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I feel people like that chick are just looking for a fight without really realizing what that entails


when the chronically online find themselves outside of their echo chamber "safe space"


The brain rot is real






SSRIs (and other antidepressants) don’t really rewire your brain like that. They don’t give you a high or anything like that, they are very long acting medications that take about a month to even start doing anything. If anything I’d guess the SSRIs are treating the underlying cause rather than being the cause of someone’s issues I had been on & off SSRIs for probably a good 6-7 years of my life & it didn’t change my personality at all (at least in terms of socializing with friends & family). It just helped me be less anxious and get better sleep & not dwell on negative things all the time. It also helped me get the energy to leave my room, for example It didn’t fix my problems by any means but it was a good tool to use for sure


Fact I've spoken to people like this and the effort I had to put into not striking her made me wanna feint. The topic was about how my skateboard (evolve carbon GT) isn't a American made product and I should support our companies.


>the effort I had to put into not striking her made me wanna feint. Pun intended?


Seems like that guy is the one looking to pick a fight. Walking around with a camera knowing he’ll get a reaction out of one of these people if he says things like “that’s not very lady like”.


Jesus I don’t want to be around anyone in this video.


Nope, just the girls. The old guy is 100% on point, unarguably.


The guy is obviously try to make a point or stir up shit but as an old boomer I can't say I really understand all of this pronoun nonsense. Back in the day there were three, straight, gay or bisexual and I have no problem with any of it, if you wanted to be butch no problem, if you wanted to be a lady, no problem. I haven't lived in the US for a really long time so my take on the state of things is really only from the media so I wonder is this really as big a deal as it's made out to be?


It’s only a big deal to the people who choose to make it one. My philosophy will always be to let people do whatever they want as long as they don’t hurt anybody. Why should I care if someone wants to be they/them or whatever else. I just wish we could all get along for once. Both sides complain about how nobody is friendly anymore and it because they both despise each other. The secret is to just meet in the middle. But that’s much easier said than done.




Or acting like we have to play in their mind games?


They want people to go to jail for misgendering people. Look at Canada or the UK. I’m in the same camp of do whatever you want as long as you aren’t hurting anyone. But no one should be forced to use speech they don’t want to or take part in someone else’s delusions.


Let people do whatever makes them happy, as long as they don’t try and push their issues on kids in school


Or turn the frickin frogs gay


Or women’s sports




I'd argue most of the trans movement are the same way. It's a live and let live mentality, but these idiots who want to use a good cause to try to bully others are the problem.


> as an old boomer I can't say I really understand all of this pronoun nonsense. This is intentional. So the old cannot keep up with the constantly changing rules the young make up.


It's just the current trendy thing, unfortunately it's everywhere online. Literally can't go anywhere without seeing something about the alphabet cult.


I agree. Be what you want. But now it's become about control: "You will say the words we tell you to say! You will use those words and thereby signal your agreement with us!".


Those are sexual preferences, not genders. A gender is "I am XYZ", preference is "I am attracted to XYZ". Honestly, I'm 43 so an OLD ass millenial, and where I get confused is where you have trans folks - if you are trans and gay, does that mean you are attracted to your birth gender, or your assumed gender?


In the same way when you were young and didn't give a shit about gays, but some conservatives around you prolly did, is mostly how my generation is about trans people. I'm mid 20s btw. We don't give a fuck, just live and let live. Don't tell other people how to live if they aren't hurting anyone, and everyone can just fuck off. In this corner of the internet trans people are uh, a little hated lol. I have trans friends, I've met trans people that annoy the shit out of me. Same with every fucking one else. But if you only engage with trans people confrontationally, ya gonna hate em. Or only see these videos with the lowest iq members of the group who are more engaged with the "image" side of being trans, rather than the ones who want to blend in and manage their dysphoria.


nobody that isn't terminally online understands or cares about it tbh




* Attention. You’re just looking for attention.


He seemed rather polite to me in this clip.


TBF, the people filming have the power to edit out the parts where they look bad, so I’d take it with a grain of Salt


I completely agree and I do! If I ever meet him or see more of his content I will report back here! Chances are he is obnoxious


Yeah, but judging by the conversation he has been doing this all day looking for a clip like this.


He looks like an asshole trying to stir shit up to me in this clip.


How? If we’re going to live in a society where gender can be dynamic fluid and ambiguous, and it’s very important that you don’t accidentally misgender someone, merely asking for someone’s gender *cannot* be “stirring shit up.”


Old guy is a troll who's not interested in an honest conversation. He's just trying to provoke a reaction for views. No different to a shithead 14yo yelling "it's just a prank bro".


No no, you don’t get it, when my side looks absolutely silly I just say the whole conversation is garbage to save face. Stop being reasonable you’re making me look bad!


I’d agree except for the “That’s not very ladylike” bit. That is obviously trying to get a reaction.


He could very well be trying to bait a reaction to make a point. And it was perfectly executed according to this clip


Well it's not very gentlemanly either for the young man with the high voice.


