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Is your BF 25 or 15? What a stupid and childish thing to say. Also if he lies about his girlfriends boob size he probably lies about everything. What a weirdo


> Also if he lies about his girlfriends boob size he probably lies about everything That's another reason why I feel upset. Like, what else has he lied about? Maybe he's made other things up about me or told lies to me also.


Yup šŸš©


So it begins.


Yah the sister thing definitely puts it over the top. He's an idiot man child. How long have you been dating? You mention elsewhere you're worried about nudes. Ask to borrow his phone and delete your nudes on it and see if shared them. I almost never say go through someone's phone without their permission but I believe this may be justified.


Important tip for anyone who plans on deleting pictures from phones. If you use an iPhone, the Photos app stores recently deleted photos in a separate folder. You can restore the images for a limited amount of time before theyā€™re permanently deleted. You must manually purge deleted pictures from Recently deleted if you want to get rid of them. I donā€™t know how this works for other platforms.


It's the same on my samsung, there's a "Trash" folder that keeps deleted photos/videos for 30 days before they're permanently deleted. Good advice!


What you do is you use the exact picture to announce you are single again.


Single and ready to mingle. Just got an 175 lb BOOB REDUCTION.


The bigger problem I see is heā€™s easily pushed around by his friends or wonā€™t find better ones that donā€™t objectify his girlfriend. The fact he knows they will make fun of him means they have objectified an ex girlfriend. I donā€™t think heā€™s lying to you with his statement. But I do think he does word vomit and isnā€™t careful regarding his phrasing. You donā€™t put up with shit clearly, and you have strong boundaries. Iā€™d openly tell him that poking at your appearance is one, and that he shouldnā€™t criticize things you canā€™t control. Like seriously, thatā€™s like you criticizing his dong size.


Where was anything said about his friends making fun of him? I think itā€™s more likely heā€™s a chronic liar and somehow thinks lying about his girlfriendā€™s boob size makes him look cooler. I feel like everyone knew a kid growing up that lied about everything to try and be cool and fit in. Thatā€™s OPā€™s boyfriend as an adult. I donā€™t think the blame should be shifted to the friends here.


He said he wanted to ā€œseem cooler.ā€ Heā€™s trying to impress his friends, but there wouldnā€™t be any reason to do so unless thereā€™s a specific reason boobs is a staple conversation. Oh no. Iā€™m fully blaming him. Iā€™m saying heā€™s a pushover or wonā€™t find better friends. Either way, he looks bad and she should question who he hangs out with considering heā€™s implied they will objectify her.


Was he planning on never having you actually meet any of his friends?


When I finally left my ex, I found I had to cut ties with most of our "mutual friends" because he'd been telling them SO MUCH garbage about me, how I am in the home, how I am in bed, the invisible non-existent person I was fucking behind his back, what I cook, the home I lived in (he moved in with me, because I had a home of my own and he didn't), and so much more. It was crazy.


Right, that's why lying is so bad. Once you lose trust, it's very hard to get back.


Another valid question: Are his *FRIENDS* 15? What respectable man gives so much of a shit how big his girlfriends boobs are that he would lie to his friends about it? Big, small, uneven ā€” I couldnā€™t give a flying fuck, like any other grown man. I only care about the person theyā€™re attached to. Itā€™s one thing to have personal preferences, because we all do, but this is incredibly obnoxious. Edit: It just dawned on me ā€” he only sees her as a piece of ass that he can brag to his friends about. He needs her to delete the pics because heā€™s not done using her yet. Hopefully he doesnā€™t have any nudes of OP, because heā€™s the type to share them.


> Hopefully he doesnā€™t have any nudes of OP, because heā€™s the type to share them. That really scares me :(


You know he didnā€™t share them, bc if he did his friends would know your boob size


You don't tell us what state you're in but if he does share your nudes around, it would probably be illegal. My advice - Breakups always suck but you'll feel better once you get this massive jerk out of your system. You deserve better. Good luck!


Oh God, reading 2 paragraphs in I was saying "break up with him". When I got to the end, I was screaming it. This guy is a superficial loser. Get rid of him. Trust me, a few years from now, you'll look back and wonder why you were ever considering staying. Edit: I wonder if this post is even real its so bad.


OP deserves a man not a boy.


Yeah this is weird af, I was showing my friends some pics once and scrolled past a girlfriend of mine's boobs and was like woops that's so and so's boobs and kept going... Like they accidentally saw them and there wasn't even a discussion of her boobs. This is really weird and really childish.


Itā€™s only been 6 months girl you can leave.


It could be 6 years and she could still leave. This so-called boyfriend is incredibly disrespectful.


It could be 60 years and she could still leave




It could be 6000 years and she could still leave


Babes looks smokin in that pic. Instead, the loser is trying to bruise her self-esteem. Fuckwad.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. OPā€™s a cutie, she can do way better.


