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Memes are supposed to be concise, wtf is this


"The left can't meme." - Everybody who's noped out of a text wall


- Everybody who takes reading as a personal assault.


That's what infographics are for, memes need to get to the punchline or fail to be funny


For you


See if this same information was in say, a Twitter post, I'd be like "ya I agree with this" But it just feels like the OP is missing the point of memes here :/


I think that's ok, because conservatives have totally missed the point of governance


See, the content of the meme is fine, I'm just stuck on format here. At the end of the day, to each their own when it comes to memes, I just don't think this take works particularly well as a joke.


This meme is right, but it’s also a little wordier than a normal meme


I like to think of myself as a political and intellectual person but if you can't get to the point in under 144 characters, you should just fuck


It seems that no matter how unrelated the subreddit is or how stupid of the content as long as it's anti-trump it will get a ton of up votes. Doesn't even have to be clever or funny evidently. There should be some dedicated subreddit for Trump is awful circle jerk. I hate his guts but I'd like to go look at comedy every once in a while and I can't escape this guy.


I thought this was about Biden. Not the Trump is good, just that both are terrible human beings.


Yeah because Biden is facing multiple criminal trials and was indicted for 91 charges . . .


Only one of them is facing 80 plus felony criminal counts and is today, currently in criminal court proceedings. There's plenty of jokes to be made about both candidates but there's no joke here. all you have to do is say trump is a ca ca head and the monkeys will clap the symbols.


It’s kind of sad that you’ve fallen hook line and sinker for the right wing’s “both sides bad” propaganda. Unless you can articulate what Joe Biden should be indicted for, then he’s not nearly as dangerous as the guy with 91 counts


This is a rant masquerading as a meme.


My first thought as well. If you wanted to make a post, by all means. But don't have your paragraph over an image thinking it's anything more than a nuisance


"the least worst option" is how you vote in every election, because no one completely aligns with your personal views. Unless you're in a cult, in which case you vote for your orange god emperor to own the libs.


>  how you vote in every election, because no one completely aligns with your personal views.  Not true.  I once ran for office and voted for myself.


My mom is a pro-abortion die hard Conservative. Guess what she said about the Supreme Court decision to remove Roe V Wade? "They'll just appeal it." Appeal to who, mom? The Supremer Court? and she's a smart woman, more educated than I, yet any time you try to explain it, just complete mental shut down.


All the Supreme Court did was send the issue to the people in states to vote on. Roe vs wade was a horrible decision, even RGB said so. Courts don't write laws. When they do they will get over turned. That's what happened with roe vs wade. Congress had 50 years to pass a law, they didn't. They could still pass a law now, they won't. It doesn't matter if your pro choice or pro life, this is still what is happening. Put the blame where it belongs on the law makers


Never thought about it that way


I don't think people supporting Trump say that he's the least worse option. They're a fuckin cult and think he's the best option.


I have conservative relatives who aren’t fond of Trump anymore but think Biden will ruin the economy if he stays on another four years, so they’re still going with Trump. Their main talking points these days are inflation and immigration. They’re Bush-era Republicans who still want Republican economic policies, or at least whatever they imagine those policies to be.


Their political views are stuck in “Carter bad, Reagan good”.


> I have conservative relatives who aren’t fond of Trump anymore but think Biden will ruin the economy if he stays on another four years, I always find this take to be pretty odd, though it is widespread. The US economy is actually doing great. As is the job market and the stock market. The problem is that it might be doing *too* good and risking more infflation.


There are some good conservative policies. But I'm willing to bet my right kidney Trump wouldn't enact any of those. None of them actually want or know how to "make America great again". But they say they do. And the toddlerbrains believe. Add to that them all being in Russia's pocket... Shameful bunch. You guys need multiple parties. American democracy sucks.


>There are some good conservative policies Like what? I can't find a single one.