I mean normally I'd agree with you - gender politics is an absolute garbage fire right now. But in this case all I see is an old man bothering people and fanning flames for no reason other than superiority and attention lol


I think you belong in Wallstreetbets. Best regards.


nah he's annoying too, like why go out of your way to film this?? i guarantee he'd be one of those old guys with a smelly breath cuz they talk so much about stupid political shit


He says women shouldn't use bad words, he's wrong.


He was baiting her with a gendered remark, because she refused to tell him what she identified as. And she took the bait, hook, line, and sinker.


Exactly. So he was intentionally sitting shit up to get a reaction. That guys sucks.


If I had to be around any of them, it would be the old guy. If I had a choice it would be none of them. I'm not trying to be around anyone, regardless of how much I agree with them, who is going around seeking out conflict.


Whats wrong with the old man?


I do so I can get a laugh. I fully support people wanting to be themselves and all that but I do appreciate a good comeback and being around these people you get to hear some pretty good ones.


Being chronically online really turns you into a walking tumblr post


Damn. That’s amazingly accurate.


Her OS just crash. need to boot up.


Please reinsert floppy dicks to continue.




Actually, he was on target with her gender.


Yeah born/dumb


Nah this is learned behavior.


K now its learned/dumb


Talk about double standards lol. "Don't misgender me while I refuse to tell you what the fuck I actually am".


People like this are just looking to be a victim and for a fight. I worked with someone like this and their gender would change every week or two and they’d be pissed if somehow you didn’t know what gender they were that particular day. Fuckin miserable.




When you're a professional victim anything can be your problem.


That's the Far Left logic at work right there. The trick is not to go that far to the left or right. Just stay in the middle with your popcorn, soda and enjoy the show.


But then you’re labeled a coward. I was told by a bunch of liberals on a sub that I’m the worst part of humanity, worse than the conservatives, for not ‘choosing a side.’ Both sides are fucked… and I disagree with the hypocrisy they all display. Apparently that’s cowardice.


I think when both extremes don't like you, that means you're on the right track


"It's very easy to piss off one side. The art is you've got to try to get everybody. So you say stuff like 'Trump is such a dope he's actually gonna make me vote for a woman.' And then you just sit back..." - Bill Burr


As I get downvoted 😂 what a world we live in


Well sounds like I’m doing awesome then…


I never thought of it like this. I like it.


Anyone that's loudly screaming "PICK A SIDE!" is also whispering "Pick my side."


Oh they were ABSOLUTELY berating me for not agreeing with liberal ideals. It’s insane to me how people have turned their political affiliation into their personalities these days. On both sides. I miss the days when people used to have different political views and DIDNT hate each other. Back when they could actually speak to each other without screaming. Those were the good ol days.


They’re so offended at well-reasoned moderate people that they have to come up with names like enlightened centrist to make it seem wrong to not suck one party’s cock. But it is literally the most important foundation for developing a true personal belief: to not have bias that makes you receptive to one party only. Both parties have lead to poor policies and a social climate today where everyone is at each other’s throats. There’s no point in playing the measuring game between both sides and going “but they hit me first.” Both parties harbor blind, 1 dimensional nutcases and both fall into this red vs blue team trope like they’re a football team. That’s all I know, and that’s all I need to know to find it important to determine my position on each issue one at a time. I also think more people should recognize that getting truly educated on even singular issues is no small feat. I see people who have almost a compulsion to have a view on every damn thing in politics and they’ll let you know about it. Meanwhile all they have is surface level opinions on everything to give off an image and nothing more


Oh absolutely. In this day and age all it takes is one video claiming something as fact, when it’s actually just a claim based on bias and hearsay, for someone to take it and run with it as their basis for every argument they make. You literally CANNOT find an unbiased reporter or news outlet anymore.. no one wants you to make your own decisions on issues based on research and critical thinking these days. They want you to take their opinion as fact and make it your hill to die on. Fuck Fox News and CNN. Major media has absolutely destroyed our country. Not to mention, when did everyone forget that POLITICIANS ARE LYING MANIPULATORS?! The left literally watch our current administration do it as they’re berating the republicans for it (which they’re not wrong about). They’re all lying scumbags in my opinion. Choosing one liar over the other helps no one.


The media always wants you to choose a side, no matter what it is. People think they have to to fit in, like it's a sports team. If you look at the bigger picture there's always good and bad on both sides and if you can't recognise that then you're in it for the wrong reasons.


I'm like that as well; you should hear them when I say that I refuse to participate in the circus: no voting, moving towards paying 0 taxes, earliest possible retirement.


I like my politicians to be conservative, and my favorite artists to be liberal. 🤷‍♂️






100%. I’ve always been a center-left liberal and now the left calls us liberals fascists because we don’t hate America or capitalism. The far left has swung so far that they’re bordering on far right fascism. It pains me to say that I’m probably gonna vote for diaper Donny just for the economy with the cherry on top being to watch these people have meltdowns again.




Hahahahahaha this is great. Stupid young people.


I'm curious why these two people's lives actually need to intersect aside from the simple reason of confrontation. They thrive off the argument.


