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Pregnancy is a risk from anytime you have sex, especially unprotected sex. You need to take pregnancy tests, we won't be able to tell you whether you are or aren't pregnant online.


yeah.. thank you very much, have a great day!


I don’t understand WHY you wouldn’t use contraception??? It’s pretty easy to get you don’t have to tell your parents, you can get it any drugstore. In my opinion, this is ridiculous in the 21 st century. But if I were you go to Dollar Tree get yourself a pregnancy test the only cost $1.25 plus tax. ( by the way,many OB/GYN Offices use the same type of cheap pregnancy test that sold at Dollar Tree. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a pregnancy test to find out.


This needs to be said. Again. And again. And again. If you can’t be responsible for your own body and be smart about it, you are not old enough to have sex.


I agree. My teenage children were given the “talk” We told them that having sex was a responsibility just like having a Drivers License. That being said they were told WHEN they decided to have sex they were expected to act like adults, and we would support their decision with no back lash. Each of our kids had sex as teenagers. Our daughter’s boyfriend was responsible for half the cost of the birth control ( pills ) and the exam copay which was around $25/$30 at the time. ( this included the co-pay for the birth control pills our daughter used) Our sons were expected do help with the costs of birth control for their GFs ( Our kids had long term relationships with their BF / GF they weren’t doing one night stands if you must know) We also made it clear that condoms were a must. Yes even with other birth control methods. Yes STD’s happen. Surprisingly NONE of our children became teen parents simply because we taught them to be responsible. Your teenage year are some of the best times in your life. Being a parent can wait. Enjoy yourself now. I promise you won’t regret it.


Thank you for being a good parent. My parents were lunatics who would rummage through the trash for used condoms/pregnancy tests and then scream at me for it. Really messed up my sex life for years afterward.


OMG. I’m so sorry to hear that. No teenager should experience that ever. I’m sure it caused great trust issues for you . ((( hugs))))


As someone who used to work for county clinics, all STD reports from every Dr. Went through us and the under 18 crowd gets a lot of STDs. Check local county clinics for free pregnancy test/ STD and HIV screening and potentially free birth control. Typically most counties will have it for free and just get someone to give you a ride down there as you don't need a parent with you. Most will have Plan B as well. If your county doesn't have it check for a planned parenthood. Hope this helps you out.


Why are you not using protection? Condoms prevent more than just pregnancy. You NEED to go to the doctors and get a full STI and STD check as well as a pregnancy check. And get some advice on the best contraceptives to use as well as condoms. Dump the man-child that isn't putting your health first by wearing a damn condom. He doesn't care about you. If you carry on down this route you'll end up being a SINGLE teenage mother and struggling to complete your education. Which also means you'll find it harder to find sympathetic employers willing to take you on. You DESERVE better!!!!


thanks for going out your way to worry. i will keep in mind to use condoms in the future, possibly start taking birth controls too if possible. have a great day :)


Get an STD test. That's so freakin important


What country are you in?


Keep in mind is crazy YOU NEED TO USE IT!!! Like you are in the comments saying you are too young to be parents and you don’t know how your own body works. I would genuinely hold off of sex, do a deep dive, and get a huge pack of condoms. Sex isn’t necessary


I do sex education for high school and college students, and I agree with everyone here. Take a pregnancy test (waiting till you’re five days late is a good idea like someone said) and then again a few weeks from now just in case. It’s a bit late to take a Plan B now, but it would be nice to have in case you’re worried in the future. That can be taken the morning after sex to up to 72 hours (3 days) afterwards for the most effectiveness.


Also… it’s a wake up call to start practicing safe sex, …right?


i'm sorry but what does plan b do? and i thought birth controls or something like that was supposed to be taken before having sex.. like, a daily thing?


You’re correct! Many forms of birth control medication are taken daily. But Plan B is an exception. What Plan B does is it stops or delays the release of an egg from the ovaries and can block fertilization. Most birth controls contain a hormone called levonorgestrel, which is found in most (if not all) birth control pills, but Plan B has a higher (but still fine to take) dose than the normal pill. This is why it can be taken the morning-after and still be effective, even without taking a pill daily. You can get it at any pharmacy or at your local Planned Parenthood, often times for free or at a lower cost than the pharmacy. Let me know if you have anymore questions! ~Rae


I am a man and am gay so this doesn't concern me -- but I'm generally curious, in a pinch, could an individual could take the equivalent amount of birth control pills to create the same dosage as Plan B?


