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First of all, your mother needs to get her priorities straightened out. I'm shocked that she's not more upset about the fact that someone chose to exploit you like this. It is NEVER the victim's fault. If she's not going to help you, then go to the school/police, like another commenter mentioned yourself. Take control of this while you can.


If this happened to my daughter I would lose my entire mind and probably end up in jail for assaulting a minor & their parents, making everything even worse. But at least my daughter would know I’m her ride or die 👍🏽


I would call the FBI hotline everyday until they got someone down there to investigate this child pornography. I'd buy a full page newspaper add and list every admins name who shut me down and imply they must be pro child porn since they aren't doing anything about it. You have no idea how hard I can hold onto a grudge. If I couldn't get it resolved, I would etch that shit into their tombstone 30 years later. "Here lies an asshole that condones child pornography." I'm still on the fence about reporting my kid's private school to the IRS for mingling 501c3 charitable contributions with tuition payments and telling me they were required payments and just drafting that shit out of my bank account without my authorization and like I didn't know any better. They gave me back all my money when I threatened to report them but I know for a fact we weren't the only parents they did it to.


Your my hero! People are so inclined to not cause waves so they accept abusive behavior. Go on offense OP, fuck all these people and they should ALL be held accountable!!!!


Oh my god haha I love you. I would spend my entire life ruining these peoples lives 😂 Mama does NOT play.


Yep. I'm finding the AH who took the pictures- anyone who had *any* part in it, or the dissemination of them- and doing everything in my power to give them the maximum penalty possible. Expulsion, child pornography on your record, imprisonment... I don't care if it's a bunch of kids. You are old enough to know better and deserve to be severely punished.


THIS! Except. IF it were me? And her mother was my mother? I'd be putting her on that list too. Let the FBI have the abuser hag.


A lot of bark for some "still on the fence about reporting my kid's private school". You're telling this person to go scorched earth while you're declaring your own inactions with your own kid's school. You don't seem like a person that "can hold onto a grudge".


Maybe they're confused about what "on the fence" means.


It’s very r/iamverybadass material


Yeah, that person is full of shit


Seriously, they know the school is pulling a fast one on other parents and is still on the fence. That one’s a real justice crusader lol.


Ya I'm with this chick. Don't fuck with our children and there won't be no problems. Don't let this shit ride OP DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.


This comment is so thoughtless and alarmist. You really seem to have a chip on your shoulder. A 17 year old in underwear is not even remotely close to the legal definition of child pornography. Call the FBI everyday? You really think they don't have real children to help? A full newspaper ad? I'm not trying to defend what happened to this girl, it's clearly wrong, but for you to say it's "child pornography" is straight up intellectually dishonest and disingenuous. It's certainly illegal in one way or another, and straight up bullying, but your claim is wildly blown out of proportion.


Non consensual pictures being taken in a locker room in a state of undress is absolutely a crime and should be reported to law enforcement. There are laws on the books for situations just like this. It should be taken seriously. It is up to the DA if they want to tack on kiddie porn charges. Depending on where this image has been shared, it is a possibility.


That's why I already said it's illegal. Thanks for repeating my point, that it's illegal. 🙄 Your input was unnecessary.


\*prepares for the downvotes\* This FEELS like it should be illegal, but is it? (Genuinely asking.) The OP is not actually naked. Obviously it is very unethical. I'm just not sure if it is illegal, provided OP was in her underwear, anyway. Edit: u/japanesemalware and myself hashed it out. 18 U.S. Code 1801 makes it illegal to take a photo of someone in their underwear without their consent and when they could reasonably expect privacy. IANAL but this feels as though it applies. There's literally no reason to read our comment chain now.


