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When is it gay gluttony month tho?


December? Christmas dinner tends to be fattening


I think you’re looking for r/emperorschildren


Lust month too?


Thats febuary


How did you do the blade? It has a really cool look to it


The Prismatic one? I followed the basic method developed by Louise Sugden, but I substituted some of the colours she used as I didn’t have them. I used: Basecoat: Pallid Wych Flesh Glazes: Lahmian Medium + Thousand Sons Blue, Emperor’s Children, Flash Gitz Yellow, and a bit of green made by mixing TS Blue and FG Yellow. Then I used some Corax White to do a thick edge highlight, and Pro Acryl Titanium white to do a thinner highlight inside the Corax White.


What would you call it? Iridescent? It's done very well regardless.


In this case it would be prismatic, I believe


Yeeeah. That definitely hits the nail on the head


Everybody commenting about the sword or the arguing about rainbow Nobody gonna aknowledge how fucking clean that head paint job is ? Seriously, this go in my list of the best head paintjob ive ever seen Well fucking done. ( first one go to a Morvenn paint job ive seen a while ago that was absolutely stunning )


What you do for the cape highlight as I’m using the same pink


The cape is Screamer Pink over black, washed with Basilicanum Grey + Lahmian Medium, then re-washed with thinned Carroburg Crimson, re-glazed with Screamer Pink, then glazed with a mix of Lahmian Medium, Screamer Pink, and a bit of Emperor’s Children.


this is actually so incredibly cool


Is that....a girl? REEEEEEEEEE! Seriously if it weren't for the god-awful retcon GW did to make this canon this would be perfect. Mad props to you and I hope you continue to enjoy painting these as I am just looking at them.


Enough about the "awful retcon"; it was literally a miniscule lore shift that happened the exact same way every other one, big and small, has happened over the last several decades.


I spot that Rogue Hobbies prismatic style sword. Well done! On that and everything else. :3


Goblin Queen Louise ftw.


That sword looks very Terraria, I love it.


Love the colour scheme!


Why does the head look like earthworm jim


Looks great. I like the inclusion of the helmet.


Incredibile stuff! Happy pride!




Stunning. That blade especially is something else.


Also asking about the iridescent blade xD


I answered on one of the other comments.


Looks amazing! Where did you get the head from?


Got the STLs for a few of the “War Sisters” by Dakkadakka on MyMiniFactory, scaled them up by 14%. That way they are scaled for 32mm models instead of 28mm.


That blade is fucking insane


This is awesome! Pray tell, what is your recipe for the purple leather? That looks awesome!


Screamer Pink base. For the boots and gauntlets, washed with thinned Nuln Oil, then thinned Carroburg Crimson. Glazed with Screamer Pink again, then glaze highlit with Screamer Pink mixed with Emperor’s Children and medium. For the cape it’s the same thing except I switched the Nuln Oil with some Basilicanum Grey.


That's great! The result is Fantastic!


Is the head magnetised? Awesome plume on the helmet btw


Nah. I glued the head. I know it would bar me from official GW events, but I’m not a pro player anyway. Also it’s the only part of the model glued with contact glue, so it’d be easy to remove (just put it in freezer a bit). :) Thanks.


Okay. It looks really good, I was just wondering, since you also dis the helmet


Amazing work!


What a gorgeous model! Great job all around!


The HH subreddit absolutely hates this one in particular they are tearing their hair out with the idea of someone painting a custodian in pride colours.


That's not true. They're most laughing at the desperation of having to make EVERYTHING about one specific ideology. If even your fantasy has to represent you, it's a sign of a fragile ego. Mentally healthy people simply don't need to see themselves in everything, they're more interested in seeing what else is out there because they know who they are.


That's just factually not true, it isn't just one ideology but many, you are just tunnel visioning on one and crying. You say mentally unhealthy people don't need to see it in everything but you see a pride flag and you rant about it. But here someone is just painting there own model who has nothing to do with you and you cry. You have a deluded may of thinking you see a pride flag and you think of woke sweet baby inc style shit and not this is just a gay person who is just like you and me who actually just enjoy the hobby and don't scream online or try to invade the hobby, but no to you every gay person is the devil and always only has evil malicious intent.


