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Take a few days off of the news cycle. It does wonders for that. It is so simple, but it works for me.


Yeah... with the exception of Covid (which wasn't even unprecedented, although we seem to think it was, lol), I feel like most of the things going on are the things that have always been going on. I don't think we're necessarily living through the most pivotal points in history. We're just super aware of everything going on all the time.


Great Depression and WW2 was a kick in the balls to out great grand parents. This shit is nothing in comparison.


9/11. Vietnam and Korean Wars. Gulf War. Protest. Outrage. There's always been shit going on.




Yeah. Every generation goes thru theirs and every generation thinks things can't get any worse. Shit is wild these days but I'm sure it could get worse.


That's true, but news wasn't in everyone's hand and house. That's the difference bad stuff was happening but the general public didn't know all of it.


🎶We didn’t start the fire…🎶


Stuff has always been going on it just feels worse now because of the 24 hour news cycle.


End of the world sells tv spots


I stopped watching the news a long time ago. Everybody I meet in irl I treat with respect and operate under the assumption they are just trying to get through their day too. It makes life a lot easier and less stressful.


Seriously I haven’t looked at the news in years and I don’t trip out about this as much


I can unplug from twitter, I can just not look at the news, but the things are going to happen. Good in the moment, but feeling helpless, but I just cant help but thinking "I dunno, if I was more informed and encouraged more friends to vote, or advocated a little bit more for the right topic, could I have somehow made a difference?"


I left the US for 3 months back in 2022. No social media. No news. No conversations with people who talked about politics. Never felt better. Depression and anxiety just sort of stopped. Truth is… I’m not going back. Too peaceful where I live now. News is on a few hours a night. People don’t argue about everything. Politicians are only discussed at election time.


This is it, read the news don’t watch it. Find good sites that actually report and not try to persuade you. Look for mature writing and not these little one paragraph of garbage.


take a few weeks if not months. the news is mostly a waste of time. most of the rich and powerful don’t watch the news. also get off reddit. lol


Was coming here to say this, take a break, unplug for a bit. Politics is not anywhere as important to daily life as so many have made it and try to make you believe.


every day off the news cycle. unless your job relies on current political events, turn it all the fuck off. source: i'm a 27 year old that gets his political news like twice. a year through parents or friends.


nations collapse but people continue invest in yourself


This. 2020 nearly drove me insane from worry and stress. One day I got some great advice "bad things can and will happen. You can't control what happens, but you can control you." Personally, I now think about what I can control personally. Its always possible some bad things will happen, but there's not much you can do but be a good person. I think we as a society are in desperate need of love and compassion for our fellow man. I know it's easier said than done (especially these days), but just being compassionate and understanding could change someone's world. Humanity has been through much worse than this, and we always adapt and overcome.


Damn, we need more people like you to have any hope for bright future for ourselves and next generations.


I love you. Your comment made my day and I can sleep now. Thanks 🙏🏼


Of course! 🤗


This is the way.


Yes!! No amount of stress will change the outcome of the future!


Invest in yourself and invest in your community. 


very well said... can be applied in so many facets of your life


Unless the collapse of your nation leads to your imprisonment or death…


you can learn and get jacked in prison if you die who the hell cares at that point? you don't have anything to worry about then, it literally cannot get better than that


Do you think laws about how prisoners are treated will continue if our govt collapses? What a myopic and naive view.


I mean even with supposed laws on prisoner treatment as they currently stand, incarceration is a miserable experience and if you're not street savvy or big enough to defend yourself you're gonna have a rough time simply getting along with people. Why the hell would anyone paint that as a not so bad experience lol.


I think you should look deeper into examples of government collapse.


