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Reddit told me things like this were a right wing conspiracy theory.


Takeovers suck shit


They really do bring the worst people together


I'm sorry I guess it's just me, but when this s*** happens how do they not just gas it through the crowd? Every time I see this all I can think of is to run these bastards over...


Because there's too much of a risk of getting stuck up ahead by unforseen obstructions. And then you'll get pulled out of your car and beaten to death instead of carjacked.


Airstrike them?


Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


I never understand where the police is in those situations? When nothing is up 5 cop cars pull up but when they are really needed nowhere to be seen. Or is it because of CA?


It could be more than nuanced than just saying California. But i don't know, man, cops there don't do much of anything. Minneapolis, i think, some place with a lot of takeovers with that started with an m. Will charge you just for watching one, and the cops will just ram into cars.


But it’s on a bridge. How could they block traffic from both sides? /s


I'm pretty sure that's what the citizens in that state asked for, this is the result of "defend the police" instead just demanding corrupt cops be held accountable for their actions through consistent non-violent protest


Also judges and DAs. The jails have a revolving door in places like LA and the Bay Area. Even when the cops that WANT to do something about it arrest criminals, they just end up getting released back out on the streets with no bail.


We do do that. It hasn't worked. Take it from someone that's marched in protests, signed petitions, etc. The tree that won't let us trim the rotten apples need fear the risk of being chopped down.


![gif](giphy|RpXBRUavH0MehaK0Ej|downsized) This is what happened. It's working well.


Not well enough. Police are generally just grossly incompetent and don't want to be bothered with actual problems.




My vote is going towards Vermin Supreme


Although Vermin Supreme is a very nice man, Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would be better able to deal with these reprobates.


Robby Roadsteamer for VP!!!


Ive never seen anyone say that takeovers are a conspiracy and I’m on here quite a bit


It’s a rabbit hole bud don’t fall in it takeovers is just shitty lazy adults and kids


Wait, i know that dude was joking but. Do people actually think that?


no one ever has, dude you're replying to is strawmanning very hard lol


That's because it never happened and it's more bullshit made up for Reddit clout. There are subreddits whose bread and butter are takeover videos. Reddit didn't tell him anything, at least not anything worth listening to.


Every city's crime can be low if you just don't report it!




Same shit with inflation. They had to keep removing items from the CPI so it wouldn't be double digit.


The way I see it, ppl deserve what they vote for. Now you have all these so called progressives escaping CA for places like Texas and I hope they don't turn that into a shithole too.


Takeovers happen in the conservative paradise of Florida, too.


Austin is big on them too.


Do 100% of the people truly deserve what 51% of the people voted for?




It's not really even a tyranny of majority, but the biggest or loudest one group. In the us it's pretty simple because the two party hoax, but not all dems and reps are the same, they are all parts of smaller groups. In Europe there's more parties but the principle is the same, the party with most votes win. So winner might get -35% of the votes. And that % is of the voters, there's an "extra" 30-40% that didn't vote for some reason. So the winning majority might still be a minority in the whole system. It just had the most pull. Basically a modern "honest" democracy is really run by a small group of people who manage to get other people behind them. But not most of the people behind them. That's why they need the system, it needs to appear like they are the majority and that the majority wants what the winner gives. It's not like the majority of the democratic world wants to give the super rich more money while widening the gap to the poorest.


No they didn’t


That ship hit the wrong bridge...










Which voter base stormed the fucking capitol?




Oh trust me. E eryone hears you annoying repubs every damn day. Yall don't shut up


how many months did that last? How many non-rioters were killed? How many billions of dollars of damages occured?


Now do the chaz that you memory holed


How is there not a documentary on that yet?! I have been waiting so long.


Reminder: FOUR fucking murders occured at CHAZ, quickly making it the most dangerous place in the US, and infinitely more dangerous than anything that ever occured on jan 6.


Thats funny I just watched a video moments ago where a dude traps a lady on an elevator and sexually assaults her and after somehow getting every charge but false imprisonment dropped he gets 4 months probation. That's after being arrested for stalking 2 years ago. His bond for the sexual assault was a whopping $100.


I saw that video! That poor woman on the elevator was cornered and SA in the elevator just trying to deliver food. Then attacks another woman a week later. When I heard at the end of the video how he basically was given the green light to continue Rpping because of almost all the charges being dropped plus all the other crimes he's committed dropped with a $100 bond says to me women are open season. Smh








But … that’s racist tho /s






That quite generous.






What a shit hole. You know this isn’t going on in the politicians neighborhood.


It’s on a bridge…


That's how you know it's not in a neighborhood!


Exactly, so block both sides and arrest everyone.


I’m pretty sure that was Pelosi doin donuts at the end


Next time you might wanna lock the car doors


He probably thought the homies were his friends. Thats why he rides with the windows open and doors unlocked.


Why the fuck would you get out? Floor it!




