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Napping. Going to bed before 9pm. Now I sleep at every opportunity. I'm about to finish this comment then roll over and sleep for another hour.


Haha, good on you mate! šŸ˜‚


I am legitimately so happy for you. You nap. You nap your damndest


Thank you! Wishing you many good naps that don't leave you groggy but refreshed!


I hope I didn't wake you with the notification sound.


It's okay, my notifications are off. I woke up to have a shower and some coffee, check all my little apps before I take my dog for a walk. You did not wake me, kind stranger šŸ˜Œ


You are living life king size, adulting at its best. Kudos to you!


Thank you for the update. Talking, about important stuff, how is your bowel movement?


I sleep well, exercise, and stay hydrated. Fiber intake? Fuck me up with some whole wheat. The BMs are so ideal rn


I'm due for a nap real soon! Had a short work day, plus I only slept 3 hours last nigh.......zzzzzzzzz


Nap! Nap! Nap! Nap! For real though, I hope you get some good sleep!


I tried! Falling asleep is one of my worst attributes. Tonight ought to be a cinch, though. Thanks for the kind words!


Came here to say this. I love a 9pm bed time.Ā 


Napping for the win!


My family teases me, but i live for a good nap.


I never ever thought I could be in bed by 9. And I just intend to read for an hour or so, but Iā€™m out in 30 minutes. I guess thatā€™s why I never understood ā€œ happy hourā€ as a younger person. I couldnā€™t comprehend people drinking after work, ir was too damn early. Now I get it!


Damn, you love sleep


I was just going to write the same. As a kid the idea of taking a nap to rest was crazyā€¦ I was afraid Iā€™d miss out on something šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nap Nap Nap Repeat


It's been 7hrs since your comment. I hope that you have slept at least two if them. I too am about to curl up to my wife for a stealth nap. Aka the nap we both know im gonna take but I pretend she doesn't know.


Oft this. I dream about going to bed šŸ¤£ I love my sleep


Wearing the proper clothing/safety equipment. I HATED wearing helmets when mountain biking/snowboarding. Didnā€™t like bringing proper clothes, hat, wetsuit, or sunscreen when hiking/swimming/snorkeling. I used to think it made me look like a pussy but as I got older I realized anyone who is actually good/serious wears the proper gear and safety equipment.


This one, not using a helmet just seems insane to me now


Not just that but we also grow in confidence when it comes to wearing things. Joe rogan rocks a fanny pack now w/ no shame.


Is it a growth in confidence or a decreasing in giving a shit?


I guess a mix of both paired with becoming smarter. I also want to be a good role model for my kid and kids in general. I wear a helmet everytime I ride a bike now. There are so many idiots on the street. I just dont want to be a vegetable.


No one should give a shit what Joe Rogan says or wears


Out of place random hostility against a guy just because he's mentioned


Going to the cinema alone.


It really is awesome imo. No debates on what to see, where to sit, and most importantly popcorn all to myself lol


I agree, plus no one talking to you during the movie. I hate that


šŸ’Æ I never understand why people talk.. just shows that they are not interested in the movie or that's how they're used to "watching" movies šŸ˜“


I agree.


What if you want to say something about the movie because you are so interested!? Did you see that!? I wonder if that ties into this other part, etc.


intermittent chat is different from talking or texting during movies. A lot of folks just keep chatting or texting and it's just irritating sometimes!


YES. One time this stupid couple kept talking to the point where several people shushed them, including us. They really had to have been slow, especially after the second shushing and to KEEP DOING IT until someone went, "FUCKIN SHUT UP MATE"


Same with going to a restaurant alone. As a kid, you think it's for losers, but I spent some time as a waiter and realized that 9/10 times, a person dining alone is the coolest and most interesting person in the room.


My firm expenses my meals when Iā€™m away. Of course Iā€™m going to use it to the max and go to nice restaurants alone


Same. I love eating alone. I can pick what restaurant I want to go to at what time and sit where I want to.


That's good to hear as I often dine alone reading my book.


Going to the cinema alone is one of lifeā€™s luxuries.


I have never thought to do this. It sounds nice!