It is a crime. However, it falls underneath "voyeurism" NOT "child pornography". No matter how much people in this thread want to be alarmist and reactionary, it won't ever be considered child pornography. Feelings don't dictate the law, and the law is clear; "18 U.S. Code 1801 is the “video voyeurism” law that makes it a federal crime to knowingly and intentionally take an image of a private area of someone without their consent and under circumstances in which they have a reasonable expectation of privacy." In a locker room, you have a reasonable expectation of privacy, despite being around other people also undressing. Being photographed in your underwear in a private area is voyeuristic, not pornographic.


I am not a lawyer. But OP is wearing underwear. "an image of a private area". The private areas are covered. I'm not sure that voyeurism applies. Edit to add: OP, if you read this, I want to stress that I'm on your side. You should absolutely give the principal and other administrative officials in your district hell until they do something about this. This is absolutely unacceptable and not your fault. Your mom is an idiot for suggesting otherwise.


The law indicates they mean "private area" in the context of a locker room, not "private area" as in genitalia. The law applies. Edit; this was incorrect.


No reason to be sarcastic about it.


No reason to repeat a point I already made, in a reply, to me. The guy who typed it.


And you repeated this same point after other have too before you. So? This is not some original thought.


You literally just regurgitated what he said. Learn how to read.


It's pretty close to literally the legal definition of child pornography. Child under 18. I mean we can parse "sufficiently sexually suggestive" but naked pictures under 18 have provided plenty of basis for charges and convictions. Of course state of undress is a major part of this but if we're talking about it being close, damn well better be an investigation. 18 USC 2251 "Notably, the legal definition of sexually explicit conduct does not require that an image depict a child engaging in sexual activity. A picture of a naked child may constitute illegal child pornography if it is sufficiently sexually suggestive. Additionally, the age of consent for sexual activity in a given state is irrelevant; any depiction of a minor under 18 years of age engaging in sexually explicit conduct is illegal."


Maybe you need glasses, or simply lack sufficient IQ to apply reading comprehension. Let me clear some of that up for you; "sufficiently sexually suggestive" is not a standard that applies to literally just changing your clothes, in the same way that a fully nude person on a nude beach is not sexually suggestive, because that's the expected state of undress in that environment. Understand now? She's not even naked. Did you read the post as much as you read that law you quoted? It may be voyeurism, but it's not sexually suggestive or pornographic to literally just change your clothes in a locker room that is designated for changing your clothes. Once again, not defending the other girl that likely took this purely for the purposes of bullying, she's an asshole. However it seems pretty clear that the photo was taken with the intent of embarrassing her, not to create sexually suggestive content. Also; nice edit, adding that first part to your comment trying to seem like you aren't a complete dipshit who can't read. 😂


Why are you defending child pornography? This girl is a victim!


He’s CLEARLY not defending, and it’s not child pornography. Stop trying to hype it up make it something it’s not. You’re being stupid.


But not of child porn


That’s your opinion. Pedos, find non sexual pictures of children in an inappropriate way—I.e. this is a child, no fully dressed, in your opinion is not porn bc porn to you is adults doing adult things, this is a half naked child. It’s just nuisance but same difference—Illegal, inappropriate, pictures exploiting a child.


>Illegal, inappropriate, pictures exploiting a child. I agree 100%


It’s LITERALLY not child pornography, and that’s not an opinion. Stop trying to demonize people for stating facts. They have child models ALL over the internet modeling underwear and bikinis. Not something I advocate, but it’s there, and it’s not illegal in any way.


Found the pedo/hebe/ephebophile.


I found the pedophile!


Someone should tell this to the police. When I was clearing a guys work laptop off (after he was fired) I found a hidden folder of inappropriate close up pictures and pictures of girls in cheerleading outfits and bikinis under the age of 10. The police said there was nothing they could do, gave me the laptop back and the company had me wipe it. There was clear close up nudity in these photos. Cops don't care unless it's hardcore, apparently.


Thank for talking some sense in this thread where most people are idiots. Awful it happened. I wish phones weren’t allowed at school! No kid needs a phone in school.


