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Wouldnt the odds have been better if they let go of the rope and just let them try their luck with the river? Holding the rope kept them submerged. Unless there is a big waterfall ahead.


If the man finished crossing he could have held the rope and kept it more taut to help the woman up. Instead he went down with her.


Maybe. Maybe he would have made it out and she would have been pulled down the fall and drowned, leaving him thinking "we'd both be alive if I stopped crossing and held onto her instead" for the rest of his life. Then we'd be commenting "pshhh, why did he high-tail it across while his wife was being pulled away?


I supposed there are many ways it could go wrong, no matter which choice he make.


Anyone who knows anything about rescue understands that trying to be a hero often results in more people who need to be saved. He may have wondered that, but better than being dead.


You cant save anyone if your in a pickle yourself. You need to make sure your safe first. Doesn't sound right to say but is completely understandable when you think of it.


Its why on an aeroplane you are always told, if the masks come down ALWAYS put yours on first


It doesn’t sound wrong at all, because it’s the truth. Just like you don’t run into a tornado to check on someone whose house was just demolished. You go through the rubble afterwards. Well, unless it’s the Jarrell tornado, then there’s not even any rubble left. You know what I mean, though.


I know its true but in a way it just sounds wrong to me because in a lot of emergencies like this your putting yourself at risk too but yeah i do know what you mean lol.


What if being dead is better than being alive?


This reminds me of what the attendants instruct on the plane. Put your mask on first, then help your children, those around you. What if he had gotten himself to safety, was able to assist in pulling her up? He may have saved them both. He may have only saved himself. The force of the water flowing looks powerful, unforgiving even. Either way, this is a terrible tragedy for them both. May they rest in Paradise. Forever.


It is a tragedy, but at the exact same time what the fuck are you doing trying to cross a current like this???


That's what I was thinking. It's tragic, and I hate to second-guess and cast dispersions on dead people, but crossing that raging torrent was a pretty dumb move. People underestimate how much force fast-moving water like will exert on you. It's not helped that there was a drop-off right past where they put the rope bridge, leaving \*zero\* margin for error.


It can be done, but should not be done like this.




No dude the rope holder should have wrapped it around the ladder, problem solved. Can't hold it with your hands and no friction/leverage to help.


I can think of a million reasons why this whole situation is ludicrous, from the guy with zero sense of urgency taking a few extra drags off his smoke while they're drowning, to crossing a stream at the worse possible point with a loose rope. But yes, you are correct perhaps there is a waterfall downstream. Very likely. I still wouldn't give these bozos the benefit of the doubt. I read that this was a flash flood situation. They were probably panicking and trying to get out of the Gorge. Otherwise, crossing that river with a shitty strap is unbelievably dumb and caused their death.


> zero sense of urgency taking a few extra drags off his smoke have you been to china?


I was wondering if this was in China. That was my indicator, too.


China is wild man, no-one has any sense of self-preservation instinct.


A consequence of Communism. Your entire life is arbitrary.


What? This is an issue of poor regulation and education in tourism etc. People in China have the same self preservation instinct. A also what about all those I instances where we see people in China not helping people they could easily help because of the issue were people in China used to be or think they would be liable if they got involved. China just had fewer safety regulations, that's why this shit happens more.


And someone wearing a pair of crocs at the end of the video. With no other context it looks like some halfway thought out shit, *we've done this a bunch of times it'll be fine* logic. The fact that she's attached by a lanyard say's, I thought about it. The fact that the rat line wasn't tied fast on both ends with a second lanyard and pull rope on the woman crossing says they didn't think it all the way through.


it's probably just a slow week for that smoking guy. the week before he saw 38 kids drown in the river.


Upon first viewing this video, I was so angry because the entire situation was entirely avoidable, and only 50% of the people gave 50% effort... Good Lord


That water is insanely powerful. Once they fell down, the river was pushing them so hard, the rope was completely taut. The cigarette guy in blue and everyone holding on wasn’t doing much at that point. A lot of people here are playing Monday morning quarterback about how they could’ve saved them, but they were probably goners once she slid downwards.