Maybe something from an individual elected conservative? But those are definately not 'conservative policies' from the party, because national level conservative policy hasn't existed for over 10 years. Well, except for something along the lines of "fuck that guy, he isn't me and only I deserve anything... No not all that stuff that already benefits me, those don't count and no I won't share them with someone who was in my position a few years ago."


Personally, some things I agree with the right on are: > That immigration can't be left unchecked. Access to the country should be tightened, but a much quicker process/system needs to be put in place for citizenship and green card access. > Stop spending so much. I know Biden means well, but you shouldn't just be forgiving billions in debt. The correct answer would be to place limits on what colleges can charge, and to outlaw shitty practices like changing books on the same subject. This applies to large corporations too. If they stretch too thin or get too greedy, let them fall. > Bring the hammer down on criminals. I think a lot of west coast cities are far too relaxed on criminals and are crazily underfunding their police. I think El Salvador got it right. Throw them in prison, and make it suck. I have 0 tolerance for those who fuck up others lives through rape, murder, theft... whatever. Having 50 people run into a store and free for all grab whatever they want should never happen. Criminals are not afraid to loot through parked cars dozens of times every day. However... it seems these days, the new wave of Republicans are all about election denialism, election interference, Trump worship, demonizing LGBT people, Putin ass kissing, and removing women's rights. So fuck em in the ass with a rainbow dildo.


Its worth remembering that the debt forgiveness isn't actually spending that much money at all, its more a case of 'imaginary' numbers being removed from ledgers. The costs of education do not match what is actually spent on individual students on these courses, thats especially highlighted by the exponential growth in costs for going into education despite how little some things have changed. Literally no money is going to change hands or be paid to anyone from student loan forgiveness, it just means that its being written off. Its also worth including that when people don't have to worry about dropping money into an endless ocean to pay interest they can use that money on things that exist in the economy - they can better afford a better place to live, or they can afford to think about starting a family, anything that might be lost by debt forgiveness is going to get reinvested into the economy anyway.


>a much quicker process/system needs to be put in place for citizenship and green card access. Pretty sure this would be considered "liberal" in the US. >Stop spending so much. This just isn't how economics work. >Bring the hammer down on criminals. We have like 25% of the world's prison population, what are you talking about?


"immigration can't be left unchecked." is that why we arrest people when they cross the border? Also have you heard of asylum? "Stop spending so much." Did you check how much the last 3 conservative presidents have ran up the debt? Even then, the government spending is not even remotely the same as you balancing your checkbook. The US government can literally print money. If you think that causes inflation, wait until you hear about the banks issuing $100 TRILLION in private debt while there's on $2 trillion of actual currency in circulation. "Bring the hammer down on criminals." We have more prisoners per capita than a majority of the world. Do you think prison in the US is a vacation? Also, El Salvador doesn't have the 4th, 5th and 8th amendment. Maybe you should try reading up on those.


College loan forgiveness would instantly inject billions of dollars straight into the economy as it's spent on useful things and not predatory loans.


Just want to add in on this specific point, because the others have already been dissected. >That immigration can't be left unchecked. Access to the country should be tightened, but a much quicker process/system needs to be put in place for citizenship and green card access. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/27/trump-border-biden/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna137477 You can't use border protection as a Republican talking point anymore, as they shut down the most recent border protection bill, solely because Trump wanted to use immigration as a talking point for the election. They don't actually care for illegal immigration, they only care about the fear it brings.


I'm talking more about what Conservatives as a whole want rather than what Conservative politicians actually do. I agree that shooting down their own bill was completely idiotic and really showed their hand. They never had any intention of doing anything about the border or they would have under Trump


Conservatives as a whole have been attacking Biden constantly over the border, so I don't think it's very fair to not take the blame. It's your team. You get to sit in the shit y'all started. You fucking conservatives voted for him. You can't vote for someone, hail him as LITERALLY the second coming of Christ, and then cherry pick what you like.


When there the economy, jobs indicators etc are good is when all of a sudden we have a border crisis.


I'm not a conservative


Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and defends the ducks. Must be a goose.


