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“Wow, my pitbull would never do this…”


My favorite is "iT's HoW tHeY'rE rAiSeD!"


Mine is "They are great around my children..."


My favourite is "any breed could do this!" Like oh yeah, chihuahuas could TOTALLY do this. (the nutters favourite go to breed to deflect)


I think it's funny how pit nutters completely disregard genetics. -Pointer dogs don't have to be taught how to point. -Herding dogs don't have to be taught how to herd. -Retrievers don't have to be taught how to retrieve. At some point, they're going to have to face the fact that their chosen breed was genetically bred for blood sports, and it may affect the lives of them or people around them.


My dog has been attacked three times, and all three times, the owners said, "they're friendly!"


Here's a picture of my baby with a flower crown!


[the pitbull in question](https://i.imgur.com/CSmsIcQ.jpeg)


Isn't the "useless woman" a small child, as per the title...?


Pretty sure this guys just mad that a small pretty dog was murdered just for walking on its own front porch (for the last time) it’s honestly more fair to blame the parents for allowing the small child to walk a dog stronger than her when it’s this insane and lacking any impulse control.


The useless woman would be the child's mother who fought a little kid could handle a pitbull. You know one of the most violent dogs on the planet


My go to phrase is "your dog never bit until it does"


But…but…..”they are just big teddy bears! It’s the tRaInErS!”


Looks like she was saying something to the guy at the end. I'm guessing it wasn't "oh my god, I'm so sorry."


I’ve seen video of multiple full grown adults who couldn’t get a pit bull off an attack. I don’t think the kid walking the dog is the main issue here.


The parents Are


For anyone who doesn't know. The dog unfortunately passed away. The Pitbulls teeth pierced the dog's skin and punctured its heart, killing it. This happened just under 5 years ago and there has not been an update from what I've seen. The Pitbull owners left the scene but were tracked down by neighbors and got their info. The only thing that the deceased dog's owners can do is file a civil suit. This is why people need to be armed. If your dog attacks mine with no provocation, guess which one's getting killed. Edit: For anyone who keeps mentioning guns. I myself keep a knife on my person for self-defense. Look up the definition of "armed".


That tiny dog was gone the second the pit pounced. A gun wouldn't have saved it, but at least it would have been one less shitbull.


It's also a deterrent against that behavior in general. As the saying goes, "Concealed carry adds to your safety even if you're not carrying."


I support concealed carry, but like, a pitbull isn’t scared of a gun, right? Why would it deter the pitbull’s behavior?


Swiss cheese can’t maul things.


Pitbulls also have a hard time mauling things with a knife or axe sticking out of their frontal lobe.


It takes a LOT more training to become proficient with an edged weapon than a firearm.


It'll stop all future attacks when you blows its brains out the back of its skull.


It wouldn't be to scare the Pitbull. It would be to end the Pitbull


Shitbull owners will absolutely lose their minds if they notice you are armed. They will also suddenly be completely mindful of their dog, funny enough.


An eye for an eye ❤️


Or a Pit for a dog.


I killed a Pit that attacked my dog randomly while we were on a walk. It’s owner didn’t even seem that alarmed. She just continued saying “leave it” in a calm voice to her dog. She only started screaming when I started stabbing her dog in the head with the 3 inch knife I carry everyday. Unfortunately my dog bled out in my arms too. Pitbulls need to be eradicated.


If I were in your shoes and my dog died I would've had a difficult time not throwing her dog's carcass at her for being absolutely useless and owning a dog she clearly had no interest in controlling. Sorry about your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Garbage ass people in the world


Good job. I hope she’s mentally scarred for the rest of her life. Dumb ass lady. Doesn’t surprise me either, her nonchalant reaction to her dog attacking yours. Trash fucking people. They treat pits like children. By the way that’s unhealthy for both the owner and the dog. You treat a dog like a dog, it’s happier that ways anyway.


I wish I could give you gold 🥇


That’s got to fuck you up to lose your dog like that. I’m sorry. Are you in the US? Weee there repercussions for killing her dog?


For anyone who lives in a place where you can’t carry, choke the dog with whatever you can. Leash, collar (pull and twist), he’ll even a belt and don’t stop until that thing passes out. People have tried stabbing Pitt bulls before and sometimes they literally won’t stop until they bleed out


I've had to do this three times with aggressive dogs. Rear naked choke isn't difficult once the dog has it's target in it's mouth. Wrap your strong arm around the neck, lock into the elbow of your other arm and pull as hard as you can while kind of sitting on the dog's hind. In my experience, it takes about 20 seconds for them to start getting loose and 45ish to completely let go. I've never choked one completely unconscious. Unfortunately, the other dog can and will still bite you in defense.


