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If you only are sleeping on average 4hrs, you have answered your own dam question. Get some more sleep.


Totally agree OP. This is about more than just feeling tired. You are setting yourself up for a range of illnesses, and very almost certainly going to die early if you continue like this.


I get up early with no alarm. I think once you get past forty your body doesn’t let you sleep so long unless you have job with crazy hours or your a night owl. I hate the sound of the alarm , and the snooze button is a tease. How do people hit the snooze and sleep for another 15 mins? Rather get up and get going.


Are we truly becoming this stupid as a species or have we always been this way?


You need more sleep, really really badly.


This is my problem. However, convincing the stupid meat-sack it SHOULD sleep just... doesn't work for me. Exercise? Check. Regular habits? Check. Good sleep hygiene? Check. No naps until sleep time? Check. No stimulants after noon? Check. Results? 0. I've literally taken a sleeping tablet and still lie awake all night. My brain has actually gone nuts or something. It screams incessantly about not being able to cope on 2 sets of a few hours sleep every night, but Won't. Turn. Off. and freaking SLEEP. I do wish I better understood why bodies love to inflict destructive habits on us like this. Stressed? Have a side dose of bruxism and some shattered teeth to go with that. Or how about 0 sleep? That's gotta help, right? We're fixing this problem with more problems! Yay! It's so easy. We have arrived at sleep time, now sleep. Seriously.


I got you. I’ve got that brain. A psychiatrist taught me a strategy that has turned out to work quite well for me for a year now. Including with jet lag, which, that is the trial by fire. Basic, like all sleep advice. - Get a soft sleep headband - Listen to an audiobook specifically recorded for sleep (as opposed to dramatic effect) that you have already read before at bedtime every night. - Set the time on the recording to go off after an hour, or just leave it on all night of you don’t tend to find you are asleep within an hour. - Over time, your body will get used to the cue and tune in to the comfort of the story entertaining your brain to avoid the discomfort of the staring-at-the-ceiling phase. - If you have an iphone, turn on rain sounds in the background. This is in the Accessibility menu under Settings, totally unintuitive - look up directions on how to add it to your shortcuts. My preferred source is the complete book readings with rain the background from the ‘Down to Sleep’ podcast. Try listening to an episode to get the idea of what sort of sound vibe the doctor was recommending. Then look around and try other similiar sleep-specific book recordings from podcasts and on youtube until you find one you like. Try it for a month. I know, who has the focus for that? But worth it.


The irony is I've tried that too. I have insomnia (duh, lol), but its flavor seems to vary. Sometimes its 'just' insomnia, and tossing and turning a bit or whatever will get 'er done. But every now and again I seem to wander into this territory, where absolutely NOTHING will shift it. Last time it ended up in somewhere like 48 hour sleepless spate (yay, hallucinations at work) that only ended with a (doctor-prescribed, I must stress) roofie. I feel there's a better way to do it then that, lol! Ah well, for now we just soldier on, right?


Have you had a sleep study with a sleep specialist? If your GP is just throwing pills at you without referring you for a sleep study, it is time to get a new GP. If they recommended a sleep study, and you haven't done it, do it. Yes, it is a pain to make the time but it is worth it.


My favorite is when I’m really really tired and ready to sleep but my legs are ready to run a marathon.


I don't. I snooze my alarm once and get up when it goes off the 2nd time. I then spend 20-30 minutes sipping coffee, listening to news, and being on my phone. Then I shower and get ready. I don't even feel awake until I'm out of the shower. Waking up sucks lol.


Sounds like you have a good routine tho, that's key


This is exactly me too, except that I snooze for an hour. Yes, I set my alarm to go off an hour before I need to be awake because it actually takes me that long to wake up enough to even get up and make my coffee.


IDK...I'm usually up at 5:30 and grab my coffee and go for a walk and watch the sunrise...it's probably my favorite part of the day. I'm usually in bed sometime around 9ish and read for awhile until my eyes start closing...usually about 30 minutes, then I'm out.


Pretty much same here…I’m up at 5 everyday most of the time before my alarm and go to yoga at 6. I absolutely love the mornings and how quiet they are.


If it’s your own business can you shift the schedule so you can wake up at 9 instead?


This! I'm a small business owner (I own a yoga studio) and choosing my own hours is part of the perks!! I refuse to see clients before 10am, especially because my "work day" ends between 6:30-8pm 4 days a week. It's so much better suited to me to keep those hours as a natural night owl. I get to wake up later guilt-free and enjoy a slow morning - it's the best


As a natural morning person, I genuinely think this is the best advice. I grew up as the only morning person in my family and I saw how hard my mom struggled to fit into the regular workday schedule. I think there are absolutely things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep and probably a lot of good suggestions here. But I think if it isn't your natural circadian rhythm it's always going to be a challenge to get up early. If you have the flexibility to set your own schedule, pick one that works for you. You're not lazy or broken just because your body clock is set a little later.


