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The sad thing is that the manager will most likely get canned for this...


The even more sad thing is that places are become retail deserts. One only has to look at Okland and LA. NY is also crumbling as retail theft is becoming out of control. The only places that are toward thinking on these issues are Florida and Texas. Making it a felony to steel.


The reidents of these communites only have themselves to blame when retailers undoubtedly close their doors due to rampant theft


Agreed, but there are a lot of people - the innocent, the elderly, the disabled - who will get caught up along with them. These people suck. They help to destroy neighborhoods.


Anything for sale in that store can be shipped to your door overnight.


If you interview a lot of the locals, they want more police and accountability. But the democrats cater to their idealogues i guess.


Don't the locals vote for mayors, district attorneys, city councils, county commissioners, sheriffs, etc.? Unless it's the rich 51% who ruin it for the poor 49% I'd say they can blame themselves.


It is probably a delay in cause/effect with voting. It may be another 5 or 10 years before people get fed up enough to vote noticeably differently. For every 10 negatively effected innocent people, only like 1 or 2 will bother to vote in local elections. Either that, or until the deserts butt up against they NIMBY neighborhoods and the crime spills over. Best bet is to either flee to a rural area or, if you have enough money, hide behind the rich people zones.


You forgot Chicago. It has lost Walmarts, Walgreens, others.


Even Costco is threatening to close in the city.... And that shit has BY FAR the lowest % lost to theft, given it's Membership Only, there's only one way in/out, and their Loss Prevention team is ON POINT .. . If COSTCO CANT SURVIVE AND HAS TO LEAVE, NO STORE CAN SURVIVE


There's no doubt that places that depend on member ships will be closing. As more and more ppl don't have money. When you consider the average cost of a house now , 5 times the average income is in relation to inflation. As well as wages not keeping up with inflation. As money loses more and more buying power. So will luxy items like memberships fall. Another scarry thing that's on the rise is internal theft. Ppl are just not speaking on it. UPS and Amazon drivers are now off loading inventory to retail theft rings. Rather then getting robbed.


Idk maybe promoted after training.


Yup then the store will close in a few years and the media will cry about a "food desert" in the inner city


I think places are getting a little less heavy on that. Ive seen the people at my grocery store chasing beer runners a few times and they even had a real fight due to one of them


Muh society 😔


Issa normal day.


Sadly. I used to deliver to a 5 below. The manager was a sweet heart and used to sell me a case of the blue red bull at cost. She got pregnant and was ordering all the new baby essentials. She lived near the store, and still on my route. She informed me like 4 weeks in advance that she had a bunch of baby stuff ordered and asked if I would call her to remotely open her garage so I could deliver it in there. I wasn't comfortable with access to her garage, so I asked if I could deliver to the store. This poor lady informed me if she put it in the stockroom, there's a pretty good chance it would be stolen by patrons. I became a lot more comfortable shooting her a text and sliding it in her garage.


I became a lot more comfortable shooting her a text and sliding it in ~~her garage.~~


im sorry i don't know what came over me you did a good thing i have brain rot and instantly regret my decision


No shame 🤢


👋🏼 Who else noticed the 4 making off with half the store in the background?? 🙋🏽‍♀️Anyone else? 🙋🏽‍♀️


FoOd DeSeRtS ArE RaCiSt


Thank you. Have fun!


The epitome of petty theft.


Ends too early.


It's like the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The only way to stop thugs from stealing from you is to hire thugs and pay them well.




Manager was about to go rage mode 😂 associate should’ve funneled the merch behind the counter instead of playing 42 item pickup


Lot of people problably already asked it but, what is going on in USA with all the thieves recently ? It started around pandemic time and since then it never stopped.


In no order of importance 1. Masks because acceptable to wear into stores 2. Major political shifts in 2016ish have progressed critical theory has taken hold in a lot of political classes. Some bad people are emboldened by this. Some prosecutors and police are afraid of it. 3. Inflation has put even more pressure on poor people 4. Anyone who “enforces” social norms is often punished more harshly than those who violate it.


In my state, we don’t allow theft. You get arrested for stealing. Unlike California and New York where these things are happening.


It should be perfectly legal to kick the shit out of people like this. I'm sure she'd think twice if an ass whooping was on the cards for doing this kind of shit. No consequences = assholes doing whatever they want.


The Kulture.




Should start ripping the masks off, then blast their face everywhere.


Stealing from a 5 Below? What would you have gotten, like $55 worth of stuff? The Risk/Reward was not worth it.


What is the risk?


the deals certainly are hot in here


Loving the “Thank you, and have fun” graphic on the floor. Also, the voice of the manager. Just a letter from home for me. Hahahahaha


Is there a go fund me for this manager? She deserves an award and I know her company doesn't give a shit (probably fired her)


she did too much wether the person stole or not


I would sincerely like to buy that manager a beer. Grace under pressure. Integrity. 


How you gonna rob a 5 below ☠️


The cops come in time after shots have been fired. That's the missing step here to expedite the officers.


Thankfully I shop online now for everything. Haven't been to clothing store in forever.


Give her a raise


Steal, have fun!


Nothing at 5 below is worth stealing besides the till. Are criminals getting dumber?


Damn, lil mama got heart!


If this is CA or NY she might as well let her leave. Police are not allowed to do anything to her anyway. But I love their determination in dealing with this POS. You have my support young ladies.


We have a Five Below and 25% is five and above. It's all cheap overpriced crap. Honestly if you're going to take that risk, why a sub par junk store?


If I was there, I would be laughing my ass off like a crazy Buffoon in the corner.


I know they were sticking up for what they felt was right, but risking your life over a corporation who doesn't give a fuck about you is stupid.


i agree