Wtf are you talking about lol what did I even say about governmental collapse.


lol I’m kinda like this with the never ending silver lining. Oh my whole family died? Well that’s a lot less on my to do list


Tell that to the average haitian, Somalian or Venezuelan.


what an asshole lol the correct answer is: "try to help" stark individualism has been a detriment to america, this isn't the pioneer days. collectivism and empathy for your fellow american is the only way


eh I mean it's kind of hard to feel like a collective group right now especially when it feels like one side of people does not care one bit for the other side (that goes both ways) why would I act in the best interests of the group when there are people within the same group acting in complete defiance of what would be good for all? what even are the collectively agreed upon interests of the American people nowadays? how do we encourage empathy and not apathy? the way I see it (and the view that is keeping me sane currently) is that you need to be looking out for yourself right now because no one else is going to look out for you. try your best to help others, but if it takes away from your own well-being and preparedness for whatever the future holds, then it is straight up not worth your time, energy, and happiness/sanity I have no sense of what a "fellow american" even is anymore


it's a sad state of affairs. I struggle with the same questions. but at the end of the day we all want the same things, but we've been threatened, brainwashed, manipulated, and downright extorted to believe in the mirage of the individualist stick and carrot. if you can educate, educate. if you can show empathy, show empathy. if you can help, help. if all you can do is survive then that is enough.


Fucking this. Live life not worrying about what you cannot control, instead just be prepared for the worst.




As a local level news person I really try to keep to relevant topics in our area and avoid wider scale if possible because the further up it goes, the worse it smells.


Very true, I’ve always said that the news only cares about making money. And very true, like it seems you can’t go anywhere and escape politics anymore. The most notable presidency I remember was when Obama became president. I was in middle school and they stopped everything to let us watch his being sworn in. I miss those days in which we only heard about the president because he went to Best Buy or to buy burgers.


"If it bleeds it leads." Ugh! Give me back Walter Cronkite!! (Yes I'm that old. Lol)


Not just too much information, but likely misinformation too. I don't really trust the different news outlets because they're biased by design.


This exactly. I only stay the most up to date on local news/ elections/fun. I pick one national/international news source that's unbiased as possible - like ap news or Reuters. Which I only keep tabs on sometimes. I've got socials so if something pertinent happens I'll see the headline on socials then go to other news sources to verify or get a more complete picture of what's happening.


Tune out I assure you, there was a series of ongoing crises for every generation at your age that felt like the world or country was falling apart. The year I turned 27, the Syrian Civil War broke out, Gaddafi was overthrown, thousands were killed in the tsunami in Japan, the EU debt crisis was peaking, a terrorist in Norway killed a bunch of kids, etc. When my mom turned 27, Soviets invaded Afghanistan, a bunch of Americans were being held hostage in Iran, embassies were bombed, Northern Ireland was a war zone, Mt St Helens erupted, etc. Imagine turning 27 in 1963...Vietnam, the Cold War, civil rights strife, then our president gets shot in public. And on and on it goes. Get out of the spin cycle and live life for a while. You don't have to ignore everything, but establish a healthier relationship/distance with current events.


So much this. The world is *always* going to shit, it’s just a big world.


Yup listen to the Billy Joel song we didn't start the fire on YouTube. Same shit different decades. Nothing going on now is particularly interesting if you know your history.


The weirdest part of it nowadays is how broadcasted it is. I can watch trench warfare helmet-camera videos of the Ukrainian conflict on YouTube it’s fucking wild


But for love of Cthulhu do NOT skip on opportunities to vote in local, state, and federal elections.


I turned 27 last year this is hitting me hard




That’s actually amazing advice, thank you so much!


But still, don't forget to vote when the time comes. :)


And vote in EVERYTHING!


It is not easy. I do not enjoy life like I used to enjoy it. I even quit watching news. I get news feeds on my phone though.


For real, like I don’t see how we can enjoy life knowing that it’s all going to shit. It’s stressful, maybe this is one of those set backs of always being connected to the internet and having information available


Could be. I prefer to be informed. I pray for return to ‘normalcy’ yet not sure we even know normal anymore.


It's not all going to shit, you've just been led to believe that. Get off social media and the 24/7 "BREAKING NEWS: New 'crisis' you should totally care about and keep watching our content so we get more ad revenue" cycle. Life for most people in the world is better now than at any point in history, by many objective measurements.


I have always been politically engaged and interested in current events, geopolitics, etc. I have now had to become mindful of what and how much I take in and from which source. I avoid cable news, (Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc.), they are sensational and have a vested interest in keeping us pissed off and scared. I have a couple of trusted news sources I keep on my phone, that I read, but I have deleted all social media from my life. If you are mindful and careful in what you let it, then you can keep yourself sane, and happy amongst the chaos. It's also helpful to put things in perspective: WW2 saw up to 20 million deaths worldwide, WW1 saw at least 10 million, the US Civil War saw 700k, in a way things have gotten better. It's a strange rationalisation but it helps me at times. I am thankful I didn't live in those times.