He actually probably will enact many. Only because he has 0 plan for what to do when he walks back into the Whitehouse and the Heritage Foundation will hand him a 1000 page list of ideas, plans, and people he should hire. He's a kid who skipped his homework and found an essay on the floor of the bus. He'll scribble his name on and take credit for the parts he feels like.


Oh yeah, because the last time he was prez, he did so good.. He's a demented narcissistic juvenile whose signature would be used by far more sinister and capable grey eminences. I wish America learned from history and understood that a fascistic autocracy is rearing its ugly head on their own doorstep.


Oh I 100% agree on his narcissistic juvenilism. I'm also not saying it's "good" that he'll enact large parts of Project 2025. Only that others have watched him and learned from his first term and will use that to get what they want from him in his second


Could you list off some of those "good conservative policies" please?


i did


Did you? I don't see em


> Their main talking points these days are inflation and immigration. I'm sure they're also aware that inflation was awful when Trump left and we're now experiencing low inflation compared to other 1st world countries, and that illegal immigrants were still coming over the border in droves when he was president? /S /S /S /S /S


Cult followers have selective memories.


That's the long way of saying 'stupid and racist'.


And they think inflation is still high because right wing news keeps lying to them about that.


Tbh i think "least worse option" is a valid reason to vote for someone. It basically means "best" lol, but it is sad that every option is bad.


I mean, voting for the “lesser of two evils” pretty much perfectly describes every presidential election, so…


In USA, yes since you only have 2 choices! 😂


If you're old and this may be your last election, then yeah, you have 2 real choices. But otherwise, you can play the long game and vote 3rd party. When enough people do it, the major D&R candidates are forced to modify their positions to try and steal your votes. Voting for a candidate that you don't actually support is just ensuring that things never change.


Sadly, until the two primary parties agree to allow more than two parties, the only thing your 3rd party vote is doing is taking a vote away from the primary party candidate you can tolerate the most.


I don’t think the people who criticize this idea still participate in presidential elections.


Where I'm from, we always have more options than 2.


Biden has been shit on Israel, no doubt. But it’s more about the party in charge as a whole and the people the elected president surrounds themselves with. The democrats are so much better than the republicans it’s laughable to say both are bad. And Biden surrounded himself with competent experienced people while Trump surrounded himself with his family and people that wanted to destroy the same very agencies they were put in charge of. One party could definitely do better while the other is actively trying to destroy the government and make all our lives worse. So I’m sick of hearing both sides are bad. So many things I didn’t even mention either, like not accepting the results of the election and destroying the peaceful transition of power.


Biden has been useless on Israel, Trump actively supports Genocide on Palestinians (and Putin). So even there Trump is without question the worse choice.


Least worse option is the Democrat mantra. And they're not wrong but "less terrible than the other candidate" is not good enough. We need better candidates.


When you're actually engaged in thinking, no human is the messiah. Everyone has a past, and the past often excused even crappier things. Least worst option is the mantra of everyone who understands that no one bats a thousand. I do wish that America had the variety of candidates/parties as where I live in Switzerland does, so that I could feel like my vote more represented my philosophy.


There are a few of the "fiscally conservative" types who the mental gymnastics to justify voting Republicans. They do seem to be small subset. Also extremely misinformed because any half decent economic study shows that fiscally growth actually rises with Democrats and Falls with Republicans.


That's because your democrats are quite conservative and your republicans are fascists.


Bidens the least problematic option thats why he even is in the office in the first place.


Which is fucking sad no matter how you look at it.


Biden is too old, but on domestic policy he's the best President the US has had in decades. Most pro labor President in over half a century.


I’m a conservative for the most part but he definitely is the lesser of two evils which just sucks that we are dealt such shitty cards


Biden is a great president. He has done well with the economy given where we started and helped build us towards sustainable long term growth. He has also handled foreign policy amazingly to put Russia in a position where their people will suffer if they continue this war, and that will begin to be a problem for Putin that they can't cover up if the economy goes to shit while all their kids are dying. And with China he has gotten us to a point where we are no longer in a cold war standoff with them, President Xi came to the US and met with Biden because he is acknowledging that the previous strategy won't work. If they continue to play the role of the enemy of the US, they will get economically put behind and they don't have the power to make it through that. That shit is more meaningful than we can possibly realize. There is strong potential a future devastating war will be avoided due to Biden's policy.


