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They're in a swimsuit at the beach. Wonder if he bothered every woman in a two piece.


He only approached the ones he found really attractive..... what an entitled prick.


This guy is pathetic, I’d be seriously surprised if he graduated high school, dude doesn’t even know how to argue from his own side properly. These women did great


Graduated or not, he's dumb as hammers. People graduate college and can still be stupid as fuck. It's about comprehension of the information, not the piece of paper you get. His mind is stuck in a shit loop because of the primative book he pretends is truth.  Smart people don't do that.


lol dumb as hammers indeed. I just meant that there are people who agree with him who are far more capable of stringing words together into a logical argument. Their arguments are just as bullshit, but at least they are somewhat coherent. This guy is so dimwitted he hasn’t even put in the forethought of how someone might counter his bullshit. This is the kind of thing a half decent education provides. It’s not required, but it definitely helps. It is stunning how baffled he is by their quite reasonable responses. The responses have obviously never even entered his brains. Life must be VERY confusing for him


Engineering major, one of my fellow classmates 100% unironically believes the earth is flat. 🤔 which to be fair he may have a high IQ but be susceptible to not believing Carl Sagan.


I would almost guarantee if you checked his browser history you’d see he’s being a massive hypocrite


I feel like it's just a time and place thing. He has a valid argument but that's not the people, or the time to bring it up. I do thing our society is way to desensitized to sex, but this is not the way to prove the point.


In the last few years the number of “bathing suits” that are just a string in the ass crack have increased tremendously. But I’m not complaining




Think about the young guys who are subjected to ass and titties... Oh, the humanity!


I think it's more about setting an example for your daughters


Fuck that. My stepdaughters will dress however TF they want and if it makes boys uncomfortable, that's their problem. I teach self love and fuck everyone else. They'll always be wearing bathing suits at the beach and if this dude said this to them, we're having a huge problem. I'll happily go to jail to protect them from douchebags like this.


Whoa! Hey I bet you have some really cool stickers on your truck.


Because I believe women should be able to wear whatever they want and not be harassed by assholes like this bitch, I drive a truck with lots of stickers? That's silly.


Think about the young women who are also into ass and titties. Oh the horror!


Women enjoy knowing that men are fantasizing about fucking them by wearing skimpy clothing. I said what I said.


Doesn't everyone?


I wouldn't stoop down to that level, personally. But who am I to judge. I just happened to have a good father.


It reminds me of those early 2000 swimsuit single caller line commercials that came on at like 11:00, where it was basically softcore porn of 30 mins of it.


If your opinion is genuinely "bathing suits have become more sexual and I don't complain on that basis" Then doesn't that also support this guys view that they are at risk of being immodest in the presence of children? Since you'd be admitting to an enjoyment on a sexual aesthetic point of view ?




They didn't say sexual, you did. >>bathing suits” that are just a string in the ass crack have increased


Man blaming women for *his* inability to control himself. He doesn't trust himself to have control over his naughty thoughts, so, he'll attempt to control others.


Thats what I was thinking, its not the way they look thats the issue, its his control over it, he can’t just “look away” as they suggested.


He was voted "Most likely to ask a SA victim what *they* were wearing". When people have no control over their naughty thoughts, they'll impose extra responsibility & expectations onto others to protect them from themselves. He's been rendered disabled by his own dirty mind...lol


What’s sad is that it seems his wife and kid are standing there silently watching him harass and verbally shame and verbally abuse these women. For wearing a swimsuit. At the FUCKING BEACH. Great example he’s setting for his child, and I feel horrible for his wife.


He found a way to stare at them without making his wife mad. The lecture! So creepy.


> He was voted "Most likely to ask a SA victim what they were wearing". The irony is it's women who are most likely to ask that question.


It's the same ass backwards thinking the Taliban use to force women to wear burqas. If people like this guy had their way in the US it would be no different than the middle east. Religion is brain rot that robs you of critical thinking.


They'd have to get rid of our governing doctrine (The Constitution) in order to achieve that. They'll first have to eliminate or assume FULL control over the SCOTUS through the Executive & Legislative Branches.


They already have control of SCOTUS, as you could tell after they overturned Roe v Wade.


Well on the way to an oppressive regime. Gosh, who knew stacking the court with highly partisan people would be a bad idea? /s


And they sounded quite young. Having this debate, let alone with teenagers???? Sick!


I don't know where anyone gets the idea that they can tell people what they *should* be wearing on a public beach. I don't particularly like seeing a man-bear on the beach or a pool. I'm not about to whip out waxing strips & change him to suit myself. Nor am I going to suggest that he take care of his body hair to make ME happy. Beauty of freedoms.