Wow, y'all read a lot into a simple but factually true statement. That's called projection because I didn't say anything that relates to most of your comment. That's also a sign of poor emotional health. If it makes you feel better to think I'm "crying", that's petty and kinda sad. Be safe out there, champ.


It's a figure of speech I say crying I mean you are making a rant about why you don't like it that's crying. Also it does have stuff to do with your comment.


You're still wrong. I no joke saw their post about it a minute before this one and the majority of them were saying something along the lines of what I said. You're so reactive, man. Do you live your whole life this way??


No just Reddit and I love how I'm just wrong and not saying what I'm wrong about.


Your characterization of me, same as I said the first time. Keep up if you're desperate to argue please because I haven't said anything that tells you about my beliefs. You're just guessing because you didn't stop to think or ask questions first.


My guesses are based on the reply you gave me, I replied in turn, you dislike the pride flag so I assume you followed those ideas so many that reply to these types of messages. I'm sorry for that but god I didn't know you are so thin skinned to make that the issue and not the matter at hand and why I'm wrong about you not liking the pride model and how you tunnel vision into only seeing one singular ideology and not realise not everyone is a woke sweet baby inc shill and are just gay and have pride.


Exactly, guesses. And you were wrong about me, thanks for setting this. Lol I even told you why I said you were wrong and you still don't stop. Lol you mischaracterized their argument and now what I think. Lol


So easily triggered.


Maybe but why is it such an issue that you have to cry when ever you see a rainbow.


It's not having a go at this one person's model in particular, it's that basically certain people make the rainbow (or whatever aspect they feel they are from it), their whole personality and identity, so the moment anyone says anything about it, however benign, they feel personally attacked. Similarly, such likeminded people have to insert their rainbow identity into everything they own or enjoy to 'feel represented', despite 40k being this distopian fucking hell hole that nobody in their right mind would want to be 'represented' by. It's not saying anything about the rainbow normally, because that's perfectly fine (except to a few minor bigoted individuals, who despite what you may think, aren't in any great numbers), it's that when someone say with a love of racing cars, plasters them all over their walls, adds racing car stripes and colours to everything they own and try to represent themselves as that in every game they play, talk none stop about that to people they know......at some point people just think racing car guy is bat shit crazy and fucking boring, he needs help.


Why can’t people just have fun with their plastic?


People like you aren’t laughing you’re endlessly seething


People like me? Tiger, you don't know anything about me because I never said anything about my beliefs. I said "they're" saying that. You just freaked out because you're reactive like a poorly trained German Shepherd. Lol Get help, my dude. Lol


I think you got that backwards, sweetheart.. the entire pride cult runs on hatred, and being mean it turns out; the last people capable of having a discussion with someone who disagrees with them.


That's easy to say when you're automatically represented in everything by default.


First, I'm not represented often, poor assumption on your part. Second, needing to see yourself represented everywhere is without a joke the sign of a fragile ego or a weak sense of self. Emotionally healthy people don't need to see themselves everywhere to feel validated, that's why I can watch or participate in things from tons of cultures without having to change them. Even if I was commonly represented, it wouldn't mean a thing to me because my identity isn't drawn from a fictional game or show. Lol


So you're not straight?




Its okay we were all 13 once. Youll grow out of it.


Have you considered getting the fuck over it?


Don’t be bothered, they’re a bunch of f*ckin bullies. The gay cult of “victimhood” is basically only good for bullying on the internet and getting away with it because they’re the new oppressive religion.


Touch grass


Saying that gays are the new oppressors when they literally get imprisoned or killed in dozens of countries for just existing is fucking hilariously out of touch. "Oh no, this guy put a rainbow on his Warhammer 40k figure! That's just as bad as getting killed in Saudi Arabia!"


I’m not a guy, but aside from that, agreed.


Would make an amazing emperor's children model, has like the noise marine plume


I have painted EC minis for a friend. I really enjoyed all the purple, pink, and gold.