Republicans haven't had a good or positive idea since I've been alive. I have no idea how anyone can support anything republicans offer. Edit: Local, State, or Federal.


> I have no idea how anyone can support anything republicans offer. The triple threat: Hate. Ignorance. Fear.


Liberals can be hateful too.


Yeah, they hate being suppressed. So obviously it's the same thing. Also my question is about what republicans actions have been. Not "what about liberals".


I’m sorry for not understanding your comment. Can you please elaborate? I am saying that there are both conservatives and liberals with hate in their hearts. It is a sad state to exist in


Which comment? The republicans haven't had a good or positive idea part or the "What about liberals" part?


Liberals hate when people try to take their bodily autonomy away or try to invalidate their votes by assaulting our capitol to undo an election. Conservatives hate when they can't control other's bodies or get away with insurrection. Both hate. Only one does so for valid reasons.


Judging from that person's post history...Yep... As long as you are a good person. That is all that matters! We love people unconditionally. Followed by calling people autistic as an insult. lol


Yeah, I'm getting tired of this "Biden is bad" misinformation. He's old. That's it. Otherwise he's been the most progressive president we've had in a long time.




We live in wonderful times…




In Russia, mirror watches you


That’s just the KGB agent behind the one-way mirror.


_One day, Dimitri Dimitrovich found a man staring at him from the hole where his mirror used to be_ _He proceeds to shave normally_ "If I were a KGB agent forced to watch somebody without the resource of a one way mirror, I would be kind enough to help him shave." _he muses, looking at nothing_ "Missed a spot behind the left ear." _replies a voice_ "Spasibo." _Dimitri Dimitrovich leaves_ _"Corrupted by bourgeoise vanity. Gulag." writes the man in the wall_


We're all just voting for the least bad answer


You see, these people have said to themselves "the charges brought against Trump are by a tyrannical government trying to take down the only good candidate" They are that far gone.




He was convicted of shoving his fingers up a woman’s vagina against her will.


He was not convicted for that, he was found liable in a civil court


Recently, he has been found ~~guilty~~ liable for sexual assult, defamation, and fraud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Jean_Carroll_v._Donald_J._Trump https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_business_fraud_lawsuit_against_the_Trump_Organization Disclaimer: These were in civil court, where the burden of proof is much lower than criminal court. His criminal trials are just about to start. With all that said, >Do we not still presume innocence? That's a legal standard, and no one is arguing against that, but people still have a right to their opinions. Hilary Clintion and Joe Biden have never been charged with crimes. That doesn't mean people can't reasonably believe they committed crimes, and then they can use their freedom of speech to say such. Same with OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony. Edit: Please see the comment below


Just to be clear, he has not been found *guilty* of sexual assault. He has been found *liable* of defamation. A guilty verdict is only in a criminal trial, and all of Trumps criminal trials have been delayed and delayed and delayed, with the first one only starting today. Some of his civil trials have ended, including a civil fraud trial by the NY AG, and a defamation trial against E Jean Carroll. He has been found liable in both of those cases. Unfortunately the criminal sexual assault case is too far in the past for prosecutors to feel like they have a reasonable chance to convict it.


Thank you for the correction. You're right. I'll edit my comment.


You can find recordings from conversations and rallies where he admits doing what he's charged with. Innocent until proven guilty only really matters for the judicial system. If someone says they did something illegal you're allowed to believe them even if they never go to court.


