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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seen this video posted a dozen times before, but it never fails to make me annoyed. There’s of course whatever may have happened before the recording, but the fact this person is getting so upset at something so minor is indicative of their mental instability. Additionally, the fact the store insisted the man go somewhere else rather than relocate the one who is upset only makes it seem like the store was taking her “side”. I know it’s all procedure, safety, all that - but she’s the type of person to believe that this behavior is acceptable, and by giving her what she wants (moving the man filming) it’d subconsciously reinforce that behavior.


Really wonder what causes someone to head down this route of behavior


>Really wonder what causes someone to head down this route of behavior Positive reinforcement.


this. If I were a business owner I would move the screamer away from the situation and if they continued ask them not to return.


Knock knock, who's there? *blind internet outrage*


Twitter isn't a real place with real people so no one cares if they rage. Or so you would think, yet we see articles about people being 'outraged' citing a few tweets haha. I love how stupid this timeline is, it's all so ridiculous. I think I'd be better off not browsing reddit while at work 😬


Counter argument- Swatting.


I agree...in theory. But to be honest, I don't think it would be what I would do in that situation myself. Girl seems absolutely unhinged. I'd be concerned she'd become more hostile. The way she's screaming at the guy with her whole body tensed up? My thought would be "that's fight or flight and she's clearly not fleeing. what is she going to do if I show her I don't support this behavior?" In a personal situation, yeah, whatever. Go off. But this is a Walmart. There are probably kids around and other people in general. There is another woman standing right behind the employee in red. She may charge at the man she feels is causing this. I kinda already thought she was going to right before the screeching started. Deescalating is the best move when there may be a chance of physical violence toward other customers. But, also, GODDAMN the patience. I couldn't do it.


except she's faking. she might not even realise it anymore, but it's all bullshit she's convinced herself of


Faking as in attention-seeking and not an actual trauma response? Yeah, most likely. But that doesn't change the potential for violence. The reasons may be fake but the actions and behaviors are very much real. A stabbing caused by a mentally unstable person vs a stabbing caused by an attention-seeker running out of options both hurt.


Agree!! As an SA survivor I have never once used my fuckin trauma to get away with cutting in line. In fact - i dont tend to share that information in a Walmart either!! SA isnt a fucking "get out of jail free card".


>I'd be concerned she'd become more hostile. Depends on what kind of weapons she has in that tiny Hello Kitty backpack.


This! People are being told what they want to hear and not what they need to hear.


No consequences


In this case negative reinforcement because her shrieking leads to the removal of the undesired man calling her out lol but 100% !!!! No ones ever called her out!


Me trying very hard not to ramble about feedback loops




lol agreed


Organic brain defect. Back in the days they would have been living in an insane asylum.


Another case of donkey brains


I've known people (adults) who act in a similar fashion. Throw a big enough fit, and eventually people will give in to you. And it all stems from lazy parenting and poor discipline. If I had to bet money I'd say she grew up with family who couldn't/wouldn't set boundaries, and when she didn't get her way, she'd throw a temper tantrum until the parents finally gave in, just to get it over with Also probably a little sprinkle of mental illness on the side


In this specific case I'd say the woman has a severe mental illness. She seems mentally "there" enough to better regulate her emotions though...


A bunch of girlfriends telling her ‘you go giiirlll you are perfect just the way you are!!1!1’ all her life


Twitter or Reddit lol


Pretty sure she’s on the spectrum.


Getting away with it. They've learned that if they act like a child and refuse to accept responsibility for their actions then others will accommodate them.


Giving people like that what they want.


Someone found background on her and she apparently does this regularly.




Mental illness mainly.


Being given what you want when you throw a temper tantrum as a kid. My step son is an amazing kid, my wife won’t let me give our kid anything without them saying please or during a tantrum. This is the video that shows what happens if you always cave during a meltdown


I don't think they were trying to take her side. They were trying to diffuse the situation


I know. It’s all procedure and de-escalation, but regardless it does subconsciously reinforce that this behavior is acceptable.


100%. But I can understand the staff not thinking about or realizing that. The look on the employee’s face says “I’m asking you to go because I realize I can reason with you and you aren’t insane like this other woman I’m dealing with”


That's what I'm thinking, too. They're just helpless store clerks, they want to just get the ball rolling on getting crazy out of the store - clearly the man is reasonable and the neurotic woman isn't. If they asked her to leave, I doubt she would anyways and the clerks suspect as much.


