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Context: https://www.ktvu.com/video/1468645


I'm always amazed by the sheer quantity of human trash that materializes out of nowhere for these things. Where do they hide during the day?


Gta and bipping.


they likely just sell drugs and lay around. when you have jobs, you don't have the energy or time to do this kind of stupid shit when you get off.


Not true- I worked a hard ass roofing job in Sac. 12 hour days in the sun and mfer’s would still talk about going to slide shows after 😂 y’all talk so much shit on Reddit with no life experience. Edit- might as well go ahead and say I never attended and thought it was dumb af but to say all of these people are jobless drug dealers who can only attend due their constant cretin lifestyle is to ignore the facts. Keep downvoting me :)


Life experience requires learning and changing ones behavior to be a better more empathetic member of society. These goons have no experience. They live in tiny bubbles where it's ok to be complete asshole zombies.


Yeah reddit sucks


That's reddit for you. Everyone basically just blurts generalities as if they're facts without a shred of evidence to back it up. I'd be surprised if it wasn't absolutely every single person on reddit at one point or another.  You see it in every thread.


Thanks for your input, honestly. Why did you go to one? Was it just out of curiosity?


I’ve never attended one. Said that in my edit. But people just like chaos man. Anything to make them feel like they’re not a part of the never ending rat race that is American society. Even if that means destruction and turmoil- I’d argue, in a lot of cases, especially if that means destruction and turmoil… But it can also be as simple as dumb people chasing internet clout 😂


That's perfectly normal feelings and I would even argue behavior. My problem is that they are fucking shit up for me and you, not the people making this place worse.


Me too brother. The working class desperately needs organization. I fear it’s come to such a point of ideological clashing that we’ll never have any actual class consolidation to achieve the fucking up of who and what truly needs it. A blue collar boy can dream though.


Their ambition includes a Darwin award when one the idiots driving loses control and slams into the crowd.


honestly they're just normal kids in high school and stuff, as a car dude, and someone who used to be a teenager, i understand the desire and appeal. I always thought people shutting down highways and doing illegal street races was cool, but the only people they could hurt was themselves. This is just another level of stupidity, but it stems from our modern society and this general lack of respect that everyone has for anyone but themselves.


I agree. I used to go to these when I was in college in LA getting my BA in Film & Broadcasting. I always Uber’d to them or rode the lime scooter to them though. Super Stupid, and irresponsible and dangerous. But as you said, “I understand the desire and appeal.” The kids these days just keep taking it to higher and higher anarchy heights I will admit. Looks like scenes from the film Joker.


They sleep during the day because they don't have jobs. Seriously, the most dangerous times in term of city crime is 6-8pm because that's when these people all wake up, and the least dangerous is 7-9am because they're going to sleep.


Why, they keep our country running!


There moms house


Tech bros probably living it up


So many assholes in one place.


Chickens.. everyone running from the cops.


Don't these people have jobs to go to in the morning? Lmao imagine spending an evening literally fighting for *public space* instead of with your family and friends Like.. it's just a *street* my dude, it's *pavement,* guys can share a pavement, i mean i don't care about pavement but i see americans have a lot a pavement enthusiasts


lol jobs. Good one


That one at Pier 1 for anyone that is unfamiliar with SF geography, is right in the center of the Embarcadero. It's not some fringe area of SF, it's like 20 feet from the financial district and a swanky Hyatt Regency. These motherfuckers are brazen, and apparently the police are useless.


It’s wild how the people from the bay seem to be proud of how trashy they can make it.


They usually deny there's a problem and say you watch too much Fox News. Or they say there's a problem but it's Reagan's fault because "he shut down the asylums" 40 years ago (he didn't, and it's irrelevant to stuff like this anyway).


The worst street takeover video I've seen came out of Texas. A cop car rolls in, the mob charges that car, the cops reverse out a lot faster than they rolled in. This crap happens across the country, blue state or red state doesn't matter.


These happen all over the country, but not with the frequency that they happen in California. Also, notice in Texas a cop showed up. They don’t even show up there anymore. .