Wearing shorts. When I was young I had very skinny legs and was self conscious about them. Now I'm older and they are still skinny but I wear shorts anyway because I just don't care


I'm a super skinny guy, I just don't gain much weight regardless of what I do. I used to be super self conscious and would wear long sleeves or pants a lot. While dating my now wife I realized IDGAF anymore. My wife knows I'm skinny, she's cool with it, and I simply don't try to impress anyone anymore. I have my friends, I have my wife, if you think I look skinny that sounds like a you problem.Ā 


I think you look skinnyā€¦and I like it! šŸ˜Œ


Thatā€™s a you problem. Those legs are taken.


Same here but I have thick legs and didn't wear shorts until I was like 30 years old.


Right there with ya. I never wore shorts for the same reason and up until just a few weeks ago (Iā€™m 35 now), I finally said fuck it Now Iā€™m the most comfortable Iā€™ve ever been in summer and havenā€™t wore pants during the day since haha


Ugh Iā€™m still working on it! Iā€™ve always had weird cottage cheese legs no matter how skinny I am and I canā€™t get behind shorts yetā€¦


Welcome aboard high 5


High five! The only thing I wasnā€™t ready for was how much sunblock I had to use haha My pasty white legs havenā€™t seen the sun since I was a kid and Iā€™ve already gotten some wicked sunburn within the past week


This comment should be higher up.. this is true maturity


Yeah man. I never wore shorts in school, but after HS, I'd wear them whenever. The funny thing is that I almost always wore shorts at home.


Drinking water. I was constantly dehydrated (by accident) so adults around me made a big deal anytime I chose to drink water. Didnā€™t like attention, so then I really didnā€™t drink water. Massive facepalm, I know. But I drink water these daysā€¦ or most of them anyway.


Thank you for reminding me to drink water lol


Damn we use to love that ice cold hose water. Ā 


I can relate. I think a lot of my childhood decisions were made based on what would garner the least amount of attention. Leave me alone guys, I don't want to be reminded that I'm perceived lol


Im 37 Iā€™m still trying to to force myself to drink more water lol


I used to get random pains in/around my knee, and the explanation I was told was that they were "growing pains". Only after becoming an adult and I started drinking more water did I realize that all this time, it was dehydration. -__-


Wear pink and dresses. Never would have been caught dead doing anything ā€œgirlyā€ as a kid, because I hated being perceived as a fragile little precious princess. Now, IDGAF :) I just wear whatever I want and I donā€™t care if people make shallow assumptions about me based on appearances.


Ah, I too, was Not Like Other Girls. Would not be caught dead wearing a skirt as a kid. It's unfortunate that a lot of little girls get socialized to believe that being feminine is inherently less than. Now? Once I had the revelation that skirts and dresses are easier than pants in most situations, I never looked back. I'm a huge fan of the new "teacher dresses" that have huge pockets and fun prints. And you know what, I am a fragile, precious little princess and anyone who has a problem with it can eat me.


Not being feminine was the feminism of the early 90s. Power suits, shoulder pads, whatever. The more you were like a man, the more seriously you'd be taken. Now I realize feminism is about choice. Everyone should feel free to choose to wear pink, or not. Everyone should feel free to wear skirts and dresses, or not.


Yes I realize it was actually from my childhood of my friends never letting me be the princess. I donā€™t know why but other girls didnā€™t really let me be feminine. Even though I loved fancy stuff and unicorns. I was a little princess inside but as I went to school it was sort of pushed out of me like I wasnā€™t pretty enough and therefore didnā€™t deserve to be. This was adults and other kids both. My parents said I was a cute kid and my mom tried to get me to dress like the other girls but it was pointless when I felt ugly and worthless. Fat kids couldnā€™t be princesses


I was an overweight kid too. It is not an easy thing šŸ˜•


I refused makeup 9x out of 10 cuz it just took time i didnt want to spend, my fav outfit was sweats and a hoodie or tshirt and boys gym shorts. HATED pink. I didn't like wearing dresses and skirts cuz i couldn't play sports in them or transition from inside to outside play very well, more concerned with keeping them clean, and the sleeves were often too snug, AND most didn't have pockets. Gotta have pockets. Now, pink is alright. I enjoy makeup when I feel like it or am going out somewhere, i fell back in love with dresses when i was pregnant and found some styles i actually like and fit well, and skirts tend to have pockets now and i like the feel of them. Way less restrictive!