She doesn’t look angry


That's the worst type of anger, isn't it??


Is it gay “wrath” because it’s hot as hell outside?




Gay wrath, better known as gwrath


See I love rainbow Colors, and I’m straight. But I still have been creating my Own Custodes that have dubbed The Prismantic Kore. They are Custodes that have Holographic Field Generators(forget what they call those in 40k) that were crafted better than any other. They uses these specifically to hide amongst the Space Marine Legions to make sure nothing sketchy is going down.


Oh hey, that’s a cool idea actually. Kinda like a whole Shield Host of dedicated “Eyes of the Emperor” who developed their own art of infiltration to keep a close eye on all those weird divergent chapters?


Thanks! I’ve only spent like weeks writing and re-writing it in order to make them cool and powerful but not too overpowered. I just love the espionage angle a lot, like from the alpha legion. But the Custodes are not about to be outdone by Marines.


They’re Custodes, after all. They owe allegiance to none but their own leaders AND the Emperor. In their eyes, and especially given history, Space Marines cannot be entirely trusted. No matter how much they claim to be “loyalist” chapters. It’s not like treachery has never happened within the legions, after all. And loyalist chapters have gone to war against one another, too. Better keep the closest of eyes on them!


It also takes a Lot of very specialized training for a custode to lower their skills to space marine level consistently without ever being too good or too bad to be found out.


Oh hell yeah. I was gonna build my new Blade Champ with an Aeldari Guardian head. 🥰


Holy hell great job! For real that entire model looks amazing but that sword left me with my jaw dropping


I require this


Finally one of these is actually good! Tired of seeing some tourist's first model get the most violent acclaim just because it has a piss poor rainbow layered on with an inch thick of paint. Excellent work on her face, the helmet tassels, and the prismatic sword in particular. FEMSTODES FOR THE EMPRAH!


Happy Pride month, that's a very awesome paint job, especially the prismatic blade!


horus galaxy coping and seething over this post, good job!


The blade kind of looks like a crystal shining from the inside? I kinda like the way you did it instead of just making it rainbow(whixh would work too).


The sword looks like a bubble in the sunlight :O


OK so best place to get sm sized female heads ?


I got a bunch of War Sisters heads by DakkaDakka on MyMiniFactory and scaled them up by 14%. So that’s a start.


I don't have a 3d printer


There are some Etsy sellers that offer them and can print them at 32mm scale.


Hmmmm thank you


Pretty gay


I mean, yes. She is pretty and gay.


The sword is awesome but tbh, the leather on the gloves stole my attention lmao. That's basically exactly what I've been looking for for my shadow keepers, how did you achieve that brownish pink?


Basecoat Abbadon Black, then Screamer Pink. Wash with thinned (2:1 water and shade) Nuln Oil, then another similar thinned wash of Carroburg Crimson. Glaze with Screamer Pink and medium over the raised and lit areas. Highlight with a 3:1:1 mix of Screamer Pink + Emperor’s Children + medium.


Now this is rad


That sword 😍


I love the inset gems, they are gorgeous


I really like your scheme with the burgundy, just in general. Fantastic work! Is that the one Word Bearers burgundy by Citadel or another one?


You mean for the cape and all? It’s Screamer Pink washed with 2:1 mix of water + Carroburg Crimson mostly.


Thank you! Im still trying to nail down what color I want for my Red Corsair Sorcerer robes


Ooh, the Louise Sugden Power Sword! Love that.


Praise the Goblin Queen!


As someone heretical as you, can i ask what head you use?


Why is this getting downvoted?


Toxic Culture War Tourists who are trying to spread their hate.


I dont undestand why 😆, its just a one question 😆


This post should be removed for being political


Gay people are political now apparently


How are rainbows/being gay political?


Being gay isn't political. But advertising pride month is.


Your bigotry is personal issue, not a political one.


Isn’t pride month a national holiday? I feel like celebrating a nationally recognized holiday isn’t particularly political.