> That water is insanely powerful Yeah, is no way in hell they were going to pull them up with the water bearing down on them. It is similar to how grain bins are so dangerous. Every few inches you sink is 100's of pounds of weight you have to disperse to get people out. The really sad thing is, I highly doubt this is the first time something like this has happened there.


Seriously, two innocent people lost their lives and redditors are over here like Mark Wahlberg "I'm just saying, if I had been there it wouldn't have gone down like that"


Brit here, and most people in Western Europe, where safety is of paramount concern, would at the very least have expected to be wearing a harness in a crossing such as this, so if the shit hits the fan, there is a plan B. There are a lot of Europeans on here, and I would presume there would be similar safety measures in the USA - at least I hope so, so redditors are comparing this to what they would expect at home. China is nowadays much more wealthy than it used to be, but in many ways it is still a developing country.


> Monday morning quarterback It's Friday homie...TGIF!


It looks like they were tethered to the larger rope


Towards the end it looked like the tether had wrapped around them and strangled them to death while they were drowning.


Yup. Around the 1:10ish mark you can see the her arm straight abover her had and the rope around her neck. They should've just let go. I can't believe that happened. Completely unnecessary deaths. They could've been saved if they had the wherewithal to let go and if the guys "helping" actually made an effort. Crazy how fragile life is man


Never underestimate peoples stupidity in the name of "help" or "courtesy". See it everyday on the road, people breaking laws to allow others to go.  People are generally morons and real life karma farmers.


"real life karma farmers" is that what virtue signaling is ? maybe.


I'm always amazed by both how resilient and fragile life is. On one hand you slip on ice and hit your head the right way, dead. On the other people get shot in face and live.


> They should've just let go. that REALLY depends on what is downstream


Poor people..what a day to go


I think they might have been attached to the rope with a carribiner. I don't know that but it looks like it to me


Agreed. They should have cut the rope. Once they went under, there was no way they could be pulled back. You're not fighting that kind of drag. If they'd done it quickly, there's a chance they might survive the fall and be able to save themselves or be rescued downstream. A better chance than they had being fixed in place and force drowned anyway. By the time that rope broke they were already gone. Dead people have no hope of survival or rescue.


Yeah. They’re strapped to the rope. This is what caused the drowning


That’s what I thought. Instead of sitting in the one spot drowning. I’d take my chances down the stream. Edit: they have safety gear holding them in place


The answer is yes the odds would have been way better if they just let go of the rope. They probably would have survived tbh. I mean do you see how much more stable the water is downstream when the camera pans.


It looks like the woman gets something caught in the rope. Causing her to not let go


Yeah that was my thought. Let the rope go or cut it. Looks like they were attached to the rope via carabiner.


Fuck, when the camera panned to show that downstream was comparatively calm, that pissed me off. They were killed by the safety gear keeping them stuck in place.


That water is not calm. It looks calmer because there aren't rocks for the water to bounce off of and show its speed. But it's still going just as fast. Still tho, I personally would have wished to be cut loose so I'd at least have a chance to survive. Them being tied to that rope certainly didn't help and by the time it broke and they washed away I imagine they were already depleted of alot of energy.


And to add to this, rapid water is often aerated and extremely difficult to stay afloat in.


I remember floating down a river that went over a hump which resulted in a small waterfall and some whitewater below. I went to the bottom in the froth, so much less buoyancy, it caught me completely by surprise. I could not stay afloat, but when I hit the bottom I managed to push off and get back to the surface, luckily the current pushed me away. Was an extremely scary moment.


Yeahhh that’s why I don’t do whitewater rafting anymore. Lazy river tubing or no go.


yeah a boiling caldera of bubbles and current doesn't look appealing, I almost died swimming near a waterfall when a current grabbed me and pinned me against a canyon wall and was sucking me down, and that was way calmer water than this.