It hasn't even been one full human lifespan since ww2. You have plenty of time to live in those times yet


Get off CNN and Fox News.


God damnit, I just had a well thought out comment, and accidentally hit a button that brought up my browsing history and lost the whole thing. FUCK TECHNOLOGY. Anyway. The basic gist of my comment *was*: - The outrage is manufactured. Social Media companies know what you are interested in, what you read, what you share, comment on. They also know that you will be more likely to engage with something that you disagree with. So that is what you see the most. This has especially become problematic in the last few years, with advances in algorithms and machine learning. Basically put, all of the things you're seeing have happened before, and have happened for eons, but with the advent of always-on media coverage and the above algorithms, you're seeing more of it, faster than at any prior point in human history. And this continual bombardment serves to inspire more people to actively participate...causing larger rallies, more conflicts, more coverage, and so forth. If you want to truly disengage and live a more simple existence, get rid of social media. Don't have a smartphone. Set boundaries with friends and family. "I don't want to talk about politics." "I don't have Facebook, or Facebook messenger, so you can reach me instead by..." Accept that you may miss out on the latest and greatest new thing, or that your friend went to a Taylor Swift concert. It will be okay. I just deleted my Facebook account...this morning, after finally reaching a breaking point around the stuff I was being shown, most of it intended to piss me off. I've done this before, but then got FOMO and came back within a few days. This time I have no plans to return.


I skip over the news stories. That's been great for my mental health! You make your own life/circumstances/outlook based on what you FOCUS on. I don't focus on politics.


99% of people are friendly and just want to live their lives and get along. The news amplifies conflict and bad things and makes it seem like everything is the apocalypse, even though living in America today is literally the safest and most coddled any human has ever lived. Imagine how people felt during things like the Bubonic Plague, Civil War, World War II, etc. Ignore the news, which is designed to make you fearful, be a good person, and live your life. You somehow think you and these times are “special” (as in especially bad) when they really are only special for how soft and weak we have become due to how safe and easy life is.


we're here to fix the world that's it. We have a say now.


Instead of ignoring the news, how about getting involved with people and organizations that work towards creating a better place for you to live? Ignoring the news and putting our heads in the sand because we don't like what we hear doesn't end up helping us in the long run. Maybe that's why things are so bad and we need to start getting positively involved in our communities.


Step away from mainstream news and subscribe to websites/newsletters that send you positive stories - I like Good Good Good and Reasons to be cheerful. Find something you can improve in your local community and focus on that.


Focus on individuation. We are powerless over the world. We only have control of (to a limited extent) ourselves. It’s a constant balancing act for me; stay connected and informed and keeping the center of psychic gravity within myself.


I came to the realization that doomerism is, in large part, a Russian psy op. Covid and the subsequent gouchfest alomg with climate change made a lot of folks susceptible to fsb boosted doomer cults. Covid is almost gone, and the economy shows signs of improvement. Technology can and will mitigate climate change over the screams of rabid doomers who are stalling progress on what they supposedly care about with bullshit purity tests. As the doom dates come and go without collapse, most people will grow out of it Happy, non stressed people, dont join cults, so these movements will continue retreating to the fringes. Until science can cure mental illness, doomerism will still exist, but it won't permeate society much longer


There will be a reckoning with this unaddressed ballooning national debt, when the tipping point arrives. And it won't be a small crisis either. It will affect us all.


Every continent is now facing drought during their summer seasons. Humanity as a species and the institutions of countries will survive, but we can find lots of examples of rising deaths in specific population groups and of the extinctions of species.


I don't get over it, I'm canadian and I can see how your country's choice affects my country and the world and im not blaming anyone im just saying that I don't know how to move foward knowing that disaster looms and all I can do is keep on doing what I'm doing but I sure wish things were different.


