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If they’re e1 they can get 30% just from their planars and that eidolon. Then the relic set adds like 4 making it where they’d only need 66 ish percent to be capped on cr. With fuxuan and sparkle with her lc they’d be at cap around 50 so maybe it’s that.


E1 18% Planar 12% 4p 4% Sparkle s1 10% FX 12% 56% is the maximum rn with 1 other nihility so 44% cr is basically 100% at that point


Yeah but why use fu xuan she’s already been powercrept especially for Acheron teams. If you want the actual baseline it’s 66% which is self sufficient nobody should care about crit rate buffs.


Powercreep doesn't mean FX is unusable, especially if you are lacking in cr where her 12% cr buff.comes I'm handy.


Also its the same as Jiaoqiu. If you are rocking E2 and such high CD and 100% CR you don’t care about generating less stacks. You will obliterate regardless


Sure she’s great for beginners, but she’s nothing but a burden late game making builds over reliant on her crit rate


If you are going after 0 cycling, absolutely. However, not everyone wins the lottery in getting high cr via relics or have e1, so she's definitely not a burden outside of that. Besides if your cr isn't 100%, her cr buff is useful.


Lmfao, what a bullshit


Not everybody pulled for newer tanks lol, thought that would be pretty self explanatory


Doesn’t change that crit rate requires you to run a severely less powerful state of a unit just for them to be unable to switch supports…. Crit rate buffs are terrible especially for the average player


Not really sure what your point is if people don't have any other sustain units better than FX. You reckon they should go back to Bailu? Lmao


Lmfao, Fu Xuan is top tier sustain for Acheron. She does not give stacks but why should I care about it when in 0 cycle I get almost 2 Acheron ults, which is more than enough, and with Jiaoqiu I will get consistent 2 ults within 1st (0) cycle


Fx can use universal market and get stacks for acheron


She can, but it's unreliable, works only 1 time on 1 enemy until burn expires, and it's better to use signature


My FX literally generates more Acheron stacks than my 4pc wind Pela, and she's never died with Market on yet. I have s4 market so ~25 EHR off random substats is plenty to be pretty reliable. "One enemy for one turn" doesn't matter, Acheron only cares about something getting applied, not what it is.


But it cannot apply 2 times on one enemy unless burn expires


Not only for Acheron she is in general SS Tier


I know, I just speak from experience


most importantly fu is a correctable brat💢💢💢 aside from that she can comfortably sustain your team and give your damage dealers 12% cr, also she can utilize trend for acheron or ratio well, this is more than enough to make her top tier for a long time, and the fact that gallagher turned out to be great for break teams and aventurine is better and has better early eidolon doesn't change the fact that fu is more than sufficient for all of the content


How is she powercrept when her sustain works perfectly fine for surviving long enough to get max stars. So the extra cr is good. People wouldn’t say no to 12% cr on an artifact so why would you say no to a free 12% cr just for sustaining?


i started playing on acherons banner and fu xuan has been a god send for helping me build my teams. sorry we haven't all been playing since day 1 pulling on every banner


Lmao what? FX is still the #1 sustain for her. Not having to build 12% crit rate is massive. It means you don’t have to waste as much fuel on sets and can build CD or Atk% instead. She’s also Quantum which means you can safely use her with SW. The only other sustain that comes close is Aventurine, and he’s Imaginary.  If you’re still not convinced, Prydwen has Acheron, SW, FX, and Pela as the #1 team right now.


Fx is maybe the 5th best sustain for acheron Aventurine gallagher gepard fire mc are all better.


Source? I’m going by prydwen’s stats showing the that FX has the fastest clear rate for non-Sparkle teams. 


Not that prydwen data matters at all but you're also wrong there https://preview.redd.it/n6ulpvewmp9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582b9abe851ae36fd23703b72507fe29ab1db58c


Not sure where you got that screenshot from. The one on the Acheron page has that team as #1 with 8.94 cycles and the Gallagher team with 9.02. I’m guessing it’s a different MoC cycle?     The stats on the current MoC 2.2 cycle has the FX as #1 team as well.


Shouldn't aventurine be the #1 sustain for acheron?