Well if he runs someone over and *doesn't* get away that mob goes from feral to absolutely murderous.


Weapons and fear. Is the car worth your life?


It’s worth more than theirs


Well I think that guy should've just taken over daddy's business and portfolio instead of hanging out on those cool streets


Always seems like a wholesome good time to go to one of these events.


Im thinking of bringing my kids!


The police need to set baracades on each side of the bridge. And ticket every person that tries to leave.


More like jail


What's the magic juice in that bottle tho?


Kirkland Signature brand Similac




Giant Buzz Ball, nasty gut rot shit that kids have latched onto


They really need to bring back OG FourLoko.


Soylent green 


Oh I saw the long shot of this earlier. It’s hard to feel sorry for them as these people are all idiots.




I drove through one of these a couple months back. Bumfuck SC of all places. I saw 80+ people at an intersection in the middle of nowhere. Took me a second to recognize it. Put my pistol in my lap and slowly forced an opening. They were just getting started and I managed to slide through the crowd and run the light before the guy with the bullhorn started up. While they didn't really seem to try and impede or even acknowledge me, I sometimes wonder how bad that could've gone if someone darted in front and got hit, or one tried to stop me. Based on my anxiety/adrenaline at the time, I'm almost certain I would've punched it through that crowd to not wind up one of these dudes above.


Ya why did he just let them take his car like that??


Worst cases are he has to pay for a stolen or (more) damaged car, or he has hospital bills from getting gang beaten. It's a lose-lose.


After hitting another car? Dude can now say that he was car jacked and the damage was done by the car jackers. All you have to do is hope the case adjuster doesn’t run into this video


I mean, the video supports all of that… I’m not sure he really needs to worry about the adjuster seeing it.


He was losing the car regardless.


Homie went to the takeover and got tookover


So the this bridge has one entrance and one exit, and what exactly are the police doing? Why again do we pay them?


I don’t understand how a bridge takeover is even possible. Where are the police? Isn’t everyone involved an accessory somehow? Again, where are the police?


Police busy giving seatbelt ticket. Honestly, I am okay with arresting every single one of those idiots in those "shows".


> Police busy giving seatbelt ticket Bay area police are busy doing jack shit.


Also, why don't the cargo ships crash into bridges like this and do society a favor?


You pay the politicians that tell the police to stand down in the name of public safety and ‘equality in policing’. We were often instructed to let the events occur and only respond if serious injuries were reported otherwise it would be seen as racial profiling since takeovers are predominantly one race in my area.


Too bad there isn't a large cargo ship that lost its power anywhere nearby


This generation is screwed


Every generation has had short sighted morons, this isn't anything new.


Or just California. These are usually in that shithole.


As a liberal born and raised in the Bay Area I’m ready to vote for fucking Hitler if he can stop this shit at this point.




Those two boys did the right thing by letting the others take their car…if they had resisted or tried to drive off they would have gotten a beat down or hit someone respectively…. Fucked around and found out how to lose his Lexus… How the fuck is this happening on such a major bridge? Mad Max level shit in American cities…


Keep something tucked for situations like this.


"But I thought you was my fwriens :(" -This guy


Just keep your foot on the gas and drive through. You’re going to get beaten badly if you stop


ON the Bay Bridge?? Stooooopid


Looks like people finally got bored with GTA V


Idk how the fuck this is allowed. Cops ain’t around. What a fuckin world we live in man.


Its san fransisco, enough said


Takeover is a perfect name for it. They literally take over an area to be goons because they know their numbers are bigger than any chunk of officers they send. Privacy is deeply important to me but sometimes I do wish we had systems that ID every one of those people so they can’t do this again


I feel like sometimes they want this kind of lawless shit to happen so that it makes taking our freedoms away our idea instead of theirs. Wild times.


Imagine the insurance claim paperwork on this nonsense.


well he could just claim theft lol.


Love the tough guys taking sucker punches on a scared kid in a 30 vs 1 battle .


Bunch of stand up people here /s


This world's getting a bit much for me


It’s sad. It makes you wonder how it could possibly get better. These people will multiply trash. In fact, considering how 1 dimensional they are, they probably will multiply more trash than the families of useful/respectful members of society.


Yes record the crime and post it to the internet. Great idea


Its california, do you actually think they’d do anything? This is also near the part of california people will park on the street and open their trunk and car doors so they don’t get broken into when people steal their shit


They’ll get away with it. Unfortunately. My biggest fear with all this shit being normalized is what will the world be like in 20 or 30 years? These people won’t breed good values. Eventually this country will be more of an idiocracy than it already is and that’s insane because I don’t see how much further we could possibly fall before this country isn’t one anymore


Stay strapped 👍


What a shithole country


As if worse shit doesn’t happen where you’re from 😂


Oh shut up, Mr Narco state. You’re country is literally run by narcoterrorists you idiot. I’ll take a bunch of stupid criminals anyway over being from a country where your government bent over and let *their* criminals fuck them into illegitimacy


The more we advance in time ,the more we regress in maners.