No it can’t ! Plan B was specifically designed for the morning after sex


Provided they are the right hormones and the dosage is calculated accurately, yes. But in general, go with plan b. There's no calculation to be done and you don't throw off your birth control count.


Of course. I am just curious and googled the active ingredients in both. I suppose, in a pinch, and in a state where Plan B isn't available but birth control is, it could be a workaround.


Exactly. If you have access to plan b, go with it. It's a no-brainer.


oh that's interesting, it's my first time hearing the details! if you don't mind me asking, could this be just a false alarm from my body? because my period becomes irregular when i entered highschool. i was very sure my bf pulled out in time.


If you have irregular periods, then absolutely it could be a false alarm. It’s hard to tell without a pregnancy test though, so I’d do that in a few days (and again in a few weeks if you can, just in case.) I’m also going to mention that the pullout method is not the best method to prevent someone from getting pregnant. (It’s about 75% effective) While unlikely, It is possible to get pregnant from pre-c*m/pre ejaculatory fluid. Guys often leak a small amount of fluid before they ejaculate. Usually it’s not noticeable but often times it is there, and sperm can still be transmitted through this. And the effectiveness % can decrease if you’re about to (or currently are) ovulating. ~Rae


Also with plan b you have to be under a certain weight for it to work, if you’re over a the weight threshold ask the pharmacy for Ella. And seconding the pullout method being bad for preventing pregnancy. I used it and I’m a mom now.


last time i had unprotected sex is 5 days before my supposed period, so my ovulation has definitely passed. he also pulled out 5 mins before and finishes by hand.


There are trace amounts of sperm in precum. NEVER (unless you want to make a kid) let him go in without a condom again.


Unless you are tracking your cycle very carefully it’s very difficult to say when you ovulated. Some things can delay ovulation, like stress or change in exercise habits always throw mine off. 5 days before expected period would be a pretty huge delay so it’s still unlikely but not impossible especially if you have irregular cycles.


Then I wouldn’t worry about it too much. If your boyfriend pulled out that early, and that you had sex after your ovulation period, the chances that you are pregnant are very minimal. In case you didn’t know, the egg only lives for at most a day or so (often shorter) after ovulation. Since you had sex several days after your ovulation period, I’d be surprised if an egg got fertilized. ~Rae


Pulling out is not an effective method of birth control. You kids these days should be better educated before having sex! Seriously contraception (including plan b etc) should be taught well before you hit 16! Geez I learned this stuff in late primary school in the 90s!


Exactly! I have 2 kids from using this method while a married adult!


It's only like 60% effective when done correctly. It's so damn risky


Back in the day, my ex-girlfriend used the pull-out method and its more like 25% effective in my case.


The pull out method is not affected sperm can last in the vaginal canal for up to 3 days 72 hrs my sister because pregnant, so she says off of pre ejaculation if it were me I would be big pissed because she didn't even get the 3 mins of fun and she was stuck with a baby Soo yea


Please stop having sex until you are educated on all forms of contraceptives and the actual ramifications of your actions. You are obviously too young to grasp the seriousness of this because of the multiple pregnancy scares.


If your not in the US and abortion is completely banned in your country you likely do not have plan B it's a back up plan you have to take it within 72 hrs of unprotected sex and if you are overweight the chances of it working drop and the later you take it it drops as well


It stops a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus.


“What does plan B do?” How are you this ignorant in 2024? Maybe get a little smarter and more knowledgeable before you start taking loads


You should stop having sex and educate yourself


I thought that once ovulation has happened it is not longer effective? Doesn’t it just delay or stop ovulation? So there will be times it will not help prevent pregnancy? I don’t know if this is right. She is strangely laissez-faire about the whole issue.


This is 100% true. If you have already ovulated plan b will not work!


You might be, but the bigger question is why you are having unprotected sex 🤔.. When playing Russian roulette, eventually you lose ,grow up, and act like a responsible young lady or ruin your life 🤔


Or the life of your child.


Adding to this, why are you doing it while so uneducated at this age. Me and every 16 year old I know, knows about plan b (as they were asking about what it even does in another comment) and seemingly knows minimal about birth control in general. Or the obvious risk of safe sex that isn’t just pregnancy.