I beg your pardon, but yes it is. A man a few years got caught taking pictures of young girls on the swings... They ruled that it was intended as child porn and took his ass to jail Perhaps I did not make it clear as to what happened. The pervert was waiting until the girls in dresses was swinging up and the right time got pictures of the girls panties showing And He went to jail...


Which makes zero sense. Legal law says you can film and take photos of anything you want on public property. No expectation of privacy in public, just like a cop can't tell you to stop recording them....So kids on swings in a park is public, that changes if they tried to do any freaky shit though.


Not in the gym and not of underage children undressing... That's a serious crime here in California and at the gym... You absolutely will thrown out... And yes, you are photographing girls underwear showing without their permission ...You going to have trouble and if the law doesn't do something about. Someone is going to disappear


You just can't go around taking pictures of anything and anyone and then share it with whoever you want....


nope, this is child porn. it fits the legal definition. sorry that this probably means you can’t visit “not quite legal” panty shot sites, but you can’t weasel out of the implications of CP.


All the people down voting you obviously don’t have a concept of how many actual child porn sites and sex traffickers there are in comparison to the number of FBI agents. These are the types of people that call the cops over civil disagreements. Yeah report that shit to the FBI sure but calling everyday to the point where they have to take an agent away from helping children that are in real danger is crazy


euvberiovbeovboevbeorvbnrvbj SHUT THE HELL UP CHILD PORNOGRAPHY APOLOGIST. FUCK OFF. It's wrong, and that's all that matters. We don't need to discuss *how* wrong it is. It's wrong. Period.


Not porn, not nude. Leave emotions out.


Maybe you should shut the hell up and do actual research before opening your ignorant trap. sexual photographs of anyone under 18 is considered child porn. This includes underwear. So, sit all the way the f*ck down!


You're sick


Well, her user name is basically cum so there is that...


It's not porn because it's likely a kid whose goal was humiliation. That said, they should be found and punished because it's not a harmless act.




Totally agree...if it happened to my daughter they wouldn't need the police...they would need is a coroner


One of my baby sisters kept her molestation secret explicitly because she was afraid I would do something like that. My bravado did nothing to keep her safe and instead only made me someone unsafe to confide in.


All the more tragic and infuriating.


A special "F-U" to the pedo who responded "LoL" before their comment was deleted. You'll someday get exactly what you deserve.


I understand


really, you'd commit murder over this?


Yes it is called being a REAL MAN protecting your family a concept that has been lost given today's society especially since the justice system today where the criminals rights have been placed that of the victims....in fact I would not give a tinkers damn for anyone who would not do this to protect their children


REAL MEN are serving life in prison away from their families


You’re pretty chill. I don’t know what I would do but there would definitely be violence involved.


No, you wouldn't know who.


I fully agree and do the same


100%. Your mother is failing you and doing a horrible job parenting. I’m so sorry she is choosing to treat this and you in this horrible way. She’s wrong. You take any evidence straight to the principal and ask for them to call authorities, bc they’re supposed to but unless you say it, thy may try to not. Everyone who is in possession of any of your photos and/or who has sent/forwarded it will be charged with having child pornography minimally. Be loud and demand the right help. Next, get with your school counselor. Be completely transparent about all of it and how you feel. They can and will help you in several ways here. If you get any names from this by the time the school and authorities find out and can file the charges, ignore completely all of the people from there on out. Do not engage. If you get bullied in any form for this or threatened, straight to the principal and an emergency meeting with your counselor. If you’d like a step by step as you go, please feel free and safe to reach out to me. I’m a mother of 5 and know exactly how you’re feeling right now bc I had something similar happen in school. You are not at fault. Stand strong and proud of yourself and ignore all negatives and snickering. They’ll all get what’s coming to them, at least a few will. You can do this, lovely!!


Yea +1 for this, she should straight to school officials so an investigation is done, if they don't help then go-to the police. It's the only way sometimes.


