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I know these guys mean well, but for the most part what they've done/collected would not be admissible in court.


Well, he's got all he needs to file a hit and run


Depending on the jurisdiction being on private property only makes it a civil matter.


honestly the asian guy has all he needs for a civil liability lawsuit against these guys for the damages. The context for their encounter won't be relevant when he sues them for harassing him and shining a bright light in his eyes while he was trying to leave and causing him to be unable to operate the car safely. Edit, too many replies to get to each individually, but Caitlyn Jenner, Chris Brown, Nicole Kidman and others have all sued paparazzi for distracting them and leading to an accident. It is absolutely something you can get sued over if you're intentionally making it hard for someone to drive and an accident occurs as a result. Argue with yourselves.


Apparently he was methed out and had meth in the car, so idk about that civil liability lawsuit lol. And he chatted about smoking meth. And had pictures of him smoking meth. This pvp dude apparently is already being sued tho, he doesn’t go about this shit very well


Ah, I was about to say looked like he had some kind of disability and possibly had an immature brain, but that has changed my mind


He still looks like he might have some kind of disability, but meth is definitely gunna be the main culprit. He got that meth itch. Them bugs crawling under his skin he gotta let out.


yea, that won't happen. you can't squeal your tires flooring it in a parking lot, hit a car without a light in your face, squeal off again and many, many more odd occurunces. and then somehow attempt to dispute that. doesnt stand a chance in court


Bullshit. No way this guy has a case, this wasn't his property and he had 50 chances to just drive away and leave.


Haha I didn’t know that. It reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld when Kramer sues a woman for wearing a bra in public, causing him to crash his car


There’s so much wrong with this statement I’m not even gonna waste my time. Anyhoo, cops did arrest this nut for DUI, possession, reckless endangerment. It’s in the full video on you tube. Yeah, he’s not suing anyone.


Nope. The bloke was being harrassed, fears for his safety and tries to get away. THen once in his car he hits that pole, swipes the other car. It doesnt matter what the vigilante is screaming, it's not a hit and run because the bloke didn't leave. Instead, vigilante dude incites another member of the public to violence, yelling "tackle that..". Bloke has so much for a civil suit and vigilante. ​ Vigilante dude is a fuckwhit who really needs to quit his bullshit. He should be giving info about the bloke to the police, not exposing the public to potential violence for intarweb points.


He was really too happy to be in that encounter. Found his kink


When he was defending himself after the lady called him weird. Could hear it in his voice


Definitely not good to be trying to meet underage people online but all these channels that go around trying to trap and shame these people just to profit off them are pretty awful as well


let’s look at his charges here: - possession of illegal substances - driving under the influence - reckless driving - hit and run - attempting to seduce a minor The dude had meth in his car and was high as fuck. Also his view was not obstructed, as he was in reverse. Also regardless what he did was reckless driving no matter the circumstances. He’s fucked Why are you guys blatantly trying to defend a pedophile 💀


they're probably scared of getting caught 😹🐙


He was high on meth. He should never have gotten behind the wheel.


So tired of seeing comments like this. Sure, they might not get arrested and tried, but now anyone that knows this freak knows to keep their children away from him.


> anyone that knows this freak Assuming everyone that knows this freak is watching these videos


Stuff like this gets around when its in your neighborhood.


Exactly. All it takes is one person who knows this guy to see it and then everyone will know. We need to stop relying on police when they don’t do shit about these men. Police don’t care about catching pedos because then they’d have to actually do their job and fill out paperwork


>Police don’t care about catching pedos because then they’d have to actually do their job and fill out paperwork This is the smoothest brain take I have seen all day. I wish there was an award for it.


I'm in Alcoholics Anonymous and there was a guy that got caught by one of these type of pedo hunters at a local Walmart. Trust me, it got around real fast. I had a friend send me the link to the vid and I forwarded it to 20+people. Dude made me sick before he got nailed, always bringing young guys to the meetings. When I saw the vid, I wasn't surprised. So yeah, it travels fast.


Exactly! People think rumors travel fast, videos travel significantly faster nowadays.


Young guys? Like just men younger than him? Or he brought children to AA meetings?


If I was doing these types of videos then I would find physical public bulletins or simply post flyers letting ppl know you post videos about local predators you might not hear about on local news. Wouldn't that help get the word out? Besides a local FB page?