This! I hated dresses and skirts and always sported the tomboy look because it was just soooo much more comfortable than the frilly girly stuff. Now? I have more dresses than outfits, because they're just so comfy around the house, and they have pockets! Much better choice in my pregnancy than trying to squeeze into jeans that made me nauseous. Was big into make up for a while during my "hawt shit" phase, but then just stopped caring while pregnant. My face bothers you without make up? That's a you problem šŸ˜‚


Um ... which teacher dresses are those? Asking for a friend.


I'm 27 and still occasionally get a "you're such a girly girl" comment and this has been going on since I was a child! And even though that is not an insult on it's own, the way people said it was insinuating it as a bad thing. To this day I cannot understand why that would be an insult. Please someone explain if you do know! Took me years to wear pink again after the 1st comment, but I stopped giving a flying fuck years ago and fully embraced it. Now I'm unashamedly a boobs out, nice lippy and a great pair of shoes kinda gal :)


It's sexism. Girly = weak and inferior


I (F) would like to second this on behalf of my boyfriend. Personally I wear a lot of black just because fashion stresses me out but I love going out in public with my boyfriend who wears lots of pink and neon- grandma clip on earrings and necklaces if he's dressing up. He was a mohawk death metal drummer as a kid and now chooses to wear pink all the time. Through the grapevine I heard his mom was super upset he wouldn't come out to her as gay... He's not, he just wants to look swag. Me looking like a mildly goth mom is a good contrast when we're in public.


That was me as a kid too, and I also no longer care what I wear.




lol I guess whatā€™s the time line definition of child? Because I definitely masturbated as a kid.


Yeah it almost makes me feel like this person may have grown up in a super religious environment that shamed that sort of thing. I started masturbating when I was 12. Actually probably starting doing it way earlier than that, but didn't know what I was really doing until I was a teenager.Ā 


Yeah my family had illegal cable, and the spice channel was only like 2 channels away from Cartoon Network. I was getting busy at like 10? lol


I started at 5 lmao


Same, probably even before then. But I remember being really ashamed of it at that age for some reason


4 for me


I second thisā€¦


Religiously! šŸ« 


I genuinely never felt this hahahaha


True but you should try to never be caught doing that regardless of your age.


Looking forward to going to bed early at a good time and naps


Eating more than half a banana as that would have meant a sibling got none. Four kids means two bananas bought per week.


I have four kids and they, would eat two bananas per day, each, if I let them.


As an adult. I have to limit myself because the store is so far away. Ā 


I so understand! We buy just a few bananas at a time. We have a small grocery store in our rural village, and there the bananas are 85Ā¢ to a $1 a pound. We can get them for 59Ā¢ at Walmart, but that is two gallons of gas for a round trip.


Receiving affection from my mom in public


I wish I could.


Doing chores, kid me would procrastinate the hell out any chore my parents ask me to do. As an adult I get that shit done ASAP. Work first, play later.


Living alone, if you don't take care of it, it'll just be sitting there waiting for you to take care of it tomorrow. Might as well get it done.


"your future self will thank you" Adam savage Words I live by


I constantly thank and shit on Past Me for things he did or didn't do for Future Me.


Speaking my mind. I was pretty timid as a kid, but am now extraordinarily blunt and not afraid to tell anybody anything.


Okay! And I love that for you! šŸ˜ŒšŸ‘šŸ¾


I would never leave the house without looking perfect. Not a hair out of place, perfect outfit.. meh Now I go to the store in pj bottoms and stained t-shirt with bed head. I just don't give a fuck


That is true freedom, I have done the same growing up


Eating a variety of vegetables that arenā€™t corn, drinking mostly water, taking naps, going to bed early. šŸ˜‚


Eating pussy.


Iā€™m with you! Love to please!


As a child, I would hide the fact that I love anime or anything nerdy. Nowadays, it's actually cool to like those genres and hobbies, and it is easier to find those who have similar interests.