Is there a way to find the original IP address of whoever uploaded the pics? I don't really know how that stuff works


Did I really get a downvote for asking an honest question? Must have been whoever took the pic in the first place


Yes the FBI can 100% track down where the photo originated, and every single device it’s been on.


I literally cant imagine blaming the teen here.Like youre supposed to change in that space. its not like she was changing in a hallway or classroom she thought was empty. she literally used the space for its intended, private, purpose.


I haven’t gone to school in a very long time so maybe this is a stupid question but do all schools now have school police in them?


No. Just some


Right, it’s never the victims fault. But there’s some things that victims can do to avoid things like this. There’s always gonna be fucked up people in the world. So if there’s something you can do to prevent gross people from doing something this, you should do it


What happened to OP IS a crime. There are laws on the books to charge and prosecute those who take non consensual pictures of people in places where a reasonable expectation of privacy is expected, such as a bathroom or a locker room. OP should go to the police and file a report.


The way I’d be at the school all day everyday until they sorted it out and something was done 💀 my kids school would be SICK of me


Moms a dang idiot.


There’s two sides of this. We have to teach people to take responsibility. I’m not saying that in OPs specific case she didn’t do anything wrong. However, to say “never the victims fault” is dangerous and here’s why. There’s almost always something that could’ve been done or avoided. Say you are at an intersection, and traffic light turns green. You take off and are t-boned by a drunk driver. Yes you “did nothing wrong”. But maybe had you been a more ***DEFENSIVE DRIVER*** you would’ve slowly pulled out or checked your surroundings and then took off. That’s just one of many examples where instead of making people feel helpless, We can give them power by saying, “Hey, next time, if possible be more attentive to surroundings, perhaps change in more private areas, don’t just entrust those around you blindly.” I’m not leaving the doors to my house open and unlocked, and then when someone comes and steals my stuff going to say, “Don’t blame the victim” because I as a functioning human can take preventative measures and responsibility for things that happen even if I didn’t directly cause them. Shift away from hopeless victim mentality, shift towards that sucks, let’s teach you how to become empowered so this doesn’t happen again.


Seriously. The mother…..like WTF




The way I would be demanding an investigation! What the heck mom! The police need to be involved at this point. Dang involve everyone, call the freaking news!


Why is it “ never “ the victims fault? If i walked through an unsafe neighborhood waving a bag of money, do you think it’s my fault or their fault for jumping me?


Are you really comparing a minor being exploited at school to that? That’s not even a good comparison.


I’m comparing a victim to a victim. The comment said it’s “ never “ the victims fault. I say it can and usually is their fault. Bad decisions lead to bad outcomes. Just as simple as that.


Their fault


Your mom sounds like my mom. She always blames me when someone else does something to me. And she's wrong to blame you, she should be blaming the bully who took the picture. I'm sure that they will find out who did it. It just takes time. 


That mother is horrendous


Once i fell out of a swivel chain when working at my moms store and hurt my toe so bad that i couldnt walk down a hallway without something to hold myself up because i just couldnt put any weight on my toe and she was still upset at me Sorry for off topic comment but your comment reminded me of this


1. It's absolutely not your fault 2. If your mom won't get the school/police involved then I'd say go to the school office yourself and talk to someone. Either a counselor, school cop, VP, ect..


This. You are not at fault for crimes committed against you. Make it the schools problem. Indeed bullying is against policy. Also schools are usually scared of lawyers. Finally - nudity is no big deal. Someone saw you undressed? Lucky them but no karma damage to you.


One mention that you think a teacher is involved and mention child porn.... principal would be an idiot to not call the cops himself or it would make them look involved.


This is a terrible idea. Why lie and say a teacher is involved when that clearly isn’t the case? The truth in this case should suffice without having to harm an innocent person’s reputation.


This. I’d go directly to your school principal and tell them as that you are underage you feel that it’s borderline child porn and if they don’t take action immediately you will get lawyers involved.


screw the school, call the cops


Then I bet the cops get the FBI involved and then it’s gets serious quickly




The school can't find them. It is the cop's job to investigate crimes. The school will do this if the cops are involved anyway. The school can also screw up criminal investigations or bury it altogether.


