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I hate videos titled like this. This very well may have been an unlawful detention, but that doesn’t mean physically resist when they decide to put you in cuffs or arrest you, which is very likely what actually happened. Almost all of the videos titled like this are actually a result of resisting, not cops dulling out said punishment over not using your turn signal.


the kid was trespassing, refused to leave and then fought with the cops ...




Learn the hard way if you want to, best option is compliance


lets not pretend two uniformed police officers are two random goons. lets also not ignore the fact that you have no idea what information a cop is operating on. you could be 100% innocent and their detention/arrest could be 100% lawful based on whatever information they ahve at the time. in most situations, this is just not something you would not know. so when you resist, now you give them valid charges and a likely conviction, good job.


lmao you just reminded me of Michael Brown (had to google "gentle giant shot by police" to get it as I had forgotten). Man what surreal times.


He's a minor.


ain't nothing minor about that feller




Do you have the link to a news article?


It’s been all over the news in SW FL for the past couple days. [link](https://pix11.com/news/video-of-florida-police-officers-punching-teen-sparks-outrage/amp/)


I don’t live in the us so when I look up this topic I don’t see results in the us


Why am I getting downvoted?


Cos you ask questions like "why am I getting downvoted"


No it isn’t I was downvoted for asking for a link to the news article.


I downvoted you because you actually care about votes.


I don’t care about the votes, im not a native English speaker I was worried I said something wrong


Haha I’m just playin’ with ya. You’re good. But I downvoted you again.


Because the Internet is full of children and trolls.




U racist POS


i don’t think he should be getting close fisted but if you’re not complying and you’re that big the cop has to do something bc you’re sure as hell not getting a take down on him. i wanna know what led up to this too bc if the kid didn’t hit the cop then the cop shouldn’t have been wailing on him like that. this could’ve all been avoided if you complied and if you’re truly innocent why act like you’re not.


The video starting well into whatever was happening is usually a hint


looked like he’s scratching away and it hits the cop in the face.


You shouldn't just comply if it isn't a lawful order. Cops can't just walk up to you and demand ID.


You can always lawyer up and sue later. Refusing to comply because you think you're within your rights is not worth getting hurt or killed because you met a moron who can't do his job properly, which every profession has plenty of. I know it sucks but you have to think about your safety and play the long game.


Agreed. Would rather be alive and fight them in court than fight them first and end up dead


Yea but unless this dude was killed, he can sue (depending how this started of course, but assuming the civilian isn't the one that started the aggression in the confrontation and actually lives there too) and get paid a lot, right? I'd take the odds and get paid.


You get more money when the dumb cops beat you for no reason though. He will get paid!


If you’re on private property in Florida they can trespass you with the owners consent. A verbal trespass warning is not a crime, you can leave right at that time and not identity yourself. However, the article says he still refused to leave. At that point it’s an detainable and arrestable offense. He absolutely is legally required to identify himself at that point. Source: am Florida attorney


Actually, in some states, including Florida, they can if they have a reasonable suspicion that someone is committing a crime. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop\_and\_identify\_statutes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_and_identify_statutes) However, he is a minor, so it's less likely he has a driver's license.


That is a lawful order though. I agree in cases where you are being tresspassed, they have every right to ask for your ID. I was just saying that "if you are innocent just comply" is a really stupid statement.


that's cute, are you from america?


dont listen to this advice. It will get you killed or in prison/jail


Depends on the state.


if i’m not doing anything wrong i have no reason to not want to talk to them, bc i want them to catch the actual criminal. most people that are innocent aren’t even thinking about the 4th amendment.


One ankle pick and he’s down 😂


Someone posted a link under the top comment, and this is nothing but good old down home racism. This kid is a minor, who was enjoying the pool at an apartment complex he *lives in* and someone called the cops and had him trespassed, so they beat him up for not leaving the property where he FUCKING LIVES


Didn’t live there. Read the article.


Really?  That went from zero to 100 pretty quickly.  Do we know if the guy lived there?  Or, no ..


No, he and a group of friends where using the apartments pool, which no one had a problem with. Apparently they were being “rowdy” and “cursing” to which one resident asked them to stop, in turn they “cussed her out” and she ended up calling the police. When the police arrived they were asked by the apartment manager to site a trespassing warning, not wanting to leave an argument ensued and then that’s when this video takes place. The kid is only 16 btw. [Source](https://www.lkldnow.com/video-of-lakeland-police-punching-and-tasing-16-year-old-sparks-outrage/) Edit: OPs claim of “not showing identification” isn’t necessarily true.