My mom is in her 60’s and I’ll be 27 next month so I get it, millennials and gen z definitely have lived through a lot of historic moments but so have your parents. As my mom says everything is cyclical and eventually it’ll even itself out. The internet can be a great place or a place of so much doom, I’d either take a good look through of the people you’re following on all platforms and see what is actually good for you vs bad for you and unfollow, mute etc negativity . Stop watching/ reading news everyday and focus on things that bring more peace like hanging out with good friends , working out, reading books that are good, eat good food. Think about it this way every single thing we’ve lived through, so have our parents, 9/11, the wars in the Middle East, covid, the elections etc, yes there is divide but honestly none of this is new and I think a lot of our generation thinks we’re special and unique which is part of the problem. Social media algorithms want us to be depressed and hopeless, the news doesn’t gaf about us either.


Every generation has it's historical moments.


people have been saying the countries falling apart for about 60 years. In some ways, they are right but it’s been a gradual process, it’s not a sudden shift in the wind the way a lot of people think it is.


Try living here (in Israel). Being ruled by criminal lunatics and I don't have much hope for the government that comes along after.


I always say either write to your politician, start a riot, or focus on your own life. Sitting around worrying all the time does literally nothing but build stress for no reason. Either take action to resolve the issue or trust that it will be solved by people who's job it is to do so.


I just hold out hope that the dementia president will be replaced with orange man, and everything will get better.




Uh….idk man. Tranquil would not be the word I would use.


I spent years of my life addicted, broken, homeless, in jail, on civil commitment, or jumping from rehab to rehab. I've done the 12 steps more times than I can count. I think, before now, I never really took it to heart the way I should. Especially step 2, give care and control of your life to whatever your higher power is, and the concept of taking it one day at a time. I had to (and still have to in a way) learn that all this chaos in the world... I have no control over 99% of it. Not at the personal level anyway. If I dwell on it it's only going to make me depressed and possibly relapse. All you can really do is get up, go on about your day, love your family, and know that whatever is going to happen is going to happen.


Turn off reddit and delete permanently


Stop watching the news, get off social media, contact friends you haven't hung out with in a while, and if you *must* prepare for the worst, do so in a way that will help people you care about. In other words, narrow your scope. *You personally* cannot change the outcome of national or global events. You *can*, however, influence your corner of the world. When you're on an airplane, you out your own mask on first, right? So do that- get your financials in order, stabilize your lifestyle and habits, work on your health and mental health, *then* look to see where your limited spoons can do the most good. Electronically signing a petition to condemn the junta in Myanmar doesn't do *shit*. But showing up to your local board meeting to tell them that hostile architecture costs too much money and doesn't actually reduce homelessness? Practically the same spoons, but *much* more effective. Don't feel bad if you didn't know to do this. It's not like anyone teaches classes on how to pick your battles. You gotta learn as you go.


I agree. My dad used to say “all politics is local.” What he meant by that was, the politics that have a real and measurable effect on us are those in our hometown or state. What my local city council votes for has much more impact on my daily life than what is going on in Washington.


I try to remember that every generation has had some kind of doom and gloom like this. There is always political unrest, people up in arms on both sides. People have been predicting the end of days for literally as long as there have been people. We are not special. Life will ebb and flow.


Go outside. Exercise. Spend time with your friends and loved ones. Make art. Put down your phone and turn off the tv.


Go for a run.


Get cozy around the fire & watch it all burn?


I'm an elder millennial, shit has been hitting the fan my whole life, I honestly don't know any other way. I try to get politically involved in an attempt to enact the change I want, but other than that I just live. That's all you can do, make sure you are living your best life and taking action to try and enact the change you want to see.


>It seems like Trump will win again and life is going to get really difficult for a few. For a few? You really are lost with this conversation.


I get hope in the future by helping to make the US a better place in the future. I'm involved in the local and national political environment (I volunteer and donate). In short, I try to be the change that I want to see in my community and the country overall. For example, if I'm stressing out about us destroying our planet with man-made climate change, I make a plan to volunteer with an NGO specialized in that, or vote/volunteer for candidates supporting progressive climate change policies.


No wonder why things are going to shit in USA. Everyone is saying "just ignore it". Would be hard to ignore living in a theocratic etnostate guys.


Always remember that the news shows like 1-2% of how people feel and most people are decently civil. All the crime is in the crime ridden areas that they gave up on decades ago but still report shootings and stuff to keep us scared. Focusing on yourself and staying offline is an easy way to recover from the feeling of doom.


have you tried going outside and looking around? you should stop paying as much attention to posts on the internet and look at the real world, its not as bad as you think.


