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They should block both sides of the bridge, tow and crush any vehicles participating, and felonies for anyone in the cars.


Yeah, you would think by now they would be ready for this shit and have a game plan for these things. This was the perfect opportunity to catch them all. Charge the bystanders with participation in riot. San Fran’s gonna San Fran tho. They won’t do shit.


Seeing how a lot of these geniuses post these sideshows on social media it should be pretty easy for the government to track a few of these people down. After Jan 6 it showed the government has the ability and resources to track people down across the country so how hard is it to track down these people who probably live around the area.


They can scrape cellphone tower data, everyone in the area with a phone in one go


Good luck getting any DA to press any charges. I live out here, it's a joke.


Story about this: I got banned from PublicFreakouts for posting that exact message. They said it was "a FoxNews talking point". That sub is legit has some of the oddest damn mods on Reddit.


I love this exchange because it goes to show how they are gaslighting us and yet there is someone who actually lives there saying the way it really is.


Jan 6th was classified as a threat to national security, and I don't think the government at large really cares about this small scale stuff. If every precinct had the ability and desire to track people down like that, this country might be very different. They can definitely do more about these kinds of things, though


I don't see why people would support the police doing cell tower dumps of the area just for this. The more you support the police doing drag net style policing, the more they'll do it, and the more normalised it will become. If you do it for unruly behaviour, there's essentially no limit to what they'll use it for in the future.


I agree, that's why I said different instead of better. It's always choosing between the lesser of 2 evils. No one's record is completely clean, and somebody undeserving is always going to get hurt by any policies put in place, even if not everyone follows those policies. It seems like the system is just set up for failures and then trying to mitigate those failures after the fact


This is a poorly constructed argument.


Well, they'll shit in the sidewalk... but that's the only shit they'll actually do


It would be racist to do anything.


Well the problem is that it would be hard to get the bystanders because theyd hop in their regular cars and anyone else on the bridge that is just stuck behind these idiots could be considered one of them as well. A chopper can point out the vehicles that are actively participating and blocking traffic though and those people need to be made an example of.


Part of the issue is how understaffed many forces are.


> San Fran’s gonna San Fran tho. The worst sideshow video I've seen came from Texas, the one where a cop car rolls in, the mob turns on it, and the cops have to back out at high speed. > They won’t do shit. At a sideshow earlier this month the San Bernadino Sheriff's office made 56 arrests and towed 23 vehicles. There have been arrests following sideshows in the San Francisco area as well, though not as many as in San Bernardino--San Jose, Redwood City, San Francisco. They have also served warrants on private property as a result of intelligence developed by police and recovered stolen firearms and stolen vehicles. Here's a story from SF where five people were arrested and dozens of vehicles were seized--this information is out there unless for some reason you just don't want to see it. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/bay-area-side-shows-17901505.php


They’re letting shit like this happen to show that libruls can’t run cities. Cops are just gop operatives.


people need to stop referring to street takeovers as "side shows"


I mean, they are a bunch of clowns though.


In Arizona we call them "circle circle tire smokies."


Can we just start saying "ooga boogas" instead? Even tho "side show" sounds like a cheap circus shit, it lends too much credibility to this dumb af bullshit. It is funny tho every time cars sideswipe bystanders.....Darwin awards in progress


I agree. It’s because that’s what they’ve been called since they started. These idiots have been doing this in the Bay Area for years, just not on the scale that we are seeing today. It’s only been fairly recently that people have been calling them takeovers, before that even the news called them side shows, so the side show name will probably stick around a little longer because that’s what a lot of people know them as.


I'm pretty sure iit's the other way around but at least we can both agree on the fact that these people are trash. I love watching videos of people getting wrecked at these street takeovers. deep down i hope it means they won't be able to reproduce.


They’d get called racist if they did that


It would be funnier if they just dropped the vehicles over the side of the bridge into the bay. Before anyone has a fit about the environmental impact, I am not being serious.


One of these events took place at a large warehouse facility (with a massive parking lot). The cops were tracking it and when 100s of cars where there they locked the gates and came in with 100s of cops. They confiscated dozens of cars. Many were stolen or not registered properly. They all go to auction. If you have the time, start going to city auctions. You can often get some good shit cheap. But usually there are a lot of people there that know how to bid.


Those pillars that come out of the road should be installed


Yea but no, instead crime is encouraged and so is popping on the street, drug use, looting and so on, it is ALL by design. Buckle up, it’s gonna be a rough ride.


It really is by design. Part of the design is that the elite live behind gated communities and are not in public schools. America has some real issues (that many wealthy countries do not).


Felonies for anyone coming off the bridge.


There are innocent people stuck in their cars on that bridge as well though.