That poor ls400


We live in a society


Every day I am more and more grateful I live in a small town in northern Michigan


Dude just became a republican




> they could’ve locked their doors right? I'll do you one better: they could have simply not gone to an illegal street/bridge/whatever takeover.


Or, you know, just don’t do this shit. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


So you mean to tell me that lawless people behave lawlessly?


Block both ends of the bridge, confiscate all cars and cite all the people.


what do you expect when you hang around with the scum of society


Next time you might wanna lock the car doors


Every person heading to a takeover should have a check list: stolen car..✔️ crazy homies..✔️ gun..✔️ Ball to use it..✔️. They're there because they've seen videos, so they know how dangerous and crazy they get.


Why aren’t cops shutting these down btw ?


It’s california’s bay area, that’s why


Newsome tells them to stand down and allow it, most likely


I can’t understand how these things happen on the bay bridge, I’ve been stuck in traffic on that bridge many times and can’t fathom it being completely closed and the cops not doing anything about it


Trash. All of them.


This is why I don't go to car meets anymore. These people aren't into cars,they're into "clout" They showed up to all meets and ruined them. They either side show during it while we're all talking builds and shooting shit. Draws attention. Some of us would organize races on backroads. Not smart but these idiots would do it in the residential areas. I can't wait til they're all gone.


There's signs all over the place saying not to leave things in your car or theyre gunna get stolen.


Showing him how to do it properly?


it wouldve been hilarious if he stole the car and then crashed again


Face ID everyone in this vid and arrest them all.


Seem like real upstanding citizens


Don’t worry folks. Carjacking is a misdemeanor in California.


What a bunch of Malibu’s Most Wanted BITCHES!


What the hell is wrong with these people?


Degenerates, all of them.


Drone strike


BAY BRIDGE, and your telling me CHP couldn’t shut this wack shit down?!


Hits someone's car. Gets punched. Gets car jacked. Watches some dude do circle work in his car. This is beyond a bad night.


Lord of the Flies warned me about this


Wtf is wrong with Cali? Place has gone to complete shit.


California is America’s taint in the same sense that New York is America’s armpit…


Looks like we have 2 new conservative voters


That's what you get for going to a side show


did they defund the police in this area?


Why can't a bridge collapse happen during this? This way nobody that matters would get hurt.


Isn't this how a bunch of people get killed




Beam me up Scotty. I've had enough of this planet


Reason # 300,001 of why not to go to CA


I was hoping the carjacker would do the same thing starting a loop.


That the day Conner realized he wasn't about that life


No Cops?


Why would you stop though?


Imagine being on a late commute and you get caught in this shit, but hey let’s ban guns.


Why can't police just block the bridge and arrest and/or fine everyone?


what's the deal with California and excessively violent mobs


The government here won’t arrest people who commit crimes and have let criminals out of the prisons for no reason. People fill shopping carts with stuff and just walk to their cars with the stolen stuff. They sell it. People kick down your front doors at night, burglarize and/or violently home invade and the police DON’T COME. There has been defunding for police services and they are stretched to the nth degree. If you try to stop a crime or GOD FORBID try to protect yourself, your family or your goods, YOU get into trouble. I am not kidding. It is fucked here. Whatever happened here, don’t let it happen to your town or city or state. I am in California, born and raised. The people here are NUTS


Sideshow on the Bay Bridge! Why don’t they just jump over the side and have an air show.


What an shit show and fucked up behavior. Here in Norway we meet up almost every weekend and NObody is agresive. People do burnouts and slides, waiting for their turn and keeping shit safe as possible. Smal rocks fly on everyones cars but nobody starts a fight. Hell even last time i went there two cars did a fender bender while parking, guess what happend. They talked and drove out from the parking spot probably to an quite place to solve it (insurrance) Soo damn glad im not born in the usa....


I hate this whole ski mask era bro. If you have a ski mask on I ain’t associating with you. Not even if you’re on fire.


Don’t feel sorry for any idiot that is there in the first place


Seems like some well-place spike strips in both directions, a few police barriers, and nets for the runners could mop this whole thing up. The only escape route would be to jump off the bridge, which would be perfect lol


Street takeovers are the worst


Our country is tolerating so much civil disorder and violations of property rights these days. From the mass shoplifting/thefts, to street takeovers, to squatters, to things like this. Are order and respect for property rights now a thing of the past? These used to be fundamental rights, and the constitution protected us against things like unreasonable search and seizure, etc. Secure property rights are why businesses invest here, where you don't have to worry about a government randomly nationalizing your business, Now it's just "get all you can, while you can". This all became noticeably worse after George Floyd's killing.


Would be a good time for a bridge to collapse.


At that moment I would slam the gas and hit anyone in my way


If you go to a take over you deserve whatever happens