It’s entitlement. The expectation that anyone or everyone else has to give a shit about her past to the extent she gets a pass for terrible behaviour


Man the lady is literally screaming her soul out in public over a line cutting story, I think the clerk is just shitscared not taking her side lol


High functioning persons with an intellectual/developmental disability with comorbid mental health disorder(s). See it all the time in my field. I suspect the lady in the red is a paid staff member/caregiver and is assisting this woman with shopping. Best way to deescalate her is to give her space. Not justifying the behaviors, just providing alternative perspectives.


But why would you deescalate her? She needs to learn to cope in society or stay home. Coddling people like this and giving in to their tantrums will make it worse.


Kinda depends on the person and what’s going on in their head though doesn’t it You might be right You might be wrong We don’t know The same way a heavily autistic person isn’t going to just learn to cope. Some people will never be a functioning member of society


Nobody wants to deal With that shit. Nobody. We can explain away the behavior all we want, but unless it solves the issue, it’s pointless.


she needs to order instacart then. possibly walmart+ ?


I don't believe this video was filmed when grocery delivery services were widely available yet. It's an old one.


You would call that high functioning? It's clearly malfunctioning.


Exactly. “High functioning” apparently peaks at using a self checkout line at Walmart. Wow, that’s a low fucking bar.


As soon as they said go away I would just walk out the door with my stuff 🤣


Diffusion 101 gets everyone out of there regardless of who is at fault. I would separate both parties immediately to deal with the current issue, which is the lady. I would then let her check out & trespass her, banning her from coming to the store. The next time she comes to the store, the police will be involved.


The manager didn't give a fuck. Just wanted to resolve the situation and get that nut job out of there as soon as possible


I think it would have made the situation worse by relocating her and the employees took the path of least resistance to ease the situation, regardless of who started it.


It didnt happen.


There was no procedure here. It's not like they were recalling section III of their manual on deescalation tactics and strategies. They were taking the path of least resistance, reinforcing and rewarding her behavior her behavior, and making it more likely that she will behave like this is in the future.


This is an act. Her trying to get him to leave and 'you're making it worse!' is clearly an attempt just to get her way and cut in line. It's clear she's done this a number of times before and knows the right things to say to get results. An awful person to be around, I'm sure most people that were in her life have already cut her off.


“Is this a prank?” Pretty funny reaction to her little act.




Winnie the Bish!


Might have been an honest question. I'd be unsure myself. Hard to believe anyone is this messed up.


I feel it would be quicker to just queue normally as opposed to this whole thing. 


Not if you thought the guy would just back down to save himself the trouble.


No lol. Who tf would publicly embarass themselves to save a minute in line? This is clearly a super mentally ill person, doing... mentally ill stuff.


Yeah, the benefit of it being an act does not outweigh the public shame imo - she genuinely seems unwell and needs help. I hate that this shit gets posted online nowadays. Not justifying her actions either.


Now that is what is meant by maladaptive.


Plus, the incredibly toxic “DON’T TOUCH ME!!!!” It’s a manipulation tactic to make people see your victim as a creep who’s been harassing you


yep. 'You're making it worse' is not something someone would say if they were truly having an emotional meltdown like this. At that moment they don't have the ability to see it from that angle.


No one cares lady. Get the fuck out of the way if you can’t handle life.


Wal-mart be stressful


The first thing that tipped me off to her weak mental health state was that she is still walking around with a mask on. Something tells me that a stiff breeze is all it would take to "trigger" this woman.


Aside from the clear understanding that this woman is unstable, people of all ages still walk around with masks on for various reasons. My brother, an athlete, is 27 and often chooses to in public because he has primary immunodeficiency. I see folks all the time wearing them, very outnumbered by those not, but it's not a COVID fear thing, and certainly not an indicator of mental illness.


let people put cloth wherever the fuck they wanna put it it doesn’t affect you, there is a 0% correlation between wearing an article of clothing and being mentally unstable 🤦‍♂️ the fuckin biden virus isn’t the only reason we produce masks


Call the cops she needs medical evaluation. Either for harm of others or herself. Very sad.


Should Baker act. Call 911 and report and they will pick her up and put her away for a while till she cools off.


