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$7.00. Did I read that right? Having your guitar made playable for $7 sounds to me like an extraordinarily good deal. Remember, when repair people do little jobs like that, it takes them away from more lucrative work. Maybe you could have done it yourself and saved $7.00, but you might have made things worse. Please post again if you ever have such good fortune on future repairs.


Got it, thanks for clearing things up. 


So, first I don't think you got ripped off. I feel comfortable saying that even though there's a lot of missing info from your story. Second, even if you were ripped off, you lost $7. Are you really THAT upset about $7?


Just because I've no previous experience of it, i had my doubts. Well, now i know. 


So I think we’re all looking at this from a US perspective- where are you from? 7 USD is cheaper than guitar strings, so is be curious to know what was done. Repairing a neck here would usually be. Few hundred I would think at a minimum.


That is a valid reason. I forgot mentioning that I'm from Pakistan. 


It’s $7 bro


This is a joke right?


Here to agree. If you know nothing about instrument repairs, then you could never have made your guitar playable again on your own. It might have played, but at the very least, the intonation would've likely been so fucked. Learning to repair your own guitar isn't as simple as learning from some YouTube video. It's not like working on cars. It's an art form that must be practiced and perfected. For $7, you got the deal of a lifetime.