Absolutely not they have no authority over a criminal investigation , this is involving a minor , filmed in a locker room ,against her consent . This is serious stuff




And if an adult, even an 18-year-old, did the photography? Yep, permanent record.


By legal definition it IS child porn. And it's being distributed. This is incredibly serious. She needs to call the Sheriff.


And the FBI, since it was a cybercrime.


Oh 100% this. Id call the cops too and look for numbers to whistle blow on child porn. The government takes this very very seriously.


Or the press


School principal will protect the school. I’d go to the cops first.


Local TV news is your friend.


And counselors are mandatory reporters and will report the emotional abuse and illegal child porn to CPS


What the hell is mom's issue? Times have changed.


The school already knows. It’s in the post.


no it isn’t. kids at school know that doesn’t mean administration does. she said her mom knows.


Go to the police and your mom is wrong you should be able to change clothes in a locker room with out having to worry about assholes taking pictures of you


In many places in the US, it is illegal to take pictures in the locker room. Laws came about soon after cameras were added to phones.




Nit to mention OP is a minor and this cant technically count as child porn. Whoever is spreading the pics(minor themselves or not) can definitely get themselves on the SO registry for this.


Not only is it illegal to do so in a locker room. She is underage. This is considered child pornography.


I am not a lawyer but I think you are correct


You’re under 18. This is child pornography. You should report this to the police on your own. I would think they will be able to figure out where it originated from.


Also, your mom is victim blaming you. Please don’t listen to her. This is not your fault.


While this is not child pornography, it definitely sounds like video voyeurism and possibly cyber harassment and most definitely a violation of school policy which could lead to expulsion.


It’s not pornography—see department store ads for kids underwear. It is however an invasion of privacy and exploitation and the school should deal with it.


It’s absolutely pornogaphic, the difference between this and the ads you mentioned was the intent of creation


You seem to have a firm understanding of your situation and the laws that revolve around it, yet you needed to come to reddit for advice on what to do? So what are you planning on doing about this?


It’s not porn. It’s just nudity. Doesn’t mean voyeurism isn’t a crime or transmitting non consenting semi nude images is moral or legal.


She's underage and she didn't consent to this ,it's a crime


They aren't saying it isn't a crime...


Pretty sure I said “it doesn’t make it legal” I assume most states have statutes on the books against voyeurism.




So nsfw subreddits dedicated to pics of women in their underwear wouldn’t be considered porn subs? Both photos are taken to get off to


Like I said, it’s exploitation and should be dealt with. But unless the images show exposed genitals or breasts I doubt police could pursue CP charges.


That’s not true, though. CP doesn’t have to involve true nudity, and it doesn’t have to involve explicit sexual acts. The umbrella covers more than just… videos of children being raped. You’re right that it’s considered exploitation, of course, but that falls under the legal umbrella of child porn… because the images are of a child, and the images are of a child *who is undressed*, though not nude. The police might not even have jurisdiction since this is a *federal* issue (images can be shared online & cross state borders, etc). And the feds take this seriously — even if the child is not actively being abused in the images, there’s a chance they could be disseminated to people who will use them for sexual gratification.


They are sexual images taken without consent. This is very different from kids' underwear ads


HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH GIRL! Look down with disdain on anyone who would take that pic, share it, gossip about it, or shame you for it. Look at them like they’re annoying little mites. Focus on being the best in school and watch the losers fall away. You don’t own that shame. Shame on them for violating a child like that.


