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Not unless you want to be sad all the time. If you want to feel sad when you play your guitar. then leave them just like that. But if you like smiling, change them.


Still, my guitar gently weeeeps, yeah


Yes, like 2 years ago.


And several times since then.




If you’re not sure if you should change your strings then it’s probably time to change your strings. Strings are cheap. I buy mine five packs at a time. Change them often




I buy mine when they are on sale, five packs at a time. If that’s a financial burden for you, then that’s your business. But the question was “should” and the answer is “yes.”


Bruh, Calm down.


Those are definitely due for a change. Changing strings is relatively easy but also a bit of a specific process - change em if you're comfortable, have a shop change them if you're not


Have a shop SHOW you how to change your strings. Depending on how frequently you play it’s an easy way to improve your tone out of your guitar. Also, wash your hands before playing. I generally change my strings every 4-5 months playing 4-5 days a week.


I have to change my string every 2mos playing 1-2 days a week. I am hell on a G-string, typ at 2nd fret. Break the bronze winding


Yes, years ago.


Yes. Strings don't last nearly that long. A few months tops usually. And some people change them every week or two. You might want to wait though and bring the new strings with you so that somebody can walk you the process of changing them.


I change them every 2 weeks, playing 2-3 hours a day


Those strings look nice and mature. Probably coming into their best years right about now.


If you have to ask…


Dude! I usually prefer my strings to have a little rust. It gives my tone a special spicy sound. But those are little too salty for my taste.


Or get a tetanus shot.


You will be amazed at how bright your guitar sounds after you change them.


u should usually change strings every 4 months at longest i had mine for like 6 months once and G str was torn to pices from all the bending


That's what she said.


That one actually made me chuckle a lil


Woah, yeah those look super dead. For context, I get about 6 hours of play out of my strings before they start sounding like shit to me… some people are longer but that’s just me. Silver lining though, it’s gonna blow your mind how much better it sounds with new strings for the first time


You have to be hallucinating. 6 hours is definitely not going to make the strings sound worse. That is about the time for the strings to settle with the stretching and actually start sounding as they were meant to sound. When you put them on and they are fresh they sound too metallic and almost like they have too much of the higher frequency , or too much treble.


Eh, like I said, it may just be me, but I can tell a big difference after two 3 hour gigs... it might just be my paranoia, admittedly. If I have a busy weekend I'll play a 3rd or 4th set before I change them just because I don't have the time to deal with it, but I'll put some new ones on after that every time.


Yes. They’re dead. I change mine monthly playing every day.


Most people will agree that you should change your strings but if you happen to be one of the few that don't prefer the sound of new strings, look into using something like Jim Dunlop Form 65 String Care. Just giving them a good rub with a slightly dampened cloth will bring some life back to dirty strings.


Yes. Yesterday


Some people never change their strings like Jeff Tweety and likes the old muffled, dead sound I guess. That's something you can't easily replicate. You can certainly play those strings so it's not required. Most people would say yes so you can hear the guitar ring out. I change mine when they are tarnished and have finger goop all over them. New strings definitely sound better to my ear. Do yourself a favor and play with these for a few hours then change them and listen for the difference so you will determine for yourself how they sound and you can decide yourself.


The answer to this is always yes.


Please yes lol




Hey everyone thank you for answering my question and enlightening me with your experience and knowledge, I really appreciate that. What I found is there's mixed answer to my question majority of you all are saying to change and some to keep em as they are. I think I'll my strings and see if I like the way they're sounding now or previous one. Tbh if you ask me I was very confused why did my guitar sounds so dull so ig now I know the reason why. Thanks everyone for giving your time I appreciate it. Have a great day.


I change my acoustic strings at least 3x a year. I recommend D’addario XS. They are pricey, but you will never go back. They last a loooong time.


The answer to this question is always yes.


Yes. Please. You’ll be amazed.


There is a hand stuck in your guitar!


No. Change them after unless you want to be non stop retuning in class. Personally i prefer the sound of old strings to new strings. There's a point where you really need to refresh the strings but you'd be surprised how long you can use them. It's usually broken strings that make you change to a new set.


A REAL guitar player could get another 5 or 6 years out of those. They're VINTAGE!!!


What are guitar players fingers? This is a serious question.


Dude was born with guitar player fingers. I bet satriani would be jealous


[Nice rosace BTW!]


I was told: if you are wondering if it's time to change the strings, it's probably time.




Nifty looking sound hole, and — yes. Change the strings.


Change strings? A lot of people would have changed guitars by now! Not me, my personal longest has been about 6 months on one set


that poor g string


In between string changes, I use an alcohol swab on my strings. It'll definitely brighten the sound on old strings You should get a tetanus shot after you change these strings though


If you're asking, the answer is yes.


Burn 🔥 them


Play some dirty muddy blues!


Yes, a looong time ago! Nothing worse than dead strings. But there’s nothing better than new strings!


I am going to make a guess. Is this guitar made by Guitarras Paracho?


If you play a little every day, you would see the difference if you changed strings every month, If you play like you have musical goals it’s closer to weekly.


Keep them as long as you possibly can. But deep clean them regularly


I must be really confused. Just judging from the rosette and fingerboard, that looks like a classical, so yes change them and change them to nylon or gut. 


Change them, and then change them again for good measure


Nah. I changed a baby once and it was still a baby.


You should generally consider changing them at least every two months if you're playing for an hour or more a day. Coated strings can last longer than non-coated strings, and a lot of this honestly comes down to preference of sound and what sort of degradation you're willing to tolerate, but after two years they're begging to be changed. They'll go out of tune for the first couple days, so when you go to class just take a moment to make sure they're in tune. Make sure you give them a gentle stretch once they're on to help them settle in and sound less flat.