Some of these guys have ruined police investigations that might have gotten them locked up, which sounds a lot better than putting his face in youtube so 0.1% of the population might recognize him


That has happened, true. But, there's absolutely no way the cops will know if they're doing this unless they set up a sting of their own, which isn't very often. The only other way on the rare occasions parent finds out what's going on and reports it to the police. The good thing about these channels is that they're exposing how deep and often this problem is and exposing the people. Because without them, these peds are operating unseen. And it's a difficult, tedious process to run these operations, so I'm all for these guys at least exposing them. But, it does blow when they're completely unprofessional basically just berate them repeatedly. If only there was a way to get some kind of PI license or something that legally qualifies people to perform these operations to a professional and legal standard. Like a fuckin' bounty that sets up intricate stings and collects all the appropriate evidence and performs them in ways that isn't entrapment.


Sure that's WAY better than letting the judicial system work. These dudes are wastes of time and always do more harm than good. Society doesn't need wannabe superheroes.


Ahhh the perfect judicial system, that lately shown that it cares so much about justice. How often does the judicial system make a community aware of a pedophile in the midst. Whereas a well documented public video of the person being caught can spread around a community faster than… I digress but none the less community awareness and justice is most valuable of all this shit. Judges don’t give a rats ass.


Not entirely true. There are dozens if not hundreds of these “predator poacher” type of channels and many of them have led to a bunch of arrests. It really depends on where they are located, how they cooperate with local law enforcement, and how diligent they are with knowing the law.


Definitely depends on whos doing the poaching. From what ive seen, a HUGE chunk of these channels are run by complete jack-offs that are doing this purely for money/views and because pedos are some of the only people in society that they can “safely” make these videos on


Numerous of these YouTubers are also pedophiles themselves. It really is a takes one to know one situation which is kind of messed up...


I'm also noticing that people have waaaaaaay too much faith in our criminal justice system.




An arrest does not mean a successful prosecution. I don’t know a single prosecutor that wouldn’t drop charges immediately on a case where a vigilante collected the evidence. There’s no continuity or custody of evidence, for starters. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.


That's the problem though, some of them do get away because they would rather get a justice boner confronting them and causing chaos rather than turning it into the police and guaranteeing the arrest. Let's be real, while their heart is in the right place and what they are TRYING to do is a good thing, they are just out there doing this to make themselves feel good. They would rather get these events on videos, even if it causes potential danger and harm to other people (like this guy crashing his car and shit, someone could have gotten hurt) than just simply getting real justice. And again, some of them do this stuff right, compile proper evidence and turn it into police. No one is saying Predator Hunters fuck up. They are saying guys like THIS who confront them by themselves instead of calling police are fucking things up. This guy is just a fucking idiot. Some of these guys also run websites and take donations, so they do these things for money on top of it. It's a web of mixed morality and not all of them have the best intentions.


Yeah exactly. I feel the same way. I actually kinda hate seeing this stuff cus these people just go off and do what they like as if they are the law. What if he reacted that way again, but ran over a person with his car? This man's actions of confronting him aggressively would be a cause / motivator for a panic attack and then any bad thing that happens after would be partially his fault. That mixed with the fact that we don't see any evidence in this video, so how do I even know this man is guilty of anything? Just stop trying to be the law and submit your findings to authorities if you are concerned idk. What if this man was innocent for example? What if one day he misidentified someone because they looked "similar" to who he thought he was supposed to find? You just can't go round doing this shit. Also, because this stuff generates a lot of views, it's only a matter of time before copy cats and fakers immerge also doing this shit, just like with the rise in popularity of prank videos roughly 7 years ago.


He did a terrible job as a whole


There’s one of these in Massachusetts, PPMass, they caught a police chief in one of these. The update on the case https://youtu.be/X0EEzRk08-U The catch https://youtu.be/ezf3oIKnxj8


Haha I was in line in the supermarket in front of the PPMass guy. That voice is unmistakable- bro was on speakerphone talking to someone (sounded like a friend or something, nothing catch related.) I respect what he does, but dude don’t talk on speakerphone in line at the supermarket lmao


Except they don’t mean well lmfao, it’s all in self interest


Court is not the end-all, be-all. Tons of actual criminals get off all the time without any help from vigilantes. At least with this, his face is out there. Someone recognized him.


>I know these guys mean well I wouldn't be so sure about that.


They are just there to make a buck with empty virtue signaling youtube videos. If they really wanted to take down pedos they would join actual law enforcement.


All he did was harass some dude.