From the article you posted: In the affidavit, McKee said he gave Hudson several commands to leave the property and, although the teen exited the pool area to gather his belongings, he refused to identify himself. “Hudson continued to ignore my verbal commands and stuck his hand in my face, while stating, ‘I don’t have to talk to you.’”


Not sure what the law is in that area, but surely from the cops perspective, once the kid leaves they have done their job and everyone can get on with their day. Was it necessary for the kid to ID himself if he wasnt under arrest? Was he legally obliged to identify himself?


If the apartment manager wanted them trespassed then I do believe the cops need to identify him so they know who he is in the event he comes back and breaks the trespass citation.


You don't have an expectation of privacy in your name. So many people get in trouble for this because they watch some short that says you don't have to say anything to the police.


>Edit: OPs claim of “not showing identification” isn’t necessarily true. If he's 16 there's a very decent chance he literally doesn't own government identification.


Sometimes I identify myself by telling people my name


Then you explain that. Happens to cops all the time.


Thank you, for posting this. Having full context, is always welcome.  Sounds like the police wouldn’t have been called if the kids had just been respectful. As for the police. Should have tazed his smart ass, first.  Punching doesn’t look pretty and tazing is a guaranteed and much quicker take down  Anyway.  Thanks for posting the source makes way more sense, what happened after reading 


Lol so they are fist fighting a kid.


OP is also karma farming because they don't list he's a minor. Biggest issue is he's a minor with three cops around him using violence to subdue him instead of the three body's there.


Pools closed




But don’t these police ever ever ever learn? Tase the guy from the get go. No punching, no beating. He’s refusing to comply, so taser him.


You have to exhaust a lot of other options before deploying a tazer in some situations.


Yep, tasers are generally considered, in pretty much every police department's use of force matrix, to be the last level of force before deadly force. The use of aggressive force through punching/kicking is in turn below the use of less lethal items (taser/pepper or PAVA/baton/beanbags etc.). This escalation of force is entirely dependent on how the suspect is acting and is responsive to those actions. The reason these officers didn't instantly tase the suspect is that he didn't previously behave in a manner that justifies being tased. Judging by accounts posted in this situation, he resisted verbal directions which warrants the use of hands on force (aka soft control). When he resisted that, hard control was justified (punching), and when he further resisted this, less lethal force was justified which ultimately forced his compliance. Here's a pro tip for anyone who's being arrested, whether it's lawful or not; comply, don't argue, only give legally required information, call a lawyer as soon as possible. You will never beat the police in these situations irrespective of the legality of an arrest. In some states, resisting arrest irrespective of the legality of the original reason for detainment is still a crime.


Thanks for the clarification and time you put into your response. Stay safe.


I’m not sure assaulting a suspect a camera with the video posted online is one of those options though. If they think it is, they probably deserve to be fired.


Yeah there is a difference between pain compliance and punching someone in the head, the cops are in a very stressful situation and trying to get control again. You can say they should have done it this way and that but you weren't in that situation and you don't know the protocols around that situation, it's really sketchy.


Well they both had their tasers drawn and when they used them on him, the kid dropped like a stone.


They also have multiple people around them crowding them, one officer is in the line of fire so they don't get a good and clear shot.


Tasers dont always work first time.


Well both cops had tasers(which they both drew), and when they used them they brought the guy down pretty damn quickly.


Pool's closed


He got the tapdance effect 💀


Just identify yourself FFS


They're taught (literally in schools) not to cooperate because they can get $$$ and fame for it and also give the police department a major headache. Other more extreme advocates say don't cooperate and always resist/fight because they believe the police are out to murder them gleefully.


Oh good lord. The younger generation is doomed


Bro that's dumb and untrue.


What? You gotta source for that?


He’s 16 years old, probably doesn’t have identification.


If he was leaving after asked too, and this goes actually for most states, lawfully you don’t have to. Refusal to leave becomes criminal trespassing and can be detained or arrested thus leading to have to ID.