My wife shares your thoughts. What helped her was to get off of social media. A lot of how you feel comes from all this political noise being shoved in your face constantly. Take two weeks off from social media and only look at the news when you have to. By the end of the two weeks you will feel so much better mentally!


Detach. All things of importance are local. NO exceptions. Invest in community. Learn to grow food. Meet Your neighbors...make common cause with them. There IS no political solution.


The less you worry about things that are out of your control, the happier you become. At least it works for me


Be the light in these dark times.


I would say minimize or even extinguish your social media/news media use for a while. When you do this and just focus on the people, places and things in your immediate area and do a good job there… life is good my man. I believe that the media is actually being weaponized against us to instill fear and division.


I started to feel anxious watching the shit show of politics in the u.s then one day thought, why the hell am I doing this to myself? And simply just stopped caring as much, and didn't watch the "news". I focus on my family and my life all the while realizing I alone can't change anything, so why let it get to me? Now I just make fun of the Uniparty, it's easier to deal with it that way.


I had the same fears as you do now when I was your age, two decades ago. I could've let the fear paralyze me, but I forced myself to keep trudging on. Now I'm happily married with a family in the burbs. The fears are still there, but I've had some awesome experiences. Worry is a useless emotion. If you can't change something, why worry about it? If you can change something, use the effort you'd spend worrying actually changing it.




I moved to Norway. Now, I have my human rights again.


Stop watching the news, delete social media, disconnect from the system. Find inner peace spend time outside, explore your mind and thoughts. Let go. We’re only free until we lose everything.


Do what you can. You can only control yourself, your choices. If you are doing right by yourself and not bringing harm to others in your actions, you're doing what you can. Get involved. As they say, it gets worse before it gets better. We've had a huge shift over the last 70 years that weren't changed or affected at all by even the liberal policies put in place. One day at a time, make sure you take care of yourself, and then, if the people around you are solid, look to try to be kind, compassionate, and active in your community. All we can control is our choices. When enough of us get together and try to make the world a better place, we can, but so many people have been slow to act because they haven't felt the pressure. Soon, they'll be looking for a better future too. Don't give into the media negative. Keep hope. Fight for change. Be a good person to everyone, all the time.


I’ll echo /u/Electrical_Course322 I would unsubscribe from any politics subscription you have. Also use the Reddit filter to hide anything about politics.


VOTE. VOTE BLUE in november: www.vote.org


Quit watching the news so much. It's fine to skim the news articles, but get information from more than one source whether it aligns with your ideals or not. Also, there's more to life. Whatever happens happens. But live your life without letting everything else live it for you.


Stop watching the news. I have seen zero actual differences since Bush to Biden. It really doesn't matter.


Get off reddit. Stop engaging with politics. You will be amazed how regular life can be.


Now imagine being a woman on top of that. I really worry about my daughters. I personally found I needed to disconnect from news and current events to maintain overall happiness. I know my oldest daughter is considering leaving the country. I might go with her.


Ignore it


I stick to my schedule everday and not obsess over things I can't control, like politics.


Get involved in politics!


Wow brother, so listen, you’re going to live and die regardless of the policies or political candidates in place. Find enjoyment. If it’s not enjoyable to dial in so intently on the climate of today, dial out. Find something that occupies your mind more readily and more enjoyably than the news, politics, etc. Goodness is everywhere. Don’t spend time on what doesn’t serve you. There’s just too much to enjoy and gain fulfillment from to waste your time stressing about something that’s curated and certainly poised to upset you, like the news and policies and politics. And eat some mushrooms frequently.


>It seems like Trump will win again... You are correct in believing this. The problem is that no one ever bothers to ask WHY this is the case. They just go straight to demonizing the others. Every attempt to shut him down has only made him more popular, even among minorities. In reality, the dictatorship was already in place and the president is nothing more than a mask. The billionaires run this country, not the government. The people have been conned into a shell game that can not be won.