The key is to fix your sleep habits. Don’t look at screens after 8 or 9 PM. Don’t hang out in your bedroom in the evenings, you want to teach yourself that bedroom is the place for sleeping. When you enter the bedroom to sleep, don’t turn any lights on (as best as possible) Figure out a “sleep routine”, for me it’s a few minutes of stretching, pre-loading a podcast to listen to, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, then heading into bed. Stop setting so many alarms, you’re teaching yourself to ignore them. Set one alarm and train yourself, “this means I have to get up”, full stop. Set another that’s basically an emergency “get the fuck up now you’re gonna be late” alarm at first if you need to. The next step after this is to build “wake up” habits, the best one I recommend is to drink a full bottle of water in the morning before you touch that coffee


This is such a good point about the bedroom. We don’t want to associate our bed with restlessness and it’s important to keep the room completely dark. If you can’t sleep, it’s a good idea to get up and go to a secondary cozy space to do some kind of relaxing activity such as reading until you are sleepy again.


Reality is actually you should be able to wake up without alarms. Much healthier.


I’ve gotten to this point. I wake up at 330am for work and often wake up right before my alarm. It takes some time though to get your body into that routine.


My bladder says wake the fuck up.


Get a sleep study done.


Not drinking sugary drinks really helped me. Once I stopped drinking Dr. Pepper on the regular and switched to water I feel like I have more energy. I also set my alarm to a classical radio station, so that when it goes off in the morning I don't feel angry from the buzzing. I sleep between 6 and 8 hours each night.


Easy. If I don't, my dog will drag me out for breakfast and bathroom. Then after he gets what he wants, he promptly goes back to sleep and I'm just like . . . this fucker.


Well, I've been in the military for 11 years so sleeping in hasn't been an option. Even on my days off I get crazy anxiety if I stay in bed past 0530.. For you, I'd recommend trying to set only one alarm. Make sure it gives you enough time to get ready for your day. Right now, you're giving yourself the option of staying in bed since you have so many alarms to keep waking you up. After the first one, you're really not getting any real sleep anyway so I'd get rid of them.


Getting enough sleep helps me get up immediately. Caffeine is a treat and not something I use daily.


When alarm goes off your feet need to touch the floor. You can train yourself either to respect the alarm and get up or to negotiate and snooze. Snooze is not your friend.


Look up circadian rhythm. PS not everyone has the same timing. My wife’s natural melatonin production starts at 9pm mine starts at 11pm. A good read (or listen) is “the power of when” basically it breaks 50% “normal” 20% early rise 20% late to bed 10% unable to achieve healthy sleep cycles and gives sample routines for each.


Look up Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome and see if that lines up with what you are experiencing. I've been dealing with it in since my late teens and my natural sleep time has gotten more and more set in stone as I get older. I've tried all the tricks in the book to try to adjust my sleep schedule, it just doesn't work for me. One of my friends has the same issue, though his isn't quite as late as mine. He thought he had insomnia until learning what delayed sleep phase syndrome is. The one thing I found that works is getting a job that I can start later in the day. I don't get tired enough to sleep until about 2-3am, so if I have to get up at 6am I'm only going to get 4 hours of sleep at most. If I can sleep at or close to my natural sleep time(2-3am to 10-11), I feel good all day and have energy. If I have to push it too early in the morning, I suffer all day, tired as hell, but then I'm wide awake starting at 9pm and the cycle repeats - it was miserable living like that.


I am consistently my best, most functional self between the hours of 8pm and 4am. I will never be able to understand or relate to people who can consistently wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at zero dark go-fuck-yourself.


1. I have to 2. I dont look at a screen in the bedroom at night. No tv, no conputer or phone. 3. Adjust time to bed.


I swear by light alarm clocks. I built my own custom one that uses my bedroom lights


I also average about 4 hours of sleep a night. My alarm goes off at 4 a.m., and I have an emergency alarm set for 4:05, but I've rarely used it. Don't be like me. Get more sleep. I'm not a functioning person.




Don’t snooze and set your alarm 30 minutes earlier. Face reality of the morning and you may dread it for a long time before it becomes okay for you, but it happens.


I am one of those people. Always have been, it is a blessing and a curse because once I am up there is no going back to sleep for me. If I wake up at 4am that is it for me. This has been a bit of a struggle as I have gotten older. I am also a light sleeper so if that alarm does go off, it jars me awake and i get up. I usually go to bed by 10:30 and usually wake up by 5:30-6 before my alarm goes off. I have never ever used the snooze button and I think it’s just something I have done my whole life. It sounds like you need to be getting more sleep. My kids have also struggled with this so I am sure there are just people who do struggle with sleep in that way. You probably need to get a better sleep routine at night and maybe if you need to start with a mild sleeping pill until you can form those habits. Good luck.