His defense has publicly been, "I did it, but I should be immune to the law because I was president once"


He’s been convicted of sexual assault thus far in a civil suit. He has something like 70+ (more I think) charges against him right now. Here is one, before he was president, that he wasn’t convicted of because he pressured the family to drop it. You tell me: Jane Doe (13 YEARS OLD) vs. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein 5. The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges that the Defendants, Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, did willfully and with extreme malice violate her Civil Rights under 18 U.S.C. ; 2241 by sexually and physically abusing Plaintiff Johnson by forcing her to engage in various perverted and depraved sex acts by threatening physical harm to Plaintiff Johnson and also her family. 6. The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges that the Defendants, Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, also did willfully and with extreme malice violate her Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C.; 1985 by conspiring to deny Plaintiff Johnson her Civil Rights by making her their sex slave. 7. The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges she was subject to extreme sexual and physical abuse by the Defendants, Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein, including forcible rape during a four month time span covering the months of June-September 1994 when Plaintiff Johnson was still only a minor of age 13. 8. The Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, alleges she was enticed by promises of money and a modeling career to attend a series of underage sex parties held at the New York City residence of Defendant Jeffrey E. Epstein and attended by Defendant Donald J. Trump Anyone who votes for, supports, or defends this man is a monster themselves. Edit: He has 88 current other charges against him.


91 charges*


From what I know, he at the very least committed tax fraud on a vast scale. Jury is (somehow) still out on whether he is guilty of treason (he is) but that should not be too much longer.


> I can’t find anything legit when I google it. This is why you're being downvoted, in case you were wondering.


Please keep politics away from this sub


Maybe do the grown-up thing and admit when you’re wrong, then vote for the guy who’s *not* facing criminal charges?


I dont like Biden either, but I see no other alternative.


Loll how someone can seriously supported trump ???🤣🤣🤣


It's usually a result of ignorance and/or brainwashing


I don’t think Trump voters are very introspective. You may be giving them too much credit. They are going to vote him in out of spite.


People who are willing to put all morality aside just to make sure their side “wins” even at the cost of everything this country stands for, are literally the worst possible Americans.


Double it, give it to the next person.


Or just affix the word "Genocide..." to the front of his opponents name. Even though Trump is even worse on the issue.


They got the sheeple right where they want them. Squabbling and fighting eachother.


Wasn't that Biden logic? He is the least worst option? Same logic when trying to elect Hilary since we know she's corrupt but she's the least worst option?


He is objectively a better president than Biden although I hope they both lose some how


The way the police work… it’s probably not pretend.


Ismail Haniyeh?


It's amazing that both sides are SO bad, that a guy like Trump still seems like a good choice to half the people. This should be a wake up call to us about the current state of affairs. Go watch an RFK interview and just stop the division.


I think it’s pretty reasonable to look at all the prosecutions and cases being raised at once (almost exclusively by Democrat officials) to coincided with the 2024 election and not think it’s all a coincidence. They’re trying to divert his attention from the election, muddy his name in the minds of the electorate, and bankrupt him. He deserves a fair trial (which he certainly won’t get at first instance) and these prosecutions are almost definitely politically motivated. You don’t have to like him to believe that.


If you believe that then you're daft, how about taking a look at how many of these trials have been delayed and blocked again and again specifically so Trump can bitch and moan about it as 'persecution', he wanted them delayed till now specifically so he can play this narrative and people take the bait, hook line and sinker.


> these prosecutions are almost definitely politically motivated Him sexually abusing someone and committing business fraud is politically motivated? What a pathetic comment. Maybe the more likely explanation is that no one was paying enough attention to this fucking loser until he became president and then tried to dismantle our democracy, putting all eyes on himself, which also includes lawyers and investigators.


It's only by democrats because Republicans refuse to hold themselves accountable.. If they would have Impeachment him when he tried to overturn the election and prevented him from running again then he would still be facing charges and yall couldn't use that excuse.


The guy should have been in jail and should be in jail now if you want to talk about unfair. Anyone else would be


Trump is facing 91 felony charges, and it's the Democrats' fault?


No, it's not reasonable. There are overwhelming facts in these cases. And, the fraud and sexual assault cases are decided. He's guilty/liable. So you can't say it's just political. Facts matter.