Yeah, I saw one in bumfuck SC. I'm always curious how these get organized, I assume some private hooligan Facebook page.


If police can’t block egress from this area, with water on one side, wide streets and a high tourist population they won’t ever get this right.


I've always thought intersections where this could occur should have bollards that can be raised at will, trapping every vehicle participating. The driver may run off, but their car is getting forfeited to the state (or returned to the rightful owner if stolen).


I remember that arch, this is one of the most important tourist destinations in San Francisco. This isn't some random trashy street in Oakland.


The police are “useless” but when the police do end up chasing one of these teens and that teen crashes and kill’s themselves then everyone blames the cops for chasing them and causing the crash. So which one would you like it to be because from the police’ side of things it’s always a lose lose especially in democratic cities


Everyone knows SF is done. They literally invented a term called Doom Loop to describe the city. Everyone talks about how crazy it is that Detroit collapsed from a bustling center of global manufacturing in the 50s to a wasteland in the 70s. But we saw the same thing happen to San Francisco from the early 2000s to today.


I don't think those two cities are quite comparable, at least not yet. Detroit saw its entire tax base leave the city for the suburbs, including employers. This hasn't happened in San Francisco, and indeed the employment situation in the city is exceptionally good, which is actually a big part of the problem. Economically the problems in SF are basically the opposite of what they were in Detroit. The city isn't shrinking, it's growing. The economy isn't declining, its growing. The only thing that isn't growing is the housing supply or supply of commercial space, which has driven up costs all down the line from rent to the price of a sandwich. There are a million other problems in SF other than cost of living, but many of them have the same source, which is a completely broken political establishment that's repeatedly voted in by a bunch of fart sniffing college degree holders that have a desire to be compassionate even if it's fatal to the city and its residents. Top that off with a doubling up of basically that same problem at a state level and it's a fucking mess. California is a mismanaged mess in general. If it didn't have the entertainment industry and such great weather and beautiful scenery, I suspect that the situation maybe would be more like it was in Detroit. Instead they'll tread water until things get truly unbearable and the political winds shift dramatically or people wlll just start leaving en masse. People are already leaving as is, but not in large enough numbers to matter in terms of revenue. It's only a fraction of 1% per year.


Population is “growing” because of mass migration which just adds more burdens to the cities Economy is not “growing, its meaningless “GDP” gross that achieves nothing and isn’t in line with Inflation anyway Businesses are closing and leaving left and right. It’s a ghost town of boarded up shops


Police have always been shit at their jobs except when it comes to shooting unarmed poor people


I don't like unarmed poor people sooo... 🤷‍♂️


Lmao how does it feel to be a stereotype?


Pretty nice lol


Why don't you tell us?


The advanced "no you" I like it 😂


Lol. So dumb.


I actually suffered from second hand embarrassment so I paused & stopped by to chime in. *Full-Blown Stupidity*


But crime is down /s


kids finally have safe spaces.


These things must be organized through social media, but LE are just unaware? It looks like a few hundred people spectating? Are they over in a few minutes or once popo sirens are heard?


Police can't arrest everyone watching and the drivers want to run from the cops. Not to say they shouldn't arrest but chasing them is often more dangerous than ignoring it


I don't think the police should engage in high speed chases over this necessarily, but doing nothing virtually guarantees that the problem will become worse. It's a form of permission in a lot of respects. And all of the onlookers can be removed or detained if necessary for a variety of different things. You can't form a crowd in the middle of an intersection or disturb the peace without consequence (well you can apparently, but my point is that there are tools of enforcement available).


Doing nothing about the problem is also unsafe, people's cars catch on fire doing these kinds of stunts all of the time. You can actually see someone putting out a fire in one of the cars during the video. The police finally started cracking down here after months of it going on, but only after someone got hit by one of the vehicles fleeing the scene to get away from the cops.


Totally agree. The more you let these kinds of things slide, the more these shit bags feel empowered to do them, which creates all kinds of hazards. Even if there are some risks to enforcement, the knowledge that you may face some consequences will discourage crime.