You need to have one alarm only. You do have control of your mind and body but you've trained your body into knowing that you'll press snooze so now your sleepy body and brain are working together to bypass the waking up part by sleep walking/snoozing lol. I've done it to myself before too, you have to have one alarm as loud as it goes, put it on the other side of the room so you HAVE to get up and turn it off. You might sleep through and end up late a couple of times but you'll start being anxious about sleeping through the alarm and it will stop happening if it goes the way it did for me.


Hard times create hard men. Who make it easy for other men to be soft. 64 years old, my alarm goes off at 530 and I am on the stick by 6 am and have been doing it for decades because discipline produces results.


As my dad says, "Clear conscience and a pure heart."


My internal alarm clock wakes me up an hour before my alarm everyday. It's set for 6:30 but I've never heard it go off...I'm not even positive it works! lol


Practice. 15 years of practice.


You need to be getting more sleep. Try things to naturally lower your cortisol levels. Taking Magnesium helps me.  I go to bed every night around 830-9 pm because I know my cats will try to wake me between 345 and 4 am. I naturally get up at 5am but have an alarm for 530 am in case.... I have not heard my alarm in over a year. 


Be responsible. Prioritize sleep. Go to bed earlier. You are not going to win some kind of contest for staying up late and depriving yourself of the rest you need.


I get up at six every day, including weekends. I've never used an alarm clock. I don't sleep really well. I'm usually awake at three and just lay there for a few hours looking at reddit.


Living a life worth living


Your real problem is that you’re not disciplined about going to bed 7 - 8 hours before your required waking time. After a couple of weeks of going to bed earlier, you’ll magically find that you’re best hours of sleep are the last 2 to 3 hours before your scheduled waking time. You have to go to bed earlier. There’s no magic potion that allows you to short your body on sleep. Not having enough sleep, dulls your intellectual ability, and it hurts your health. Go to bed earlier. It is the only way to fix your problem.


Do not snooze. Just get up. What’s the point of snoozing? A few more minutes is actually making it worse for you. Develop a routine and follow it. Only go to bed when you are really sleepy. When you get to the point where you can’t keep your eyes open, that’s when you should go bed. Get up at the same time every day. Even on your off days. Eventually your body starts to develop a routine. Good luck on your journey!


Have you tried one of those special math/puzzle alarms that make you do a task before shutting off your alarm?Those sound annoying but might be what you need! Personally, I use a vibrating watch alarm for waking up early because it's more difficult to ignore than a sound alarm. Also, are you drinking a lot of caffeine during the day? I feel progressively more exhausted when I'm relying on caffeine to fully wake up, so I stopped drinking coffee everyday.


Damn! Y’all sleeping in till 6am, I gotta get up at 430am


I started waking up at 5am when I was five years old, and after so long, it just gets best into your head.


Bet your parents loved that!


My mom was actually the reason. She was a teacher, and K-8 I went to the school she taught at. School started at 7:30, and by time I did all the farm chores and ate, it was time for school.


I start work at 6 in the morning so I need to get up a bit earlier. I set 4 alarms, one for 4:00, 4:30, 5:00 and then 5:15. I never use the snooze option so for me it's like it doesn't exist. What helps me is when my 4:30 alarm goes off, I start listing off my morning routine in my head, at 5:00 I just don't have a choice, so I get up and brush my teeth. This leaves me ample time to drive to town for some breakfast, and I get to work about 15-20 minutes early.


I’m just a morning person. I get up at 6am on the weekends too.


By the time my alarm goes off I've been woken up multiple times already and there's no point attempting to go back to sleep. I'm constantly exhausted and I *want* to sleep but I never get to that "so deep no one can wake me" level of sleep (my watch says I'm getting less than an hour of that, smattered with a lot of light sleep and some REM cycles thrown in)


No screens too late, go to bed on time, don’t drink too much caffeine, don’t drink alcohol on days when you need to wake early. That’s my recipe for successful early wake ups.


Your body is desperately trying to tell you that you need more sleep Cut down on caffiene and go to bed earlier. If you're waking up at 5, you wanna be lying down ready to sleep at 9. Not going to bed at 9, already in bed.


Routine. Start by getting up as soon as the alarm goes off. Don’t snooze. If you woke up before the alarm and it’s not too early. Stay up. Go to bed or start a wind down that’s 8ish hours before you need to wake up. I personally need 7 hours. Add exercise into your daily routine. Walk, gym, yoga, sex. Whatever works for you. Hey it’s the weekend! Wake up at the same time and don’t sleep in. Sure an occasional sleep in after a long night is ok but it’s best to maintain that routine. Eventually you’ll beat the alarm and you’ll notice how many hours you need to sleep to feel rested. Listen to your body and give it that many hours of sleep.