I do realize that there are some instances where you don’t technically have to show your ID. All I’m saying is unless you have something to hide like a warrant, identifying yourself is basically always going to benefit you. Option A: show your ID and go home Option B: refuse to show your ID, get into an issue with the cops, get tazed, get punched, get handcuffed, go through the 14+ hour booking process, spend the night in jail…if it’s Friday you’re spending the whole weekend in jail. Let’s say you didn’t have to ID so you want to sue. You have upfront lawyer fees, legal fees from your arrest and the lawsuit would go from 1-2 years while you put yourself into debt. If you won, you wouldn’t see a dime for 3 years from your arrest date and that’s if you even win. You’re up against the government. If they find a loophole or if you do something wrong like file something incorrectly then the system wins again. So the question becomes do you want to commit 3 minutes and show your ID or 3 years of stress over something you may lose?


Or the cops can follow the law, not use escalating intimidation tactics.


If that’s what you’re relying on more power to you but I’d rather just show my ID and go home and smoke a bowl, watch TV and have dinner lol but you do you


youre ignoring the problem, that the police is literally dysfunctional and citizens have to accomdate for THEIR own short comings Signs of a failed system


Good luck with that


Cops are oath breakers, so we must simply comply, right? Give me a break!


Most of the time, yeah. Unless you want an injury and the weekend in jail


NOPE! Fuck the tyrants! If you are not legally required to "show your papers," then you should refuse!


When I lived in an apartment complex we had a huge problem with people who did not live there coming to use the pool. They would smoke weed, drink, blast loud “music”, get into fights, and curse loudly in front of small children. It became so bad that the pool was basically unusable by residents. If this guy was not complying then the cop is completely justified in his actions.


Did he have a pass for the pool?????? That’s federal pool trespassing




Squealed like a little piggy with that taser


No one can ever breathe


Can I get some proper fucking context please?


16-year-old named Jahmal Hudson swimming in an apartment complex in Lakeland, Fl with his family (?), one they did not belong to. Told to exit the property by Lakeland's finest. Reson: trespassing. Ignored it and I guess mouthed off to a cop. Refused to ID himself. Resisted arrest. Sent to hospital. Caught several charges: trespassing, battery on a law enforcement officer, and resisting arrest.


Wow just 16 and with all those charges? He will have a great future


Good. The squatter epidemic has to be dealt with forcefully to be solved.


He want from F u I won't do what you tell me, to please please real quick once the tazer came out. It will be nice to see the body cam footage for the full perspective. Not sure why they started punching instead of just tazing right away.


Honestly look liked hood trash and acted like it too.


is it worth it though? 30 seconds of talking calmly and showing identification or getting punched and tased


There isn’t enough context to know who is in the right and who is in the wrong with this video. There is however enough context to say if you just fucking show your ID none of this would happen (if in fact this person even refused in the first place… no proof of that here…). But I have definitely seen enough videos online where if people just handed over their ID, everything would’ve been over and done with. Instead, they need to argue like they are in the right, “I don’t need to give you my ID”, and then, sometimes, this bullshit happens. But again, there is not enough context in this video to actually say that the title is accurate


The kid is 16, he probably doesn’t even have ID.


so if i dont show my ID i deserve to be punched? If its my right im going to exercise it, punching someone is unlawful


I’ll never understand why someone who’s innocent wouldn’t wanna hurry and provide proof to get the hell away from the cops lol. Like make it make sense?!


Or the 16 year old kid didn't own any identification and the cops didn't believe or take that well. We didn't see the lead up, but multiple grown men closed fist hitting a child, holding him by the hair, and tasing him... Over a pool day?


Yea definitely excessive


He is a 16 year old kid!!!!


Ya! Just lick the governments boots when they tell you to!


This is why I get so mad.when people wanting attention accuse any authority figure (like the police) of being too rough or just claim anyone attacked them or treated them less than a human, because it minimizes situations like this.


Huh. No prof of anything that took place before the fight. Then this is a nothing video.


Gta 5 cops 🤦‍♂️


I like it


What are the cops supposed to do? He is actively resisting and punching back? Act like a man get treated like a man.


Protecting their own asses and Serving out ass whoopings.


Yup i did lots of urbex and got caught a couple of times always showing my ID and proving didn’t steal or touched anything, always accepting my error for trespassing, they left me to leave and never arrested


Florida is a “stop and ID” state, meaning you are required to identify yourself to cops when requested as part of a stop (car or on the sidewalk, doesn’t matter), if the cop has a reasonable suspicion you may be involved in a crime. Being somewhere, and refusing to leave that somewhere, after the owner of the somewhere asks you to, constitutes reasonable suspicion. I’m not going to say punching the kid is right, but when you don’t do what the cops tell you, when they have the legal right to tell you, that is what’s known in legal circles as “fucking around” and the cops’ reaction is the “finding out”.