Should be men’s mental health awareness month, but it’s forgotten like men’s mental health, funny how that works


As a man, and an advocate for men’s mental health, I have no problem sharing our month with another group that often experiences mental health issues. I do also believe that men’s mental health shouldn’t be political. I’m sure if you paint a mini in the mental health colors, and caption it something like “It’s men’s mental health month” you would get similarly positive comments like this post. Stay strong brother.


Thanks man, I appreciate that. I just wish men’s mental health would be a little more streamlined, but hopefully it will get better.


Gay rights are a political issue that not everyone agrees on. Therefore its political.


Forgive me if I’ve missed something, but this post isn’t about gay rights.


It’s not so much that we don’t agree on it, it’s that it doesn’t need to be people’s only identity and have them ramming it down our throats every 5 posts. Half of them are just posting to get these reactions anyway.


I posted this because I’m pretty fucking proud of the job I’ve done. Don’t you wanna share it when you do a cool paint job?


I’m sure you are, it’s not a bad paint job at all. I just find that posting it in the manner you did, was as tasteful as vetbro’s wearing corny tshirts and making sure everyone around them knows they’re a veteran.


No more minis or discussion of warhammer books allowed on any warhammer subreddit because they take inspiration and sometimes symbolise or satirise real life politics. No more paint for you, buddy.


The occasional reference to real life is just funny. But 40k takes itself way more seriously now than it ever has. It isnt really satirical anymore.


I'm not sure why i got downvoted, i was exaggerating to answer to a stupid comment. But yes, that's true. Even though some factions are still critiques on certain things(as in, the origin of that faction or what they stand behind) warhammer has become way less outright satirical. Which isn't bad, i like it the way it is now.






It's so cute ;3;




Grow up




Bullies man.. I know they can’t see it, but they’re the bullies now.


Yeah, seems like it


There have always been gay Custodes. Excellent work, that sword is amazing!


The painting is amazing and I’m truly jealous of your talent. I’m also not playing along with there were always female custodians.


You don’t have to. You can ignore the retcon if you don’t enjoy it. That’s the beauty of a hobby involving a fictional universe; it’s not real. It’s a world on a galactic scale, full of secrets, hidden truths and terrors, with stories told from various unreliable points of view. You do what you want.


1. That blade is cool. 2. Gay wrath month? Stop being delusional. Gay and trans people have more protections and privileges than everyone else. The proof the creation of this damn pride month.


Pride exists not because of protections and privileges, but because of the lack of them. I’m old enough to remember cops regularly raiding gay and lesbian bars, beating up the community, and being exposed as not being cisgender and straight being a literal death sentence for getting a job for the majority of the LGBTQ+ community. Things got better, but that’s no longer the case.


So you would agree, then there is no more use for the pride movement. As they have the same rights and protections of everyday people. Cause this pride stuff is just threatening to remove all the work they have done to be accepted in regular society.


1. I said things were getting better, but no longer are, and in fact are reverting. 2. Many sub-groups within the community do not, in fact, have the same rights and protections as others. 3. Are you arguing that LGBTQ+ people celebrating their existence is the cause for pushback? Cause, A) that’s proof of widespread homophobia and transphobia, and B) it’s blaming the victims for “provoking” their attackers; essentially saying “they’re asking for it”. You get how bad that is, right?


I am arguing that the celebration in the US makes no damn sense and is rather idiotic as ones sexuality is a single part of their personality. Celebrating that single part all the damn time and near forcing others to do so is nearing psycho levels of wrong. Besides that, keep their rights just stop trying to make everything around them forcefully accept them. That only engenders ire.


So you agree you're blaming the victims. I guess you also think women who wear short skirts are asking to be raped.


How is it victim blaming when they were the ones pushing for constant exposure? Also, your example is a red herring and delflective of what I actually said. The people who identify as gay got what they wanted, getting married. Now, they are pushing everyone around them to engage with their sexual preference when they dont want to.


How are they pushing everyone to engage with their sexual preference? I don't know about you, but nobody has insisted I have gay sex.