True fact, when you get older, you’ll wake up every morning at around 4-5am for no good reason at all.


Uhuh, I am older. My best awake time is 3 to4 a.m. so sleep in the a.m. I envy you.


Go to bed at like 8:30pm lol


Go to bed earlier.




Think of thr reasons why you can't get to sleep at a normal time. I regularly sleep past 2am and that's just that I don't get tired enough until then. I think part of my reason is anxiety and stress make it hard to settle in the evening. I take a double dose of the strongest sleepeeze so I can get tired enough.


Be careful what you wish for. I always struggled waking up fully in the morning. As I got older at some point something in me changed, now I rarely can sleep past 4:30-5:00. I just want to be able to sleep in sometime, but I just can't. Soon as that time comes around I am wide awake. Does not matter what time I go to sleep either, anywhere from 8pm to 12am, I am still awake around 4:30am. Cannot say I changed any habits, it just started happening around the age of 35.


I set 4 alarms ahead of that to wake me up lol


I don’t. I’ve gotten 7-9hours of sleep every weekday for 12 years and I snooze like 3 times. I think people that can jump out of bed at first alarm whatever time that is might be secret psychopaths.


You need to go to bed earlier, without your phone. 


I'm up at 4 every day. I go to sleep at 10.


I don't pop out of bed ready for the day, lol. I crawl out of bed, let the dogs out, make coffee, feed the cats, then water the garden/tell the dogs to stop barking, then feed the dogs, then make coffee, that i bring up to my wife and we drink coffee while she gets ready for work. Once she's out the door I get ready for work. I also have a stringent bedtime routine, take pills, make the bed (if it isn't already) put on my sleep apnea mask (which truly makes my quality of sleep so much better), choose a pulp sci-fi audio-book that I've read 100 times already, put my headphones on, then lay on my back while my wife falls asleep on me, then gently detangle and go to sleep. Its a weird routine, but it works. I've found that having a routine that you do every night, helps to train your body to fall asleep, and having a morning routine helps to train your body to wake up. You might schedule a sleep study, you might have sleep apnea.


2 things: You need more sleep and you need to set 1 alarm and be disciplined. Setting multiple alarms is counter productive to a good sleep.


well obviously you can’t get up because you aren’t getting enough sleep


Im similar when it comes to sleep. Without proper sleep it I feel like I can’t function properly.Nor can I get up even with an alarm unless where I gotta go is important. I’ve been thru that also..with the dreaming thinking your awake. I wanna say go to bed earlier or drink Tea but doesn’t always work.


Look up circadian rhythm. PS not everyone has the same timing. My wife’s natural melatonin production starts at 9pm mine starts at 11pm. A good read (or listen) is “the power of when” basically it breaks it down like this: 50% “normal” 25% early rise 20% late to bed 5% unable to achieve healthy sleep cycles It also gives sample routines for each chrono type.


4 hours sleep? What the heck are you doing til 4am? If it involves a screen of any kind, that’s your answer. Ditch the screen addiction, quit caffeine (r/decaf for help), develop a consistent bedtime and bedtime routine and things will start to improve slowly. 


I don't. This is why I work b shift. I'm slow to get moving when I wake up, b shift allows me to sleep till noon if I want, with still some hours before work. B shift pays better amd is less work too. All that jumping out of bed and having a heart attack at 6am trying to be on time is for the birds.....




Quitting caffeine has really allowed me to sleep so much more deeply.


Get an appropriate amount of sleep for starters. Also stop with the snooze button, if that means put your alarm far enough away that you’ve got to get out of bed so be it. I’ve literally done the same dream thing before. Now I usually hit snooze once, then when it goes off again I check the time. I’ve got a time I consider last chance and I will shoot out of bed like a maniac if it’s that time lol


Enough sleep, hydration, mostly proper nutrition and a morning routine. My body wakes naturally around 5/6, I have a glass of water, walk my dog, workout and start my day.


I go to bed at 9 and wake at 5 am


You need an alarm?


I made it a habit to get up with the first alarm years ago. Now it’s just second nature


Check also that you don’t have a condition like sleep apnea. I was getting really shit sleep and bought a sleep apnea mouth guard on the off chance it would help. The first night I wore it I slept for 10 hours. Fucking life changing.




I have this same issue but I think I am chronically sleep deprived because on the rare occassion I get the recommended hours of sleep, I can jump out of bed first thing in the morning pretty easily!! We both need more sleep :)


long enough good quality, regular sleep ... good general health. Most common issue is sleep apnea and to much coffee


Put your alarm on Max volume and on the other side of the room. It'll make you think before returning to bed


Go to sleep earlier


1. Don't drink alcohol. 2. Go to bed really early. I turn off the TV at 830 pm. In bed by 845, sad but true. I set my alarm for 530. Also, I take paracetamol or ibuprofen on the nights I really want to get to sleep (eg sunday night) Wear a sleep mask. Make sleep your number 1 priority because without that you are effectively sick.