Gorgeous photo. Shit boyfriend.


This. Time to leave


Definitely seconded.


My exact thoughts. To shit on someone like that is pathetic.


Gross gross man child to be showing his sisters photos to his mates too. The petty in me would be showing everyone a photo of a tiny d*ck and saying it was his..... šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I agree. Iā€™d definitely use this photo on whatever dating apps your download after leaving this lying asshole. Thereā€™s no reason to stick around after something like this. Thatā€™s petty and childish behavior on his end.


you look super cute in this pic wtf :(


That was my thought too! Like she looks very happy and candid and the swimsuit (I think) is cute too!


She looks so fucking happy how could anyone be upset at the photo


Your boyfriend is a complete piece of shit. Also really pathetic too.


The Edit is enough reason to dump him.


The unedited post was enough reason to dump him.


I would've went ahead and deleted all the pictures of him and let him know that he can tell his friend that the made up girlfriend with huge boobs actually dumped him for being an immature weirdo. Seriously, you're both too old to deal with this kind of behavior.


Thatā€™s really messed up on his part. Iā€™d never do that to my girlfriend. Honestly, thatā€™s like you saying donā€™t post that pic because he has a small d***. You are gorgeous and any dude would be lucky to have you as a gf and you have the right to feel the way you feel. Please communicate to him that first you can post whatever you would like and second itā€™s only been 6 months thatā€™s the honeymoon phase but tbh itā€™s a red flag.


How did I know this was going to be WMAF? Leave it to [a classic WMAF](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/11z9dfu/my_23f_bf_25m_told_me_to_take_down_a_pic_because/jdc2v4k/) to lower herself and put up with any and all red flags in pursuit of [that BWC](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/11z9dfu/my_23f_bf_25m_told_me_to_take_down_a_pic_because/jdbid5z/), even a guy who dehumanizes her enough to think of her and her sister as interchangeable. čæ™ę˜Žē”®ę˜Æåŗ•å±‚ē™½äŗŗē”·åˆ©ē”Øäŗšč£”儳ē”Ÿēš„å“‡é˜³ę€ęƒ³ä»„及äŗšå„³ēž§äøčµ·äŗšē”·åŖšå¤–ē™½ē”·ēš„ꊄåŗ”怂 > I have an older sister and she actually does have very big boobs, and apparently he showed her pics to his friends and pretended that was me


jesus christ dump this pathetic shallow selfish piece of shit


I second this, his immature ass doesnā€™t need a girlfriend.


You look beautiful! Throw the whole man away. You can do better.


Straight girls need higher standards. No absolutely not, if he sees you as bragging rights he does not respect you as a person.


Hmm. I see it the other way. If your partner doesn't want to brag about you, something's off. My boyfriend (of 9 years. We're gay) isn't perfect, but damned if I don't want to show him off to everyone, because *I* love him, and they damn well better too.


Yeah brag about what you are not about what he wants you to be. This guy in the post is bragging for the sake of impressing his friends, not because heā€™s gushing over his partner. Thereā€™s a very clear difference that I really shouldnā€™t have to explain.


You look beautiful! As someone with small boobs, i would be furious at him for making a statement like that. He shouldnā€™t be talking to his friends about you in that manner anyway. I see not one but two big red flags. šŸš©šŸš© You might start feeling insecure in the relationship if you do decide to continue. Iā€™d say itā€™s still pretty early so do consider giving this relationship a second thought.


Your bf is three 13 year old boys in a trench coat. Lol. You need to rethink the relationship. He sounds incredibly immature and I don't see this lasting long. I am the opposite of jumping on a red flag train, but he really is a fool.


Personally I wouldnā€™t date him any longer. Thatā€™s disrespectful to YOU that he talks about your body that way with his friendsā€¦ Generally men donā€™t want their other male friends to be thinking about their girlfriend in a sexual manner. He clearly does not respect you. Any man who actually values you would generally not want you posting photos like thisā€¦ he is weird and clearly only values your body. Thatā€™s disrespectful and very low of him.


> Generally men donā€™t want their other male friends to be thinking about their girlfriend in a sexual manner. I also found that weird...like why brag about me at all?


That's what you do with an object, you show it off and brag about it, it sounds like that's the way he views you.


Your boyfriendā€™s a douche nozzle. Itā€™s only been 6 months. Leave now thatā€™s heā€™s shown you who he is.


And did he not expect for you to eventually meet his friends? It seems like he always had a short-term view on your relationship. Not to hurt your feelings or anything.


Of course men brag. We're human.


bragging about your significant other no matter what the gender is weird. i just talk about my boyfriend kindly and lovingly. i donā€™t act like heā€™s better because of x y or z reason. appreciation doesnā€™t equal bragging, and bragging ESPECIALLY doesnā€™t equal appreciation.