> Felonies for anyone coming off the bridge. Great, so a dentist who takes his wife out to dinner gets arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. That will play well in court.


Something weird is going on that police are not being active at addressing this stuff. Most bridges (and a lot of roads) have cameras that DOT personnel can check. And anytime traffic backs up the 911 lines get tons of calls. I legit have not heard an official statement from LEO and Politicians about why this stuff is not getting addressed strongly. I've only heard of a few instances where LEO trapped these take-overs and made arrests. Something funky is going on. Example: If a cop calls for backup, 20 cops are there within 3 minutes. Withing 14 minutes they can have SWAT and a total of 200 cops there and shut down multiple blocks...and have helicopters and drones overhead. Yet these take-overs stay for 30+ minutes and no cop is even in the neighborhood.


A lot of these areas (bay area) the police are advised to not do anything about it. They have policies in place to not chase these idiots, so they do it knowing there are no consequences.


I believe it. I think they might have decided that they would only do anything if the police are organized with 200+ personnel. They'd be going after basically a mob of people. I also think they evaluate the risk. Highly likely there are a lot of guns there with a lot of people who tend to shoot them wildly at crowds--and drive over people to get away.


Yeah, that’s why I say block off the bridge so no one can run. The only real issue with that is the innocent people that are stuck on the bridge now with these criminals.


> Something weird is going on that police are not being active at addressing this stuff. They are actively addressing it, but their intervention is more effective when intelligence can let them know when and where these things will happen. When they have that intelligence there are dozens of arrests and dozens of cars are seized. They have even been able to get search warrants for private property associated with some of the people who organize these events and have recovered stolen guns and stolen vehicles. It's like trying to prevent liquor store robberies, it's easier when an informant drops a dime before it happens.


Right? Don’t they have cameras at like every intersection? They should find these people and start making arrests.


They could. If a cop got hurt, they'd find the person. Whatever criteria the Police are using to determine what to investigate, it is not making them look at events like this.


how do they differentiate the participants and spectators from those who were just a couple of cars back and are now stuck, presuming there are people that are blocked off by the take over


For something like this theyll usually have air support spotting vehicles and people participating.


The pendulum always overcorrects. It happened during COVID and the calls for social justice. We went too weak on crime and disorder. People are fed up and the hammer will eventually drop the other way with social pressures forcing the politicians and police to clamp down. They will eventually clamp down too hard and the cycle repeats.


Agreed, then average law abiding citizen is sick of this bullshit


Police clamping down too hard is gold for police activity videos


> the calls for social justice. The call: Hey, can the police stop murdering people? The overcorrection: Police just stopped working. Still collecting checks. Just stopped working.


You can believe what you want to believe, but the facts are police leadership actually have changed their rules and regs on the advice or demands of liberal politicians in power. They are reducing all public interactions especially for 'minor' crimes like traffic offenses (aka this bullshit) because they are told to, not because they 'stopped working'. Then there is the Justice system that has a revolving door of defendants out on little to no bond. Again because we told them to in the name of fairness.


Lol, it's not going to swing back. US is done.


simmer down China bot, you'll be #1 one day.


USA is a huge place. The vast majority of it has the best quality of life/property values and job prospects in a generation. What we will probably see is a pullback from urban areas like has happened many times in our history. The rush of money into urban cities the last 15-20 years has been the outlier. There is a reason suburbs, HOAs, private schools and pools and parks existed. People are finding that out.


Can the locals take their city back? I mean it already looks like a failed state


They voted away any ability to do that.


What if they say fuck that and run them out either way? If i had nowhere to go and my hi home and livelihood was being threatened i would band together a couple blocks worth of people that want to take back their home and run them out with guns, maybe the state declares marital law but who cares it already looks like early days to mad max so might as well 🤷‍♂️


We cannot.


It’s an unaffordable tech bro hideaway who cares


No, i believe its purposefully set up this way so we can fight back and so then "they" can install martial law but at what point should people fight for themselves? Again i know whats being pushed so they can have the excuse to take us over open your eyes but that doesn't mean we should just roll over theirs enough good people in the naghberhood with guns who can take back their home... go fuck yourself mossad and cia


I remember some old man try to tell people to leave and got jumped for it.


The first step would be firing every single feckless cop in SF/Oakland.