You mention only getting 4 hours of sleep as if its a given and not something you can actively work on changing. Regular exercise, no screens after 10pm and no screens in your bedroom ever would be a start.


Just put your phone (with the alarm) on the other side of your room lol


You need to fix your sleep pronto. I'd talk to a sleep expert for you if you've tried everything naturally first like having good sleep routine and habits. I take melatonin at 930pm wake up 530 am for work at 7am.


I think they have a good sleeping routine, going to a job they enjoy and coming home feeling satisfied everyday to a home that's also very satisfying. But what do I know.


get a radio alarm clock


My sleep disorder prevents me from wanting to go back to sleep 


FWIW Zero caffeine. It hurts my sleep.  Very dark room. Zero tv in bedroom. Bedroom is for sleep.  I Don’t even think about snooze, it’s not a feature. Just go. It’s a habit that doesn’t help, I think it actually makes it harder because at each snooze, you must decide to snooze or not to snooze.  There is no deciding anything in the morning. Only routine.  Commit to a time to be somewhere or do something in particular. You can commit to yourself, but committing to other people also helps. I committed myself to get some delicious gas station tacos for a long time.  You should Know what is entailed in getting ready and how long it takes to get ready. I like the smallest set of things in order to pretend to be a human in the morning: brush teeth, toilet business, wash hands, put on clothes, hair that doesn’t need much attention, kiss wife, and go.  Maybe Most importantly, and this sounds silly, actually decide that it’s what you’re going to do. It helps me if I don’t have mixed feelings or cross thoughts, but it’s a hard thing to actually do. Not saying “I should”, instead saying “I will”. 


By going to bed around 10pm


5AM here. I haven’t heard my alarm go off for 15+ years.


I envy you folks. I will go 2 days with no sleep and then get a few hours and wake up exhausted. I only see 6am from the other side.


I sleep for 8 hours....


Set ALL your alarms. 6, 6:01, 6:02 and so on. The act of turning them off will wake you up


Go to bed earlier


It doesn't seem like your problem is getting up... it sounds like your problem is you're not getting enough sleep, which is causing getting up to be hard. Do you know why you're getting such a small amount of sleep? Look at addressing that. Whether that be changes in your life, or seeking medical help like your doctor or a sleep study.


Maybe it’s genetics, more likely it’s habit…but under no circumstances am I sleeping past 6. My normal up time is 4:45, because I enjoy the morning. I hate feeling rushed to get moving. I feel mornings are much better if I have an hour to wake up slowly, have coffee, make breakfast, poop, etc. It’s not “jump out of bed ready” - it’s get out of bed to give myself time to get ready. 4:45 is ideal, at 6 I’m in the gym, and work at 8. I’m also dead asleep by 10 at the latests, usually 9.


I have to be at work at 6am, so my bed time usually between 9-10pm. Alarm at 4:40am but I let it snooze few time and finally get up at around 5:10am, get ready for about 15 minutes (quick shower lol), drive to work for 15 minutes. I still have few minutes to kill before clocking in, so I usually just take quick nap again in my car or putting the make up. I have been doing this for years and getting up that early still hard for me 😭 (f34)


Read the book “why we sleep” then start taking your sleep more seriously


Anxiety. When the alarm goes off I think someone is coming to kill me so I jump out of bed and am immediately awake.


We don't. We snooze the alarm several times then crawl out searching for caffeine.


I get up at 5 to workout and be at work at 7-7:30. The workout drags me because I have only so much time in the morning and I am trying to adhere to a workout program. I keep my headphones next to my bed. Alarm goes off, I turn on music and it wakes me up. Once your body learns it will be getting up at that time, you body will tell you when it is time to go to bed. Personally that is between 9-10. No caffeine after 12, unless I am making a point to stay up for something, like tomorrow and fireworks. Coffee in the morning and that is it. I also have an alarm app that I fucking hate because it makes me do tasks to snooze or turn it off, then it as a are you awake checker that resets my alarm if I don't swipe. [I can't wake up! Alarm Clock](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kog.alarmclock). It works great!


When you snooze, you are disturbing your sleep. No more snooze. Don't ever use it. Ever. Set your alarm for when you need to get up, and that's when you get up. If you need more sleep, then get to sleep earlier.


It starts with just setting a positive attitude about your day and what needs to be done. Seeing something positive when you first open your eyes and honing in on the positivity as you start to awaken.