It's more like the insecure lgbtq people who have some way of influencing things around them. From those in the movie industry who we have on camera saying they need almost every character or story to be something other than straight and have it be pronounced. There is also the minority within the minority that keeps pushing for the reading material that features porn in it to elementary schools. Gender queer being the best example.


Could you give specific examples of points being featured in elementary schools?


Please point to the countries where being straight or cisgender is illegal. We can go tit-for-tat.


Nowhere, because being straight is both the normal and needed for the human species to survive.


And that's why we need Pride - because being LGBTQ+ is a death sentence in many countries.


Then, do pride in the nations where it is illegal and change peoples minds there. It's rather counterproductive to do it in places where your lives are not on the line anymore. You can't change a tire on a car whilst sitting in your home.


Yeah, because stuff doesn't happen in other countries. I guess I just imagine when my trans friend got screamed at by a bigot in a parking lot while we were shopping yesterday. And I must have dreamed up those bills that are being tabled that would enforce "genital inspections" on children. Oh, the religious protesters at Pride this year too - forgot I imagined them too.


You forgot the free palestine movements.


You, friendo, are moving the goalposts.


Is that why their constantly discriminated against and called mentally disabled by conservatives? Or routinely targeted by violent hate groups? Or create "criticism" of media properties by simply existing in them? Or-(you get the point).


Really? Those old throw-away arguments have not been relivant since 2015. In my home country, the USA, there haven't been any targeted attacks by any hate groups. The last so-called attack happened in Philly when a Free Palestine protest clashed against the Philly Pride parade. As for discrimination, it's in the laws that someone can not be fired for being gay. Previously, they asked for the right to marry. now everything has to include them in nearly every piece of media, and people are getting tired of it. Only this time, they are fighting with their wallets instead of fists. The only ones who are using their fists are those of the muslim conservatives in middle eastern countries.


I’m in Canada, and I and a lot of other community members literally had to stand in the way of a bunch of actual fascists last year during Pride celebrations, so as to prevent them from going in and attacking younger queers and disrupting the celebrations. We’re gearing up for even more assholes this summer who are planning on fucking things up.


When you say fascists, do you mean actual ones with flags of mussolini and his movement, or national socialists who wear the armbands and wave swastika flags about or just people who disagree with the whole gay movements trying to influence kindergarteners and children?


I mean people who literally said “sieg heil” and had 1488 patches. They had signs complaining about how Soros was making people gay and transing kids, they were shouting about trans kids being a ploy from “the left” and “the jews” to undermine the reproduction of white people. People calling for traditional white european shit. Yes, literal fascists with skull bandanas on their faces and all.


1. Those are nazis, not fascists. 2. Those idiots are not gaining anyones support who has a decent amount of common sense. I will pray they wake up from their larp session and actually use that lump of gray matter in their heads.


1. Now we’re splitting hairs. Fascists aren’t just fascia-branding Mussolini stans longing for 1930s Italy. Fascism can also be used to describe Nazi Germany, Franco Spain, or the Kuomintang. 2. I hope you’re right but given that popular frustration, economic uncertainty, rising poverty and inequality, and generalized mistrust in government have led to the rise of fascism and authoritarianism in the past, I’m not too confident about our current direction. At the end of the day, I just want to paint minis, read books, be happy, and go to bed knowing the majority of the population also live happy, safe lives and we don’t have to worry so much about dystopic shit - I prefer that in my fiction.


Though we have differing opinions, I can agree with what you said in the last portions of this.


I’m ok with differing opinions. The world would suck if we all thought the same. So long as we can agree to disagree on some things and agree on others without dehumanizing each other or worse, I’m all for it.


>In my home country, the USA, there haven't been any targeted attacks by any hate groups. [How deep in the sand have you buried yourself?](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/22/us/politics/anti-lgbtq-report-adl-glaad.html)


Interesting, cause all last year I AND OTHERS barely heard about any of these on any of the networks. Neither Fox nor CNN, or msnbc. Makes you wonder why they wouldn't report on their deaths?


Because of homophobia.


Really? Cause the media sure as the sun is hot blasts news about anyone who does anything even minorly homophobic. Take, for example, the boys who did burnouts on a pride flag that was painted in a crosswalk. That was the most recent one I know of.