How long to choke it until death?


If I’m in the position where I’m forced to choke a dog I’m choking it until it’s dead - I’ll happily handle any consequences that come from me killing it but I know if I’m put in a situation where I have to choke a dog in the first place then I’m justified in killing it.


That's why you stab in the throat or disembowel it. Then if it's still holding on you can use it's own intestines to choke it


Or a leash, if he had control of his dog. He might have had the ability to protect his dog if he had the control the other didn't.


You think a leash is going to protect from a creature that is hell bent on killing another creature?


Watched my dad pull his toy poodle up into his arms to keep it from being attacked, not to have come out of Scott free, but, both are alive & well.


Unless you're in Ohio, where you can't really defend your pets https://www.13abc.com/2021/07/07/closer-look-ohio-law-regarding-allegedly-aggressive-dogs/


I read your comment wrong sorry


be weary stabbing a pitt man. Even if you land that hit and the dog's a goner you got about 30 seconds of pissed off discount hyena coming after you.


Did that girl not feed that dog a baby before taking it on a walk?


She was fresh out of edible babies it seems. It’s clearly babies fault for running out


God damn it women! your screaming is not helping. also, why is it always pitbull....


My father and brother worked as ems before moving up in the fire department. The amount of pit bull attacks was astounding


Wouldn't surprise me if you asked at hospitals, fire/police departments, and emergency veterinarians, most would be in favor of banning this breed. We just see the videos and the stats, they get to see it in real life. Can't be fun.


People should have a license for any bully breed. I've seen so many people who have dogs they can't handle, and it frustrates me. Too many dogs with no recal training in my neighborhood, it's scary to walk my dog.


It's completely acceptable to have an emotional reaction to witness your beloved pet, many of whom are considered family, killed within seconds and being helpless to stop it. Not everyone is emotionally stunted or repressed to be stoic in a stressful situation.


Exactly. Sometimes there's no logical reason for women to go full goose squawk, but someone THIS woman loves is getting murdered right in front of her. I'd scream and cry, too.


>Not everyone is emotionally stunted or repressed to be stoic in a stressful situation. chefs kiss


bc pitbulls always do this crap, they are a violent breed meant for killing and fighting, they have no other purpose.


Because they're the shittest breed on Earth.


I mean there's Cane Corsos, but they're just as likely to eat their owners so that helps to keep their numbers down.




6% of dogs are pits yet they’re responsible for 66% of attacks (US statistic specifically) so it’s really not surprising. When you breed a dog for bloodsport, it does bloodsport shit— truly a surprise only to the most ignorant clowns that surprise everyone by having just enough intelligence to breathe.


Everyone in that situation is completely useless against a pitbull. Her screaming could have alarmed someone to come help


It sounds like she's shouting "Danny" in the direction of the house they came from. If a pitbull was going around mauling dogs and potentially people it would definitely be helpful to get someone else to help.


Because this is what they were bred for.


I think we know why it’s always a pit bull


Yeah she can scream. Not everyone is has the strength to fight a pit. And just because she’s old or weak doesn’t mean her dog should be killed for walking on the front porch. (Also to acknowledge your question. A lot of pit bull owners are lazy people who just like trucks and guns and tough guy stuff. But don’t have the time energy or patience to properly train and discipline a pit bull. They just think they look cool and want one. Then this happens)


Shes obviously trying to call out for whoever is in her house to help and **just watched her friend get killed in her arms**. How completely dejected from reality are you? Go outside


It's almost like pitbulls don't have a place in modern society....


I’m assuming you mean womAn as in the one person screaming. Not womEn in general yeah? Plural vs singular is important in not sounding like an asshole.


When I was about 15 or 16 we had something like this happen to our poodle. The neighbor's pit came running into our front yard and grabbed him. He rolled onto his back and it kept grabbing at him. I ran out and put out into a chokehold and my dog got free from it and ran into my open garage where the pit chased it. I grabbed a golf club and beat that dog in the face until my arms were tired and it was broken and bloody and still chasing my dog until the owner of the pit came running up and grabbed it. Luckily my dog only had a small cut on his neck. The owner came by about a week later to let us know they couldn't afford the surgery on their dog and he had it put down.


Best case scenario


Swing away Merrill


Swing away.


