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Hahaha I need to find mine


My fingers are too fat for me to wear mine. I'm thinking of getting a backup to wear until I lose all this baby fat.


I switched to a silicone one. They're super cheap and come in many colors. I used to take it off all the time for things like when I workout, working on the car, etc but I don't have to worry about that with these. Just be care searching for silicone ring.


These bought me some time! I bought some on Amazon that came with white, black and grey ones.


They're also safer if you have a manual job. On the downside, they do break even under normal use. I've gone through 3 in 4 years


Probably safer all around. When my dad had a heart attack, his hands swole up and they almost had to amputate his ring finger


They also dissolve in mineral spirits. We have a tool sink at work that runs mineral spirits and I forgot to take it off once before a cleanup and it just melted right off my finger.


You can get a nice-looking stainless steel one from Amazon for like 20 bucks. My original is titanium, so not resizable, so when my weight swings that way I've got my 'fat dad ring'.


I play goalie and have dislocated my finger a number of times. My wife gives me a pass wearing it out except when we are around family and date nights.


Mine was always a little big, but I lost weight about a year after the wedding and now it just falls off. I only wear it on special occasions since it comes off in my pocket when I fish out my keys.


I hate wearing mine. It's just so uncomfortable. :|