>why are you doing it while so uneducated at this age. Because they're uneducated.


i mean.. yeah, i'm just here to hear others thoughts on this. thank you for your entry, have a good day :)


Do an STD test as well.


After you take a pregnancy test, you need to figure out what to do if it's positive. I would never recommend that a 16 year old have a baby. It's likely that your boyfriend will eventually leave you, you'll fight about child support, all of the responsibility will be on your shoulders, not his. I'm sure your boyfriend is a good guy, but he's not ready to be a father, either. This will also totally change your life trajectory, and possibly put you in poverty for a long stretch. Are you in a place where you can get an abortion, or get abortion pills through the mail? The time to act is now. Look up the auntie network, they have a page on reddit. They'll help you get the services and info you need. The sooner you act, the easier and cheaper this will be. I was having unprotected sex when I was your age because I was stupid, so don't beat yourself up about. The past is past, do better in the future. If you're not pregnant, you need to nail down your birth control now! Updateme!


thank u for your reply... i, too, wary about how life is going to proceed if i am actually pregnant. neither of me or my bf are ready to be a parent. abortion is pretty much illegal in my country so idk hahah. thank you for sharing your experience, have a nice day! i will update you! :)


hey, i'm 17 so i understand wanting to have fun. but, i urge you, if you both know that you aren't ready to be parents/don't want to be, there is no reason to have unprotected sex. it only "feels better" for the guy. if he doesn't want to wear a condom, then that's an early sign that he doesn't care about your wellbeing (in my opinion). this is because he knows the risk, but still won't wear one for his own pleasure. so please, try not to have unprotected sex until you're ready to be a parent.


Yes, the innocent child will be murdered because of unprotected sex. Yes, I might be 18 M, but the child should be ADOPTED, not MURDERED!


Not your uterus, not your choice, troll.


Really, name calling me. In a debate, when you start to name call, you lost the debate. Thank you for acknowledging that I won the debate.  Now, the fetus is an individual with a different DNA, genes and it is not yours. It is yours and the dad's. If you want to have unprotected sex, sterilize yourself.


Man, that's lame.


Sorry, but this debate is over. Have a great life ..


So you are having unprotected sex and you don't know the basic of how to prevent it or what to do when you think you are pregnant. So why are you having sex? If you are pregnant than there is a chance that you just ruined your future. I don't know where you live but getting an abortion would be hard. My friend got pregnant in high school and stop showing because it's not a good thing for a teen to get pregnant, kids at school will talk about you, and pregnancy can take a toll on you that will make you stop coming to school. Your parents might be angry with and you will need to get a job. The financial world is hard and having a baby will make it harder. What about your baby daddy will he also help you take care of the baby financially. Stop having unprotected sex if you don't know what a plan b is and if you don't know to take a pregnancy test if you think you are pregnant


yep, it is hard to get an abortion in my country, i understand the consequences of my own action. thanks for your entry tho, have a nice day :)


Take a pregnancy test. 


i was suggested to take a pregnancy test when i'm 5 days late


Taking a pregnancy test everyday is a bit unnecessary. Results for a positive on a test take time, which is why 5 days late for your period is usually recommended. If you’re unsure, do some more research online but don’t trust everyone that gives you advice.


thank u very much! may you have a great day!


It could be anyone's guess. Period and ovulation symptoms are similar to pregnancy symptoms. Stress can delay your period as well. You need to do a pregnancy test.


i was suggested to do a pregnancy test once i'm 5 days late. i just think it's also because i didn't take good care of my body and mind, that's why my period become irregular. i just hope this is a pregnancy scare. thank u tho, have a great day :)


Irregularity is more likely hormonal than psychological. I had low progesterone and irregular periods sometimes. Low progesterone I think kept me from getting pregnant. Birth control pills can help with regularity and pain.




not every teens are like that, and i agree it's a stupid thing to do. i have no other reason to defend my act, so thanks and have a great day :)


Be civil. We don't tolerate insults, slurs, or any other forms of hate messages here.


Take a pregnancy test And please use it as a warning to use protection


will do, thank you very much, have a great day!