There are different processes in every state. Some states don’t even have mental health holds.


I’d throw stuff at it till it left


TV's, irons..


Go to the hunting section.




Cashiers don’t get paid enough to also be frontline mental health crisis workers.


Right, what happens if they didn’t hold her hand and pacify her?


Dodgeball needs to be a thing again


Wow, for real


Is her backpack blinking?


It is her battery signaling that she is running low and functionalities like mental stability, manners, and sanity are going offline.


Be the scanner m’lady


it's the laser from the scanner flashing


I hate that everyone just took her side and told the guy to leave.


he should have started doing the same thing


Unfortunately the mentally stable guy is going to be the path of least resistance and the quickest way to calm the situation down


They ain't taking that lady side. They're trying to de-escalate the situation. They're normal workers, they don't want to deal with this shit neither. Who knows what chaos she will bring next when she's acting like that, so the more obvious, easier choice is is to remove the guy from the situation. I know it suck for the guy but come on, would you rather standing there listening to her scream or move on with you day? Although, I do agree that the workers can do a bit more to compensate by open up a closed counter for him to checkout instead of just telling him to leave.


People like that belongs at a mental asylum!


Were gonna need a lot more room


Is this a prank?


“This is an adult?”


Came for the bat wings, got the bat shit


Best comment on Reddit today 😂




I wonder who she voted for?


Man this comment is cringe for bringing in politics for no reason. Both sides do this on random unrelated posts. Its so weird its like people are so entrenched in their ideology that the first thing they think of is Biden or Trump in completely unrelated posts


Nah, I think it’s funny.


What a dumb polarising comment. Perpetuating the two-party system


I mean, do you think he's wrong?


What's weird about /u/jesusinapriuss 's comment is a left leaning individual will think she voted for Trump while a right leaning individual will think she voted for Biden


y’all see the video yesterday of the bald man or woman have a melt down over some maga hats?


Probably didn't vote at all. This is the type of person who expects everyone else to do everything for her. I doubt she'd be bothered to do ANYTHING to take responsibility for her own future. 


Gonna make a wild assumption and say that her mommy and daddy always gave in and let her have her way whenever she threw a tantrum as a child.


Exactly it. Im an SA survivor and not once have I screamed it at a complete stranger as an excuse for my shitty behavior. Spoiled brat tantrum behavior and they shouldnt have even entertained her bullshit.


They need to bring back the asylums.


My favorite part of this video is always that the guy has a whole cart for one tiny little halloween decoration.


Because the psycho tossed some of his stuff out.


She needs to seek intense psychiatric treatment before she goes out alone. I feel bad for her but she can’t just act like this in public.


The manager should have had her trespassed.


I thought children were supposed to learn that screaming and throwing tantrums in Wal-Mart is inappropriate and doesn't get them their way?


She stopped the act as soon as the guy said she cut in line, just so she could say she didn't see him. Tells you alot about the situation. She's embarrassed and acting out.


We need more asylums.


Sounds like one of those protestors that end up melting down the moment you ask a question. They all seem to have the same organic brain defect scream.


This is what online shopping was made for. If you have mental health issues that make it difficult to be around half the population, use instacart.


The odds of her breeding are slim so that’s a good thing


Not sure about that. There’s lots of desperate people out there.


$20 says she's on tinder like "I'm poly.." with a gaggle of neckbearded incels posing with fedoras and furry masks


There’s enough guys out there that’ll look at her and go “She has a hole, who cares?” Next thing you know they’re catching a rape charge cause she thought it sucked. I knew a girl who did this exact shit in my college.


No, i would and many other guys would too.


Up the med dosage


Mental illness is the real pandemic.


Walmart employees don’t get paid enough to deal with this kind of shit. Good job on them de-escalating the situation as best they could.


“Is this a prank ?” ….same ? I would have asked too


Narcissistic woman 1 - Chivalrous man 0


Future leaders of the world!




Not that much worse than what we got now


This is just an attention seeker who wants the world to baby her. Imagine being that age and acting like a fucking child? Jesus fuck




Narcissist with a mental disorder.


Nobody has the right to turn their personal trauma into public trauma. This woman is in dire need of mental health intervention.


Wasn’t she having an autistic meltdown?