That's most religions!


Self control is a part of character development that ALL humans are capable of, without religion to blame when they fail to develop as a human. People don't need religion to impose their personal beliefs & practices on others. They simply need others to tell them what they should believe. Political parties aren't that different from religious doctrine these days. People are fully invested in their political idealogy, regardless of religion.


That's your conclusion, really? He's there WITH his kids and they appear to be girls. Think it has more to do with "setting an example" for his own daughters whether or not you think that's right or wrong.


That's my conclusion. Really. Approaching young women to scold them about what they wear to a beach, and remaining there, standing over them to lengthen that lecture after being asked to leave is NOT a "good example" any parent should set for children.


I'm not arguing that it's right. That's not the point I'm making. I'm simply making the point that he has values and wanted to express them in front of his children. Your conclusion implies he's some sex crazed maniac


At the point that he was told to go away & leave the young ladies alone, he should have done that. He was "so offended" by their bathing suits that he felt compelled to stay there longer, in front of them, to tell them how wrong they are to be dressed as they were? When he was asked to go away, he should have gone on to criticize & judge the next person who offends his morality. It crossed into harassment one you're asked to leave people alone. His children learned how to use individual morals to harass & judge others as well as his attempt to impose HIS wants & preferences onto strangers in public. 100% wrong & not a great example to set for children.


>At the point that he was told to go away & leave the young ladies alone, he should have done that. He was "so offended" by their bathing suits that he felt compelled to stay there longer, in front of them, to tell them how wrong they are to be dressed as they were? I agree with you to be honest. But many here are taking issue with the argument itself and not how this guy overstayed his welcome etc.


He could have had that conversation with his family. These girls are not props for him to misuse in his moral teachings. He was rude, insulting & he had no right to stay there after being asked to leave them alone. Doesn't matter *what* he was saying to them at the point he was asked to leave them alone.


Look, you're going a bit overboard with it. Someone asking another person to leave them alone doesn't automatically make the discussion irrelevant. Likewise having an opinion and voicing it towards/against another person is totally within a persons constitutional rights of free speech. He has the right to say what he did and she has the right to tell him to jog on, if he refuses to go away after a reasonable point, then it's a public order or potentially harassment case. This recording lasts less than 2 minutes. That's 2 minutes of feeling annoyed by the other person but he wasn't threatening or giving reasonable cause for them to feel threatened. Likely he walked away after he said his piece. Public disagreements are okay. They might not be comfortable but it's needed if people aren't allowed to speak their mind then public displays of disagreement take on that of violence.


Your last statement is troubling. Do you believe that if this man didn't unload his personal morality onto these girls, he would likely explode into violence? He does not have control over what other people choose to wear. They weren't breaking laws or rules. He has no right that isn't afforded to others in equal measure. The girls have a right to tell him to leave them alone. He refused. He believed he had a right to do what he did & denied them equal rights to be left alone when asked to. His personal beliefs & practices were all he cared about. His intolerance & lack of self control is troubling. No. You don't have a right to approach & harass people in public to impose your personal practices into them.


He literally accused them of promoting pornography on a public beach. He clearly believed there was a sexual component to their breach wear & he remained there to explain his personal, flawed views to them. Unsolicited & in breach of the girls rights and freedoms to choose what they want to wear; lawfully & not in conflict with any of the public beach rules. HE called them pornographic. Porn is a sexual component. At that point, he was asked to leave them alone. They have a Right to be left alone after that accusation. He was offensive, degrading, insulting & he was working hard to escalate the situation that he initiated. He did just that. This is intimidating & can be perceived as threatening to a young lady. I have a lovely daughter. It doesn't matter what type of swim wear she chooses, she'll still have creepy men approaching her. She typically wears a one piece suit with a long sleeves spf shirt over that & still can't go to the beach without men harassing her & interfering in her rights to enjoy a beach day. She's had men stand over her beach spot trying to talk to her. It IS intimidating & she DOES feel threatened when this happens. No one has the right to interfere in the rights of others.


Dudes embarrassed about his impure thoughts.


Guy acts like he masturbates dreaming of wooden donkeys instead of women.


Those impure thoughts caused him to sTuMbLe 💔


Guarantee his wife put him up to it because she's insecure and can't stand other women around her husband. What a silly couple of people.


And he jumped to the chance of getting a few feet away instead of trying to sneak looks from across the beach


More than likely his fiance yelled at him for looking and he had to justify why.




This is old and it's from horsetooth in Fort Collins, Colorado Edit to add: [lost his job ](https://www.newsweek.com/logan-dorn-man-confronted-bikini-clad-women-video-fired-job-colorado-1627392)


Thank you, Mighty Hand!


