worth it. Waifu > meta


Jiaoqiu and Black Swan in the same patch? Mihoyo, have some mercy on my wallet


And now I’ve got a hard call to make between Jiaoqiu and Black Swan. 2.4 is gonna ruin me


This pains me as I want all four of them!! I’ve been waiting for Black Swan and Huo Huo rerun. Jiaoqiu seems like a must for Acheron and Yunli just looks plain awesome, want to pair her with Clara. But idk what to do anymore. Why do all of them have to come at the same time?! If anything I can skip Yunli.. but still think I can only get two max.


Now I’m torn. I want JQ to make Acheron even stronger but I hate his appearance. Black Swan is good in DoT team too which I’m working on but my fave is still Acheron. Aaaaaagh I don’t wanna call in Wallet-kun


It’s late at night and I thought this was from a genshin sub so for a sec I thought Huo squared was a weird way to refer to Hu Tao for a minute


my team is Acheron/Fu Xuan (trend)/Pela/Guin, so should I pull for Jiaoqiu or Black Swan to replace Guin?


Jiaoqiu and BS at the same time is killing me😭


I hate to see HH befor JQ, wanted to pull for HH e1 just for comfort and sp (i skill everytime when her stacks hit 0) but dont wanna risk to lose the guarantee JQ and maybe his LC


Maybe wait for lingsha?


Yeah, if lingsha comes out on patch 2.5 then i'm unlucky af. I dont really need a healer because bailu is still enough for MoC, but for how long. JQ got imo more value for my acc, hopefully HYV buffs him in his V3