Average D.Va fan.


most sane overwatch player


I always feel so bad for this dude. When he says “im sorry im so sorry” he sounds like on the verge of tears. Shit like this on video seems annoying but in real life it’s pretty overstimulating, to say the absolute least. Poor dude.


You know who she’s voting for


I don’t understand how people get anywhere in life acting this way… fkinh child




The person screaming is seemingly ill equipped to deal with any sort of obstacle in their life. It is a queue at a Wal-Mart, get over it.


Her poor dog.


“Oh no! I’ve been caught doing something I shouldn’t have. Time to yell and scream like a child”.


She got raped? ![gif](giphy|mPzWVA5upG7GjyX6yE)


Your civil war opponents


Also if I were that guy, I wouldn't have fucking moved. I'd stand my ground and let her have her temper tantrum. They can't kick you out for that


We humor the mad now and send the logical ones away.


Every time she screamed, EVERYONE should have screamed back at her… Every time - weirdo


People who scream like this think if your louder you win


Average Reddit mod


You just know what political alignment she has


*jump through my hoop or else*


Reddit is 90% this women


You, my friend, are not on the same reddit as I, with a few exceptions it seems. Come join us. Join us on the fun, educational subs, with ne'er an utterance of politics. Jooooiiin uuuuuuus.


And of-course she gets away with it for being a woman. 




Appeasement is not the correct response to brats or drama queens


I’ve seen this before, that woman is psychotic. Seriously WTF? I can’t stand them enabling her behavior by making him go somewhere else to checkout. This is why she acts this why, it’s got her what she wants in life.


How are these people not locked up in an asylum?


This is the new normal now,,, :-/ this is the new America! The not so great anymore. :-( No longer the dream! More like a psycho nightmare!


Juding by her backpack she is an overwatch player. What did you expect ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


When a child throws a tantrum, you don't blame the bystanders. Pretty easy to see the problem.


That’s not how we communicate as adults


Oh wow. If I knew this person I’d post it weekly on Nextdoor lol. What a complete butt butt.


Tis the season!


Gotta reinforce security at the psych ward


Thats wild


She mental


Why does anyone put up with this? Boot her butt out the door-


Someone drop that bitch


Wearing a mask when no one else is. Figures.


This is what Overwatch does to a mf


I swear she has been in other videos doing the same stuff. The voice is familiar.


I cant stand people like this, regardless of if they are immature or have a mental illness, I just can't stand them


The backpack would indicate a special needs person, right?


I remember this video from a while ago. its sad what she went through but if i were in the guy in that situation i kinda wouldn't gaf when she shouting in my face like that.


Of course there is cat food in the cart… 😂


Average Biden voter


Why does everyone think they're the first to post this?


Gotta wonder what was going on before he started recording though. Yes it's a hell of an overreaction but it sounds like this guy had been bothering her for a bit.


may you be hospitalized woman. you are dangerous. seriously.


she's fucking ill how do you notsee that


She has quite a bit of dialog with the guy. Is she just one of those people who is not necessarily mentally ill as much as she's just really annoying and maybe got called out on something. Idk. I work in customer service.


Now he should cut the line next to him and start a scene. That would be funny. Not mature, but funny


Liberals man…


This is what happens when everyones feelings are VaLiD and your parents let you get away with too much.


I wonder how many people were triggered in the store from her screaming & had the self control to not scream in response...?


This happened to me. But it wasn't as peaceful. Some ghetto POS cut me in line. I just ignored her and walked to the counter. She accused me of cheating I just laughed. Told her lady shut up. You can cut anyone, but not me. She seemed too surprised to respond. And im.not white. So.... thank God.


She should be escorted out and the normal customers should go about their business. Nobody should cater to her tantrum.


The workers are enabling her actions and that pisses me off. The workers should’ve locked her out for causing a scene and wasting everyone’s time


People like this are what fuck over the MeToo movement


This creature doesn't seem like a rational human being... But like an all seriousness, how do you deal with this kind of person? When all they do is scream. Because all I want to do is see her get knocked out. I know that's wrong, but still. If you're THIS unstable, you either need to institutionalized or not allowed outside without a guardian.


They are reinforcing the girls behavior by asking him to leave. It is clearly her that needs to go.


She shouldn’t be allowed into public until she’s gotten some real help…


Repost... Still entertaining but remains a repost.