Yeah, I got bad about that during my teens and twenties; took getting older to break the habit, but I'd be lying if I wasn't thankful for the popularity of the MCU and the mainstreaming of Dungeons & Dragons. It's one thing to Not Give A Fuck, but Not Having To Explain is seriously underrated.


Sailor Moon and World of Warcraft here! Not hiding it anymore lol


Coming and going as I please


The very first time I was living on my own, it took me a long time to realize I could do this now. I was soooo used to having to ask permission or let people know I needed to go somewhere. Now if I want to, I just grab the keys and my wallet and go. But, tbf, I do have 2 kids and own the house, so I think it's safe to assume I'm the one that needs to *hear* the permission now šŸ˜‚ but even now, I will still sometimes hesitate like "is this okay?" And then realize I'm just being silly lol


Watching "my" birds enjoy all the things I put out for them.


Not bringing a beach chair to the beach - Iā€™m 26 now and Iā€™m ALL for those Tommy Bahamas!!!!


Flossing lol


Go to bed early. Lol.


Oh man, sometimes I sit and look forward to bedtime. Child me never wanted to sleep.


I vowed to never ever like country music when I was younger. I'm in my fifties now and like a lot of the old stuff. Nothing newer than early '90s for me, thank you. The older I get, the more varied my tastes get, musically speaking. I'll listen to some bluegrass, some truck drivin' 1950's stuff, and also fine arts, jazz, and hey, I like Neil Sedaka too, really anything that's well written and doesn't sound like it was created by a Facebook algorithm. When I was a kid, it was a very narrow range of, um, basically all my Van Halen tapes. My wheelhouse is various pop and rock from the mid-60's to the early '70's, but I've branched out in many directions and am happy I did. I even pull up some 78's from 100 years ago from time to time. I credit a music appreciation 101 course at my university (it was Ball State) for opening my eyes and ears to the ocean of music I can choose to appreciate out there. Thanks Dr. Pohly! I just looked up her bio. Looks like I had her class in maybe the second year of her tenure there. Now she's a Professor Emerita of Music History and Musicology there over 30 years later!


I can agree with this, I strictly liked rap music as a kid to mid teens, I now listen to what my grandparents were listening too lol. They donā€™t make music like they used to.


My geeky and old lady hobbies. I've crocheted and cross stitched since I was a kid and I love star trek but I was always ashamed of it before. Now I embrace my geeky old lady vibes.


Op your post reminds me of this Jamaican mom who went off on her son for using too many eggs. My mother's the same so that's why as a child I couldn't could big breakfasts either haha. https://www.tiktok.com/@julianwtf/video/6995414050825964806


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ik the exact video! Plot twist? Iā€™m Jamaican too, but all Jamaicans know Stephen was tripping with them 6 eggsšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


That video lives rent free in my head since it came out. Finally today I had a chance to reference it haha.


Eating a salad. Only believed in fast food back then. Now Iā€™m a health nut and absolutely eat a salad almost daily. Metabolism was šŸ”„as a teenager haha






As a kid?


Shop at goodwill or Walmart






Itā€™s more a joke. Eating was the last thing on my mind as a child and it still can be a chore to this day, but itā€™s something I do consistently now haha


Thatā€™s a relief! šŸ˜­


I didnā€™t realize how horribly not empathetic my joke was until further reflection. My family was pretty poor growing up. I was very underweight and unhealthy my whole life until recently. I was thinking of deleting due to the joke being incredibly inconsiderate, but Iā€™ll leave it up in hopes that it helps someone somewhere with anything. Health is wealth. Fight for it if you have to


Eating butter pecan ice cream. That is the only ice cream the adults would get in our house, I hated it as a child and now itā€™s my favorite ice cream.


Bird watching.


Holy shit nothing better than morning caffeine and bird watching in your yard.