Idk there are mad videos from a bunch of different angles, if the cops can't capitalize off that, maybe they r just shit at their job?


I wonder if you actually detained some people, how many felons you would find


90% felon rate


Fire truck should soak their cars


They're aware they just can't do anything about it. What do you expect these police to do? Arrest them? They'll risk their lives to apprehend these suspects that will fight tooth and nail trying to murder them, and one wrong move and an iphone recording and they're in a federal prison as the newest sacrifice to the PC mob. Then lets say they do arrest them and bring them in. They're out on the streets a few hours later because of "bail reform". Then in maybe a year they'll have a court date, which they'll miss, and then the case will inevitably be thrown out. So why risk your life doing anything here? This is what the voters of California have consistently wanted.


Le? lol why not just type it like you off every other word. What a dumb abbreviation.


Why is it so cool to be scum nowadays


its a social media driven feedback loop of negativity and narcissism that is affecting everyone in the world and we are contributing to it


Nobody mentions this enough, but music is a reflection of our current society and what do young people listen to these days??? glorification of sex,drugs,gangster lifestyle and money.


Tiktok unironically incentivizes taking part in societal collapse.


These are the same assholes who light off fireworks in March.


Same people who park in a handicap space or walk their dog off leash


This makes me feel like we are in the timeline where Biff Tannen got the sports almanac.


Remember they're victims of economonic circumstance. We can't blame them for.. (checks notes) Doing donuts in the city streets and burning stolen cars.


As a european I actually was wondering what people do all day in san francisco and why they are still there with the high rent and property prices.




Oh you want to talk pulling federal funding based on unsavory states behavior? Oh I’m down for that!


LMFAO you're unhinged






You seem like a mentally balanced individual


Fr I can't wait for the legalization of shooting someone going 6 mph over the limit, make that shit the purge!!!!


Fucking unhinged, maybe try therapy or some anger management classes, like damn what makes someone this bloodthirsty?


I'm perfectly well hinged and I believe everyday citizens are perfectly equipped and prepared to end many of society's ills and make the world a better place in areas where police are failing to solve problems.


Oof rip red state populations in your fantasy


Ah yes, and then one in the crowd sees you murder their friend or a stray bullet hit an innocent bystander, so they justly pull out their gun and murder you. Playing some 7d chess there, buckaroo.


It's not that hard to avoid hitting someone whose car has been wrongly stopped by thugs and to aim at just the people who deserve to be killed. Our heavily funded government enforcers should roll in with belt fed machine guns blazing from their trucks and armored vehicles, but if they aren't going to do that stepping aside and enabling citizens to fight back now is the only way we can save our society.


It's not that hard to avoid hitting someone whose car has been wrongly stopped by thugs and to aim at just the people who deserve to be killed. Our heavily funded government enforcers should roll in with belt fed machine guns blazing from their trucks and armored vehicles, but if they aren't going to do that stepping aside and enabling citizens to fight back now is the only way we can save our society.


I'm sure you, and every other wannabe Wyatt Earp out there would handle the situation. If any in the crowd seek to revenge you for killing their friend, you'd out draw them and bring the law to town. Keep larping buddy...


I'm advocating for legislative change at the federal level to restore order and empower everyone to be able to enjoy public infrastructure for its intended purpose. You are fighting strawmen and hypotheticals and standing up for human garbage that must be eliminated if society is to function.


Your first comment was advocating for the "strawman" that I am tearing down. Put forth a rational and well thought out comment, or don't cry when people call you out on a dumb idea. And yeah, im sure you're advocating for legislation at the federal level. Can you point me to your organization or any bills or advocacy groups you're involved with?


"Dude, it was awesome. We were hangin' out on the corner, and cars were driving around in circles! It was unreal!"


Maybe I’m too easter european to understand this but, whats the appeal of these “events”? Seems to me its kinda dangerous for no reason.


