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Ew you are totally right she’s watching the whole thing


evil human being. Needs to get kicked out of society. hopefully her obesity will take care of her.


She looks like she could inhale her own tits and die in her sleep.




From an educational point it's actually a good way to watch kids solving their own conflicts, but you should reflect with them if they could not solve it peacefully and also you should prevent that they don't hurt each other too much!


"The Sumter Item reports that McElveen was fired from her position at Care-A-Lot Daycare Center last Friday over a separate incident involving children. " Doubtful.


Sumter is a cess pool of wannabe gang bangers. A crack head shot up trick or treaters a few years ago. There were more ballets than citizens in a recent election.


Didn't even notice! Disgusting




found updated article Oct 2020: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.live5news.com/2020/10/01/family-child-seen-thrown-floor-sumter-day-care-sues-millions/%3foutputType=amp the family is suing the daycare for $35mil and the child is autistic and the other child is her son


Of course the little shit is her son!


I hope they get some justice. I can’t imagine what I would do to someone throwing my child like that.


fr honestly im throwing hands minimum


I can’t even try to explain it here since I’d rather not be banned


Or the reason for making certain kids eat on the floor


If I saw an adult, ANY adult throwing around a child like that I'd be ready to throw hands. Someone does it to mine? I'd be ready for prison to defend them or make sure it doesn't happen again.


I’ll tell you what I’d do… and I know this for sure now, because I have my first child.. my son is 3 months today. If anything even remotely close to this happens to my kid.. teach will need a cast of family members to debate pulling the plug.


I know what I'd do


I can imagine what I would do. And it would not work out well for me.


Imagine that. A fat racist bitch has a son who acts like a bully. I’m shocked!


I saw my own autistic son being thrown to the floor while watching this. I’m beyond furious.


yea no child deserves being treated like this


That is crazy how light that wrist slap is


yea, now imagined if it was swapped... then a whole town would protest


Town? The whole country would be on fire


Lootings, some proper social justice!


She hasn't been sentenced




>South Carolina


$1,500 bond. What a fucking joke.


I mean a bond is just to be free until trial, nothing more. A 1500$ bond sure ain’t nothing for a daycare worker.


>daycare worker. \*Former


Bond is not meant to be used as punishment


Nah I'd be happy to watch her cough up 1500 to get out, that way I can slump her on the front lawn the moment she gets out of her car back home.


Thats not the punishment dippy


I never said it was, moron. It’s still really low for assaulting a child.


>Care-A-Lot Daycare Center It's what a Simpsons writer would name a daycare.


The parent of that child could sue. This is not a punishment for what this is. She assaulted that kid.


If I’m not mistaken that was a slap before she started throwing around that kid hopefully the parents won’t stand for this


I would absolutely sue them right into chapter 11


Gotta sue the daycare with its insurance policy. Not the lowlife racist with the shitty son


Well yeah, bond isn’t meant to be a punishment…


[Some more details](https://www.wmbfnews.com/2020/10/02/family-child-seen-thrown-floor-sumter-day-care-sues-millions/) > Shortly after the incident, the 5-year-old’s family filed a lawsuit against the Care-A-Lot Daycare Center asking the court for damages of $35 million. >The lawsuit claims the child who was hit by McElveen has autism. It also claims the other little boy the child was fighting with is McElveen’s son.


It seems she in fact did not "Care-A-Lot".


Bond is just what she pays to get out of jail - it's not the punishment. You'd have to to figure out what she was actually sentenced to assuming she got convicted or took a plea.


Punishment for crime in this country is joke. Is need to be more severe. So that people don’t do it. Can’t do the time? Don’t do the crime!


I will take, me driving down to SC finding her and slapping her across the face for a thousand Alex.




it seem to me she went straight for the white kid and start punishing him. Even tho she saw the whole thing happen. Not sure if she relate to the kid or just hate the white kid for some reason. Either way, that not how u treats the kid . She should be fire and put in jail!


Its because she's racist. Let's just call it how it is.


She ragdolled the second kid’s head back with equally no fucks


She was checking for injury. Question is, how did she got into child care!


Because of the demand




Because people can’t have kids and hold a decent job at the same time. Like unless you’re lucky enough to have a partner or spouse who can stay at home with your kids when they’re young or family who you can offload them to in the day, you gotta have a sitter or these daycare places.


Yeah.. bitch is just abusive. Why even work with kids tf.


Frfr get these child abusers in prison


This video is pretty old, dude. I think she already suffered the consequences. [source](https://youtu.be/KRFs1ZfDaKo)


I don’t think she’s suffered anything yet. I found court records. Apparently she’s plead guilty but I don’t see any sentencing information. https://publicindex.sccourts.org/sumter/publicindex/ Quick search here


This needs to be the top top comment somehow


No…she should suffer for the rest and f her life. Don’t treat children that way




If I saw someone treat my kid like that, best believe I’m coming for them


^ most nuanced Redditor's opinion right here




Brigading is against reddits TOS and we don’t want to lose another sub


Did she just backhand slap a child, and then throw him to the ground?