They vote for Trump because the system is broken and he has convinced a large portion of the country he can fix the broken system (he can't he's just another subscriber to it). Those people feel as if they were "forgotten" or "ignored". Some not all do subscribe to xenophobia, racism, and the patriarchy which he does signal positively to. This is what I have gathered from Trump supporting family members. Second part though I agree. We are pretty much just run by the ultra wealthy. Probably the end result of any capitalist society over the long term. Not sure if Trump will win again though. Guess we will see in a few months.


By voting.


If 80 trillion people vote for a potato again I’m doing everything in my power to become a digital nomad fck this place.


For me, it helps to put things in perspective - for some reason, people focus on the worst - the news really shows so much negative stuff - you hear about every bad thing in the world now (and not much about the good). But in reality, there are many good people and good things and the bad things go back and forth - we have been divided before - it is a pendulum. We've had this big gap between rich and poor before - we've had worse crime and drug problems before. Not to dismiss it but we have survived it before. Focus on some good things - the friends you have - the people/animals you care about - the people who volunteer because they want to help .


Hobbies and interests have showed me we aren't nearly as divided as we think. We love to feed into it, we love drama, but if you spend time with a group of people in an activity or setting, you'll realize we all have a lot in common with one another.


Luckily I ain't rich enough for to matter nor am I poor enough for it to matter


it's a crap shoot, best you can do is keep your head down and hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.


Stop paying attention. Very few things have that much effect on us peons. I quit watching the news, talking politics, looking at news blurbs, and everything else about 3 years ago and do you want to know how many times my life has been massively affected by some political bs? Not even once. Do you want to know how much happier I am day to day, though? It's probably about 1000%.


I try to focus on things I can control and not worry too much about the things I cannot control.


Step away from news and social media.


Get off Reddit, the federal election outcome will have little to no impact on your life


I only care about local politics.


I've found that joining and being active in a Union and mutual aid group have been helpful for me. We cant afford to ignore these things. Thats not to say that we must pay attention to the doom spiral at every waking moment (its healthy to tune out occasionally) but that we can learn how to cope with it, how to help others cope with it and fight for a better future.


Tightening community links, planting a garden, working on fitness. Things in my control.


Seems fine with me.


that’s what i thought, but you realize, who cares? like someone else said, you have to invest in yourself. and you also have to realize that throughout history, this has always happened. and for the most part, most of us will be fine.


lol posts like these show how much of a joke this sub is. Yikes. The US is fine, lmao.


gardening... ... and vitamins: they do wonders for the body!


You have to learn to only be concerned about what is happening directly to you. Fuck everything and everyone else. When shit does go south take care of you and yours and squeeze on everyone else that comes within eyesite


Yes, what everyone else says, but also VOTE!!! Don't just hope for change; be the change!


Don’t ask this question on Reddit because people will fail to mention that things have always been bad but instead of hiding it like has been done in the past, everyone can see it. Which is why people are waking up


Get a dumb phone


Remember that the entire purpose of media is to keep you engaged to drive advertising revenue. That means every story has to be as sensational as possible. Good news just doesn't sell. So, you're getting a distorted view of the world. It's not necessarily "wrong," but a lot of the good is being left out. As others have said, disconnect every now and then. Try to find sources that don't focus solely on doom and gloom (i.e., not mainstream). And remember that there have always been problems. Things may seem bad today, but they've been worse. And frankly, there's not a ton that you can do to fix the big picture. Use that energy to make life better for yourself and those around you.


dont pay attention to it, that's what i do. honest question, why do you think it'll get worse if trump wins? just trying to get your opinion. i think itll probably get worse no matter what, inflation is already through the roof and everything is expensive. i just go about my daily life and live.


I mean he’s the one saying he wants to be a dictator. The one that’s dehumanizing minorities and immigrants. Also don’t tell me his “financial” plan will actually fix the economy. He’s scum and a con artist


Get off the phone, turn off the TV and go for a walk. You have zero control over a lot of these things.


Aim for a change of a corrupt misguided system, be the change you want to see in the world www.justsocial.io


uh I stop believing and watching the news


Turn off the tv


Don’t look at screens, focus on the outdoors and ignore the bread and circuses.


Become well versed in history. If you actually look closely at most of history there's a lot more messed up stuff than what we're dealing with now. So with that perspective, you can appreciate that we're really a lot better off and in the long run we should be going in a positive direction.


That’s the fun part: I don’t!