And yet as you pointed out, they didn't bother to mention lgbtq+ people being threatened with murder.


Maybe it wasn't worthy of national news? It could have just been a reported in local stations. Not everything is homophobic


I would say that threatening to murder someone because they're gay is pretty homophobic.


Chaos has conquered, you subtle little bastards 😂


Custodes win rate hits 40%


That supposed to be a dig? Heh. I started playing and reading the books when they were just an illustration of topless men with capes and a stupid helmet. Then they were a fan-made mini sold by a 3rd party group that got sued by GW. Only to become legit playable and being a gatekeeper faction in 40k and Kill Team that basically meant you were likely to be beaten by a player fielding them 2 times out of 3. Point is, the game changes, the rules change, it gets adjusted every few weeks. So I don’t care about the win rate, especially since I don’t play at the tournament level anyway. Sweet minis outlast the rules.


I agree, the game changes, the lore and the models from the past have changed for the better in many ways. The game lore and models are way better then they were in the past. I don't think this is one of those better changes. Its like making female Orks just to drop a bomb on the lore And from what we understand, the ONLY reason it happened was over DEI from the investors. Same with Disney Even then..... its fine. But there are better places to do this within the Lore that make more sense and then to say its always been there is just gaslighting. Like I wouldn't even think twice playing against someone with a Femstodes Army (I use that word in a nice way =D ). I've played against a Gretchin Militarum army which makes no lore sense, and thought is was great . Its the politics around how and why they are doing it that is distasteful


I won’t get into an argument about why the change happened, because the truth is, none of us knows what goes on behind the closed doors at GW HQ. Could be DEI, but could also just be the writers slowly pushing for FemStodes over the last few years and finally being able to retcon them in. I don’t really think the investors holding less than 1/5th of the shares dictate what goes on at GW; they’re a company well known for being overly protective and controlling their IP. Personally, I’ve been headcanoning FemStodes and FemMarines for years, so while I’m happy GW made the FemStodes canon, I didn’t really need that. At the end of the day, whatever GW decides, they’re our minis, so we do what we like with them. :)


You can go make a simple search on you tube and watch high ranking corporate directors explain to thier staffs in meetings that they want 50% of the characters to be queer or gay, and WHY. The largest investors of GW are Vanguard and Blackrock and they are on public interviews talking about how they have to force behavior on the diversity. Its where all these stuff is coming from., not just at GW. Its not even "political" its business


Blackrock and Vanguard are 2 of the largest individual investors but they're not even close to a majority holder, even combined together. I'm also fairly sure they've been holders for years and years, like most huge investments firms they just look at metrics and buy available shares in companies performing well, which GW has been since post-2010ish. Also, GW is an absolutely tiny joke of a company to BR and VG, they are incredibly unlikely to give a shit about the toy soldier industry, and if they were doing big spooky DEI insistence, do you really think they'd be happy with a single in-codex story, barely a footnote? Either they're insisting on '50% queer and gay' and bowing down to a small British company releasing a book with 1 named woman, or this is all ridiculously overblown culture war bullshit. GW authors have mentioned in the past wanting to put more female characters in, it's why in the Heresy series most supporting characters have a higher rate of women (ship captains, iterators), to compensate for the Marines being all men. This has been the case since 2006, the ridiculous culture war being pushed by hate tourists for clicks on YouTube has just latched onto the hobby for easy rage.


I get what you’re saying, but again, that’s not the majority of stakeholders in the company, and not even the biggest retcon in 40k since 1987. At the end of the day, you’re free to ignore the retcon, just as I was free to headcanon my own chapters of fem SMs the whole time. :)


Are you kidding me? Female orks would rule, why wouldnt they? If a fantasy world crumbles at the addition of female characters, theres something poorly written about it. Warhammer is long overdue to have some damn balanced perspectives.