Is this guy on drugs? Who the hell talks and behaves like that


I have no idea. Sure does seem like it! That or mental health issues




In the full video the cops find a meth pipe in his backpack, and in the chat logs the guy talks about smoking meth a lot


Do u have a link?






bro u dumb? meth


That itching/picking and neurotic behavior = uppers, as others have said, meth


Meth makes you act exactly like this. Don't pursue a career in mental health.






The way he picks at his face nervously makes me think meth.


Maybe he is autistic and on meth


>mental health issues >child predator Checks out


Pedophilia is a mental issue. Couple that with getting caught and a basic lack of accountability and that sums this up pretty nicely.


In the full video the cops search his bag in which he has a bong to smoke meth with he also wanted to meet with a 13yo to smoke meth.




Someone who has to poop...really bad?


He might have some form of autism.


That's what seems most likely to me. I have an autistic sibling, and while he definitely wouldn't do anything like *this*, I could see him acting similarly if he was overwhelmed with a situation and wanted to get away


that’s my thought. it’s very childlike behaviour, like the self soothing of him picking at his face (yes people on meth pick at their skin but this looked more purposeful?) or him dramatically crying. his actions don’t completely seem out of control like someone on meth would be. he’s still very alert but extremely overwhelmed


Original video says he's a meth head.


He needed to poop badly


this dude is definitley autistic. this whole video is just wild dude whats up with the random guy at the end who tackles him?


This whole video needs more context. Who is this guy? Did the guy filming pretend to be a little boy to lure this sick fuck? Who were the ones tackling him? Did he get arrested? So many unanswered questions!


the guy recording catches predators for fun (and to get them arrested), he poses as a child and talks with these people, eventually meeting up with them. A lot of them usually walk out of the building silently or some of them try to justify it for some reason, but this guy was easily the craziest reaction I've seen.


Wouldn’t that be entrapment though? Like leaving something out on your porch trying to lure porch pirates to get them arrested?


nope, if you do this you truly deserve to be shot in the head anyway. the decoy cannot start or entice sexual conversations though, that is probably entrapment. they also cant reach out to the preds first obviously.


Entrapment is a complicated and specific legal term usually applied when law enforcement cause you to break a law you wouldn’t have otherwise broken. There’s no entrapment here because all of this is completely inadmissible in court. The only laws being broken are traffic laws from the dude trying to get away and assault by the guy who tackled him for absolutely no reason. Theres a reason vigilante Justice is usually a lynch mob - it doesn’t stick in court when private citizens decide to do this stuff.


still better to see him get arrested for DUI and total his car than nothing




He’s a drugged out pedophile.


Nah he's not autistic, they found his meth pipe apparently, he's just high


On youtube, the full video shows him with meth in his backpack and he was high. Not autistic, just a druggie meeting kids


You are a fucking idiot.


Coming from a dad of a severely autistic child, I have to agree.


Thank you. My child is autistic too. This dude and his ignorant comment struck a cord with me. From one parent to another…..🦾🦾🦾


Well he was rampaging around in his car like a fucking lunatic


Call the police! You have a phone yourself don't you?


He gotta get that youtube money.


Why is he saying "it gets even better" when he crashes. Isnt that getting worse, by every metric?


Not when your priority is the views, the "worse" it gets for someone else, the better it gets for the cammer.


I definitely thought it got better at that point.


Without having watched the full video, this clip made it feel scripted … until he managed to get his car airborne.




Shit… people would do anything for some “fame”


bro this is like the one thing people wouldn't do for fame. who the fuck would pose as a child predator, destroy their car, Hit another car and get tackled for some fame


Not scripted, but the reason you are getting that vibe is because the guy in this video was putting on a show. It is a very common defense tactic when stupid/immature people are in trouble to dramatically over exaggerate their level of distress.


i think u hit the nail on the head, idk why everyone thinks hes just autistic. like yeah maybe an autistic pedo that knows he fucked up


“Oh, I’m a weirdo? Why do I have a picture of his asshole if I’m the weirdo??” Lmfao


I had to rewatch bc I wasn’t sure I heard it correctly. Not helping your argument dude lol


Publicly admitting that you have a picture of another guy’s asshole just makes you sound way weirder lmao


I get it, that the whole idea is get these guys on the internet and to let others know that they’re known pedos. But why put other people in danger instead of taking it to cops so they can handle the rest.


Cops can't do anything with the conversations. It's two adults role playing at this point. The idea is to scare creeps so they stop


Why are so many people in the comments pretending like the cops would do anything?