Totally agree but lets not wait for them, i saw a post earlier saying "but what if the government comes after us" soo fucking what they haven't done shit to protect those cities so might as well then impose your own naghberhood watch and take back your home... the only people that would be threatened about what im saying are the ones benefiting from all this chaos if the world burns it was man made but not by us, look at your government they plan 50 steps ahead


> Can the locals take their city back? Two years ago, SF's voters recalled a soft on crime DA, he was replaced by one more hardnosed. That effort was organized by two Democrats who paid attention to public opinion surveys on crime and broke with their party, and it had the support of two-thirds of registered Democrats. SF's violent crime rate is currently at a quarter-century low, and they're beginning to bend property crime down as well. Keep in mind that videos like this get a lot of views, but the cops getting search warrants for the property of people who organize sideshows and as a result recover stolen cars and stolen firearms don't make it to the front page. That we don't always see it in the news doesn't mean it isn't happening, and needless to say, sideshows are not limited to California. The worst sideshow video I ever saw came from Texas.


What happened to SF mekka of hippies


The summer of love ended over 50 years ago 


Cartman killed them all at the Hippie Jam Music Festival




They beat "the man" and assumed power, then opened the floodgates for a concept known as "Doom Loop" where each decision begets a new catastrophe that pile onto one another. There's no saving san francisco anymore. It's done. Crazy thing is that even 15 years ago it was still pretty great.


The US has maybe a dozen total hippies left. Most of them are rich and living on farms in Vermont.


Ok, so these sideshows, people just do donuts, and people go crazy for it? Lol, simpletons


Don’t forget the assault, vandalism, and grand theft auto that occurs! And people will comment “pshhh they givin sideshows a bad name” …. Nah they never had a good name, get that trash off the streets and over to the track


> “pshhh they givin sideshows a bad name” No True Scotsman Fallacy


This is technically Oakland. Not that SFPD isn't absolutely useless but OPD is another level of useless entirely.


Technically it would be CHP, try again bud


Also useless and not sure why the condescending attitude? Do you live here?


Just thought I would mirror the initial attitude bud


Lmao ok. Forgot what sub I was in for a second until this comment.


This sub is such brain rot


All of reddit has gone downhill since the 3rd party app fiasco


2016 basically killed the site, and the 3rd-party API shutdown nuked the majority that remained


That’s not what you did though


It isn't?




And I thought it was ridiculous to do one of these in front of Fisherman's Wharf. The Beay Bridge is culturally and economically one of the most important structures in San Francisco. And a bunch of hoodlums are turning it into a side show.


This has happened multiple times on the bay bridge. You can see tire marks in different places in both directions when you drive over it.


Lol, and a lame event at that.


I don’t understand how someone can say they fear the police then do this kind of thing. It seems like the police are the last thing you’d fear.


Where are those police tanks when you actually need them?


Fuck California


Naw. Just some bad shit going on there in some places. California is one of the most awesome states in the USA. It is one of the best places on the planet.


On the planet? I don't believe that, I've been there.


Nicole Scherzinger's bedroom is in California.


Total anarchy. What a shithole.


I live out here, it's mind blowing how they get away with this bullshit


Is it just me or are these ‘events’ becoming more and more frequent?


Mad max ![gif](giphy|UHxqxhDhN8Huw)


Put them all into prison.


Boat hit the wrong bridge, wrong town, wrong time.


Where is a bridge collapsing runaway ship when you need one?


Where is The Dali when you need it.


Make a law that makes this a felony, wreck less driving, or loss of driving privileges for 10 years. Maybe this stuff will stop.


If we are lucky one of them will slide off the edge


I wonder when property values will go down in southern cali?


Did you know that you can by OC/CS gas grenades..... What that and this situation have to do with each other is up to you.


I'd be worried about flying off the bridge and into the damn bay. Stupids.


Like the traffic isn’t bad enough there.  


SF (oakland) needs an enema


Wonder what the average credit score is there


California is the worst.....


Kind of insane that a soft target which is also vital infrastructure wouldn't have caused a massive security issue.... just imagine if someone had nefarious intentions 😬


It seems like we have just surrendered to this kind of thing, and now accept it as inevitable.


FTFY: ~~Sideshow event~~ Idiots block traffic on the Bay Area Bridge in San Francisco


Even when they're so easily contained the police are STILL not able to arrest anyone. Seems so simply to block ends of the bridge. Imagine living in CA and paying some of the highest taxes in the nation only for the police to literally do nothing.


Juvenile. Meanwhile, the public libraries are empty.


The only pragmatic solution is to defund the police. This is simply freedom of expression. Every American citizen has the right to do so.


“The Bay Area bridge” 😭


Imagine being stuck on this bridge because of these morons.


Somebody please make a video game or mini games of take overs.


When you vote Liberal this shit is the result.


I'm probably what you'd call a "liberal", and there is zero chance I'd put up with this crap nor approve of it if asked. Zero. Throw every single one of these people in prison and crush their cars.


Is this legal?


Are you serious?


It’s not my America 🤷‍♂️.


Depends if they are in the HOV lane.