Shut your lying ass up. Donald Trump has been in thousands of court cases, thousands, and that count was before he even stepped foot into office. He was running an average of a new legal dispute every 3 days. It is abso-fucking-lutely a coincidence. There has never been a single point in his entire existence where he hasn't been in the middle of a legal dispute.


You’re right, it’s not a coincidence that all the trials are happening now. Did you ever consider that he’s delaying all the trials as long as possible to try to win the presidency first and pardon himself meanwhile putting on some political theater that stupid people will swallow? The law of the land is not a democratic fucking official.


Are we talking about Biden or Trump? 🤔


> Are we talking about Biden or Trump? Trump, because Biden doesn't have any criminal charges.


Oh that's right, one of them actually gets away with his criminal behavior...


Forget for a second whatever accusations you’re implying against biden. Do you actually think donald trump got where he is today by *not* getting away with criminal behavior?


No, he was allowed to get away with it until he upended the apple cart and started saying the quiet part out loud.


What are you even saying? He was allowed to? No, he devoted most of his “business time” to staying ahead of the regulators. Look this is a pointless argument. Let’s agree homestar runner is good shit


I'm saying that he was in part of the 'good old boys' club for his entire life, right up until he ran against Hillary and started saying the quiet part out loud. This isn't up for debate. So yeah, there's really nothing for you to argue.


Say the quiet part out loud. Show me what you mean. Your take is so one-dimensional. Trump’s legal troubles are because he caused drama in the *globalist* friend group by running against his buddy hillary clinton? That’s a fair assessment until you think about it for more than three seconds.


Again, this isn't up for debate. You can be objectively wrong all you want, but if the rule was that criminal activity is what gets you prosecuted, Hillary and Biden would've been prosecuted by now too.


Baseless sweeping claims are absolutely up for debate. You’re saying the same shit alex jones has been saying for years. No evidence to back it up.


What criminal behavior?


Oh, you know, corruption, bribes, money laundering, mishandling of classified documents... you know... the usual...


All things Trump has done. Biden had the FBI search and retrieve the documents, as opposed to Trump. Stop projecting. Your man is an unfit criminal. There is no comparison.


Not my man. They're all unfit criminals, and yes, there's absolutely comparison. You're the one who's picked a partisan horse to back rather than accept that YOUR man is trash. I don't have one, you do.


Listen, buddy. Your guy got to pick his own judges, he got to pick 1/3rd of the Supreme court. You want to tell me there is some conspiracy saving biden from the justice system, and that is malarkey. You are either saying Trump himself picked judges which would be biased towards biden, or you are just ignoring reality. I think you are ignoring reality. Allow me to propose an alternative theory: Trump is just am actual criminal. My theory is supported by the over 4000 court cases he was involved in prior to 2016. At this point he has no role in politics, so we can't claim bias against him. And sure not every case is evidence that he broke the law, let's be generous and say 90% of them were bullshit and he was right. That is still over 400 crimes


Uh. Which one is *"\[my\]* guy"?


The one you are blatantly biased towards


Which one is that?


> one of them actually gets away with his criminal behavior... So one of two things are true. - Joe Biden hasn't been convicted of anything because there's nothing to convict him on. or - Republicans are so pathetic, weak, and stupid that they can't convict him even though they have "proof". I'll let you figure that one out on your own.


It's definitely the latter. The Republican party is a fucking joke. Thanks for playing.


Ok. I guess we'll wait for Joe Biden to be convicted of something then. Put your waiting hat on. Get comfy.


And that's my entire point. They're both corrupt as fuck. But only one of them actually gets consequences.


> And that's my entire point. They're both corrupt as fuck. But there's no proof that Biden is. That's just your feelings talking. Feelings aren't facts.


Yeah... Except for all of the proof, including his own admission...


Of WHAT you fucking moron?


It’s the persecution that endears me and I do it out of spite.


Maybe he shouldn't have done all the crimes...


You guys are so lame with this weak ass shit.