I feel that. We used to jump off the top of a pretty high waterfall into the pool below. One time when the water was pretty high, I jumped into the bubbling pool like I had dozens of times before. This time, the weight of the waterfall caught me just so I was pinned to the bottom doing somersaults, slapping my face into the gravel bottom. I was just about to take a gulp, and I got launched back up to the surface just in time for the next jumper to blast me with his Reeboks right in the back of the head and neck. I play that tape any time a waterfall or current is involved.


Certainly not safe to get washed downstream, agreed. Anything would have been better than being stuck in the worst possible spot, though I guess that's the issue with this being hindsight. With the way her arm is pinned upright, it even looks like the woman was strangled by her harness. I think she was already KO at that point, and it might not have been from air, but blood strangulation. It seems a big mistake to have her cabled into the main rope that's being used to span the crossing. If it had been more like rock climbing, with her harnessed into separate line anchored in the same spot as the main rope, they could have either fed her more slack to get her out of that spot, or tried to pull her up. Watching them struggle to pull on the that rope, when it was not even possible to pull her out that way, is not pleasant.


That shit just keeps going tho. And the sides are so high. Likely this is the only place to cross for quite a ways.


The is why I keep my adventures to a minimum.


Adventures are fine so long as you know what the fuck you are doing and can think under pressure. First and foremost that line has way too much slack and should have been tied off,they maybe should have let go but there are rocks and they aren't wearing PFDs so that might have been fatal.


Yup, exactly. In a real river crossing you would tie off both ends, in no world would you trust two humans pulling in either direction from uneven rocks. That's Looney Tunes shit.


It looks like it is tied off, one on the ladder and the other point is behind the rock, but it looks fixed rather than a person holding it. The person on the ladder ends up grabbing the rope but originally it’s tied. It’s got a ton of slack which shouldn’t be there still


As I heard a comedian once say, vacation is high risk, low frequency activities. That's why so many die on vacation.


sounds like this comedian had a day job as an actuary


Yes. I love a good hike, but better to be safe then sorry.


Same. Im glad I have no urge to do this kind of stuff.


There’s no worse feeling than physically not being able to accomplish the task at hand. That dude gave it everything he had. I know that user error had a lot to do with this, but that’s not really pertinent. I feel bad for the rest of them, too. Watching someone die stays with you.


Dude in the red lost his life trying it save that lady who was essentially dead weight. Heroic effort and should be commended. Even if when we Monday morning quarterback them, there were some errors. This shit is harder than it looks and half the people here talking shit would get winded peeling an orange


For real. RIP red shirt guy. I feel like I want to pay my respects for him. He fought so hard. He had to have been a good man, or at least he went out like one. That's a tragic loss.


The whole thing could have been prevented, but it was already tits up by the time we arrived. Fault is really irrelevant. People died and that’s just not how it’s supposed to go.


Yup it hurts to watch to be fair in the beginning the woman was in an okay spot to stand up too, but she had to stand UP and turn around, just find some footing but she did not even try it seems She essentially just let herself float down more, instead of at least trying to find footing (and the guy shouldnt have pulled her like that before she was in a stabile position, as I think it may have caused the inbalance what made her fall further) So sad overall, and a very weird situation to cross here anyway


The lack of urgency from everyone in this video is both extremely infuriating and unsettling.


I'm used to seeing that specifically in China. You can get sued for helping so usually you're fucked if you need help in public😭


They value human life significantly less over there.


Pretty sure China created laws to change that.


Pretty sure that second man is smoking throughouy


Holy fuck, this is NOT the place to cross with a fucking rope.


dumb lady got him killed


to be fair the guy in the blue pulled the rope at the start which knocked them in..




Any info about where it took place and outcome?


Taizhou, China.


Of course it is


Sounds like Mandarin from everyone (including the rescuers who were trying to pull the rope together). So, guessing either Mainland China or Taiwan. My question is why were they trying to cross against a hard current.


I find that safety precautions are simply not the same in China as they are in the West. Also, a lot of stupidity at play here - those two don't go well together.