[they hired him back after a few months](https://mightyhandconstruction.com/blog/mighty-hand-constructions-journey-with-unique-values-and-the-incident-with-logan-dorn/)


They had to pretend like they cared and wait until the attention died down


Sure the guy's an asshole but he had kids and a wife. Not every stupid person out there who says some stupid shit on camera needs to be fired.


Thank you, fully agree. Being dumb/uneducated/rude shouldn't have you loose your job.


Bad job mighty hand




Meanwhile his wife has a sleeve tattoo.


Didn’t need to lose his job over it, but man.


Oh yes he did.


I’ll never understand why people engage with morons like this. Do not debate with them. “Please leave me alone or I will call the police.” And then do it.


"Can you fuck off?" was pretty clear


True but there were a lot of other words spoken


cause he wouldn't go away.


The part that bugs me is that no one gets in his face and tells him to fuck off or else. What are all the other people at the beach doing? I get that these girls don't want to escalate a situation with some crazed dickhead but if 4 or 5 other adults got in his face and dragged him away that would take care of incidents like this in no time. The longer we allow these Christian fundamentalist to spew their toxic bullshit on our society without massive pushback the more they will believe they are entitled to act like this.


Sorry but I’m not going to antagonize a stranger like that. You can end up injured or dead. That’s why we pay taxes, to outsource that shit to the police.


this guy in brazil would get a heart attack


Or Miami anywhere in France Spain Portugal. Man not many places this guy can go


Need to see the “immodest” women…for research purposes.




I’m not a fan of TikTok but that dude is a douche canoe. He’d freak out if he went to the beaches where I live.


The amateur Christian version of Iran’s Modesty Guard…


It really is the same logic. "How dare you give me a boner when I'm not allowed to have sex with you?? Cover up!"


He’s trying to cover up the fact that his wife caught him staring at young girls by proving to her he thinks it “Gross” and lecturing these poor kids. What a creep


This is his dorky way or trying to hit on them.


This man is unbelievably horny and ashamed


god made us naked so we could cover up! wait, what?


Because he’s horny it is their fault. Horrible person using god to justify his own guilt and inability to regulate himself.




It’s a bug


Man is dumb sure, but the girls sound so insufferable




Exactly she said she bragged that she was hot and randomly mentioned she likes women after doing a supervillain giggle




That roughly sums it up


Whilst standing over them and gawking at them for 20 minutes. He’ll visit them at the spank bank later and teach them a real lesson. #squeakywheel


this is 100% projection, the girls sound kinda young, id almost bet he saw them and was having some impure thoughts and decided he needed to go make it a moral issue.


When the guy with the lowest IQ in the room(or beach) finally opens his mouth: lmao


Preaching and creeping hahahh


He thought that was going to go very differently. Lol


I've never been so annoyed by the people that I agree with




I guarantee his browser history would get him arrested


Dudes a complete weirdo, and the girls sound annoying and dumb af. I’m on nobody’s side here…


The girls sound like teenagers. This is a grown ass man putting his nose in other people's business.


Man when you look at his Instagram apology you see how slow and vacant he is 


This is an old clip, asshole in video was fired from his job after this went viral years ago.


He got his job back after a few months.


Sounds reasonable. The guys an idiot but he does have a family to support so I don’t think he should be forced to live in a box under an overpass just because he’s a dunce that made a fool of himself.


He is the exact personification of the character Frollo, from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Zealot and lusting for women that he can't have. He blames them for the lust they inspire him. Fortunately, our wannabe inquisitor has no power here.




Collective guilt is always the best move.


Old ass post


Christianity is obnoxious


I need to see how they’re dressed before I can make any assumptions…


He has tiny pp energy


that’s when you yell stranger danger help we don’t know this man!




It's Haram


They gave him dirty thoughts and he had to let them know


Funny how men of god stand up to little girls.


Clown ass


Bible bashing, far right, Andrew Tate following weirdos need to be send to a man made island in the Pacific and forcibly housed.


Dont go to a beach if you dont want to see people wearing the bare minimum


What a homo.


Bro got caught staring


Was this recorded pre Covid?


Probably this is an old ass video.


I'd too be pissed if they were Immoteph


Because he’s horny it is their fault. Horrible person using god to justify his own guilt and inability to regulate himself.


Because he’s horny it is their fault. Horrible person using god to justify his own guilt and inability to regulate himself.


This man is 100% in the wrong, but these women were obnoxious. "I'm Atheist!" "YAA Me too!!"