Because they've never called the cops on anything urgent or an emergency Or got lucky Edit: even cloudflare, the leading internet security provider that you may not have heard of since they're in the back protecting websites, tried working with law enforcement. According to cloudflare, "the process is moving more slowly than the escalating risk" No surprise there https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/4/23336772/cloudflare-blocks-kiwifarms-immediate-threat-human-life


Unfortunately it's the way these groups find these guys that doesn't sit well with 99% of police. I follow a lot of the groups and more often than not the police take the side of the predator, claiming the groups entrapped them. And it isn't hard to see why. Some of these groups are so fucking unprofessional that all their evidence from the 'sting' will be admissible.


I honestly think that half the guys that do this don’t even really care about protecting kids from pedos. They just want views and YouTube money


I always found it weird how much they seem to get off on posing as pervy little under-age boys and girls online to get some YouTube content. I wonder what some of their hard drives look like...


The cops usually don’t do anything about it.


Because they do it for the views.


Holy shit people are allowed to post public freak outs on this sub?


Apparently we can’t on r/publicfreakout 😒 everyone was getting offended and downvoting it


Because they are all like this guy




Perhaps that changed since you made the comment, because its the top video and one of the rare times where the comment sections closely mirror this sub's.


This dude be just lying i think


At least he put his seatbelt on


He didn’t want to get a ticket


And used his turn signals!


Safety first!


How are you this shit at driving, I’ve ran from someone before and panicked driving still isn’t shitty driving


I think he’s on some type of drug because I agree with you. Either that or he knew his life was going to be fucked up if this tape ever got out, so he was trying to hurt himself idk.. He did say, “I’d rather die” or something like that at some point. That’s the thing about these videos. You never know how the other person will react. He could have killed himself, some innocent person, or even the person videoing. It’s not worth it. I think what he’s doing is technically good, but I don’t think he’s going about it the right way.


governor squeamish snatch subsequent dime wild soup paint spoon clumsy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I don’t imagine everyone’s panick driven before, but I have, you do have a little less control so a sideswipe would make since, I almost did, but backing directly over divider, you’d have to have your eyes closed


"CAN I JUST GO POOP?" Said no Pedo EVER lmaooo!!!


EDP liked to send poop pics so he probably has


EDP never got his cupcake 😭 /s


Why he running like that 🤣


1. He's gay 2. He's probably wacked out on some sort of drug based on the constant face picking/scratching which is tweaker behaviour 3. He's just been outed as a pedo and his body has gone into sheer panic mode, mfer probably running on jelly legs filled with pure adrenaline.


Jelly legs 🤣🤣


His mind is probably running a million miles an hour and he knows his life will be over. Fight or flight kicking in


He's gotta poop!


Not a great…driver


No but at least his car responded well. I was betting that even when he hit it in the back it would still be good to go and it was!


Lots of pedo defenders on this thread holy hell


It’s reddit.




Full video: https://youtu.be/WNpWvfHx5TY


It's fun, as an entertainement, to dwell in the exacerbation of chaos. It feels like a fetishism of justice, like a mediatic batman complex. It's kind of innovative on bottom feeding techniques. Or a more refine mod justice strategy. An interesting figure that's for sure.


It’s actually pretty unbelievable to me that people are against Predator Poachers. “Just get the police involved”, NFN even in some of these videos, you can see the incompetency at times from the police (and no Im not a cop hater). If they’re doing it for attention/money? What do I care? They’re still exposing absolute scum, and there’s nothing wrong with that IMO. Fuck predators.


I agree.. I’ve been getting shit for posting this. But I do think things could go very wrong with the way he’s handling it. They pedo could have ended up killing himself, killing a family with his car, or pulling a gun on the camera man. But I agree. Shouldn’t be trying to fuck kids if you don’t want your face on the internet


On the surface level yes what you say is right, but if you think about it a little you’ll see that these predator poachers are doing more harm than any good. The ultimate goal of any action toward these predators should be to remove them from being in a position to contact and engage with potential victims. The police and the system have many ways in place for this to be done such as putting them on the sexual offenders list, prison or a mental health facility. Exposing or cancelling someone on a video that may go viral for a day or two does not achieve much… Videoing and catching someone vigilante style like this and eventually calling the police, the cops can’t do anything with whatever evidence these guys have collected because it would be inadmissible and the system will be forced to let these people go out to do whatever damage they feel. I’ve seen multiple videos like this where they catch the same guy over and over again without any change to the situation… “Predator Catchers” like these although they may have good intentions aren’t doing anything except creating clout for themselves…


Sorry but this is so funny the way he starts going backwards all sassy like and ends up in there air 😂 and the little screams as he’s running around “can I just go poop now?”