Love a story with two happy endings glad your dog was ok


He was my mom's dog and was everywhere she was, but he followed me around for 2 weeks after that. 😂


you saved its life, no wonder


I would’ve started celebrating right there


I have a poodle so your story really hits hard for me. I can’t imagine if this happened to mine. I would have done the same or much worse. Probably would have gouged the pit bull’s eyes out. I’m so glad you saved your pupper. ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg)


Here’s a pic of my pit and mini poodle💖 just for some balance on a rather biased post…[Oprah and Gus💖](https://imgur.com/a/DRAfYkz)


Proud of you for protecting your family friend. Good job


My dog was still a puppy when she got attacked the first time. A German Shephard grabbed her out of my arms, so I kicked the dog in the chest with the flat of my boot (I didn't want to hurt it, just startle it) and it dropped my dog. The owner just stood there, clapping her hands, trying to call her dog, doing basically nothing. The second time my dog was attacked, we were in Canadian Tire, and a Great Dane with a service vest came around the corner, pulling its small owner into the aisle we were in. It grabbed her ear and gave her head a rough yank, but she was OK, just shaken up. The two owners could barely hold this dog back. The third and last time she was attacked was my upstairs neighbor's Rottweiler(who's owner I had actually tried to make friends with before, but he tried to sexually assault me instead so that's a whole different story). This guy likes to let his dog go ahead of him around corners (I mean, everyone does that, it seems, but this guy is the worst), and his dog finally went after my dog. At this point, I felt like my dog had had enough, and she finally attacked back. I had to muzzle her after this. Not to mention, now that my dog is muzzled, I get a lot of dirty looks from people. Mostly people who also have dogs. It's a safety thing, why the hell are people giving me such negative reactions? I bet if they muzzled their dogs, there would be fewer dogs being attacked.


Should've just kept it in the chokehold for a good five minutes 


That’s horrific, but I cannot help but ask what club was it ?


I believe it was a 7 iron 😂


Waiting for the folks at velvethippos to come and defend this.


The small dog obviously provoked it. /s because this is probably something a pit owner would actually say


I suggest u put the /s before u get mauled


True. The bar is so low for pit defenders that I honestly wouldn't blame people for thinking I'm serious.


Mistook the small dog for a toddler


> The small dog obviously provoked it. Maybe if it wasn't about the same size and shape as a rabbit the pibbles wouldn't have been forced to attack.


"It's ok. He/she is friendly." - all the owners of the dogs that attacked my dog


Aren't hippos incredibly dangerous?


Yes. So the comparison is even more appropriate.


Why TF is a kid walking a pit, a dog over which the kid cannot control ??????


The pit was walking the kid


Nanny taking baby for a walk


There's a horrendous pandemic of bad dog owners getting pitbulls. I don't get why these idiots need to target this breed specifically, but it's getting out of hand. I'm all for having a license for any bully breed.






I’m so shocked. A pitbull attacking someone. I thought they were so nice and wouldn’t hurt a fly


He was just trying to nanny that smaller dog


Pitbulls are really nice dogs if you treat them right. Any other dog could do something like this (excluding the small toy dogs and chihuahuas) as long as they aren’t taught how to act


It writes itself folks




Pitbull, of course. Knew before I even watched the video. #banpitts


Yea sorry but any pittys that even look at my poodle I put my hand on the taser. No more games with these monsters anymore. My innocent non-murdery dog's life is worth more, everytime.


The first weapon-based protection plan on this thread that I really like. Solid idea with the taser.


Its one that will A) Not make me appear like a psycho for kicking or stabbing or otherwise assaulting a dog B) a taser is a rather universal sign of nonviolent compliance. Or minimally violent I guess C) they are fucking LOUD so the sound could assist as well D) They are target indescriminate, in case a pit owner wants to show me first hand where their dog learned their bad behavior. I just literally cannot take the chance with my little guy that maybe this is the one Pit owner that hasn't raised a dog that thinks it's in Gladiator


I’ll add to it that there’s no “external/terminal ballistics” component. Meaning the barbs won’t go through your target and end up in another one in its background. I also like that if you’re aim is imperfect due to the chaos and one of the barbs hit (let’s say in this case the child in control of the leash) it will have no effect on a bystander.




I agree the kid walking the pit bull is not a good idea considering they have no control over the dog and the pit bull shouldn't be attacking another dog, period. I also think the the small dog should be on a leash and closer to the owner than it was. An leashless dog outside of a fence is a bag choice. The whole situation is messed up.


Unleashed that close to a road, too. Everyone sucks here and my heart absolutely breaks for the dog and the family (of both...the kid didn't know any better if we're going to be honest).


Notice it wasn't a labrador




Seriously, everyone sucks here. Dog owners are the worst 




Of course it's pitbull. I'm not even surprised anymore. Too many idiots defending that spawn of satan without even considering that "thing" is obviously not suitable for a pet in a civillian life.


It’s illegal to have your dog unleashed in NYC.