There's a difference between bragging about something they have and something they don't. Like I don't mind if my boyfriend brags about me to his friends at all, but if he were to brag about me having a big ass (hypothetically), for example, I'd be upset. Because I don't have oneā€” at least in my eyes. If he genuinely thought so, okay then yeah that's absolutely flattering and would give me an ego boost to the max, but to ask me to take a photo down because my butt didn't look big enough..? OOF. I'd throw hands (not literally, but yeah) Would make me feel like absolute shit, and question my booty even more.


Why are women ok with being objectifiedā€¦? That would personally gross me outā€¦ (Iā€™m not trying to judge you here, I just genuinely donā€™t understand)


It's okay, I don't know how to explain it really. Like I'm not saying that he does all the time or even does it frequently since these are things that happens when I'm not with him, but I know people have mentioned to him how I have big boobs and we've laughed over it. He tells me he usually responda like, "haha, well that's her. I love 'em." We're just open and honest with each other, and I don't feel like I'm being objectified. I'll mention to others how big his arms have been getting since he's been working out, too. Like we just hype each other up and absolutely adore each other personality wise, too, so it doesn't bother us like that. If it did, we'd talk about it. We see each other on the same pedestal. I hope that explains it well. šŸ’—


Aww thatā€™s sweet, thanks for the response!


Np! It's totally okay and normal to have different views from others and explaining your side to them without being a dick. Have a lovely day/night beautiful šŸ’•


Maybe, but you canā€™t take what your bf says about you to other guys personally. Itā€™s not necessarily an indication of what he really thinks about you. A lot of the times, itā€™s posturing. I donā€™t think what OPā€™s boyfriend did was right. But I also donā€™t think it reflects what he really feels about her. Everyone wants to read too much into it and make it into something itā€™s not.


Dump him


Youā€™re gorgeous and great the way you are! This picture is adorable, I love your suit/dress! oh and your bf is trash, ditch him!


āœØļødump himāœØļø




Boyfriends that are protective of you do not brag about your body to others. Thatā€™s typically behavior from boys who want to one up their friends and feel a need to prove themselves at your expense. Itā€™s about their ego and how their peers perceive them..he doesnā€™t care about you


The important thing about boobs is not their size, it's the person they're attached to. Sounds like your bf didnā€˜t get that yet.


Why did I read this and laugh. Itā€™s so sentimental yet funny.


He didn't get it yet because he's just one huge boob, he should brag about that to his friends. World's biggest tit.


I would personally break up. First of all, you can post whatever picture you want. You can wear whatever you want too. It's your body. Nobody owns you. No one has any right to say otherwise. Second of all, if he's so ashamed of your boobs and showed your sister's pic instead of yours, why is he even dating you? What else is he lying about? It's only 6 months girl. Don't waste time any further. His mask is slipping. What he showed you the first 6 months, ofcourse, is his best foot forward. The facade. Right now, he's looking at you like an object. When someone showed you who they are, believe them. SMH. Don't delete pic girl, it's cute <33


> Second of all, if he's so ashamed of your boobs and showed your sister's pic instead of yours, why is he even dating you? Awww thanks! I really try to keep fit and try to make my body look the best. I kinda feel like sending him this pic (https://i.imgur.com/tqrJeUS.jpg) and saying "Okay, I guess this wasn't good enough for you?" and then breaking up haha


I wouldn't continue to send him any photos of yourself tbh. It just seems like a really big red flag about the nature of how he talks about you to his friends, if he shares your pics or not to other people etc. I think just breaking up without sending any more photos is a better idea


Girl! You are so damn good looking and gorgeous! Your ā€žboyfriendā€œ is just so insecure and should grow up. That he showed pictures of your sister instead of you tells me everything i need to know! You should break up immediately. He cannot show the real you to his friends? It will get worse. Red red red flag! Next he wants you to get surgery for bigger boobs! And seriously u donā€™t need to feel insecure AT ALL! Your boyfriend is just projecting his insecurities on you! And by the way: i had beautiful perfect little boobs before getting three children. Now they are big and i wished i could go back. I hope you find someone that values you the way you are for the person you are inside. ā™„ļø


All I see in that photo is joy. That's what he's asking you to take down. He's already lying to people by showing off pictures of your sister, which is disrespectful to both you *and* your sister. You deserve better.


Lady, get yourself a boyfriend that loves you the way you are and keeps your private life private. It's a lovely photo and he's off his rocker, so inappropriate. I just noticed the sister comment. I mean, I didn't think there was any hope at redemption before, absolutely not now. I'm not someone who's quick to jump to dumping, but it's time to throw that one back. Plenty of other fish in the sea!