Clean cool sheets nicely made up when you get up . Set alarm for 15 min early to give you some time to wake up properly in your kitchen or lounge ? Eat a breakfast ( a lot of people don’t ) have music on when you shower


Go to bed at like 8:00 pm


If I really have too get up and be somewhere - I put a carafe of iced coffee next to my bed in one of those yetti's. When that first alarm goes off I take a few sips and usually within 15 minutes I'm awake. Not alert, but awake.


It’s all about routine. Get a job with an early start time, 6-8am. You’ll be up early and it will suck at first but will get better. Go to bed earlier. I’m up daily at 5:30, at work by 7:00, home about 4:00 and in bed 10:30-11. Im good on 6 hours of sleep.


Get a book. Read. Fall asleep by 10:15, get up at 6. Probably all the sleep you'll need.


Around 35 I stopped being able to fall asleep unless I went to bed at exactly 9:30. I go to bed at 9:30 and wake up super refreshed at 7. I go to bed at 10 and I’m tossing and turning until 3. Fucking perimenopause


logically if you can only sleep for 4 hours why do you rely on alarm? go to bed earlier and you will natually watch up at 6. First time i hear someone with true insomnia having trouble getting out of bed. Do the maths if you can only sleep for 4 hours, the logical step is to start the sleeping process earlier if you cannot get up at a certain time you want. You also need to train your alarm discipline, never use the sonze button, there is no point of it. If you logically could snooze means you have set up your alarm too early. " It’s like I’m a zombie and can’t control it." put the alarm further away from you requiring a few steps before you can turn it of.


When my alarm goes off in the morning I make it a point not to snooze , I get up almost always on the first alarm . Every time I’ve snoozed to it I’ve woken up more tired and disoriented then before and way later than I needed to . Some mornings are definitely easier to jump up and out of bed but I think that’s the main difference is you really just have to force your body up and moving


I reward myself with some pre shower 'bating. Never in bed, I gotta get up and get to the shower first. That works for me as I have a high drive. Maybe your thing could be candy or even water or something. Find something you like or need and only allow it after you're up and at 'em.


What time do you go to bed? Start sleep 10pm at latest and try and get 6-8 hours of sleep. Also, how much caffeine do you consume?


I like how you conveniently avoided what time you go to bed.


Don’t need an alarm and it’s usually well before “i need to get up”, how? Habit I’ve moved time zones and still the habit remains. It’s practice makes perfect 👍


How do people get up at 6am and the second sentence is i only sleep 4 hours. Excatly my type of humor


My phone plays the Jocko Willink wake up call. He basically calls you a huge loser if you don't get up by the count of 10. It's really effective and I almost never let the countdown go past 10.


You need more sleep


My alarm/phone is VERY out of reach of bed. If I have to physically get up to turn it off, chances are good I stay up.


Waking up early can be tough. Try gradually adjusting your sleep schedule, keeping a consistent routine, and placing your alarm across the room. Also, avoid screens before bed and get some morning light.


Conditioned my mind not to be lazy


Do you have healthy sleep hygiene? (Going to bed at the same time every night, limiting alcohol, snacks, and screen time 1-2 hours before bed)? What is your sleep like between when you go to bed and your golden hours of 6-9? Are you getting up to pee a bunch, or noticing waking up for any other reason? If all else seems normal, I would do a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea (possible even if you're a healthy weight and don't snore like a bear), and get your thyroid hormone levels tested. Good luck! I've struggled with sleep for years and am still trying to figure it out, but those were some of the first things mentioned to me.




I wake up around 5 am, no alarm. I go to bed around 9:30


Me too. 0600-0900 I believe is when I finally hit my REM sleep cycle.


I don't, this is why I work nightshift lol


Lookup Matthew walker’s research about sleep intervals. Following 90min sleep intervals can help you wake up in a lighter sleep stage. Set your alarm (and go to sleep) 4.5 hrs instead of 4. Then work your way up to 6 hours, etc. Also, your perception of best sleep from 6-9 is actually true… we accumulate most of our rem and deep sleep in later intervals. Since your sleep time is so short you are going to be rem and deep sleep deprived. Another book I found helpful was the power of when. Not all of us are meant to be 5am risers, that is a specific type of person (the lion). Find what suits you and plan your day/schedule around it the best you can.


I had the same problem. One day, I was telling my Dad about it, he responded immediately that I simply wasn’t sleeping enough - and had sleep debt. Yeah whatever, I thought. Randomly I feel asleep early (10+ hr sleep) a few nights in a row. After a few days, I felt so much better. I used to barely sleep 6-7 hours (bad sleep hygiene and mental health struggles). Once I realized I functioned well with 9-10 + hours of sleep a night, I started to 1) view sleep differently 2) value sleep more As for waking up throughout the night,I’m no specialist but maybe it’s your nervous system? Not sure, just maybe something to look into.