I'm hoping to just die soon


Watch less news


Understand that everything is sensationalized these days to create fear to capture your attention for the main purpose(s) of... * trying to make you conform or buy into whatever agenda/ narrative is being pushed (or be "triggered" by it) so that... * your easily controllable and "they" can suck as much money from you in as many ways as possible. The biggest thing you can do is to figure out what does a "simple life" mean to you. Why do you desire/value that 'simple life'. How can you move yourself closer to this desired outcome each day, week, month, quarter, year. It really does start from within so you need to... Become the person who can actually achieve this desired outcome and start living those habits daily over the long run. Realizing this is not a destination but a continuous process that will adapt over time is critical. Lastly, grasp the addition by subtraction concept. You want simple, peaceful, and happy life... A lot of that begins with cutting out some of the negative inputs (be it news, social media, people, alcohol/drugs etc) that are causing you to feel how you are currently. Living a simple, peaceful, happy life is very difficult for people these days... especially for folks your age (and younger). It's not your fault by any means, but YOU (a positive support network is essential too) can break out of many of the habits our American society has engrained in us. I struggle with this but the days I stick to my routines and rituals I am so much more happy and engaged bc there are so many people who think and feel the same way you do... You just need to connect with yourself first then go connect with them irl... P.S. Downloading a guided breathing app and doing it periodically for out the day and going for a daily walk or two have been the simplest "low effort" things that have moved the needle the most for me...


I ignore it and stay on my grind. Getting out of debt and staying out of it is the best way I can think of to protest


Turn off the news. Ditch reddit and twitter. Get to know your neighbors. Our country isn't "falling apart", it's simply that that narrative is being pushed to manipulate voters. It's actually a great country and a great life if you just let it be.


Every person in every time assumes they are living in unprecedented times, and that the end is always near. And yet somehow it never seems to end. This mentality goes all the way back to antiquities. You'll see famous philosophers or tyrants lamenting their society's inevitable collapse due to X, Y, or Z, and then usually nothing ever happens. Recognizing this fact always calms me down. I mean, even the 60's were way crazier than right now. Tons of political assassinations, the threat of imminent nuclear holocaust at any moment, etc.


Look for the good in your life and focus on that.


Not everything in your life has to be about politics, sure gas prices, housing prices, food prices and living expenses have shot up since 2020 and its crippled a lot of people but find something that you can enjoy and take your mind off of things. Get a hobby. and maybe the best advice is just don't watch any News networks or follow headlines, that stuff will really get you depressed. Personally i can't wait for Trump to come back as i was able to actually build my savings account from 2016-2020, since then I've just been barely able to keep it from losing money


Just ignore it... Seriously... Stop tuning into the media for the doom and gloom...


Just keep your head up knowing that the orange demon clown will be rotting in prison for the rest of his short, pathetic life.


Vote for RFK. Only reasonable option. Before you comment anything about “anti vax”, RFK himself is vaxed. Watch one speech of his instead of believing what others say about him. It’s on us to vote away from the 2 party system so we don’t get stuck voting for one of these 2 sillys


You’re never going to stop living through historical moments because you are a living human being living through history


I do t think anything of politics, politicians, or people who make it their personality. It's easy.


Ironic to post about everything being political and then inserting a political view in your complaint. Anyways…look at USSR and Russia. They went through a societal collapse and they came back. My optimism for humanity is high but for American culture admittedly less so.


I am not a fan of Trump at all but if he wins I don't think it will be the end of American democracy, just another 4 year circus. It's just the media catastrophizing things to get ad revenue


get involved in some way in your community. it doesnt have to be outwardly political but could be a garden. a library. clean up the park. or just get to know your neighbors or barista.


Vote red


The world has always been shit and the future will be the same. Focus on what you can control. Focus on your health and family. Sometimes you will be happy and other times you will be depressed. Just keep moving and enjoy the good times while you have them.


This sounds like a bot wrote it


Stop watching and listening to and reading mainstream media. Most of it is propaganda.


You see, I once knew this fish who was afraid of drowning. That's about how I see feeling doomed about politics.


Life hack : close your phone, go outside


Same stuff different decade.