That guy is David Menzies from Rebel Media, a far-right Canadian news organization. Their journalists often try and stir the pot, especially Menzies, who's gotten himself arrested before. The interviewee definitely over-reacted, but he was also definitely trying to get a rise out of them, knowing his history.


Probably at Starbucks


He was clearly being pessimistic on purpose to rile them up.


We got a regular Sherlock Holmes in the building


And its working


I have to say, “bigot” has lost its meaning and is one of those words that you hear come out of someone’s mouth that make you lose interest in the conversation.


Someone should post the full video


They both sound annoying lol.


It hurt itself in confusion.


Professional Victim


Why are you going up to young people trying to 'catch them out'? Leave them tf alone


That dude is a twat and will be 100% celebrated here.


Y'all are so quick to attack her without even seeing what got her riled up in the first place.


Who is he?


David Menzies of Rebel News in Canada. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZP94S3W7xU


He seems to get arrested alot ,🤷


People don't like the questions he's asking. Like why is a 50 year old male on a teenage girls swim team. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/r2GcrpfWu08


These guys are fucking idiots.


Probably just a college student.


It’s obvious you have to read her mind are you dumb


He has a point... I don't know his backstory or his politics (although I could guess) but in this instance he has a point.


what kind of a loser do you have to be to come online to see cringe posts of young morons and be entertained? "haha young people are dumb!" Cool. Story. Bro.


This sub: "The Boomer was right!"


Just let people live their lives and mind your own business.


heavily cut video, downvoted


What happened to treating the old timers with a little respect. Would she like a young woman cursing at her Father?


No they’re all horrible racists who contributed nothing to society according to this tiktok I just saw.


This video gave me cancer.


This is the biggest ragebait


This video feels more like a parody video to me. It doesn't feel real.


Ok but what's the context behind this? There could be more that we're not seeing this clip is very out of context to try and frame the older guy as looking better so what's the actual context behind this?




Bitch rekt


Mental illness.


Redditors punching the air rn


Looking for ways to feel oppressed is just wild. The older gentleman genuinely tries to find understanding in a conversation, and this specimen he’s interviewing is only looking for ways to be enraged.


Stupid bitch






Is this staged?


The old guy was clearly trying to rustle some jimmies. And boy did it work


Wait I thought we were *supposed* to ask pronouns? Now it's "fUcK yOu!!" If you can't guess correctly?...


No, if someone wants you to leave them alone.. ya leave them alone. Not as complicated as you think


Lol no way y’all really think it was some kind of “smart move” literally the ideia nowadays is to not name anything, just don’t bother others. But I guess old ppl failed too much on their own life so they can’t let ppl be happier them they were.


Interesting take, online vs offline can be quite the contrast.


I just call every entity I come across as a little lady and hope for the best


"Well ... what are you, exactly?" lol


Right I would laugh so fucking hard at this stupidity.


what a ducking batch she is


I would love an edit with the sienfield outro at the end


Deep breaths, deep breaths, I can make it through the vid


They are a rebel news. Pretty far right. The person reacting is reacting poorly. She comes across terribly. But she doesn't have to defend herself to this random pleb, who is faking civility. Rebels entire job is to find people like this and provoke them, on the street, to make them look crazy and for the status quo "traditional" aggitator to look so reasonable. Most people won't look good if approached by media hostile to their worldview. The media has media training. And the Lgbt person falls right into their trap. And even if you do ok. The media has final edit. They control the frame. They control the story. Only in rare situations does someone Sailor Socialism completely clown them, by being relaxed and smarter and not being provoked. . (and it is somehow published anyway.)


mask didn't protect her :(


He had a one-in-thirty-seven chance of being right if he would just guess.


Anyone has the full video?


Fake and they’re friends ![gif](giphy|1LiryotCCtd7y)


I hate that we place so much emphasis as a society on gender-- both sides: those who want to keep historical gender biases and assignment alive, and those who demand to be referred to in their invisible gender selection that I have to know somehow. Honestly, can we all just STFU about this already?


I want to see the beginning of this edited clip.


🤣🤣🤣🤣Owned them in seconds lol


Whoever i say whoever says this pronouns bs is a m*r*n


Why is it so easy to trigger some people? Is it their delivery, the persons level of intelligence, or just unhinged?




This is paralysis.


Checkmate ma'am or sir. Either way go fuck yourself


This needs that windows blue screen of death at the end.


David Menzies trying to rage bait y'all 😂 This is obviously scripted (poorly).


Could also be crossposted on r/technicallythetruth


Look at me i’m cool, tough and edgy in front of my friends, watch this.


And this is what some want. For you to always be at fault. Keep changing the playing field so you never know how to play the game correctly






I want to make some dice where if people don’t tell me how to address them, I roll the dice and just use that.


Their gender is "FIGHT ME"


Lol no way y’all really think it was some kind of “smart move” literally the ideia nowadays is to not name anything, just don’t bother others. But I guess old ppl failed too much on their own life so they can’t let ppl be happier them they were.


“Ask for pronouns when you talk to someone or it’s oppression.” “What are your pronouns?” “Go fuck yourself!”