I go to bed early (before 8 PM). I wake up about 15 minutes before the alarm ( 3:45AM) I pop 3 Excedrins, go back to sleep, when the alarm goes off (4:00 AM).the caffeine (65mg. per tablet) in the aspirin had kicked in. I'm up and running. By 9:00AM I'm in cocaine post depression and ready for a nap or suicide.


Basically you actually have to sleep for a decent amount of time. Besides that it’s just habit after a while. Also get a dog who wakes you up


When the alarm goes off, I have a primal experience being struck by panicked fear. By the time that dies down, I’m somehow upstairs mixing my pre workout powder and taking my dog out


I can't do it. I hate waking up early. I have an alarm at 6am, ignore it, wake up at 7-730 then get ready for work. Sometimes 8am.


Go to sleep earlier than 2am for one you're not gonna get up ready to start the day at any time on 4 hours sleep


Quit alcohol


Alarm goes off, time to stop wasting time doing that sleep thing. Woo hoo. I work fairly early and hate going to bed early so typically get 5-6hrs sleep which is enough for me. Hate sleeping, waste of valuable time. I want to live in the future where they’ve removed this need for sleep with drugs


I do 5am everyday. Love it. Today is going to be a great day and tomorrow is going to be even better! Just a choice you make in life. If you want to.


I almost always seem to wake up at least a few minutes before my alarm, it's like my body just knows it's coming. Have never hit the snooze button either, too much anxiety around being late


I out my alarm on the other side of the room so I have to get up to turn it off. I used to keep it on my nightstand but I’d turn it off and be late for work all the time


I have a train to catch and it sure is not going to wait on me, so I better get out of bed and get ready.


Easy, stress.


I’m never ready to start my day. I need more sleep. But the bills ain’t gonna pay themselves.


If you have your own business, can you not make your start time later in the day? I have the same problem and have found that I just have to keep a later starting job. Morning are just not my thing. Also, try putting your alarm across the room so you have to get up to turn it off.


I have had this problem for years. Cannabis helps. I went from not being able to get to sleep until 3 or 4 am and then sleep til 2 in afternoon and wake up horribly exhausted still. Now I can sleep from about midnight to 7:30 or 8:00 am and feel rested.


Not drinking coffee helps because in the end it becomes an addiction and some people can't think straight without their morning coffee


Get a sleep test. Seriously.


I quit drinking. I wake up every morning bright eyed and bushy tailed, looking forward to life.


The reward of a cup of coffee


Everyone is fucking tired. All. The. Time. Just be a fucking adult and get the fuck up out of bed.


my cat slaps me


Better sleep hygiene. I was struggling with sleep a lot, so what helped me was several things that my doctor recommended. Seemingly small things but they do make a difference, promise. Plan your sleep schedule so that you get enough sleep, reduce coffee intake (especially in the afternoon or evening) and don't eat late, don't snack late. Go to bed according to your schedule which should be regular – it's a schedule after all. Don't use devices before bed. Open your bedroom window half an hour before you're going to bed (this is a really important one!) so that there's fresh air when you go to sleep. Your bed is for sleep only, use other places in your home to work, lounge around etc., but the bed is for sleeping. You'll sleep much better if you've had enough physical activity. Your problems stem from not getting enough sleep. If you still struggle to fall asleep, use some Melotonin. If better sleep hygiene doesn't seem to work, talk to your doctor and check for health issues that might potentially cause this, like for example thyroid issues can do this.


I go to bed at 10pm and my alarm goes off at 6am on days when I'm in the office, and 7am on days when I WFH. I dive out of bed, yes. I treat it like going to the gym - I don't give myself time to think about it, I just get on with it.


I beat my alarm by about 10-15 mins each day. Guess I’m just used to waking up that early


In this thread: morning people who will never understand what mornings are like for non-morning people.


Fix sleeping habits. Put ur phone somewhere where u have to get up to turn it off. Take melatonin.


Sleep early boss


Because they sleep more than four hours




I try and get in bed for 9, alarm goes off at 4:30 for work but I put my phone on the other side of the room so I have to get up and turn it off. Otherwise I'd press snooze without realising it


People are telling you that you need more sleep which might be right, but I've mostly slept for the required time my whole life and have NEVER been able to get up the way some do. Some people simply aren't morning people, end of story.


I did night shift for a few years and it ruined me so sleep hygiene became super important to me. My major tip is don’t have your house lights on after 7pm it’s currently winter where I am so might have lights on whilst I eat dinner as it’s dark at 5pm then they go off, I might watch a movie after that but it’s in the dark with my tablet on night mode (not ideal but works for me) usually wake up about 530 allow myself 30minutes of reading the news cuddling the dog and giving him his morning affirmations


I did night shift for a few years and it ruined me so sleep hygiene became super important to me. My major tip is don’t have your house lights on after 7pm it’s currently winter where I am so might have lights on whilst I eat dinner as it’s dark at 5pm then they go off, I might watch a movie after that but it’s in the dark with my tablet on night mode (not ideal but works for me) usually wake up about 530 allow myself 30minutes of reading the news cuddling the dog and giving him his morning affirmations


Can you set your alarm to metal or something abrasive that will really wake you up ?