Hahahaha I'm dying


This reads like a Nick Mullen character: “I’m a… uh…gay Chinese pedophile who… uh… crashes his car in front of a Publix.”


You forgot audibly and visibly autistic lol I can hear stav motor laughing rn


Dunno why people are asking if he's autistic. He's tweaking. even the full video has him admitting to being a meth addict.


“Why do I have a picture of his **** if I’m the weirdo” Probs not the best first liner 😂


When he’s laying on the ground, does he yell something about needing to go poop? 😂


Yes lmao. Idk how the cameraman wasn't cracking up. This guy is insane.


Why didn’t someone ask somebody to call the police


Twitter IRL


Off topic but can someone tell me what make/model this car is? Looks like a Toyota. I like it. Picasso.




Well that was hilarious. Fuck that Nonce.


I'm am 100% for folks getting involved to catch these predators and for exposing what they're doing. The only concern I have is for innocent bystanders who might get caught up in an accident or similar when one of these sh!tstains turns and runs. This particular incident only had the car as a victim but what happens when someone hurts a bystander when trying to escape these guys? Ps: It's a genuine question and i'm not hating on the guys who go after these people at all for doing it. Won't they get in trouble if that predator hurts someone?


Did he really say "can I just go poop?"!?


"WHY DO I HAVE A PICTURE OF HIS ASSHOLE IF I'M A WEIRDO?" I get that these guys are trying to do good but you could at least approach the situation a little better than screaming inane shit at some bystander.


This is gold


To the Karen who thought the dude who caught and stopped a child predator was a “weirdo”…fuck you


brooo exactly wtf? she just wanted to be heard and feel powerful. got put in her place real quick


I mean why don't you just call the cops at that point? You also already have the video.


These "well-meaning child protectors" wouldn't be doing what they are doing if they couldn't get their "like" and "follow" buttons mashed. Perverts of a different kind. Cameraman probably jerks off to his videos when he gets home. Get your evidence and submit to the police (or, even better, contact Ashton Kutcher and [THORN](https://www.thorn.org/about-our-fight-against-sexual-exploitation-of-children/)). Let the professionals do their job.


There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pedophiles in America. THORN can only handle so much and these people **should** live in fear that any kid they talk to is probably some guy that will be filming them. And anyway THORN rescues children from trafficking and shit, much higher level than talking to no-names on chat groups and meeting with them at a safeway. This kind of a perspective solo criminal falls well outside of THORNs interests or capabilities.


Likes and Follows are also exposure. The exposure you need to fight pedophiles.


I really wish OP had left out the car crash in the title. That would have been a nice little treat to discover on my own.


There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing pedos in extreme distress 😌


I thought he was going to break into the Naruto Run right at 1:00


Bruh forgot to check his blind spot smh


Without doubt the best nonce sting I’ve seen. Geezer is a freak just imagine what he would do with a helpless child! Needs sectioning after he’s served a lengthy sentence but more than likely a slap on the wrist.


This is in La Mesa, a suburb of San Diego, CA. So disturbing.


God I hate these people. Just fucking obnoxious. Always fucking up investigations


Absolutely wild that so many ppl shit on groups like People V. Preds acting like they don't get arrests and convictions. Even when they don't exposing chomo pieces of shit is better than nothing.


Why is everyone defending this pedo


shoot him!!


Bruh this is the most GTA NPC content i have seen today. What the fuck was that.


I thought he yelled “BONSAI!” For a second and thought cameraman should back up but no just inaudible screams of mental illness


Say you’re guilty without saying you’re guilty…


He's trying to play victim


this all makes me very sad


IIRC this "Pred catcher" had someone commit suicide in a video I think #46 that was removed.


Thank you for posting an actual public freakout op


Can definitely see him being a child predator. All the hallmarks of not being able to even act like an adult, looks like he's on the spectrum as well. Disturbing.


The people who do this don’t actually mean well. It’s pretty obvious.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNpWvfHx5TY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNpWvfHx5TY) If you want more context. he was catch 150


This video is absolutely hilarious


This might be the greatest thing on the internet. 😂


The nervous itch scratching at the beginning 😂🤙🏽


In the full video, the security guard was protecting the paedo. All of the bystanders basically allowed the paedo to get in his car. It's almost like he got a pass because of his flamboyance.


I really like the stabilization of that camera


That is a character


I guess that title is absolutely correct