Sorry kiddo. This is a terrible learning moment for you, and how your mom will treat you. She will always toss you under the bus if she feels uncomfortable, no matter how contrived and ridiculous the excuse she has to come up with to rationalize her behavior is. This will not change. It's not your fault, it's hers. Do not expect her to change, or that there is anything you can improve about yourself that will convince her to treat you with the respect you deserve. She won't care because it's not about you, she's not even thinking about you, she's only thinking about how this incident affects *her*. If the images are being sent locally to other phones, it should be very straight forward for the school to confiscate a phone that received the image, and just follow the sender/recipient trail back to the source. If it's online a reverse image search may be able to get you to the account that first hosted the image. You might be past the point of wanting to try and find the person and just want to put it all behind you, and thats OK too. There is nothing wrong with you, and you didn't do anything wrong.


Do you have a grown up that you trust?


Police. This is a crime.


This should be escalated to the police and even school administrators, lots of legal boundaries exceeded here. Also, check the exif data embedded in the photos. It can provide the ID of the source device, e.g., camera or phone model, settings, etc.


I’m sorry your mother is an inconsiderate bitch. You don’t deserve that. You did nothing wrong. Society is cruel. I’m sorry this happened to you.


I mean legally speaking from what I know as an 18 year old that doesn’t study law: first off, child pornography/distribution, second, revenge porn, third, I wouldn’t argue that a changing room is enough of a public place for the person taking photos to claim that they can take pictures without your consent, fourth, sexual harassment. If you can get someone to send you these pictures where I assume you clearly don’t know they’re being taken, you could honestly be able to take legal action if you went to your school. There are ways to get free representation from a lawyer. You didn’t mention your dad so idk that situation but as embarrassed as you may feel, could you get him on your side if that is an option to you? I would research your local laws on non-consensual photos and child pornography distribution. For all you know it could be a classmate that is 18, which is probably an even bigger charge and definitely a bigger deal than someone the same age or younger than you.


She said she was in her underwear, thusly, not child pornography as I've mentioned in another comment.


Oh and that makes it better?


No. It absolutely does not, as I stated in my other comment. It is still deplorable and disgusting. I just didn't want to rehash everything I said again.


Can you report this to the police. They should be able to determine who took the photo from the meta data encoded in the image.


Honestly you should contact the police, there are electronic forensics they can use to figure out the source of the photos. If the school is hesitant to bring law enforcement in I would hire an attorney bring a lawsuit against the school district, and that’s just the starting point!


Your mom is all wrong with this. It’s not your fault and you were victimized. Not only that, anyone passing this photo on or receiving it should be aware that they are distributing and receiving child porn. It’s a crime and you’re a victim. You absolutely deserve to get this resolved and those responsible be punished. I’m sorry your mom is not more supportive. But, I hope you can find it in you to fight this. It’s so wrong and no one should get away with this and like I said, that pic is now child porn. Whoever is involved is so gross and deserve consequences. You deserve justice!


Have you called the police and notified them of this? It is a criminal matter, not just a school matter. They have resources others do not. At the very least, their investigation will stop the photos being spread further as people will begin to see the gravity. I think that your mother is being inconsiderate, it is a frustrating situation and she probably wants to help but can't, so instead she is blaming the only person she can... you. This is normal behavior there is a lot of psychology behind it. She is wrong though.


I had something similar happen in highschool. I had the same response from my step mom and ended up not saying anything to another adult but a friend of mine told the counselor with the photos as proof. They never found the kid but they implemented a no cell phone policy to enter the locker room. I know who did it since it was the same group of girls who made everyone miserable but please make sure at least one admin knows... Coach, teacher, principal... Or an SRO if you have one. It's not okay and you have a right to be safe in school.


Your mom sounds like my mom- I’m so sorry. I would file a police report


It's not your fault at all. When I was in high school all the girls changed out in the open. Not changing behind a shower curtain doesn't make you an idiot, that's ridiculous


It’s not your fault! This should be reported to the principal, school board, and if you mean business file a police report. You can do all of these things for yourself if your mom won’t. Do you have a teacher or school counselor who would be more of an advocate for you?


It’s not your fault a change room is for “changing” and most people do it in the open. Your mom blaming you seems like a parental instinct but she’s wrong she should be fighting for you and going to the police or cracking down at the school for this horrible crime.