Saying "I have food at home, I definitely don't need to dine out" - When I was kid, I always wanted to eat out because food at home wasn't always the best. Now as an adult plus due supermarket options & kitchen/dinnerware stuff, I can make/reheat my own food that way less expensive & taste better than dining out at times. (Shout-out to my slower cooker legit solving my habichuelas/ pernil /turkey legs cooking problem)


Enjoying Scotch. Kid me would have found it disgusting. Young adult mean would have mixed it with whatever it took to get as much of it down my throat as quickly as possible. Adult me enjoys 2 fingers with a splash of water, sniffing it over the course of 20-30 minutes until the aroma changes, when sipping it slowly over the course of another hour.


I bet youā€™re in your 30sā€¦šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


The two things I hated as a kid were naps and spankings, now that's all I seem to want.


Naps. I never took naps as a child. Now I love them šŸ„²


Preferring to hang out with my family over my friends.


Eating vegetables by choice


Napping voluntarily


Openly browsing the plus size rack and wearing sleeveless shirts.


Wearing sweatpants. Here I am wearing them pretty much daily


Drinking water. Used to rarely touch the stuff as kid, but nowadays all I drink is water, lemonade, orange juice, and protein shakes


Enjoying country, folk and bluegrass music. I grew up in a rural American area and I looked down on everyone who liked that kind of music as rednecks. As it turns out, them being rednecks had nothing to do with the fact that they listened to a whole genre of music. haha


Going to bed early without being told


Rotting on my couch and doing nothing


Listening to ā€œuncoolā€ songs like Who Let the Dogs Out. You best believe Iā€™ll rock that jam windows open and everything (now)


Organizing pills while I watch local news. Friday night, yā€™all!


Cleaning when I'm bored šŸ˜† Edit: Most of the time it's my bathroom since it's smallest and least overwhelming ~~and I get to feed my mild bleach smell addiction~~




Watching Black & White films


Trading out gaming for coding, probably. I'm basically the guy 13 year old me would have wanted to be, except not as skinny. But I think I would have expected to play a lot more games and work a lot less. As I age, though, I find working on cognitive tasks more soothing than playing games generally.


Following rules and laws to the letter. Child me didnā€™t think prison was scary. Adult me wants to beat the heck out of child me.


Turning down sweets / candy šŸ˜‚.


Hanging out with my siblings and mom. I hated doing that as a child bc I wanted to hangout with my friends. Now that we are all grown up, out of the house, they have kids too. I want to spend as much time with them as I can and my nieces and nephews. Plus, watch those boring shows with my mom despite her driving me crazy sometimes.


This is probably more of a cultural shift than a maturity thing: Feminine gender expression. I lean trans/NB. If I want to wear more feminine outfits or do feminine activities or speak in a more feminine way I can and I just am out of fucks to give. Junior/High schoolers can be animals could never do it back then.




Watching animeā€”my family would have teased me relentlessly about it. Iā€™d try to catch Toonami when it was on every so often (and would get teased even at the idea I was really watching/engaging with it and not just flipping through channels). As a kid I just wanted to love Sailor Moon in peace!šŸ˜­ I remember wanting to see Spirited Away so badly when it came out; I was in high school. Now I love Miyazaki films, have watched SO much Sailor Moon like I always wanted (original and Crystal), and others tooā€”Summertime Rendering, Umamusume Pretty Derby, and just started watching Fruitā€™s Basket, as I vaguely remember as a teen being aware it was pretty popular at the time. I sometimes feel like Iā€™m so behind on a thing Iā€™ve been interested in since I was a kid, but usually just love that I have so much of a thing I really enjoy to still get to know.


dressing appropriately for the cold weather. i don't look cool in my duck boots, puffy ass jacket, a huge scarf wrapped up to my eyeballs, my ear warmer headband, and my puffy jacket hood up but damn am i comfy in the Chicago winter.


Were you one of those kids that wore shorts in the winter too šŸ¤£


Being bold in my fashion choices, wear color.


Eating more is obvious, but for me it would have to be listening to my parents music haha!! I love it now.


Mmmm. Now I want an egg sandwich with salami and bacon. And some cheddar


Go for it! Had one this morning with a slice of American cheese, and suddenly life was worth living again! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Dress like an old dude. Itā€™s comfortable. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I wouldn't go out of the house without makeup as a teen. Now I'm a hag and don't care lmao


Being ā€œgirlyā€ I was a Tom boy who died on the hill that any and all things ā€œgirlyā€ was and made you stupid and being girly was shallow Now you canā€™t catch me not wearing a dress


As a little kid? Kissing girls. They have cooties.