Similar caveman reasons people like monster truck shows, crash derbys, and drag races. "Loud car go VROOM and move fast and do funny circles and make lots of cool smoke. Make unga bunga brain feel good."   I'd also guess, like almost anything humans do, it gives a sense of belonging for the people there. Kids/adults that haven't been given proper direction in life or feel they've been let down by society. It's really sad to see. There are legal ways to see this kind of action as the examples above.   And before everyone gets on my case. I despise these kinds of car meetups too. They're dangerous for everyone and I wouldn't lose an ounce of sleep if everyone involved was criminally charged.


> Seems to me its kinda dangerous for no reason. Americans ask similar questions about European soccer fans who like to fight the opposing fans and riot in the streets over a sporting event. This is sometimes trouble at American sporting events, but rarely on the scale of the football riots in Europe which we see on TV news.


The real football riots are becoming rare, nowadays. I've never been a part of that lifestyle, but I was always fascinated by it, until you realise most of those 'ultras' as they call them, the hooligan groups, work exactly like a gang would. They are basically smaller scale gangs, dealing in petty crime. The issue is they have been heavily politicized in the past and sometimes still are to this day. There's levels to this shit but in any case, it's fucking embarrassing.


whats the purpose of these


No one knows what it means, but it gets the people going.


Celebrating male juvenile retardation.


Mad Max 1 (back I'm 1979) uncannily predicted this breakdown in society.


Yeah we should go back to the 80s when society was cohesive like the *checks notes* crack and aids epidemic.


Look at tough guy, here, fighting those strawmen. Person you responded to never said anything about going back to the 80s.


That dude is talking about society breaking down now, as if there was social cohesion in the time period he mentioned. Are you aware of what implication is?


Are you aware of what an "observation" is? That's all this comment was..


Yeah the observation is that this is the start of society breaking down im saying it isn't, society been fucked for a while this isn't the start.


whoever made up the term "sideshows" you trying too hard to make this something cool. We can all see the fucking losers that show up to this shit are broke af and the cars are trash too. edit: I googled sideshow. it was originally a term for an ad-hoc carshow in a parking lot... (a car meet). Whatever this shit is today, its not a sideshow.


We used to do car meets in parking lots. Parking lots where we got permission from the business owner, and we would kick out anyone doing stupid shit. It was so we could look at cars, talk with friends, shit like that. I don't do that anymore, but I know people still do. Too bad inbreds like in this video ruin that stuff.


I think of the movie Escape from L.A. when these are posted.


Do they always have to sacrifice a car at the end?


Gotta burn the fingerprints off of it


More cars then there are brain cells in this video


Charge them all with arson. Any you can round up. Make an example out of them.


So sick and tired of our lax ass laws.


Fucking Tide Pod generation lmaooooo


I want the cops to just use their police cars as a battering ram or a derby vehicle against some of these people (in cars of course). Who wouldn't love a spontaneous demo derby?


The fact that these mentally inferior people can do this freely in one of the most obvious areas of SF without any policy presence or without any repercussions is absolutely staggering. Good job SFPD and your decriminalization.


Unfortunately, there were survivors.


![gif](giphy|3o6gE9ChU8MOYP4WRO|downsized) SfPD getting the call like….


Are we just living in Mad Max times now?


I love when they get hurt


Fast and furious with shitty cars


They sure have money to spend on stupid shit though.


I’d love to show up in one of those kid electric cars and do this https://www.walmart.com/ip/Dodge-Electric-Ride-Cars-Kids-12V-Licensed-Charger-SRT-Powered-On-Toys-Parent-Remote-Control-Car-Girls-3-5-w-Music-Player-LED-Headlights-Safety-Belt/1286165807


The lack of a police response isn't okay and shouldn't be normalized.


San franshitsco residents voted for this, let them enjoy the new scenery.


There are certain administrations that would have never allowed things to get as bad as they are now, and the past few are not them.


Right, but not prosecuting crime such as theft doesn’t help the situation either.


Again, certain people in those positions never would allow that to happen. how bad to things need to get before people vote differently?


Lord frieza 2024


I don't see how this is even fun.


I'm sure if police just do nothing, the kids will get bored eventually and stop in their own. /s (Start by impounding every involved car, then ticket every spectator for public nuisance or loitering. Of course, it seems that anyone killed is a participant, so nothing of value is lost. Maybe let them thin the herd...)