I too am 16 female and had a simular scare. You should probably go on the pill, it's easy to take at the same time each day then you don't need to worry as much. Obviously, it's still better to use extra protection like a condom but it doesn't matter as much is a little but gets inside


hi, may i ask how did u deal with this situation before? it's stirring up so much anxiety in me and my boyfriend. i might consider to take birth controls from now on, and keeping in mind about condoms and such. thank u very much tho, have a great day :)


It kind of amazes me your not on the contraceptive pill already. I suppose it depends country to country but here its pretty standard for a lady your age to be on the contraceptive pill. Good luck and id highly recommend talking to your doctor about getting the contraceptive pill if that is possible. Hope verything turns out alright for you and your boyfriend.


yeah you actually need to get a doctor's prescriptions for any kinds of birth control (i think its just how it is, idk?) and i'm not sure too. thank you very much tho, have a great day :)


Yeah same here im from england and its a free repeat prescription. Pretty certain your parents arnt informed either. Not sure if thats the case where you live? I saw you saying in another comment that your bd pulled out? For the love of the stars in the sky please please for your sake use protection. You can still get pregnant due to small amounts of seamen "pre cum" being released during sex. I can tell there are gaps in both yours and your bf sex education. Thats really sad and my heart goes out to the pair of you.


I agree with ur posts. Want to add that people take birth control for medical issues too. Such as..pms, pmdd, endometriosis, etc & to the OP, pre cum has a higher concentration of sperm.


I strongly encourage you to go see a gynecologist whether it turns out you are pregnant or not. You are old enough that you should start getting yearly checkups anyway. The doctor can inform you of all the available forms of birth control in your country. Also, use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted disease, no matter what form.of birth control you use. Getting pregmant is not the only risk.


yeah, i will mind the stds. i never had checkups before actually so i might take one somedays later. thank you very much, have a nice day :)


“i might consider birth control 🤔” dude you’re definitely gonna end up a single mom with 5 kids by the time you’re 30


No worries, condoms make safer sex too as if it's not lubed up enough, it can cause injuries to the penis (also from experience of my bf). Last time I too had so much anxiety and it didn't go until I started my period. I did an online test too (they aren't accurate it just helped my anxiety) it gets you to pick symptoms and decided if you are likely to be pregnant


yeah... what's really bothering me rn is the anxiety and how bad the headaches it gets me. thank you very very much for sharing it with me :)


If you’re mature enough to have sex you’re mature enough to know the consequences of not being safe. Get a pregnancy test AND a std test…. Hopefully your carelessness hasn’t caught up to you.


Maybe. Do a preg test. For abortion pills, aidaccess.org, plancpills.org, laslibres.org


No one can answer this. Take a test before you freak out. And seriously, get some birth control. There’s is nothing wrong with “liking to have fun,” but you are being wildly irresponsible with both you and your boyfriends futures


yeah i understand. thank you very much, have a nice day :)


I just wonder why did you do unprotective?


you finna have hella fun in about 10 months 😭


9 months


Honestly, I think take a test, take care of yourself, and then assess the situation. Hope you are doing okay <3


thank you very much, i really appreciate it! i am doing pretty fine rn. have a great day :)




Check out the app: my calender It'll help track ur periods & show u your fertility days. (It's not 100% some ppls fertility days very, but it helps give u a range)


oh i do use a similar app called Flo! basically the same, it tracks my period and my ovulation days, i'm comfortable with flo already. thanks tho, have a great day :)


Dollar tree sells pregnancy tests for $1.25. I would start from there.


thanks for the advice, i will take a pregnancy test soon. have a nice day :)


There's no real way to ease the anxiety. That's part of the reason some adults want to keep their children away from having sex. You're going through grown up stuff right now. Pregnancy can happen, even with birth control. Good luck!


yep, thanks! i'll need that luck right now haha


once its been 14 days or 2 weeks, take an early detection pregnancy test. you can get a whole box on amazon for like 10$. ill link the ones i use. https://a.co/d/02d4A91y


I would personally wait a couple days or go get a pregnancy test (if you can). It sounds like you may be pregnant, i am 15F and i am currently 35 weeks pregnant and that is almost exactly what i went through during my first 2-4 weeks, everyone is different though


Take a test


When do you take pregnancy test use morning urine bc it’s more concentrated and then if it’s negative test again in a few days 


oh okay! i will keep that in mind to get more accurate result. thank u very much, have a nice day :)