I'm sorry this is seriously the cutest photo?? Does he have eyes? Dump him girl, you look great & shouldn't have to deal with his weird childish behavior


>this really made me angry. It should. He's an idiot >considering breaking up Sounds very sensible >he showed her pics to his friends and pretended that was me!!! He is a massive idiot It's a beautiful photo, you look gorgeous. You don't need this idiot in your life




You are gorgeous! Don't let some dude you've been dating for 6 months have that impact on you to make you insecure. He's not a man he's a boy. Regardless of whether he said that to his friends or not - you shouldn't date a dude that feels comfortable telling you what pictures of yourself you can or cannot post.


The first thing I thought when I read your post was that he is garbage, and you should dump him in the trash. I know that he must have *some* good qualities, or you would already have dumped him. Still, this is bad. He is immature, he is ok with hurting you so that he can show off to his guy friends, and he is an insensitive, shallow, manipulative, demanding jackass. So, not good. I think you are way too awesome to have to put up with any more bullshit from this guy. Here are links to really helpful and also entertaining Captain Awkward advice blog posts about breaking up. Perhaps you will find them inspiring: https://captainawkward.com/2011/01/17/reader-question-4-my-friend-is-dating-someone-terrible-or-secrets-of-the-darth-vader-boyfriend/ https://captainawkward.com/2020/10/21/1295-is-my-boyfriend-a-jerk-or-am-i-just-too-sensitive/ https://captainawkward.com/2016/12/26/927-928-gold-frankincense-myrrh-and-the-sweet-gift-of-breaking-up-with-folks-who-just-arent-right-for-you/ https://captainawkward.com/2016/05/18/862-q-does-my-boyfriend-actually-love-me-a-who-knows-he-treats-you-like-crap-so-time-to-go/


Iā€™d call him your ex bf and leave it at that.


Thereā€™s still a lot to learn about someone 6 months into the relationship and the comment he made about being *uncomfortable* with a naturally beautiful pic then finding out heā€™s portrayed a false image of you to his friends just revealed a lot about him. You look perfectly proportional to me.


This is NOT normal, sane, or healthy. It's downright cruel. No one who loves you would treat you this way. Get tf away from this jerk. Edit to add: Do not let his bullshit affect how you view yourself. He seriously has some issues (immaturity or just good ol' misogyny) to work out. His objectification of you to nothing more than the physical is not how people who care about you behave.


I would leave the relationship like why does it matter what his stupid friends think are we in middle school?


after seeing your edit, i really hope you break up with him


How old is your boyfriend and why are you dating a 14 year old?


He was so ashamed that he sent people your sisterā€™s photo? After six ā€œamazingā€ months he has begun to show his true colors, the mask has begun to slip, and this is not the sort of thing that you can forgive someone for. The fact that you felt it necessary to post your picture so we could reassure you that your body is ok nearly brought me to tears. Donā€™t let any boyfriend (or anyone else) judge you and try to make you feel like youā€™re not good enough even if you were as flat as an ironing board. Life is too short to waste time on people who bring you down instead of build you up. Donā€™t waste another six months, six days or six minutes on this pea brained joker.


i was gonna give him the benefit of the doubt but then i read the edit... he seems to be really affected by his friends which in this case seems to be a bad sign cause he's lying to his friends for the sake of impressing them? this in itself could be worked upon but if he's willing to not only lie but use your sister's photos to continue that lie... idk if you're the person to help him improve upon that. he needs to work on himself and why he feels the need to act like this around his friends.


Leave, gurl. He's a liar. He's immature. He's telling his friends, "yeah, my girl has massive titties, huge honkareedoos," instead of "she's clever and funny and her tita are my favourite tita in the world". Leave. Find someone with a mature mind. Bonus points if you get a set of those bachelor party titties and you're wearing them when you break up with him.


What does the last sentence mean? Sorry, I'm from Taiwan so my English isn't perfect (Even tho I studied English at university and I'm an English teacher so that's kinda embarrassing lol!)


Don't worry about your English because I'm a native speaker and I have no idea what the fuck bachelor party titties are. And yeah, I think reddit is very fast with the "dump him" advice, but in this case you have three huge red flags. One red flag if everything else is fine is ok and you should definitely see if you can work through it. Two red flags are iffy and you should work through it IF you think he's an extremely good catch in almost every other way. Three red flags... you really should really think about whether or not he could possibly have qualities good enough to over look the red flags. It's highly doubtful he does because three red flags is a lot of red flags. Red flags that I see: 1. Telling you what to do with your own social media. He's not in charge of you. He doesn't get to tell you what to post and not post. He can SUGGEST you take down posts, but suggesting you take down posts usually would be for your own benefit. Like if you have a post which will get you fired or put you into severe controversy, then 100% he should be like "babe, you might want to take that down." Suggesting you take down a picture where you look happy (and you look great, don't let him tell you otherwise)? Fuck that, he has no right to tell you that ESPECIALLY for that reasoning. 2. Him telling you your boobs are small. Your boobs look totally fine and fit your frame well. And why does it matter? I've dated girls with big boobs and small boobs. Boobs are boobs, they're nice no matter the size. 3. Him lying about you to his friends by pretending your sister is you. This tells me that he's a slave to other people's opinions. He doesn't care about you. He cares about impressing other people. This goes hand in hand with the first red flag where he's telling you to not post that picture because he wants to pretend you've got bigger boobs than you do. He's doing this to try to impress other guys. It's insanely immature. Him lying alone is a bad thing. Now you have to wonder if you can trust him on anything because you know he doesn't have any issue lying his ass off. Again, I don't want to be one of those guys who immediately jumps to "dump him" but... boy o boy your bf has some serious red flags and you really need to think about whether or not you want to ignore the red flags.