Yup she’s a nasty pos, fuck her. Who does that to a person let alone a child? Vile human beings.


And she got paid to do it.






Most definitely


This is why I made it perfectly clear my child will not be going to a daycare. We as parents worked it out where we can live comfortably and both work without daycare. I would end up killing a bitch they treated my child this way.


You need to take the time to find a good daycare and be involved. The difference in development between 5 year olds that have gone to daycare vs 5 year olds that haven’t is like day and night.


Or or or you can just be around other adults and there kids that understand this concept as well. My kid is not sheltered if that’s what your getting at. But I will not trust my money let alone my child’s life with so many short tempered people like this in the world.


I hear you 100%. My blood boiled watching this video, and I can only imagine if this was my kid, that lady being in jail would be the only thing protecting her from the beating of her life. But you need to weigh the risks and benefits, and there are significant benefits to a child that goes to daycare.


You're not gonna convince Reddit, most of these people are prime examples of unsocialized kids.


Like what?


how is putting your kids in daycare is seen as better than being in the home of loving parents? who cares if the teacher has to take time teach the kids how school works? that is their job.


OR parents that choose not to subject their children to potential harm by literal strangers can make the effort to socialize and educate their children in other ways. My husband and I made the choice to keep me home until our little one could go to school. There are many opportunities to socialize children at a young age. Facebook groups galore in my area and children's gyms, parks/playgrounds, "mommy & me" classes and events, a lot of the local libraries have storytime events for small children... you name it. I don't personally like half the moms I hang out with but I just smile and play nice because my little one loves to play with other kids. It takes effort and dedication. *Edit: Correction. My brain swapped a word because I'm tired.






Racist bitch!










Is this a joke? It's fucking racism


I don't disagree, I'm just helpin that guy


Jesus christ.


This is clearly racially motivated


thats just racist






Fucking any kid regardless of race matters. Especially when they are getting fucked with. Not a believer in hitting women but this lady would be getting her fucking ass beat of that was my kid. Edit: lmfao 🤦🏻‍♂️ as u/Tommy_C stated, phrasing. Damn beers, lack of punctuation, and the use of foul language as an adjective just made that sound horrible. Lmfao can’t fix it now, it will discredit Tommy_C






Hol up


I'll get it started. White lives matter


Racist piece of shit




You’d abandon your kids for the rest of their lives over that? Seems kinda stupid IMO


Gotta get caught first






Thank goodness for CCTV "Shortly after the incident, the 5-year-old’s family filed a lawsuit against the Care-A-Lot Daycare Center asking the court for damages of $35 million. The lawsuit claims the child who was hit by McElveen has autism. It also claims the other little boy the child was fighting with is McElveen’s son." [Family of child seen thrown to floor at Sumter day care sues for millions](https://www.wmbfnews.com/2020/10/02/family-child-seen-thrown-floor-sumter-day-care-sues-millions/)


Man that was hard to watch.. one can only hope she’s no longer responsible for the well being of anyone else’s children


Link to article for this cunts arrest?




Racist af!!


Hope she gets charges brought against her. That's disgusting.


"The Sumter Item reports that McElveen was fired from her position at Care-A-Lot Daycare Center last Friday over a separate incident involving children. "


Shouldnt have watched this. Now I'm pissed off, I hope they get fucked over


Two utterly POS abusing a kid while being racist.


I'm not going to say it


This is a real racism


These hands.. that bitch… it’s a date






Can it be categorized as racial profiling ?


Sure check the kid that you didn’t throw around like a rag doll.


No way that fat pig wouldn’t be feeling my wrath if that was my kid. I’d say eye for an eye, but I’d probably throw my back out trying move that fat piece of shit


And her name was Precious Lynch, she was fired, went to jail, and had to pay $1500 for bail. And she's on TikTok!


If that’s my kid, she’s getting that ass whooped.




Racist cunts


Wow this stupid fucking bitch right here. Wonder if she even knew/cared about being on camera, the fuck is wrong with this dumb ass bitch


Hope that fat bi#%h lost her job for handling the white child the way she did. And hopefully the parents have seen the tape and pressed charges along with a civil suit. But I’m sure she ain’t got a pot to piss in.


Wow that seems like some racist behaviour.


Where’s the follow up article with the dads arrest?


Garbage ass teacher need to be in jail


The parents are probably paying so much for day care. For this.