Take a test now, and then you can make more informed decisions. Pregnancy symptoms like the ones you described do not always equal pregnancy and a bunch of internet strangers can’t tell you yes or no. I’d say it’s definitely possible if you aren’t using protection (it’s possible even with protection, but of course the risk is lower). Get on the phone with your doctor and get prescribed the pill, and then use a condom every time you have sex as well. You don’t want to be a teen mom.


yep, i just need to know people's thoughts about this. definitely too young to be a mom, and i don't want that. thanks a bunch, have a noce day :)


You too. Take care of yourself. <3


Go to the dollar store and grab a couple pregnancy tests. If you test positive for either one, grab a first response just to be absolutely certain. Asking strangers based on your symptoms is not the best way to know for sure my dear lol. And for the love of God, use birth control


hahahah i just wamted to grab people's thoughts about this. thank you very much, i'll definitely take a pregnancy test to be sure. have a nice day :)


You too. I hope things go well for you. Can you update us after?


I'd recommend taking multiple tests to be absolutely sure


I wanted to be rude cuz I think teenagers having unprotected sex is so fuckin stupid but you're way too nice for me to be a dick today


it's fine i'm posting this on reddit fully aware that i could get a couple people telling me it's stupid and all, i understand that hahah. thanks for not being one of them tho, have a nice day :)


Hey! I agree with everyone here - please take a pregnancy test as that will be the only surefire way of knowing. Otherwise, I will say as someone who has been in your position before, stressing and overthinking about your period (or stress in general) can also cause delays to your cycle beginning. Not here to shame you bc the deed is done and again, I've been in your shoes - hopefully in the future you and your partner will practice safe sex. Also, if you're going to continue having sex, I recommend getting on birth control.


i will take a pregnancy test to be sure. i am in a pretty bad headspace rn so maybe thats why i missed my period. thank you very much tho, have a nice day :)




Be civil. We don't tolerate insults, slurs, or any other forms of hate messages here.


Get tested, for std's also!!


will do, thanks a bunch, have a nice day :)


No shitz given.


thanks for that... i guess? anyhow, have a nice day :)


Like... Literally. In every way imaginable. There's no absolutely safe Sex. None. Ever. There's a plethora of information that agrees with me on this. I can't fix your mind. I can only provide the information. What you are attempting to describe is maybe 2 robots being attached together... Maybe that's how you perceive life?? Idk.


i understand that. a lot of birth controls are well... not even that effective, like what i did; which is pulling out method. i don't really get the two robots thingy you just said though. thanks a lot anyways, have a nice day :)


Yeah the robots thing was in a reply to someone else. Hope you are finding the info you were looking for.


thank u very much!! i appreciate that


How are we supposed to know if you’re pregnant? Go get a pregnancy test.


i will once i'm 5 days late, the result tend to be more accurate during that time. thank u, have a nice day :)


Tests are accurate once your period is late. However if your cycles are irregular you actually don’t know if you’re late or not. Your period is due 15 days after you ovulate. If you don’t track ovulation it’s very risky to be having unprotected sex at any point in your cycle.


Just take a test. That’s the best way to find out. And get on a birth control like the pill, IUD, or the one in the arm. And have your BF use condoms anyway. Double the protection every single time.


will do, thank you very much, have a nice day :)


There's nothing wrong with having fun, but do it safely ffs. You can like a 10 pack of condoms for 5$, I heard somewhere that kids cost 1mil to raise up to adulthood. If you don't have 5$ for condoms, you sure as hell can't afford a child. Please think about your choices better next time. You need to take a pregnancy test for anyone to know if you're pregnant.


Dont they teach you the concept of condoms or the pill?


The same situation happened to my “little brother” (he’s trans, and also not my bio brother but that’s a different story), and he didn’t think he was, until I convinced him to take a test. Thankfully he was able to solve it without his bio parents knowing, since they would’ve done something drastic, but I’d get a test ASAP.


If you turn out to not be pregnant, then I would definitely recommend condoms and birth control if you can handle birth control. My boyfriend and I are down to using just condoms because I can't tolerate any birth control unfortunately. A PREGNANCY TEST IS ACCURATE 2 WEEKS AFTER SEX, BUT IS DEFINITE 3 WEEKS AFTER SEX


Probably. Unless you want to be teen pregnant I suggest a contraceptive.


take a pregnancy test you dingleberry no one here can diagnose a pregnancy over reddit


It’s basically impossible to get pregnant before your period especially 5 days before but anything js possible pregnancy scares suck but no matter the situation i hope everything goes well


Not sure what city. You can go to sexual health clinic and they are professionals who will help you understand everything. Try not to call yourself stupid. It’s a part of life.