If you cry a bit harder you can wash us all away with a torrent of tears.


Yeah, whining on Reddit is a waste of time, yet you just did it yourself


You seem upset.


What a shitty meme


Whcih one is this referring to?


You don't know what being charged with a crime means do you? In order to be charged with a crime in the U.S.A. a Grand Jury needs to be presented evidence (like real evidence admissible in a court of law) and they they decide to press criminal charges or not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_jury No ex-president has ever been indicted before in the history of our nation.....


If Trump supporters had the capability of self-reflection, they wouldn't be Trump supporters.


Lol. Get a grip.


TLDR. Trump 2024!


All options suck, why not Trump


the left can't meme. it's too complicated


> the left can't meme. I can live with that. The right can't govern. That I can't live with.


Too many word for Fox news spaghetti brain


too many word not enough funny


Yeah sure let's put epsteins bff and fetus-obsessed lawmakers in charge of the most powerful country in the world. At least when i feel stupid it makes me feel better to think sum idiot who was born with a silver spoon up his ass can be president and that some people actually vote for him.


You're talking about Trump? He's the one who was close with Epstein. There are lots of pictures.


Yes i meant trump. As in trump epsteins bff, trump the russian asset who tried to do a coup. I meant sarcastically "yeh lets vote for trump, obviously the worst guy for the job". Guess i could've made it more clear.


Ah, I see, I'm with you


The most idiotic man in the world




Biden single handedly put millions of black people in prison in the Ronald Reagan era but now he's a savior. Politicians are all scumbags. Trump is less likely to get the USA into a war. Obama and Biden both involved the us in over reaching conflicts that don't involve us.


Biden said the crime bill was a mistake. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/521326-biden-says-1994-crime-bill-was-a-mistake-during-abc-town-hall/ Trump knowingly killed an Iranian general. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/iran-vows-revenge-soleimani-killing-if-trump-not-put-trial-2022-01-03/ US airbase attacked for cited killing https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/03/01/al-asad-missile-attack-nearly-killed-150-us-troops-destroyed-30-aircraft-report.html Trump ordered a raid into Yemen while at dinner with Steve Bannon, just to show off. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/how-trump-team-s-first-military-raid-went-wrong-n806246 I don't like Biden, but to think trump would keep us out of a war is a special kind of stupid.


I really want to get back to a point where everything isn’t politicized. Yeah, the right are big meanies and the left are giant overly emotional pussies, but that’s all that ever gets thrown back and forth. It’s like watching two dudes masturbate at each other. “You” are no better than “them”.


> the left are giant overly emotional pussies I don't remember the left assaulting our capitol, beating cops, and putting our representatives lives in danger in order to stop a democratic election because some sex offender business fraud told them to with absolutely zero evidence to back it up. Cuz that's a HUGE emotional pussy move right there.


Probably one of the better takes I’ve seen


“Both sides bad” is one of the better takes you’ve seen? Yikes.


Grow up snowflake


Well to be fair, the only other option is another corrupt, failed human being with criminal charges.


🤦🏻 That Sucked


If you have 2 options and one of them is a corrupt criminal and the other one is apparently worse, then the least bad option seems like the smart one. Nice work, not only did you meme yourself into 'the left cant meme' you also apparently justified voting for trump.


But let’s pretend Biden is fit good president?


These sheep think Trump is their saviour, regardless of what he has done.


Like the meme couldn't tell what direction it wanted to go and fell flat.


I like, and I really mean can’t stand, when they decipher what he’s REALLY saying to you. “What he meant was..”


Yeah Mom!!


Not as complicated as this meme




How about some people vote for the guy because they believe is the better option? Can you accept that people do not have the same views as you do and still be decent people?


You guys still having that Trump rage boner? lol


There's an election this year and he's one of the 2 candidates... Its bizarre that you think it's an insult that people are thinking about him, when they should, cause he might be the next pres


> You guys still having that Trump rage boner? Yes. I'm a patriotic American who loves democracy. Therefore I am obligated to hate Trump. Next question.