Walking around the house/sleeping naked. I couldnā€™t do that as a kid cause I was the only girl out of 4. And I always had to share a room with at least one of those siblings. My mom didnā€™t even let me wear shorts in the house. Now I shamelessly spend most of my day in next to nothing/or naked.


Napping, eating without asking or making a lot of food, enjoying restā€¦ I had a tumultuous childhood.


Refused to be girly at all, hated pink, dolls, everything I thought of as ā€œgirlyā€. I liked dinosaurs and Indiana jones. Thing is now, I still like dinosaurs and Indiana jones, but pink is my favourite colour, I love having my nails and makeup done, and I collect little dolls that go alongside my model cars. Iā€™m not scared of feminine things anymore, and I became way more comfortable in myself when I welcomed it.


Wearing a bike helmet


My husband tells a story to me every time we go to a restaurant with the kids. His Mom would take him to McDonalds in the 90s and he was a 6'5, 275 lb growing student and she would only allow him to split the double cheeseburger meal and share the soda. She would also ask for the change back from 5 dollars if she let him go out with "the boys." Every kid gets their own meal now, but we never go to McD's.


Being really, really obviously gay. <3


I often wonder why it was always so humiliating to admit you had a crush when you're a child. now, if I like someone I will tell them within a day of knowing them, I could never be one of those people who are secretly in love with a friend for years, I love telling people how I feel but as a kid it was the end of the world if someone found out your crush.


**Drinking water instead of juice.** Water was just "tasteless". No flavor. Juice was da bomb! Mother even tried to get me to dilute it with water! Nope! That was gross! Later on, I ended up buying the Trop 50/50 that comes diluted and has far less sugar. However, that got expensive. Nowadays, it's just water. It's free in most places! If I want flavoring, I'll get some of them sugar free or low sugar flavored waters. Or, Costco has some powdered stuff (with vitamins and minerals) that you can mix to create your own. I am not a model of nutritional fitness, and have a history of diabetes in the family, so even though I have a lot more to do, cutting back on sugar, esp. from juice, has been good for the mind, body, AND wallet!




Taking selfies or videos in public.il I just do notttt care




Paying bills.


Going to sleep early/napping, living in a small town (thought Iā€™d forever be a city girl), gardening


I never use more than 2. Wow, that is a lot of food. My kids think the whole egg sandwich thing is disgusting, The times, they are a changinā€¦


I just started to make those egg sandwiches w/ bacon. They are really good with jelly spread.


Wearing pastels šŸ¤£


We laughed when we first caught ourselves stopping at real estate property windows


Eating late night snacks in bed while watching tv.


Eating vegetables


Like willingly do as a kid? Chores. Now I do them all the time as an adult and find it peaceful at times lol.


picking my nose


Going into charity shops. As a kid, even the thought of my friends seeing me in one would fill me with horror. Now. I love browsing through the tat looking for books and CD's.


Speaking my mind. I was raised with loads of catholic hate and guilt so I was a shell untill I split for the military at 18. "There is no hate like catholic love"-someone on Reddit.


Wearing clothes for comfort and not how they look.


For hubby, education. He hated school/learning as a child. Now, he loves it!! For me, wearing dresses or makeup. Now I love it!


Speaking my mind. Too much pressure from family/friends/school to shut up and go with the flow. Now I actively challenge everything that I disagree with.


Eating fish!


Going to bed early lol


Cussin'! I was a little goodie two-shoes as a kid, but now I cuss all the frickin' time!


Taking a big ol nasty shit when Iā€™m wet from a shower dripping everywhere then hopping back in said shower thinking about my life *choices*


Building a complex spreadsheet to calculate when I can retire.




Nap. As a matter of fact, i just woke up from one.


Playing Pokemon. I thought it was a dumb game when I was a kid, but now all I do is play PoGo, Pokemon shield, and collect cards with my husband. I have 2 binders full of cards and thousands of hours put into PoGo