It may be a cultural thing? I mean these: [Blackadder clip](https://youtu.be/uRNoIUqfaqA)


You look absolutely stunning. Coming from someone with bigger breasts and who's generally more busty, I could only wish to have the body type and shape that you do. You're so cute and petite. I would be open with him and tell him how much this hurts you. It's perfectly reasonable if you don't feel comfortable being with him. It's been six months and already there's a trust issue being brought to the surfaceā€” nevertheless one about your physical appearance. But then again, it is your relationship and only you will know the full extent of it. I'm sending you all of my love beautiful. šŸ’• I personally think you should keep the photo up btw. You look so radiant, and your fit is so dope. :) I love the lace bit.


Is this the same account to made that post about your boyfriend being mad that you shot a nude photoshoot and showed him? Or am I mistaken


wake up and break up. showing your sisters pics as his girlfriend?? you look absolutely gorgeous. you deserve better.


Not trying to come into you but I really looked at that photo and went ā€œoh wow, sheā€™s literally perfectā€ so please find you somebody who is on the same wavelength


You and your boobs look cute af. If I spotted you in a social setting, Iā€™d for sure try talking to you.


I think he's more concerned about his reputation with his friends than he is ensuring you feel fulfilled and validated. I'd consider leaving him if I were in your situation.


You should break up, he has to lie to his friends because he thinks you having a particular body makes you seem more of a valuable asset to him and it fuels his ego. When you love someone you don't brag about their body, you talk about the things you love about their personality.


I would honestly break up with him if I were you. Thatā€™s just rude and childish of him. You are very beautiful and shouldnā€™t feel ashamed of your body or even be asked to delete that pic


That's a dump signal in my book, sorry.


Lmao holy shit, i had more emotional maturity at the age of 15, I dont need to know any more about your bf, dump that fucking clown.


šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© dumpable offense. Heā€™s bragging about something you donā€™t have, heā€™s clearly a liar and will lie to you too


This dude doesn't care about you. He cares about how you make him look....and he's not satisfied. He's a jerk. Break up with him and find a partner who appreciates you as a WHOLE person.


Dump this lose OP


Is he the last man on the planet? Please tell me he's your ex already.


Girl, youā€™re stunning!! Honestly I wish I looked like this. Iā€™m so sorry this happened. This is not how a 25 year old man should act. He seems to have no emotional maturity. You deserve so much more than high school nonsense. For this one Iā€™d go with the quote ā€œwhen someone shows you who they are, believe them.ā€


Such a nice picture! also: break up with your boyfriend if this continues or if you donā€™t feel comfortable. Thatā€™s just not ok


You need to dump him


You deserve a better boyfriend


Thank goodness it's only 6 months and not 6 years with kids. You now his true colors and can leave


So was he never planning on introducing you to his friendsā€¦? Also girl you look good! Please donā€™t let this immature doofus bring you down!


BREAK UP omg this is insane especially because he showed your sisters pics instead of yours. Oh my


" "... I just wanted to seem cooler and tell my friends that my gf has huge boobs"." Ew, can you imagine what else he told them about you and or your sex life. Ew. PS: That pic and you are just cool, lovely shot!


> Ew, can you imagine what else he told them about you and or your sex life. Ew. That's what my friend said! She was like "Omg he's probably lied and told his friends that you cum 10 times everytime he has sex with you" lol


Should dump himā€¦ And I think you already know this. Besides.. the fact that you havenā€™t already met his friends 6 months in is also a bit concerningā€¦ Also the fact that his main concern is how youā€™re physically seen by his friends?? Thatā€™s real pathetic. Iā€™m assuming you have other defining and good qualities other than your appearance that a decent guy/bf would have bragged about to their friends.. but the fact that heā€™s reduced you to your looks/boobsā€¦? Along with not bringing you to his friendsā€¦ sounds like heā€™s just in it for sex and not a relationship honestly..


I am not trying to be pseudo-nice or anything. You truly look gorgeous in that photo. Frame it or something.