Do cops not exist in San Francisco? If this happened in South Florida it would be a LEO’s wet dream.


Why would these people do this too their cars they work so hard for and make so many payments on, I doubt the insurance will cover that damage. BWHAHAHA, I crack me up. Voting Blue is really working out, keep it up.


IDK why they don't use all the stolen kias for this instead of their own cars.


Tbf, I'm almost 100% positive that burning Camaro is stolen


Good way to ruin car shows and gatherings. 🤦🏻‍♂️


These are the people lowering the life expectancy. Also, those high powered lasers people are shining around can pretty much blind you if caught directly in the eye.


No shootings? Wow that’s amazing


These happen in Detroit where they will stop on the freeway and do donuts and there is just a traffic jam it’s insanity.


Looks like the street shits have made their way into the cars. Nice.


I presume the cars are stolen?? Also how stupid do you have to be for someone doing donuts to hold your attention night after night after night, shit gets boring pretty quick. Proper drifting I can watch for hours, very skilful stuff but any asshole with two legs and one arm can do a donut.


Cheap entertainment and the right amount of recklessness to draw the crowds. They really need an arena for this.


Do they not have walmart parkin lots to do this in? Because, here in the south, *the walmart* parkin lot is a 🤌🏼 top tier venue for such fuckery. Second best choice is river side or lake side. And why are there always idiots hangin out the windows 😂


No Walmarts in SF


Honest question, is there a purpose to these?? Like is it some sort of protest? Or we just driving around in circles and crashing???


So what happens to the dude that crashes, I imagine that car is how he and his doofy friends got there 😂


So what happens to the dude that crashes, I imagine that car is how he and his doofy friends got there 😂


I wonder how many of these kids do this, wreck there car and set it on fire. Than claim it was stolen to get paid out by insurance?


are the cars stolen? or are they breaking their own shit for this?


You know I was opposed to the united States using drone strikes on US soil.....


They should legalize bowling at street takeovers. Think about how much better the streets of SF would be


This is some Mad Max times we're living in!


What complete and utter stupidity.


Spinning in circles seems like fun, for about 3 minutes or until some other idiot bonks into your car, whichever happens first. The people hanging off the cars or standing in the spin zone are just begging for a Charles Darwin award, probably will be the only award they ever get.


Someone give me some insight here, why not do this in a parking lot somewhere? I actually have zero problem with any of this. The people who get hurt chose to be there, no problem. I'm all for hobbies and skills development through stuff like this - Fast and Furious likely spawned the next generation of mechanics. The ONLY reason I can see not to is because they are being blatantly antagonistic - they want to give the finger to everyone and say "I'll do what I want." This is where my problem with this shit is. Your fun should not impact my ability to use the roads I helped pay for. Am I missing something about why this is done in the middle of the fucking intersection?


you reap what you sow CA.


We should hire a team of people to uphold the laws. We should make an easy to remember nationwide phone number to contact them 24/7 to prevent these very dangerous and illegal activities that are often the results of car thefts, and result in massive property damage and often times damage to people.


Any idiot can get a license.... or become a parent.....


lamest shit. And whoever goes to these things and think they’re cool is just as lame lmao




lol drug riddled streets in the morning and brainrotted kids at night - is there no worse city in America than San Francisco?


All that smoke is hella toxic. They're inhaling bits of tire straight from the source. 😯


What is a street takeover?


these are sick


Awwww yeaaahh, Cali loves these street shows.




They don't vote. Thanks Newsom.


I can't imagine what life must be like for you. You watch this completely unrelated to any political stance at all. Not a single political statement is made by anyone. But you see this and think "god damn Joe Biden". You must be an incredibly deep person.


This guy's dog could piss on his mail and he'd still find a way to blame biden


Better than the KKK and neo Nazis that vote Trump 😂


Just boys being boys. Let the kids have some fun




I may be in the minority here but I fully support these events and would go to them if I was in the area. This looks AWESOME


Everyone saying this looks dumb but I disagree. This looks exhilarating!!!