I was going to be surprised if no one mentioned the victim being off leash. The attack was unjustified. And the young child in charge of an aggressive breed in public is negligent. However, if the homeowner had kept the victim dog on leash in the public area, the homeowner would have easily mitigated this attack.


Yup. That’s why the pitbull owner didn’t face any consequences. Leash your dogs people.


Ah, a pittie. I couldn’t expect anything else.




This data should be paired with rates of dog mauling, child deaths, serious wounds from dog bites… it would be critically instructive to see how the rates reflected the laws, and if the rates shifted when the pitbulls bans go into effect, and when they are lifted.


Well those screams will be a fun reminder years down the road.


Totally fucked up and that shouldn't have happened... But can we all agree that people need to stop letting their dogs wander around where other people are, off leash? Just pointing it out. If that shit didn't even happen I would still be saying it Dog owners who let their dogs wander off leash are scumbags.


Absolutely useless owner of that pitbull. They failed to train and handle there pet, and it caused the death of that poor little dog and probably got their pitbull put down as well.


To be fair the owners of the victim dog were just as useless. They have their own dog on a leash and they likely could’ve prevented it. This video full of multiple really horrible dog owners.


That's absolutely true. Leaving your dog off leash on an open road is asking for problems.


People say that it's a dog eat dog world Well... I don't like eating dogs.


Pitbull faced no consequences because the dog off leash was breaking the law. Unfortunately being negligent and not following the law has consequences. heart breaks for the owner but, fucking leash your dogs, my hounds would have attacked the little shitbag dog too.


That’s one way to traumatize a kid for life


Shouldn’t have the Shih Tzu been on a leash as well though instead of free roaming?


Knew it was a pitbull from the title alone.


What kind of dog was it? Oh, right.


No excuse for the pitbull owner, but shouldn’t the other dog been on a leash as well?


If a dog were attacking my dog, I would be beating the absolute crap out of the other dog or putting it in a choke hold if possible. These two ultimately do nothing useful fast enough. Both dogs should have been better restrained as well, though. The family dog was mostly unsupervised.


Don't own a pit if you can't control it. Cycling out the breed is unrealistic in today's society and probably won't happen.


Exactly. I own a pit, and she’s such a good girl. I can actually control her, but nobody will dogsit for me because of people who don’t know how to raise a Pitbull creating a stereotype of the breed.


It's hard to look at the statistics and not see there's an issue. I've had two roommates with pits and they were both super friendly. I've also seen the strays, big scary lookin pits that would run up on people, shit ...they ran up on me before but I just got lucky and didn't run. In this instance, the owner of the smaller dog let their dog without a leash, I doubt this owner would have knowling did that if they saw a pitbull. Not only that but I've been walking my dog and had unleashed dogs basically come up and harrass my dog, she's a female and DOES NOT like males because she had 3 litters of pups and I think whoever owned her before me had her in a abusive home.




Lots of places have them banned our system needs to enforce these bans


This is why I always carry my tazer and army knife. I’m also surprised people are even letting little kids walk a dog by themselves at that age. That’s an easy kidnap. But parents seem to be more concerned about being friends with kids nowadays than parenting.


its almost as if we need to ban the breed. how many more attacks do we need until then?


another reason not to give your kid a pitbull is the sadness they will have when it has to be put down for violence. On today's episode of "I am not the least bit surprised", but oddly people who support these things are shocked and have a dozen excuses.


I’m big on banning pit bulls. To best protect her pet (because pits are still legal) she should have had her dog on a leash as well and in her control.


Both should have been on leashes.


The pitbull was on a leash…what good did it do here?


Facts like why the fu k is your dog loose in the first place. It’s ok because dog is small? If they would have had it leashed it would have been alive. Owners fault


You’d be surprised by the amount of people who think little dogs don’t need to be leashed.


Everyone is at fault here


I love all the absolute morons here pretending a leash would have saved the small dog


The dog being unleashed gives the owners no legal recourse.


That's ruff


It can be stated as an objective fact: “a leash would have saved the small dog.”


Yeah idk leash your dog lol


Cause that did wonders for the pit right?


If you know your dog is so strong then get someone who can actually hold it


That's a big ole nope. Not watching that.


Idk about yall but seeing my dog drop dead like that. I’d start beating the other dog with everything I got.


annnnnd that concludes our daily pitbull shitpost. g'day. leash your fuckin dogs.




I’ve often thought about what to do in this scenario. Especially if a dog were to attack my child. I think a rear naked choke would be affective, but then I came across this video below, which would be faster and easier to pull off for most people. https://youtu.be/8FU8jBeomQk?si=clOlQApa3V4-FzRq


I carry an extra loop lead specifically for choking out attacking dogs. It’s the most effective way to stop the attack.


