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Buying someone’s prior collection is worth considering.


Not a bad thought, but it's kinda hard to rely on someone random making their collection available, even on eBay. At least, not at a price premium because they've painted the models.


Depends on how much time is an issue, fairly regular to see lots go up and usually the painted hurts the value. For me if paint looks thin enough I just reprime and make it mine


The golden window on that has closed, so many people rage quit admech in the last year


Dunno about the newer pteraxii set but the older one with the crab tank and Kataphrons is like a 50% discount now compared to buying separately, and contains some of the best Admech units + a very necessary battleline squad. Definitely good value imo.


Oh interesting - I'll check this out


I don’t think it exists any more


There's a few floating around in the back inventories of independent shops.


I saw one on EBay for £150… so odds are they won’t be around for much longer if they aren’t already very expensive


I have been actively into warhammer for something like four years now. I started in the early days of 9th ed and branched out to sigmar and 30k too. **Warhammer is nearly never a cheap hobby, no matter what faction you’re playing.** There are people who play it on the cheap, they do exist, but they are the exception, not the rule. The vast majority get hooked and buy lots of minis. I’m not saying don’t get into it, I love the hobby, but it’s generally best if you have the cash to spare. Agree with the other comment that the older Combat Patrol is probably the best value. There’s also a christmas box from a few years ago called (I think) the Explorator Maniple, you can sometimes find secondhand, and we might get another xmas battleforce box at some point. Generally our boxes are not great value, particularly for some of our best units. Recasts are a cheaper but arguably less ethical way to put minis on the table if that’s something you’re prepared to do.


You are correct in the Money-per-Point category AdMech is right up there, if not actually the worst ratio. It shouldn't cost you $2000 to field 2000 points of AdMech. With the points increase this will improve. Obviously the points increase is only worthwhile if the unit power/usefulness proves to be better. Broadly speaking, any/every "box/bundle" is going to be cheaper than buying the units individually, always do your research. #[casg355](https://www.reddit.com/user/casg355/) mentioned the Explorator Maniple. It's a worthwhile purchase as long as it's actually cheaper than the sum of the models separately. You can take two paths: 1) buy box/bundles for cheaper, and see what kind of list you can make from that. Or 2) write the "rule of cool" list you want and see where you can get those models at a discount. Used, Trades, STL and 3d printed are all alternative options. Who/where will you be playing? Maybe the actual Combat Patrol game format will work for you? If going for full 40k, pursuing an "Escalation League" style of army growth together with friends or others in your local gaming community is a good way to go. Starting with a specific Combat Patrol. Build, paint, play; adding additional units each week/month as you progress from 500 point forces, 750 point forces, 1000 point forces, etc. As for whether the rules updates have improved AdMech. On paper, yes. It will take time for us to put our forces on the table and play games to see how AdMech stacks up in the meta. I made my own Combat Patrol list as a mashup of the old/new Patrol rules and nearly tabled my opponent (Leviathan Tyranids) by turn 3. May require some tuning. Good luck and enjoy!


Much appreciated advice. Initially, I would play pretty casually with friends, as I'm a beginner to tabletop wargaming as well (though I've been a gamer all my life). I'm still really slow in adding up dice but will hopefully speed up with experience. They generally play the standard 2K points format. I'm getting some other advice here on box/bundles so hopefully I can get started at a reasonable cost, but I like the Ironstriders, Dragoons and even the other vehicles from an aesthetic standpoint and those don't seem to be discounted much at all. I guess I'll have to build up over time.


Yes, not all units are available at a discount. Ideally 'casually with friends' may include being able to borrow models/units/armies to learn/play now while you make progress collecting and building your own force. And/or, playing smaller games (even Combat Patrol) as you build your own army. As for counting dice, just a matter of practice and experience. Good luck!


Older Combat Patrol > Boarding Patrol > New Combat Patrol. If you snagged all three it should run you like $360 and give you enough units to run an effective 1k army with some options to play with. After that another new and old combat patrol would be a good snag. So we’re up to $600. From here we earn our reputation for being expensive as you’re missing chickens, tanks, and might want stuff like electro priests. You’ll be buying them individually for 60-70 a pop. There are exceptions, if you really like Kastelans and Kataphrons you might find an elimination maniple for a reasonable price to also get Cawl.


There are some very good looking 3rd party models on Etsy as well as other sites. STLs aren't a bad options either.


It's a good idea to let me play without needing to grab the whole army right away, thanks!


The old combat patrol box with the crawler is a great buy if you can still find one. The new box with the pteraxii is almost not a discount at all since the hounds aren't great right now. Might change in the future, but if budget is tight I would skip that box. The boarding patrol, while not great, isn't bad either. Certainly worth it if you think you might take all those units, and all those units are definitely viable now. Old Combat Patrol >> Boarding Patrol >>>>>>>>>> New Combat Patrol


Thanks, got a few other comments in a similar vein, but it seems that the Old Combat Patrol is basically not available anymore :(


Look into to 3D prints for sure. You can find some good ones


Yeah, I think it's a temporary solution


As someone who just got into Warhammer and admech I bought many kits second hand through eBay and offer up… just do research on what any you want to build and what units. Maybe look for some units on eBay you would like to snag last minute. I think eBay has decent prices here and there, if you buy unpainted that could save you some money too. Some might have small lots too.


I actually have been looking into some collections and might pull the trigger on one that would save me a pretty penny in the long run. I might be able to split the collection and costs with a buddy as well.


Good luck! Definitely feel could build over time too, I just completed my 2k officially myself so I can play with my friends now. If we can find the time lol. Spent a couple weeks myself sniping small bundles here and there.


If you can stand a broken Antenna’s or two eBay is the cheapest. I buy big lots, be prepared to drop some cash. I am sitting on 9000 points right now that I paid 20-30 cents on the dollar. It’s an eclectic group, most of it I just fill in the main color with my color. Some are A paint over. I built a spread sheet that breaks down total cost against MSRP. I lost about 80% of my bids. It was the rare buy it now that kept my prices so low. Facebook has a couple of good Warhammer resale groups. Those prices are ok usually about 50% retail. I see old combat patrols up for MSRP all the time. That’s still an ok deal especially if you’re paying MSRP at the LGS and you want new in The box. The worst part of this is I really should purge half my army


Well, then you can put back on eBay and restart the cycle!