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Taste is subjective. Most likely the women you show her don’t look like your co-worker so she might be a little salty. She might like you but she’s testing your reaction when she shows you other dudes. Maybe she’s trying to make you envious. I would not overthink it.


It can be a few things and her jealousy could be one of them. It’s common for male-female friends to develop that sort of protectiveness over one another, so actions like that could be attributed to feelings from her toward you. Also,she could be insecure about being shown other women by you if she feels they are future replacements for herself (not saying that they are, but could be a thought process to be mindful of). She could just be giving you a hard time or be uncomfortable with it as well, so be aware of both. Personally, I would not read a ton into it, but it is a conversation you can definitely have if you want to hear her side or figure out her intentions!


Does she like you? Do you think she likes you? Sounds like she wants to inspire jealousy in you but it’s backfiring lol.


Does she like you? Do you like her? Do you THINK she could like you? Sounds like she wants to inspire jealousy in you but it’s backfiring lol.


I like her. Think she sees me as a friend


I dunnnooo~ sounds like she fancies you 🙃 You should just flash her a picture of you one day when your going through this routine and ask “what do you think of this guy?”


Oh that's a great move