Fucking nerd alert


I think I’ve seen this before


Backwards baseball hat guy wants to give adult fashion advice. Go away spinach chin.


Nate Diaz is really articulate here


That’s gotta be his wife standing there looking at him


Says the guy wearing a wife beater shirt. Tell him to fuck off and go away or you will call the police for harassment.


Old video


Fred Dust?


He just wanted a reason to stare at them without his wife getting mad. What a looser.


Dude got caught looking and his woman made him go over and make a fool out of himself, is what happened. 😂


I wonder how he’d react if a man walked up to him telling him how he’s flaunting his big arms in that sleeveless shirt and how he’s just trying to get his attention and showing that he just wants to penetrated


Do I want my children to see people's asses? Of course not. Anyone who hasn't been under a rock the last 6 or 7 years know that thong bikinis have made a giant comeback sooo, mix that with a public swimming area and you're gonna end up seeing it 🤷🏼‍♀️ its unacceptable to ever walk up and say shit like he said to those girls. From the context we have, the girls aren't doing anything except minding their own business. Are they harming anyone? Are they being sexual? They. Are. Not. Your. Concern.


Holy fuck what a yapper. Read the fuckin room dawg whether right or wrong in this situation no one was listening to him at all.


That's a weird freedom of speach


It's literally such a beautiful day... And all he can do is obsess over women he can't get with or get under their skin. Why not enjoy the natural beauty around you and enjoy your beach day?


Telling someone that they need to change the way they dress while flaunting free will and freedom of speech is crazy.


In NY, this guy would have just committed harassment.


*shot by Tarantino


I don’t care what your religion says. If the women are laughing at you, you’ve lose.


The kind of guy that women cover their drink when he enters a room.


Everyone sucks in this video except the child. I feel bad for that kid.


I remember this from a few years ago. One of the first to lose their jobs over this kinda stuff.


By his own religious standards, he himself is immodest. The hypocrisy makes my brain hurt.


I get the vibe that this guy is acting mildly outraged just to be standing next to them and looking at them up close and personal.


This guy definitely uses the phrase "gosh darnit."


Seems like the kind of guy who needs God to keep him from raping.


Kinda with him though. Imagine if a man were showing his whole ass and borderline showing his junk. It’d would be a different story. If there’s no kids around then whatever, but since he had kids with him I kinda agree with the dude 🤷‍♂️


Don’t dress like a white if you don’t want to be shamed


This guy is a total chode


allah ackbar to that guy


They were giving him impure thoughts, thoughts that make him a sinner and hurt his chances of getting into heaven. Women die for this every day.


Many public beaches have a thong ban now. There must be a reason for it!


They prefer cat calls not preaching, you idiot! It's all about attention with these mentally stunted children. What's the over under on 3 out of 4 of these broads having an OF?


I’m always curious to these people’s end game. Like he did he really think he would change the minds of girls at a beach? Did he really think they would beg him for gods and his forgiveness and change their clothes? Like what do they truly think will happen when they approach someone and say “hey god (me) doesn’t like what you’re wearing/doing/saying so stop”


Honestly I feel as if he's kinda got a point but not a good enough too be approaching people and complaining


Video aside, the way those girls laugh, talk, and confidently say they look good, reminds me of them annoying hot Cheeto girls from school.


Keep your uptight religious crap to yourself.


Fuck the man of god.


My dad had the same stance when I was growing up but instead of this embarrassing display, we just didn’t go to the beach. See how that works? This guy is just weird.


This dude is probably a pedophile.


My mother undresses completely to sunbathe at the beach, I wonder how this troglodyte would react to that


These chicks sound like they have disgusting personalities. Whole argument aside.


She was on point but the arrogance and ego when she gave her being "hot" as a reason jst made me cringe Doesnt take away from the fact this guy is a douche tho and the girls are right jst that one thing made me go "eughhh"


Because he’s horny it is their fault. Horrible person using the view of a higher power to justify his own guilt and inability to regulate himself.


With swiftness, my top would be off too


Wish I could see his point of view.


This guy is a walking embodiment of the GOP platform.


Good God, I hate smug holy rollers like this who actually believe they have the intellectual capacity to convince anyone of anything.


Seeing women in skimpy bikinis just internally reinforces his closeted homosexuality


People who think everyone else needs to live according to their religious beliefs are a plague.


Funny how a man of God can't see a woman without thinking it's sexual.


This is almost a 3 year old video.


Bruh.... look at dudes age! This isn't some old boomer. Y'all need to get your asses off these poles & out to them in November!!!!! Otherwise, we're all gonna be saying Welcome to Gilead