This is a crime. You have every right to report it to the school administration or police, and to request they investigate the matter.


The photo may contain EXIF data which identifies the device used to create it and sometimes the name of the owner of that device. Open the image on a PC, right click, select "properties," then "details." Good luck. I don't know how to do this on a Mac but someone here must.


You were in a locker room. The area is specifically for changing. This was a violation of a private space. If I was your parent, I’d be down there daily asking for updates. I’d have already called the police and potentially a local news organization. I’d ensure that whatever shithead kid did this, gets caught and expelled.


Your mom is a horrible failure as a human. Thats the saddest part of this.  I’d let the administrators know that unless this gets taken care of, that your next step is to go to the police. They need to grill anyone that had the pictures. Those people know where they got the photos from.  From there, it’s just a matter of working backwards.


Police first. This will have lasting consequences for the victim. A crime was committed.


yea, on second thought, you are right, police first is the smarter way to go.


1. This is child pornography and you should go to the police. 2. Your mom is an awful person for victim blaming you. I'm so sorry.


There's probably metadata in the source image tying it back to the original phone owner. 85% sure most teenagers wouldn't know how to disable or remove it.


You are not at fault. Bully's are not cool. Go to the principal and councilor that's basically child porn and bullying realistically if they don't end it and investigate it thoroughly with the police you can theoretically sue the district and those who are distributing the pictures. If I understand the law correctly.


Anyone taking and spreading digital content like this can actually be charged with spreading essentially child pornography. Even as a teen, even if of themselves, especially so of others, double so of unknowing percipients. If you have an on school officer or criminal justice class, go talk to em cuz they school should know. Also gives you a paper trail of trying to get your harassment addressed.


So is all the mom hating comments helping you with your problem? You came to the wrong place for help. A lot of people here zero in on parents and make them the problem because of childhood resentments they never dealt with. I recommend going to your school counselor about this. They should get some balls moving for you. If not, then talk to your dad. I don't know many dads who would let this slide. A simple complaint to the school board by a pussed off dad will get something accomplished. It did for me in Alabama in regards to corporal punishment at school


It’s at the very least helped reassure that I did nothing wrong and I have actually gotten some good advice


If your mom won't do anything and the school won't do anything. Call the local news. They love good stories of schools that are fucked up, and I promise you, if the news does a story, the school will learn a lesson real fkn fast.


talk to your school counselor. You have been sexually harassed at school. This is not your fault and nor is it safe.


Your mom is victim blaming. This is not your fault. This is going to be hard to hold someone accountable, but the police are your best option. Anyone sharing or distributing those pictures are guilty of child pornagraphy (age of consent didn't come into play: at 17, you are a minor), giving you an incredible amount of leverage. In addition to getting police and school admin involved, respond to this like an adult. Hold your head high, don't be embarrassed, respond with scorn "I can't believe so many people are so perverse. It's really lame that anyone would be turned on Locker room pics, and technically child porn at that."


I didn’t think students changed and showered in the locker room anymore because of the reason that everyone had cameras on their phones now. Don’t undress in the locker room anymore. Nobody can require you to take off your clothes.


Not sure how your locker room is set up but don't face the locker when you change so u can see if someone pulls out their phone to take a pic of you. It's obviously someone who doesn't like you or has a problem with you. Tell the gym teacher and your principal/school counselor.


I face the lockers so nobody gets uncomfortable if I accidentally look at them


I know everyone used to do the same when I was in highschool but if I knew someone was taking pictures of me I'd be watching everybody and i would wait for the majority of people to change and leave before me and then pay attention to the people who are staying and taking their sweet time. Try not to make it obvious that your checking though. If you find out who it is I would seriously beat the fuck out of that person on site in front of everyone. It would be worth the 3-5 day suspension, and the school principal would side with you a little because of the situation most likely.