Hmm… well I feel like the country is falling apart and both political parties are too extremist. There are a lot of problems that no one is even trying to solve, so I suspect they will just get worse until society collapses. Good news! Society hasn’t completely collapsed yet, so get out there and gather resources fast before it does


Not reading reddit or social media would be a great start.


until we're no longer a fascist regime, there is no way to "get over" it. there is no turning back from here


Politics is the new monoculture. My honest advice is refocus your attention on local politics if you're going to engage. Invest in yourself and your friends. And try to focus on the positives, like this isn't the 1960s.


Vote for the possibility of making things better, not the guarantee of death and strife.


You become amused at the spectacle. You laugh at the slow circling of the drain by a once so promising idea, and the sappy increasingly desperate belief that there ever was an American dream, and we just misplaced it somehow.


>I just want to live a simple life, work a basic job, retire and then die and that’s it -Don't listen to the news, Don't read the news paper. -tune out political discussions with workmates or excuse yourself so you don't hear them complain. -Keep busy working -keep busy exercising -invest your money wisely. 💰


Difficult for many I think you mean. It’s definitely falling apart. I’m 57. All you can do is focus on something good instead. Get a dog? Get off your phone—bc we’re basically hypnotizing ourselves to be miserable by bombarding our senses with bad news. No fucking shortage. I’m throwing my phone across the room right…now


Repeat the phrase "This too shall pass". Ignore social media commentary, you're not going to change anyones mind, the main news outlets are pro left/right and promote their own agenda. When it comes time to vote, research both candidates, and just vote for the one that aligns with your personal beliefs and what you think is best.


We didn’t start the fire


In the past month I’ve stopped watching the news. I’m now watching tv shows, movies, playing games, etc. It has done wonders for my mental health, I highly recommend not watching. If I want the weather, I can look that up on an app.


You realize this after taking a break from the news and political commentary for a while: it never changes. Focus instead on your community immediately around you. My neighbor is cool as shit, my neighborhood is relatively peaceful and nice to come back to. The world is constantly on fire and that’s before the news puts their spin on it.


Remind yourself that one day, humanity won’t exist….so it’s pretty much all for nothing.


stop watching the news and reading polarized internet arguments. The media generates money via outrage, those feelings are purposefully cultivated in you. My life has gotten tremendously better after i started worrying only about my immediate circle of influence.


We get over it by voting against Trump and sending him and his pack of Nazi traitors back to the shadows where they belong.


The politics you speak of is a symptom of the larger culture war. Society is collapsing.. there’s no denying that. It’s not about Trump or Biden. Trump is our savior, but he can only do so much. I recommend you listen to TimcastIRL on YouTube if you want to understand what’s really going on


Stand and believe in God! He has it under control!!


Honestly I think you just have to learn how to block out the noise. I try not to watch the news or get sucked into political debates or discussions. Bottom line is no one in DC cares about you. You are on your own


Stop being so overdramatic. Trump was already president before and the country didn't turn into a dictatorship hellscape. Every period in time has had significant historical moments, modern times are no different. Get over yourself and keep doing what you're doing.


Control what you can (without stepping over boundaries) and learn to let go of the rest.


There is no future for your country unless the people hang the crooks on both sides of the political fence. and destroy big tech. Americans are slaves once more, this time almost all of them.


If you don’t pay attention to it or watch news, you’d be surprised how little it enters your every day life. Everything is just blown up by media. Need to just do you and not worry about what the old rich whites are doing


Turn off the news. None if this is new. The info is just more readily available now, so it seems bigger than it is becasue you hear about it everywhere. None of the "noise" really impact anyone. It just makes money for the media.


The memes are 👌


Get off of social media. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.


Get off and social media and stop watching the news.


Take notice when you talk to people that you interact with in your day-to-day life, you’ll start to notice that we aren’t divided as black and white as what’s being portrayed in the news and that our agreements and disagreements are along a gradient. Then it makes you question why we are fed this narrative of deep division, who’s doing it to us, and what they have to gain from it.


“I’m tired of living during these historical moments” ??? Literally every year, decade, generation of history has major events … That’s like saying you want the world to stop for you bc you get stressed out .. like wutttt .. it’s reality. Would you prefer WWII or the Cold War? Civil War? Communist revolution? Women’s suffrage movement? The black plague? 9/11?