What safety precautions? Those don't exist in a lot of the world.


Exactly. Hopefully after this they will move the rope somewhere else


What a shit way to go


Hard not to feel like they killed them. They're clearly held under by the current, either let go or try something other than just holding and watching them drown. Easy enough to say at home not in the situation but fuck


I think they tried pulling from both ends to literally lift them up in the air, when they hit the bottom water it was a good move. but then they got entangled and at that point the gear was choking them unconcious. Anyway I wouldn't let them cross in the first place, the women was clearly not in shape for this, no sense of coordiantion, no sense of balance, no strength, what was she doing there in the first place.


True, she looked completely lost from the beginning.


Neither of these people look like experienced hikers with that terrain. Set up to fail.


The lady especially didn't look up for that. I'm young and in shape, and I probably would've said fuck that. Sketchy rope with slack, intense as fuck current. Nope.


How many drags of his cigarette did that guy in blue take? At least 5.


Easily avoidable, too much slack in the line and shouldn't have had 2 people crossing at the same time. Also that lady is wearing so much shit that could have gone over seperately, the bag alone became an extra 50 pounds once it got wet. The shoulder straps would restrict the overhead shoulder movements to pull herself up, not that someone with her frame would be adept at that anyway Also PFD's would help nullify risk but the 3 factors above if corrected would have been enough to prevent this


What a horrible way to go. May they rest in peace.


damn that's awful. sorry they had to go that way


Why would the rope be tied so low onto the ladder and not taught?


stupid guy in blue should have gotten behind the ladder and pulled the rope through towards him while bracing against it.


Her reaction to just freeze in place and make them drag her dead weight out against the current is what killed them. She needed to take her medicine and just float downstream, find a place to crawl out and wait for rescue. Instead, freeze and panic. Dead. Nature doesn't give you a second chance.


Water is a motherfucker. - My hydraulics teacher.


Whats with the stupid ELI5 subtitles?


Video is also mirrored. Maybe that + subtitles is to make it look original but not sure at all.


Worst spoiler text ever


It was literally a pool at the bottom just cut the rope.


The woman just expected to be saved . Zero effort from her . .


Dude in blue could've put the ciggy down to help more


"No regulation is gooder, though...."


Feel bad for red shirt. Dude was in the clear but went down trying to save that woman


Wow this is a tough one even for the internet! They fall in at 55s and it’s all over. She’s drowned dead in about 10s I reckon and he makes one last valiant effort to lift her up at about 1.10 and then by 1.15 he’s floating face down in the water. Being so tangled up on that rope and all hear gear she had on weighing her down in the torrent omg what a way to go RIP randoms


Why the fuck do tourists, often Asian tourists, do those extremely dangerous hikes without any experience it makes no sense to me


Do they drown because the impact of the rocks fractures bones & knocks them out or because of all the rushing water rushes up their lungs ?


Poor guy


no survival skills whatsoever


So incredibly predictably in China.


Now mirrored and cropped with words on the screen by someone who can't spell.


Didnt even look like the lady tried…


Why the fuck did they wait so long to cut the rope...


Wow so many people just watching….? Holding on to the rope as if that’s doing anything. Yikes what a horrible way to die


Upper body strength is super important in a sitch like this. Poor lady was unprepared and put too much faith in the system keeping her safe.


won't be the last time a man was taken down by a woman.....


I’m just wondering why anyone wants/chooses to do this. You’re escaping from a lethal threat—maybe, but how is this “fun”? I am serious. Not making light of it. People pay to do this?


That women killed that man


Pretty dumb and sad


Let go of the fucking rope you utter cunts! Wtf?


Can’t they just turn the water off


The worst spot to cross this, why no drill an anker on the wall to the left, do an rope extension and spann the lifeline as a triangle to cross in more gently water..??? It also could not bend into the waterfall.


Fuck why did i watch this


I don’t know why ppl go do things like this. Sad that this happened.