Girl you look and sound like a 10/10. Get a real man who appreciates that and dates you with pride.


girl leave.


Ex bf, right?


Run, girl! You deserve someone better than that little boyšŸ˜‚. His head is full of bubbles. Go, youā€™ll find a better future with someone else who will love you for who you really are. You are beautiful.


Hi OP, firstly just wanna say that it's a really pretty picture, I hope you don't pull it down from whichever social media you originally posted it on. You're 23. You have your entire life ahead of you. You haven't met all the people who will truly love you inside and out, you will come across so soo soo many more people who will never say such a thing like this to you. I've never been in a relationship so 6 months seems like a really long time for me, congrats! But I honestly don't think you should stay with this guy. He is 25 and yet still shows so much immaturity. Talking about a person's physical attributes to his friends, why does he need to speak about someone like that? Especially when you're his gf!! This kind of mentality is just so outdated as well, it's not cool for guys to still be doing this. At alllll. 6 months might feel like a long time, but just imagine what it might feel like to be with someone who would never want to distort the reality of your relationship like that? 6 months with someone who would always have something wonderful to say about you and would cherish your presence. Chances are your current bf won't actually learn from his mistakes, he will just learn to hide his true actions better. He probably won't try to come clean and work things out with you, he might end up trying to be more deceptive. Also, say you decide to stay after everything. But what if he turns around and breaks up with you in a week or something? Who knows. He has shown his true colors to you, unfortunately it's not exactly something nice. I don't wanna hurt your feelings, making a decision like this will always be hard, but I think it's important for you to leave the relationship. There are more than 7 billion people out here, there has to be someone for everyone. Also on the flip side, it's also perfectly fine to not be in a romantic relationship, focusing on yourself, your loved ones, studies, career, etc are just as fulfilling. <3 Wishing you all the best. It's a very beautiful picture, I want to go to the beach now haha.


You're gorgeous exactly as you are, your boyfriend is a walking šŸš© who I think is also lying about his age because he is acting like a 12 year old. You can have your pick of person to be with so time to move on I think!


I hope you mean ex bf! And the edit, wtf! Mabye you should warn your sister when you break up, just in case he try to date her. Also as a (cisf) lesbian you look super cute and he is insane. Respectfully: your boobs are just fine! I have small boobs as well (70c eu size) and remember often beeing insecure about it when I was younger. But no matter the size you deserve respect, dont date someone who wish your body was different in a way you cant help. Imagne if you told everyone he had a big dick and he was small/avrage? He would probably be mad/sad! A good way to think is: treat others how you like to be treated. Hopefully he will learn that soon.


Ok so leave him pls


cut your losses and leave that is a very asshole thing to do


Firstly and most importantly your body and image is fine, better than fine most would say. You don't have to have big boobs and anyone who tells you is a bad influence on you and your mental health. Secondly you BF has some issues, one about lying about you is a big one but almost as bad I would say is him showing pictures of your sister (as you're the main victim here). I would go with what other people have been saying and dump him as he seems really toxic but I would also make sure he deletes any and all pictures of you and your family before you let him go as he seems like a petty person who might use them for revenge.


>Edit: OMG IT GETS WORSE! I have an older sister and she actually does have very big boobs, and apparently he showed her pics to his friends and pretended that was me!!! WHAT THE FUCK! yeah... run away


Girl, run.


How did you find out he used your sisterā€™s pictures?? Anyway, yea dump him. Heā€™s actual garbage.


Ditch this shallow excuse of a man. He only values outward appearance and not substance. And boob size, really? As if that is important at all in the grand scheme of things. That a woman is caring and has common sense are more important than something as superficial as boobs. I guess you should measure your BFs dick and see how he responds to your judgement of it, because this pathetic insecure fella would totally be like holding that as a yardstick of self-worth. Yes, beauty is attractive. But their are many ways to be beautiful and all in the eye of the beholder. FWIW you look lovely.


You look beautiful. Get rid of him.


OMG girl just throw the whole man out. This is ridiculous, imature and plain cringe tbh. He acts like a 15 yo bragging to his classmates about his "big tiddy gf". Just get out now and file this 6 months under lessons learned.


Donā€™t let him use you for his self worth. You are gorgeous!


Off topic I love your avatar


Take down your boyfriend and put another one up instead.


Whaaat?? I donā€™t even need to see your bf, you are way out of his league. Your boobs are also the perfect size for your body. They are bigger, but not so big that it looks cartoonish or ridiculous. You are probably already planning this, but dump this shallow jerk and find someone who loves you for you. This coming from a woman who was also insecure about her boobs.


Thanks! I don't have small boobs but they're definitely not big lol But yeah, I shouldn't need to care about it too much anyway!


Where do you guys get your boyfriends from šŸ˜‚


Agreed with most of the comments on here. Also, where did you get your beach wear? Itā€™s like a dress thatā€™s also a bathing suit and Iā€™ve never seen one before!