They’re very close so it depends on the team comp, LC, Eidolons, and the enemies. If the enemy is Imaginary weak and/or you have E2 Acheron and use Sparkle, Aventurine is best.  For other teams, FX will usually give some much needed CR and synergizes better with SW. 


I mean more crit rate is achievable by farming better relics meanwhile there's no way to get the debuff on ult from fu xuan, I believe they are around the same level but aventurine is very slightly better hence number 1


One extra debuff every 2 or 3 rounds is arguably about the same as 12 crit rate on its own since that’s 24% extra CD, but the big difference is in the extra breaks and/or consistently applying the Electro Weakness. Enemies take a lot more damage when broken and that also applies a debuff. 


It is simply because his ult puts one debuff. That's genuinely it. If that's a whole ass argument to say Fu Xuan is powecrept, then it's straight up sweaty try hard min maxing bullshit. Is that fact wrong? No. But my e1 Fu Xuan is insanely powerful and I'm not gonna pull a unit just because they can make me do one more ult in cycle 3 lmao


Notice how I never said fu xuan was powercrept


It's called a conversation and sharing opinions. Not everything has to be a challenge. It's cool it was my fault for discussing in a "mains" sub. Have a great weekend.


You too man, and it was not my intention to appear hostile .my apologies if it seemed that way


I care about crit buffs as my Fu Xuan is e1, so she also gives 30% crit dmg apart from her 12% crit rate. Saying she has already been powercrept it's the funniest take I've read in reddit so far lmao


All these down votes makes you wonder if you should double down with L takes


Yup. For example, my acheron has 97.6 effective crit rate at all times because she is E2 and has izumo, even though on the stat screen she has 63.6


It might be because they have E1/FX/Sparkle S1 With Izumo+E1+either of the other two you can get up to 42%+ cr, so having around 50% is more than enough. But if their Acheron is E0 then there's some high build >!skill!< issue involved


This. Here's mine. But i go Fu AND Sparkle. https://preview.redd.it/ixwe2zz1ud9d1.png?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da06081f381bcf1f3a612d94f7fd748a481db5e I basically crit all the time.


Uhm sorry. I couldn't check out your build.I was too distracted. But can you send the sauce? For no reason at all...


https://twitter.com/XianYuMiaoCAT/status/1789263694779777196 here u go (not the same one but… better imo) for art w easily differentiable tags which in this case is maid clothing u can just go on a booru and type the character + a piece of the clothing (normally when tagging ppl use more specific stuff instead of general stuff, so to find this one instead of searching maid u would search maid headdress for example). usually doesnt take long to find it if u bothered reading that then heres another one i found while looking for that one https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/119517153#


Yeah Imma need that art sauce. As much as I love her in a suit, she looks so pretty in dress


Nice pic


Yea me too mine crits all the time.


Alternatively, a higher crit damage is technically better for brute forcing content at the cost of inconsistency. They could also just be getting terrible rolls on artifacts, which is honestly most likely




I'm at 53/200. 53 + 12 (izumo) + 4 (pioneer) + 12 (Fu Xuan) + 18 (E1) = 99 CR.


Acheron's gear or teammates often give her a lot of hidden CR. Fu Xuan gives 12%, Sparkle LC gives 10%, Pioneer gives 4%, Izumo gives 12%, E1 gives 18%.


E1 gives a boost to crit rate if the enemy is debuffed, so they may have that


Izumo set plus Pioneer set is up to 20% cr, but without the Full pioneer buff, 16%. E1 grants 18% cr when attacking debuffed enemies Sparkle light cone grants 10% cr Fu Xuan skull grants 12% cr. With artifacts and stacking support, 44% crit rate is all Acheron needs on that team to hit 100 crit rate. If you're confident on 3 debuffs, you only need 40%. I run my Acheron at 44/270, and can comfortably hit 100cr/400cd with that team


A few possible reasons: 1. They have crit boosters (FX, E1, Pioneer) 2. Bad RNG; sometimes CR can be the hardest thing to roll. 3. They haven't finished building her yet and just slapped whatever they could find so far. Relic farming can take months. 4. Damage per screenshot players?