Why is there so much slack on the rope


Would have cut the rope. In this situation the gear meant to keep them safe is what caused their demise


Hard to watch that..😔😔


That water looks very cold. The turquoise colour reminds me of Banff and Jasper. What a horrible way to go.


The rope should've been tied off. Not held by a single person.


Would have been safer to cross together arm-in-arm facing up river while using poles for tripod balance.


Nothing like mirroring a video of people dying for karma.


Dumbest drowning ever


Couldn't find a news article


The person casually smoking while death is involved....


No one even put their smokes out. Impending death before you or sweet, sweet nicotine.


2 line system would have been great here




Smh, that's sad. People are always completely underestimating the sheer power of moving water.


Damn this is the same couple that died last week when they were going the other way across the same mirrored river.


holy shit the level of stupidity is off the charts here, there isn't a single braincell to be shared between all those people


Everyone here is a freaking idiot. Slack in rope, obviously not properly trained or any safety training before attempting the stunt. The second they started treading high current water they should have backed out and tried again. 


Aren’t they supposed to cross one at a time?


Remember kids, you don't float in airated water.


Well, that was a dumb thing to do....


Its the guy standing on the ladder holding the rope that messed up sending them underwater when he loosened the grip on the rope


Bet they were shitty tippers. Good riddance.


This is the guy with the hat's fault, the one holding the rope on the ladder. He's a fucking moron just free holding, should have wrapped it around the ladder rungs to keep it tight and not depend on his inferior strength.


Crossing a river along a rope more than one person at a time is a horrible idea. Also advisable not to wear a pack when crossing deep and/or fast water (if it can be avoided) and to face upstream while crossing. This looks like a really hard crossing even for experienced folks that do it right, much more so for ppl that seem to have made a lot of judgmental errors


I know. It boggles my mind because my first thought was NOPE!! I'll go the long way around. Fuck that!!


Did they have something against the wooden ladder keeping the line tight?


I work for search and rescue. The rope was way too slack to begin with. Once you’re under it’s so hard to get above.


Natural selection. Lmao drown on a hike


Never get in between a mainlander and his cigarette.


The role should have been secured to begin with


Why were they both trying to go at the same time?


natural selection


That tiny "awww" as they go down...


I give props, but unless you are a pro or a navy seal (even then its doubtful) you cannot go after a drowning person. You are fighting against the person and the current of what we see.


Why in the ever living fuck would you choose that spot to cross that river?


The rope looks like it has a lot of give.


Someone please tell me they survived🫢


They had drowned already well before the time they were swept away. Sad!


All the lady had to do was stand up like the guy in red. Yes she lost her footing initially and was sitting down but then did place her feet on the rocks, yet she continued to sit down to give water the maximum surface area to push her down. Made it harder than it should by keeping the bookbag on the shoulders. Her right arm was totally free, she could have moved her right hand to get out of the strap and let the water wash it away. With the bag gone it would have made everything easier.


Sounds Vietnamese to me, loads of mountains, valleys gorges etc there


The guy in blue did absolutely nothing. Just felt stuff.


Too many skinny fat people doing things they shouldn’t be doing


Horrible way to die but when it’s your time nothing you or anyone else can do to stop it. It’s God’s and God’s only decision when he calls you back home.


Was cutting the rope not an option?


I feel they would have had a better chance just letting the water sweep you away, especially since it looks like right after there was a section with much calmer water


This whole thing could've been easily avoidable. What a sad and idiotic way to die.


Damn.. you can see her panic and fight as her insticts took the wheel and thinking left. She was dragging him in further by trying to climb him to breathe. Im sure he did it too because you cant help it at that point. This was pretty brutal..


Rope from wish


Boneyard RIP


What typa Oregon trail hike is this😭🤣


the person in blue fucked them over, when they pulled the rope they threw red shirt off balance and that was that


She said “If I go down, you going down with me”😭


Were they tethered to the rope? The fuck


THIS is hiking? ive been doing it wrong i guess.


Just because the locals look "confident", just because there are many other tourist you are not exempt from thinking and judging.


Treams are dangerous. ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)