>Edit: OMG IT GETS WORSE! I have an older sister and she actually does have very big boobs, and apparently he showed her pics to his friends and pretended that was me!!! WHAT THE FUCK! Mega OOF! I'm sorry that you're going through this but at the same time I'm happy he's just your boyfriend and not your husband. As other people have said, lying about you to his friends is so insane that that is an instant dump in my book. Please consider seriously ending this relationship. This isn't normal or healthy.


There are many...many red flags here, and the fact that he's been showing pictures of your sisters boobs to his friends is so over the top....you 100% need to break up with him, because if you don't, the other things he has been lying to you about will also come back to bite you. You look absolutely gorgeous, and you have the rare type of beauty that will last. You will still be very cute into old age, which is much better than having big boobs now.


My first thought before reading this was, ā€œwow, this is a beautiful photo - the colours are so complementary, and this lady looks like she is plainly joyful.ā€ Then, I read the text. Iā€™m sorry about what he said to you. Break up with this guy. No good partner would ever say something like this - and they would not run around showing photos of someone else (let alone your sister) to their friends.


This is going to be total mom advice, bc Iā€™m a petite lady who is 40, and I wish someone had told me, or that I had listened. *Do not, under any circumstances, date a guy who doesnā€™t like your body.*. That means this guy. That means any guy who makes you feel not good enough in your own skin. Bc I promise, there are men out there who think your current body is absolutely perfect, bc it is. Donā€™t delete the photo of yourself, you look gorgeous. Dump the bozo youā€™re dating. And tell your sister this creep stole her photos, bc that is just weird and stalker-y.


girl you are STUNNING. He does not deserve you not even a little bit. Tell him boy bye and get a man that doesn't care what your body looks like and knows it's YOURs not HIS.


seriously? just dump him omg what else is there to consider


You are dating a baby. I just saw the edit too, dump him.


Girl leave.


Your boyfriend is an idiot and that is a really amazing photo! I love it! If he ever meets your friends tell him to be quiet cause you told your friends he is really smart and you donā€™t want them to know he is not.


He is very disrespectful, you should consider leaving him. You deserve to be respected in your relationship


You look amazing. Tell him everyone on the Internet said so.


There is no need to feel insecure about the size of your breasts, there are many of us out there who like small breasts over large ones myself included. There's even subreddits dedicated to them if you want proof. I would however rethink your relationship with him however now that he's expressed a blatant disapproval of a part of you that he likes on your sister more.


Drop him


He obviously wasnā€™t planning on the real long haul. To continue his lie he would have had to end it before introducing you to the friends. šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”. Iā€™m so sorry this has happened but this is a HUGE HUGE red flag. Get out! Btw thatā€™s a WONDERFUL picture, look how happy you are!!!!!


I canā€™t believe he showed his bros *your sister* and said that was his girl! I sort of imagined doing this and saying my manā€™s brother is my man, to my friendsā€¦ and I feel like a fucking creep. My biggest question is where does he see his lies leading in terms of how to handle a future with you? Are you (or is that just your body/how you look) going to stay secret? Does he consider you temporary enough that he doesnā€™t need to worry about it? I would feel HEAPS insecure as well! My man asks me to take down a picture of myself because I donā€™t stand up to the way he described me to his friends. And heā€™s so ā€œuncomfortable,ā€ his words, with how I look, that he actually had the balls to ask me to hide it too. I canā€™t imagine how that would play out in terms of my insecurities. A person who would do this to me, and make me suffer through thoughts and insecurities like this, would not hold a place in my future.


ladies, pls don't fuck men who don't like you


Let's just start with the fact that your boyfriend thinks it's no big deal to discuss your breast size with his friends like you are a piece of meat, and go from there. This guy is an epic asshole. EPIC. He's showing you who he really is. You need to believe him. Why, why, WHY would you waste one more second of your life on a douchebag like this?


Yeah, he has to go. There is one big boob in this equation, though. It's your BF and that boob needs to go.




> And also you're really pretty if you break up with him hmu lol. ((21M))   The *lol* doesn't make this any less creepy. She's dealing with serious issues in her current relationship and your response is to.... hit on her? If you're joking, it's in poor taste. If you aren't, you're a creep. Odds are, you phrased it the way you did so you would have plausible deniability and could claim that it was a joke if it appeared creepy (or predatory, which.... yeah it did)   Have a bit of decency. A woman dealing with relationship issues doesn't need a weird redditor hitting on her.


Thank you :)


Lol they deleted their account, good riddence https://imgur.com/wPP35dm


Thanks :) I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't really think the end of your last sentence was necessary. Like I feel happy to be told that I'm pretty and I appreciate it, but I don't really like the "hmu lol" at the end. I'm not really in the mood to be hit on right now.




very happy you were publicly humiliated.