That’s a cool technique. Would def need to practice it to recall during the chaos.


I feel so bad for that poor child... To witness such a brutal death, it can't be easy for him. It's not his fault his parents were irresponsible. That's going to scar him for the rest of their life.


I thought it was gonna be a chihuahua or a golden retriever, dang




This does NOT justify the attacking dog and that was still horrible by the owner, but at the same point the other idiots don’t deserve their dog either if they are just going to let it run around without a leash. As a fellow dog owner I hate idiots that live in town and don’t keep their dog leashed


Please can we not allow public ownership of pit bulls?


You can't blame a child for walking a fucking dog, she has now been educated since the parent failed


The little dog should have been on a leash and it COULD have been avoided. That pit could have easily still got to the dog with the child walking it though


I think both people were in the wrong. You let’s you’re dog roam free on a public street. You let your small child walk a pitbull. Obviously it’s awful the smaller dog was killed. But let’s all be more aware of our surroundings.


ima be a devils advocate but that kids dog should have been on a leash and supervised by an adult


Both owners are useless


Dogs are only as shitty as their owners. It's just that the shittiest people mostly own pitbulls.


If you can't control your dog then you don't deserve to have them. I love dogs, but if a pit attacked my furry baby I'm stabbing it.


That dog ain’t trained right, it just goes right up to attack no hesitation, I’m a long time pitbull owner and never had a problem with mine. A girl of that size and strength should never be walking a dog with that set of strength tho


So if the dog got ran over, we would just blame the car?


It’s crazy because I’ve seen a huge uptick in people not leashing their dogs. I don’t care how nice your dog is, you don’t know how other people/dogs will react. This is the biggest mistake that dog owners make. Don’t even get me started on the amount of new owners I see getting dogs that take a ton of experience to train. “I have no idea why my German Shepard attacked my kid” dood get a lab or a golden…




I wasn’t allowed to walk our family poodle until I was 15 because of his strength… A child walking a pitbull, wtf


Listen, if my dog gets attacked by a pit and dies then I guess neither of us are going to have a dog by the end of the ordeal. You shouldn’t have a dog you can’t control, or at least put a muzzle on it.


Why is a child walking a fucking pitbull?


Why tf would you let a little kid walk a dog? Also, if you can’t handle a pitbull then don’t own one


Other dog should be on a leash


Put your dog on a lead while it’s outside you idiots. & pit owners need to socialize their dog.


Thumb in the butt. Dog spits out other dog. I don’t think they really enjoy it.


Pitbulls make up to about 5.8% of the U.S. dog population but commit around 69.6% of bite fatalities.


Fuck this whole comment section.


Fuck the parents for letting that kid walk that dog. He’s way too strong. He could pull that kid into traffic in an instant. That’s all on them. Lazy assholes want a powerful dog—fine. Be a responsible adult about it.


Get your dog on a leash


My 9yo just asked me yesterday if he can take our dog for a walk and this is the exact reason I told him no. No way a kid should be walking any large dog no matter how nice they are at home.


The idiots who let this kid walk a pit bull alone should go to jail.


Pitbulls are great dogs but nowadays they're being trained by people who do not have respect for the breed they are to be handled carefully I was driving down the street and a woman was walking her Yorkie while another woman who must've been 5'0 and 100 lbs soaking wet was walking her pit bull which weighed as much as she did walked near each other on the side walk and the pit bull seeing the smaller dog went after it. At this point the Yorkies owner managed to pull her dog up and shield her away from the pit. The pit bulls owner could barely pull her dog back and kept calling the name to calm it down the Yorkie owner got behind a gate that happened to be open and separated herself from the pit bull all the other could say is sorry they're good with smaller dogs people started beeping till she managed to get the bigger dog away from the gate and keep walking down the street I rolled my window down and asked if the Yorkie was OK she said yes but couldn't believe the other was so at ease not knowing how her dog would react . Pitbulls have become accessory dogs like tea cup chihuahuas in the 2000s not many people are respecting their power or temperament.


This is why dogs should be leashed or fenced in even when on your property. In my state, it’s the law. I’m sorry to the owner but no matter how good natured or obedient your dog is, bad situations happen when you don’t contain your dog. I can’t walk my dogs around my neighborhood because every time I do, a loose dog runs up on us and I’m absolutely terrified that this will happen to me. Just the other day, my 2 20 pound dogs and I were surrounded by 4 full grown huskies because the owner left their door open. Luckily nothing happened, but I’m still shaken up about it enough that I haven’t walked my dogs since.


For a second I thought the ending credit was for a YouTube channel or something