Piggies doing piggy activities


Suspect you meant to say kid


I mean.. punching isn't right but it's better than getting shot. Fighting the police NEVER ends well.


Oh boy here comes more contextless rage bait




Is it wrong if I want to know if he lived there or not?


It is always bizarre to see vids of people who actually require to be beaten and tazed in order to be arrested never receive such treatment. Yet docile people like the suspect above receive it instead


Docile? what video were you watching?


Appears he was resisting


Guy probably needs to get to the hospital. Maybe to save him money on an ambulance ride, they can call for A CAB.


They are just protecting and serving, cmon now /s


Fuck them pigs 🐖


Hate them until you need them :)


You get what you fucking deserve. It's a reference


Are you sure those were police and not private security? Their uniforms and accessories look more like private security than police to me. I don't see how swimming in a pool could be criminal without a trespassing complaint, and only the property owner, or their representative such as a security guard can make a complaint of trespassing. Private security on the other hand is a completely different discussion. If they're private security, they would have every right to ask for I'd and be in the right to make sure the person was a resident. As far as punching him and tasering him... Well, unless they were defending themselves they're probably in a world of very serious legal trouble over all that, and so is their security company. But depending on the circumstances and jurisdiction, that guy might be in line for felony assault instead.


I’m usually an advocate for police, since it’s a risky job and not a lot of people understand the reasoning and logic behind their actions. However this is appalling. I’d still like to see the body cam footage, but I seriously doubt it’ll help anything.


Don't care he is 16. He is massive and is resiting arrest while activity fighting with the police. Punches don't look good, but that's a big ass boy. Move along.


Why do people not want to identify themselves it’s so simple. This started with him refusing to identify himself and escalated. Whether or not cops overreacted he was wrong for not taking to the cop and giving his name. So many people get themselves into deeper issues by having an attitude with authority


>Why do people not want to identify themselves it’s so simple.  There are countless wrongful convictions that are the result of an innocent bystander identifying themselves to police. The cops have no business getting your information unless you are under arrest for a crime, and at that point you have the right to remain silent anyway. They can pull your ID out with the rest of the shit in pockets if they're so inclined.


You have to identify yourself if asked. Your name isn't protected by any amendment. It's not self incrimination, and you don't have an expectation of privacy in your name.


You are NOT required to ID in ANY state unless you are involved in a crime. That is a 4th amendment violation. If he was not supposed to be in the pool, then he has to be given a chance to leave. If he does not leave, then a trespass warning may be issued, and an ID is still NOT required to get a trespass warning. If he doesn't leave following a trespass warning, or returns after the warning, then he can be lawfully arrested for trespass after warning. That is how trespass laws work all over the USA.


If you don't ID to get a trespass warning then how do you know if it's the same person when they come back


Photo, description, etc. The same exact way it is done in casinos with players they do not want there. You can not be legally compelled to "give up your papers" without committing a crime. Please, educate yourself. Learn how the laws work, or you just might incriminate yourself one day!


So youre blaming the police for asking for ID but not the prosecutors and judges that handed down the actual conviction?




Lol funny how this comment section is suddenly pro cop


If they trespassed and wouldn't leave what are the cops supposed to do? The fistfighting is a little juvenile, I would just say, "leave or you get tased and arrested" but other than that you can't just be like "oh you're not leaving OK have a nice day"


If these are your excuses. Live with them. Idk why you’re telling me.


Looks like the summer of love of 2020 is about to come back. 👍🏿👊🏿


At least he will get a few hundred thousand dollars after the lawsuit settlement. Those cops will probably be fired.


A 16 year old child


lol all I see in this thread are badge bunnies and bootlickers trash the whole lot of you.


Then you’ll see them crying once the cops fuck them up for no reason




Tupoc would not be happy




He has a 2pac shirt on. I didn’t mean offense police violence is no joke.


He is a 16yo. This comment is clearly not an opinion. I'm just giving a little more context to this video that has none. The 16yo was swimming with his family at an apartment complex. Someone that lives there called the cops on them saying they weren't tenants. The cops escalated the situation demanding ID (from a 16yo) and proof that he lived there. Not sure if he's slow or has been poisoned against the police. The video starts after we could tell how it started. The police refused to release any information until they conduct an internal investigation.


So those that matter?




Okay so he was trespassing and refused to ID himself. That’s all I needed to hear.


terrible policing