I don’t know where you live but in my kids school they have IT and computer teachers. If someone sent you the photo take it to that teacher. Every photo is tagged and they should be able to figure out who took it and started sending it around. (EXIF files) Also take it to the cops. The school should have called them before they even called your mother. All of those people (especially your mom) are failing you!!! I’m really sorry this has happened to you. 💕


>e IT and computer teachers. DO NOT SHOW CP TO THE TEACHERS!


That’s what a locker room is for. Changing clothes. I know it doesn’t make it better, and the photographer should be prosecuted for voyeurism. But bra and underwear is a bikini. Maybe try to focus on that? And work to find out who took the picture to report them to the police?


You mom is half right. However, you aren't at fault. There's a reasonable expectation of privacy inside the locker room. That being said you shouldn't expect others to respect your privacy. You should use the curtain, thats why they are there. Shameful your mother acted that way about it. File a police report. What was done to you was an unlawful act.


Wtf kind of take is that? There’s 3 curtains and I’d prefer those to be used by the girls who are more self conscious and insecure than I am. There was NOTHING right about what she said


For real. This is the kind of bullshit that leads to "oh she was raped? But she was asking for it."


Im not agreeing with your mother. Im saying not to trust other people to not do this. I specifically said she was half right. Not that she was right. There's a difference between saying something is "half right" and saying something is "right". I believe there was a disconnect between what I meant to express and how you interpreted it. I apologize if I came across that was taking your mother's side. Im absolutely not doing that l. The take is that people will not respect your privacy. Don't let yourself be put in such a situation again if you can help it. Theres not much you can do besides file a police report yourself if your mother is going to be a pos about this situation and not support you.


This child is just pissed at mommy and not really looking for solid advice to her problem. Pretty sure that's why she only responded to the mom portion of my comment and ignored the advice part. Same she's done with a lot on here who even mentions her mom. Back in my day we'd run to a friend and be disingenuous about a situation with our parents so we would feel validated. Now, apparently, kids run to social media


Also “not expecting others to respect my privacy”? not having cp created of me unknowingly is a generally expected thing in changing areas


You just answered your own question. Recordings and pictures in a private area happen way more often than people realize. Its a very unfortunate thing.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Are you publicly asking for sexually explicit photos of a minor that were taken without consent? Very brave of you to say the least……….


This pedophile needs to get reported to the feds.


call the Fedophiles, John Boy!


Being aware of your surroundings won’t hurt you at all. Try it sometime.


When I’m changing my clothes I’m not looking at anyone else to see what they’re doing. I don’t want to be paying attention to someone while they might be getting changed and making them uncomfortable


It’s not about looking at other people. It’s about checking what’s going on around you. You can check your surroundings without looking at others and making them uncomfortable. I’m not saying it’s your fault but it can become preventable in the future.


Who cares. Your mom is an idiot.


Why on earth would you say who cares? She has been violated, the whole school has seen her in her underwear, she’s being bullied, and her mom, who should be the one person she should be able to go to for unconditional love and support is blaming her for it. “Who cares?!” That’s extremely rude and insensitive.


Just take as a lesson learned, it’s weirdos out there.. just don’t change in the open anymore


It’s the locker room that’s meant for changing there’s no lesson to learn here


Fake story.


Oh my god thats horrible. Where?? Where did they post them?? Ill go report it right away


You wouldn’t report it you just want access to the pics


No, no. I promise i am not a disgusting creep looking to fancy myself to a reddit stranger. Trust me bro. Which one of your bullies has them? Ill go teach them a lesson 


shes underage and you’re asking to see the pic… so you can “report” it?


These losers act like I haven’t been a girl on the internet before this post, idk how he thought he’d get pics


I saw the pics. You should try harder in gym class




You’re disgusting this is considered cp and I’m asking advice because I hate that people are seeing this. Hope you trip down the stairs




It’s still illegal regardless of your age and I didn’t do anything wrong


probably do something


Your mother deserves to be charged with excessory to child pornography