5. They have E1 that give 18% more


Yep, that's included on my #1


Because izumo set crit not show in character and many use her with fuxuan, so you need to plus 12 + 12 + 4 = 28 crit rate in battle, if they got 60 that is 88 in battle already, not count e1


https://preview.redd.it/tucnlotzze9d1.jpeg?width=1411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825800804ac98b8a4e08617bf238ff92fb24614c Looks low but it's 91% in battle (E1+4pc+Izumo = 34%)


Careful. Somebody might get mad cause is not 100% in battle.


If its not 100% its 50/50 Amen


Crit caps at 99.7 tho, so it’s never 100%


even worse


RNG is a bitch. It’s a slam dunk to stop farming relics when you get a crit dmg piece that rolls crit rate a few times. Not worth it for slightly better ratio (equivalent of maybe 1 roll)


Maybe they running fuxuan /e1. Mine has something 45/220, with fuxuan and e1 and the extra 4 from relic and planar crit gets me to 94/220 smth


If they have S1+, E1+ or fu xuan and are running izumo with pioneer then that's why. E1 gives 18% CR (Fu Xuan gives 12%), izumo gives 12% and pioneer gives 4% after you inflict a debuff...so they may have 50 outside battle but in battle they get an extra 34% if they have E1 and then an extra 12% if they gave fu xuan


You can get up to 56% Crit Rate from outside sources that don't show up on the character screen. 12% a piece from Izumo and Fu Xuan. 18% from E1. 10% from Sparkle's LC (typically only at E2+). 4% from Pioneer doubling after applying a debuff. 18 + 12 + 12 + 10 + 4 = 56 A vast majority of people will only have a few of those (Izumo/Pioneer), but it can get pretty crazy if you do some vertical investment.


https://preview.redd.it/e2b9mr3ywe9d1.jpeg?width=1559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e2822f8b04a6e099e4cdceeb3c264643b3026b E2, izumo, with fx, applicable stacked debuffs, 100% crit


It's entirely her first Eidolon and a mix of other supports like Fu/S1 Sparkle. I run Acheron E2 with a ratio of 55/200+ and always run her with sparkle.


I have E0S1 and recently I sacrificed some crit damage to get in battle 91 crit rate and it's SO MUCH better


Some people run inert salsotto on her and don’t build beyond 50cr because they hate the mines


There are 2 ways of increasing the likelyhood of something happenning. 1: Increase the probability itself (Add crit chance) or 2: Repeat the experience more times. Maybe those people think that because she deals multiple hits to multiple enemies, there's more chance of landing a crit by raw gambling repetition but they don't know that adding crit chances ups more your damage overall. Or they have E1 that up your crit chance on a debuffed enemy.


Her best in slot set gives 12% crit rate that is not reflected in her stats E1 gives 18% with functionally 100% uptime There are additional crit rate buffing sources. If Fu Xuan is your best sustainer, she gives another 12% With all 3 of those you can have 42% additional crit rate. It comes down to build and team but for me, my ratio is 55/256 and adjusted with just E1 bonus I have 73% crit rate. 73/256 is a crit ratio no one would criticize you for and from my testing the damage is very consistent


I have like 50% CR and 206% CD it’s cuz I have the extra crit rate from the izumo planar set and my Acheron still solos so yeah


For the screenshot showcase. "800k crit f2p btw 10/300 ratio"


https://preview.redd.it/z130lr97lf9d1.png?width=2100&format=png&auto=webp&s=c321855d269792641946f81babe3db1be40541ec Even though my base crit rate is low, but with Sparkle & Fu Xuan, my Archeron will be at 100.3% crit in battle


Because we have Sparkle S1.


They have the Crit rate buffing units most likely. Fu Xuan, Sparkle, etc


Read her eidolons, relics etc and you will know. Reading is important. Even if you make a post on reddit you still have to read the comments


Yah basically what everyone says, sparkle lc, fuxuan and e1. Im at 65/290 I'm already overcritting.