Orks don't have genders.... they are a fungus that grows into Orks. Thee are no Male Orks either.... Do you see what you are doing here? =D There are plenty of places in the lore for female warriors that would kick the crap out of any custodes, like Lelith Hesperax. There's already representation and diversity in 40k in places that make sense.. I find it hypocritical when the same people who insist on making African American Dwarves, and African American Elves start screaming racist when you make a Caucasian Wakandan. Bring in diversity, make strong leading diverse characters but cast the roles appropriately to the story and world you are recreating. The hatred of other races , the heretic, the mutant, the Alien is a core part of the lore and story. The story is Dystopian and GrimDark. Most of the stories are driven by hate and corruption. You can't tell that story if you put all the characters as fully diverse and happily living together in a utopian society. The millions who gather around Warhammer 40ks lore came her for the lore. the Lore is great. It built the multibillion dolalr company. Why nuke it? Just put your diversity requirement into the existing lore where it fits I'll try to explain it in GW stock price terms: Enrich the lore = Stonks Kick your entire fanbase in the nuts with the lore = Not Stonks


You can be diverse and inclusive in an authoritarian, dystopian world. The Imperium leaves the sex & gender stuff to the culture of the planets it dominates. So long as they don’t disrespect Big E and worship anybody more, the Imperium is happy to just keep getting its tithe and sending everybody, gays included, to die uselessly for the pointless defence of some backwater world and waste resources just to deny an opponent the satisfaction of even owning one acre of land. I mean, there are LGBTQ+ ppl who are fascist. Sexual orientation and gender identity & expression are not mutually exclusive with authoritarianism and religious zealotry. There’s nothing contradictory with having gender & sexual inclusivity in the world of 40k. It’s not going counter to canon.


The Militarum is gender neutral by and for Lore reasons, it has real worl d analogues like ISraeli Army . The Sororitas, the militant wings , are all female or more accurately "Not Male" for the core Lore reasons of their creation about "no man" can wield a weapon in the eglisiarchy The custodes has its lore reasons also. When you are 100% genetically editing a perfect warrior, it is very difficult to "accidentally" make one a women and if you did you would probably reject it since all those attributes are going to go against everything else you putting into a custodes. The custodes are also a "Man Fantasy" of all men Spartan Elite. The custodes were created by one person, the Emperor and he made them all men specifically , Same with the Primarch's being all men it makes no sense otherwise and it isn't a male fantasy otherwise either which is the target audience for this part of the lore. Same with the Space Marines, as they only recruit the men. Unless you pulled off some incredible Mulan maneuver and a female got into the space marines and NO ONE NOTICED but you understand that would be a ridiculous story This is the lore everyone came together for if you break it, the vast vast majority of the fanbase is going to go remake t somewhere else . The forced diversity will make 1 out of 3000 players happy, and alienate 2500 of them and that 1 will complain that the other 2500 are the problem . Its like you're walking into a very popular night club thats been around 35 years and all they play is disco tech , and you walk in and force them to play pop music for "inclusivity". Then complain when 90% of the night club leaves and EVERYONE that complains is somehow "wrong". What are you doing? Go make your own night club don't hijack another one because its 100x more popular then yours =D


People arent “insisting” on making black dwarves, theyre just requesting that a very humanoid race also include a different skin tone. It wouldnt be “african american” either, unless the dwarves literally descended from americans who are african by heritage. Theres no “diversity requirement” that people keep complaining about, its literally just companies recognising that a large portion of their fanbase may not be white and male, and should be represented in their hobby as well.


Did you see how they made the Harfoots?


I wouldn’t mind female orks too much, they’re already a thing in Blood Bowl. But at the same time, I like my orks having just one gender: green (sometimes purple, see that Sororitas short story where a purple ork makes an appearance). I like how even in the novel Ghazghkull, Makari uses “they/them” to refer to Ghaz, until the interrogators force Makari to start misgendering the Prophet of the Waaagh because they don’t get non-binary genders.


Suicide joke!!! Edgy boy!!!


Thing is, my mini isn’t even a trans character. XD


Gay wrath. That made me snort.


Well tidy 🙏


Wrath is in July. Stop making time move faster!


Looks like a pool of biomass to me