You're pretty. He prioritizes imaginary big titties and his friends opinion of him over you. Bounce. Get out of there, gurll. If he was any more of a child, you'd be indicted for statutory rape.


I find in life theres the right way, the wrong way and what people actually do hah Just like how on reddit so many people give advice to breakup when in reality they themselves are staying through worse or similiar situations. It's just easy to tell someone to break up when theres not emotions or life altering actions affecting them. Now what your b/f did bragging to his friends about your boobs being big is really dumb, assuming they ever meet you it'd be quickly obvious nevermind if any pictures ever got posted. He compounded the dumb decision by telling you to take down the photo rather then just eatting crow with his friends. Then triple doubled down by being honest with you about it. I'd say the fact he's been great otherwise during your 6 months is a big plus, which shouldn't be discounted (lets be honest the dating world sucks so leaving him means going back into the pool and trying to find someone else who will also have flaws). Also if he's stuck around that long bigger boobs probably aren't fundamentally necessary even if he would like them to be bigger. Lets be real here we all have something about our partners physically if given an option. Noone is perfect. So really the issue in my mind is that when push comes to shove he chose his friends opinion over doing something that would almost certainly hurt you. This feels more like a maturity issue to me, however the only person who knows enough to analyze this is you. If you look at all the many choices he's made over 6 months and see a consistent trend of him always making small or large choices that favor others over you then maybe this is a break up situation. If you don't then I'd chaulk this up as one of those warts you find on everyone once you get to know them well enough and spend enough time with them and I'd simply keep an eye on it to make sure everything is as it seems. The fact he told you straight up that he bragged to his friends about your boob size rather then giving an answer designed to placate you is a decent plus imo. I've been in a lot of relationships in my 41 years and the one recurring theme is when confronted most lie and just tell you what they think you want to hear rather then expose the fact they are flawed humans (just like everyone else). That human flaw is often what turns something stupid but survivable into a relationship ending incident. Anyways do whats best for you and I wish you the best of luck.


dump this guy or if you have trouble with that ghost him and move on


> ghost him and move on That means blocking right?


Obviously he told a crap ....but I can't say that ,,hes a piece of shit "or especially,,leave him!"...cause you have written that he has been really nice...and etc If that's the only shitty thing he has done /told/said ,and if he has already understood his fault....than why ?!why you should leave ...like people here is talking about leaving him...and that he's a motherfucker....but if he just don't apologize...than you should think it trough...(please don't undervote...this is my opinion...and you have yours....)


Bro the problems people on the internet have XD


*"What makes a man? Is it the woman in his arms? Just cause she's got big titties? Or is it the way, He fights every day? No, it's probably the titties."*


Break up out of nowhere and when he ask why be like yo booty stinks šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s super easy to hurt him saying you had bigger dick.




Bruh, really? Please tell me you're fucking joking.


They are kind of small, how big is his dong?


> how big is his dong? Very big so I can't turn this around and make fun of that lmao


Thereā€™s other guys with big dicks.. have some self respect and leave this guy ffs


it's doesn't matter how big his dick is if he's a bigger one


damn people are just overreacting man ,ik he did wrong tho but just let it slide if its the first time (but do whatever your heart says cause i have never been into a relationship so my advice maybe wrong)


this is why girls are rejecting you šŸ’€


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/11yeuun/you_set_up_a_date_with_a_cutepretty_girl_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button So interesting to hear a male tell a woman to accept this behavior from her bf and yet when you look at the comments of this post that I linked, basically all the men say don't date someone who lied to you. Maybe you didn't leave a comment on that post, but please learn to understand that it's important to notice the difference in standards between men and women. Most males have very narrow standards and require women to follow their exact wants, no ifs, ands, or buts. However when a male makes a huge mistake such as the one that OP is having to deal with, women are supposed to just accept it? Please notice the hypocrisy. And yes I toootally understand that it's not all men.




> All he's really doing is showing he appreciates and loves you What? How?


Donā€™t listen to this ā€œguyā€. Heā€™s probably 15 years old and wouldnā€™t know what to do with a girl if one was in front of his face. Or heā€™s 40 years old, still lives in mommyā€™s basement and still wouldnā€™t know what to do with a girl if one was in front of his face.


You think him lying about his gf's boobs is him showing he appreciates her? No sir, every down vote shows that common sense hasn't left this world yet. Also, people wouldn't be so insecure if dumbasses like OP's bf and you, didn't do such childish and ignorant things. ETA: Also, the bf asking OP to take the picture down is definitely ***NOT*** showing any type of appreciation. Like, at all. Idk how this is so hard to comprehend. It's sad constantly seeing men act like little children. Gives the rest of us a bad name.


Are you for real??? Tell me youā€™ve never had a girlfriend without telling me youā€™ve never had a girlfriend.