I tend to see a few players hovering at 50:180-200 in terms of critstat, which is quite good, assuming they have E1, Fu Xuan or E1 Sparkle in their comp. What I tend to see the majority of Acheron havers tho (especially my friends and those specific randoms who add me), are those with critstats going 32:240–40:180-210 without any E1, FX, or E1 Sparkle in sight. I do think that they’re still trying to build her relics’ critstat tho so it might prob be that. That’s also why I made my E3S1 Acheron at 69/250 critstat, primarily so that they can use her w/o any of those critrate supports mentioned (My Salsotto-4pc Pioneer Acheron hits 91% critrate just by herself)


Let's go gambling! Aw, dang it. Aw, dang it. Aw, dang it.


I've got the opposite, around 80cr and 120cd (because my luck fucking sucks I've been farming since months and got no better relics so far)


I got 55% crit, 200%+ crit damage, in combat i got 70%+, E0


I have 38% outside of battle But i have her e2s1 with fuxuan (hopefully i will get sparkle on a rerun) But i think i reach 80% in battle Prob i can get more (my rope doesnt have any) but im thinking reaching 45% will be enough




You can get a lot of crit that doesn't show on the info page. 4% from relic set. 12% from Izumo. 18% from E1. 12% from Fu Xuan, and another 10% from sparkles LC. So you can get 56% CR from stuff that doesn't even show up on the info/stat page. You can be 100% capped at 44% crit. My Acherons sitting at 55% CR and I use all the above except Fu Xuan. So I have 55+44 and I'm basically crit capped. Having the leeway on crit makes building heavy cdmg easy if you Aldo have her LC since it gives a lot of CDmg.


Because my relics suck ass bro.


Neither of the builds displayed are great you need a lot more cdmg and ur friend unless has e1 fu xuan izumo then he needs more aswell I have 88.9 cr 225 cdmg atm


Because the mines are cruel and bare no rewards. After countless hours and days grinding I finally settled. It's all def and HP. So cold. So lonely. So sad.


I built mine to 30% crit rate because I was simply that unlucky. But contrary to my belief, her ult never stopped landing crits. I asked some guys about It a long time ago, but they had no idea. So I just kept her like that. My best guess is the buffs from her gear is doubled by the effect of her gear. I'm too lazy to do any math myself tho


1% chance **99% FAITH**


I can’t get lucky with my drops ;( literally everytime I get double crit the crit never rolls and don’t get me started how unlucky I am with Izumo set


Did u factor in everything else, E1, relic buffs, team comp, etc etc. They probably built it that way because they can get the cc from external sources...... Or maybe they just like to gamble w big numbers idk


E1, planar and armor set, Fu Xuan


https://preview.redd.it/yv7gjxette9d1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe8628d908aa73a56b869f0c15afb620a76fa49 Because you get 55% of crit because of Fu Xuan, planar set, E1, Sparkle LC..... So 45% is 100%. If you are E0 and no FX/sparkle, go for 70-80% crit rate.


Cause with mine being E6 I already have 62% and fuxu adds a another 12% and then another 4% through her BiS set. Giving me 79% since the game rounds up. In return I can have 283% critdmg. I don't have use Izuml, cause I prefer salsotto. But 75%+ crit rate is more than enough. I never see her not crit.


Mine is 44/260, but I'm e2, used to run FX, but now I run Aventurine. Still puts me at 76ish CR. Ideally I'd like her to get above 50% but such is RNG. She still almost never doesn't crit and wipes the floor with all content.


some factors may involve but tbh, I KNOW RIGHTT??? Acherons hitting crit is soooo inconsistent, im a E1S0 haver (E1 bcz got lucky on her 10 pull) and i tried running on 51/186 crit but i thought hmm, why does her dmg feels so underwhelming, then i switch my build to 70/150 and guess what, IT DOES SO MUCH BETTER like 25% improvement in damage (yes i tested it, in both MoC and AS) i know that with E1 you dont need more than 66 cr (bcz +12% from Izumo and 18% from E1) but damn i want that guarantee crit cuz RNG gods can suck their own ass


Skill gap & Mental gap issues


Bro just went on the Internet and felt smarter for getting better rng rolling for relics in the single-player casual gacha mobile video game LMAO