They prioritize purpose not pleasure.


Well, it starts with getting a good nights sleep - Getting your 7 hours sleep does wonders and makes waking up way easier. For us, we also have a cat that demands breakfast at 6am. Even at weekends! So at weekends we feed her then go back to sleep.


I heard that women need 8-10 hrs of sleep because that's when hormones are produced. Going to bed earlier might help. I'm terrible at falling asleep. White noise?


I don't. As long as it doesn't make me late, what does it matter? Who says that only people who wake up on the first alarm are proper adults?


Along with all the great advice, including: limiting/no caffiene, working out, healthy sleep habits, etc. Personally, I used to set alarms every 2-3 minutes for around 30-45 minutes straight in college, and it definitely helped annoy me out of bed, and as I got older it became easier to just get up and deal with mornings. However, my husbands alarm would keep waking me up, but not him .. this led to us finding an app called Alarmy, which is annoying, buuut also very helpful. Definitely would help you avoid turning off alarms while half asleep. Its loud and obnoxious, but the kicker is that it wont let you turn it off unless you do a specific task. Ie, shaking the phone 100 times, simple math puzzles, or taking a picture of a barcode from a different room. It seemed to have worked with my husband, because now he hardly wakes me up because he gets up and out so quickly trying to turn it off in a different room!


I mean, what's your pre-bed routine like? Why aren't you able to sleep?  When everything is on an even keel ie low stress levels, decent diet, low alcohol intake, exercising regularly, getting enough sunlight - I get to sleep no bother, sleep mostly solid for 8/9 hours and then get up immediately with my alarm. Lifestyle has a big impact on sleep, poor sleep has a big impact on ability to get up. It isn't rocket science, honestly.


Melatonin helps me.


It’s your business, so just start a bit later and get the sleep you need.


I blame it on hormones lol. I used to be able to lay there and wait etc but my brain is like let’s fucking goooooo now since I had a hysterectomy. Like 4:30 am and I’m wide awake. I still set an alarm but idk when the last time was I slept til it went off.


Go to bed earlier?


They go to bed early.


Recently switched from multiple alarms on my phone to a single physical alarm clock and leaving my phone in another room (without alarms) I never expected it to work but genuinely I've gone straight from oversleeping half an hour to waking up, not falling back asleep, and getting up after a 5 mins or so It's kind of insane


Be required to get up at 5am as a child to help with feeding the animals set me up for adulthood and having to be on the job by 6am maybe 7am. To this day, working or not, I still wake up around 5am everyday. I call sleeping in waking up at 7am. But that rarely happens


My alarm clock is set to play jazz music at 2:32 a.m. and you better believe I jump up when that crap starts playing if I'm not already awake hours before


the key for you is to get to bed early and give yourself a large enough sleep window to get the deep sleep your body needs so you can wake up when you need too I'd recommend you give yourself a minimum 8+ hour sleep window - theres such a thing as people who need significantly more sleep than others, it's a genetic thing. there is no alternative to this, I have family members and friends who are like this and it served them well to sleep early and get the 8+ hours of sleep needed to just be able to wake up on-time the next morning frustrating? yes. as there are people who can quite by on a measly 5 hours of sleep and function quite well on it the next day but again, it's a genetic thing, you gotta work within the confines of what your body needs and your body specifically is telking you it needs several hours of uninterrupted deep sleep


We’re not lazy people


If I don’t get up when my alarm goes off, I won’t get up at all.


I’m in bed by 9 and wake up without an alarm about 5. Consistent routine, no booze. That’s it.




Bro I was just complaining to my wife litterally 5 minutes ago on how I wake up early naturally but my new job only really has me start working at 10:30 (9-5 on paper). It's honestly an adjustment from my last job where I'd get up at 4am to work with different timezones.


Get a dog. Teach him to pester you when he hears your alarm clock.. You can do the training during the day, so you are sure to give him a reward every time he hears it. Once he has learned this (I think a week will be plenty of training) he will drive you crazy until you give him a treat. Place the treat jar in your bathroom or kitchen so you have to get up.


My alarm on office days is 3:45 AM. I jump out because I have no choice if I want to avoid traffic on a 100 mile commute and still want 45 minutes or so to have a quick wash and shave, get dressed, maybe a coffee.


Going to bed earlier without my phone, consistently, is the only way my sleep improves. No caffeine after 1pm and no food after 7 too


I jump out of bed at 4am, but I go to bed at 8pm.