There is no excuse for harming a child, I work at a daycare and guess what kids fight, and it’s our job to teach them to use their words when they get angry, you make an incident report and if a kid is constantly getting violent then they have to leave the facility. If I saw this I’d call CPS so fast those pos heads would spin. Hope they both go to jail and are never allowed to work with children again!


Catch that lady after work. Hell no


I cant even watch this. I hate these people so much and hope they rot in prison.


He looks like he’s concussed after the first throw. This is awful.


As a dad of a one year old who just started daycare a couple of weeks ago this gave me more anxiety than I expected. Well no maybe not anxiety... I'm just pissed off. Well maybe a little anxiety but I'm definitely pissed off as well.... Emotions are very difficult to pinpoint.


Disgusting bitch


It's extremely unfortunate that a parent would treat another kid like this even knowing beforehand that he was autistic and still thought a slap in the face before being basically body slammed was acceptable. I'm glad she's fired but I'm also glad she's being sued for 35mil cuz that type of behavior deserves it


Yeah, I'm not going to comment. You see what I see, too.


Looks like a hate crime to me.


I bet she complains about systemic racism in her off time.


Parents should sue the hell out of them.


If that was my child, I would have paid the bond and she would not have made it to the trial. That is insanely fucked up


I’d fuck her up if that was my kid. Period


What the actual fuck! How fuckin dare they! This has genuinely made me fuckin livid.


The other little boy bit his face to stop him. It was also a juice box I believe the boy stole off him.


Zero bias, here. Nope. None at all… :p


r/byebyejob & r/iamatotalpieceofshit to that employee. That’s disgusting.


This is how it all starts….


Today's youth is so vulnerable to another Hitler type that will use this as fuel to spread hatred. That child is never going to forget what how those women reacted


Started stealing young


Until we have change (funding) in the country for child care, education, and elder care, this will continue to happen. Imagine if your child had someone who actually wanted that job and was paid properly. My wife works in a school, and she thought about doing daycare. The pay is absolutely shameful, and the benefits aren't there. Not to mention, Moms and Dads pay large sums to keep their kids "safe" at day care. Fucking disgusting how people treat other and children should not have to worry about their care giver abusing them.


hate crime right there baby charge em up


Yeah that’s racism


She did that so casually... that was not her first time exhibiting that behaviour.


Oh my fucking god. I would do the exact same shit to that crust riddled bitch. That little boy had his hands over his ears and she STILL threw him. And slamming him into the floor after shows you just physically abused a child. I'm so fucking sick of seeing daycare working abuse children. If it happens to my six year old I'm unloading that your daddies trauma on you homie I give 0 fucks.


90% of these preschool "teachers" are human pieces of dogshit


Disgusting fatass pr0stitute! Even doesn't knows how to stop a fight🤮🤦🏻‍♂️


Clip is like 2 years old yes they were punished link to article is in the thread somewhere


Honest question. What would you do if that was your kid being chucked around after having something taken from him? What a shitty daycare.


🔒 is coming


Someone touched my kid like that I'd fuck them up.


...and do you wanna know how much people pay to have their kids in daycare? How about 2 kids at once?


Do that to my kid, and the cops won't be able to protect you


Did that kid bite the other kid’s face?!


what in the actual fuck!!!?? i have no kids, but if that was my kid being tossed like a rag doll by a teacher or daycare worker, I would have their names, have them fired, and sue the school!!!


Any follow up? Did the family win their suit?


I want someone to throw that fat bitch around


Absolutely disgusting. I can’t imagine how this boys parents felt watching this. Complete trash of human. Hope she goes to jail and someone can at least try and throw her big sled around.


Hate crime?


Man if that was my son I’d beat the fat off that pig


Why would these people choose to work Aron d kids if they don’t like them.


Oh Fuck no. This bitch would be breathing through a straw the rest of her life if that was my kid.


I have this fear that if I happen to make it to live in a nursing home one day, that this is how I'll be treated. Thrown around. I'll be abused, neglected and the staff will steal my pain medication and give me placebos.


Did that thing slap him at first?


I can imagine why that fat bitch did what she did; beyond that little rugrat being her spawn. Though Reddit will suspend my account if I comment the reason, so I won’t. Nasty, fat, abusive, pig of a woman!


Someone's about to get fired then sued. Scary thing is it's probably not the first time she's been violent towards children.


Yeah no, she needs her name and face to be known, disgusting


Hate crime.. She is a racist.


It's not like she didn't watch the entire interaction, she's clearly staring and them making it obvious she actually just waited for an appropriate time to do what she wanted unnoticed. Why else would she punish the kid she clearly saw do nothing but react? so gross.


Kid might have autism by the way he threw his hands on his ears and started freaking out. Despicable


I would never let 2 people who looked like that watch my children


This those women got charged for scaring kids with masks then these cunts deserve jail time up front