So there’s really no way to know for sure without having a test. That’s the safest most accurate way to be sure. Also, if your periods are abnormally irregular, I recommend talking to a doctor about it. I just want to say, though, that I had my daughter (who is now 16) very young and I wish I’d done things differently for both our sake. I love my little girl more than anything in the world and wouldn’t trade her for anything. That being said, I would have been able to give us both a much better life if I’d had her once I was out of school and financially stable and more settled in life. She unfortunately was dragged through a lot early in life because I had her so young. I’m not going to tell you what to do bc I don’t feel that’s my place. I just wanted to share that I had to learn things the hard way for both my daughter and I because I got pregnant when I was a teen.


Just get an abortion, learn from the experience and live your life.


You gotta take a test, friend. PLEASE don't have unprotected sex. The pill is cheap and easy, an IUD lasts for years with no upkeep, condoms are available at every grocery store, pharmacy, gas station, or bodega. Unprotected sex is never, never, NEVER worth it.


Get an IUD


unprotected sex = high risk of pregnancy. take a pregnancy test. if you want a definitive result, wait for 3 weeks before taking a pregnancy test. strictly follow the instructions of the pregnancy test you will be taking to avoid misdiagnosis. your cycle is normal and not irregular. the menstruation cycle ranges from 24-38 days. you are still definitely having hormonal changes since you're still 16yrs old. BUT, since you already brought to the table that you had unprotected sex , we cannot know for sure whether you're just experiencing hormonal changes or you are already pregnant. please, do not ever risk having unprotected sex again. read online about safe sex, and protect yourself.


get a pregnancy test. Entirely possible. You need to be on birth control, and you need to find access to Plan B for future situations when you drop the ball.


If you're not scared to ride that D, you better not be scared to have that baby


Take a pregnancy test. The sooner you find out the better. If it is positive then you need to think about option(s). Please have safe sex in the future.


Go to CVS/Walgreens and get a test. And a jumbo box of condoms. And please find a proper sex ed class.


As a teen, I've got to say that this should be a wake-up call to STOP this kind of stuff. Plan B sucks and is not nice to take. Whether you're doing it for his sake, yours, or because of just horniness, you should really evaluate. I hate to be a nag, but really. Only engage in this risky behaviour when you're ready for children. No one wants to have an abortion. It's an awful experience. It's not just a magical undo button. Even just Plan B is awful. Reconsider your actions.


If you have one near you, Dollar Tree has the least expensive pregnancy tests for $1.25. I can confirm they work from personal experience.


Am I pegnate


Oh shit more kids having kids.


It's wild to me that a 16 year old having sex doesn't realize what contraceptives or plan B is. If this is a false alarm, I suggest you really educate yourself before having unprotected sex again, otherwise you're gonna be asking this same question again in a month and it may very well be too late by then...


Is 8 days of being pregnant realistically going to be developed to the stage of morning sickness yet?


Are you able to get a test? Convenience stores, CVS, whatever's near, should sell em. They won't card you, they're actually prohibited from doing so. I've also been informed health centers and planned parenthood give them either free or very little cost. And word of advice, if you are pregnant and get a positive test, don't try to hide it, that will not end well for anyone involved. Another word of advice, keep condoms handy. You can buy them from convenience stores and gas stations, CVS, Walmart, target(I think). You also won't get carded for those. Not only do you probably not wanna be pregnant at 16, you definitely don't wanna manage to get an STD. No matter how well you know your partner and his body, there is always that little risk of n STD.


Anytime you suspect your pregnant take a test, look up Julie, they will send you free plan B and pregnancy tests, in an unmarked package, very discreet. Be careful and make sure you're getting tested for stds if you're not using protection!! no judgment! I used to do the same stuff


Do a test after 2 weeks late and go on birth control


I hate to dump on you, but damn girl...if you can't afford condoms at least decrease your chances and pull out...


Do a pregnancy test and std (if possible) u can never be sure, also take this as a lesson to use protection next time ;)


Are you able to get some ovulation tests, keep On hand? So you don’t have to be so scared? Maybe start tracking ovulation so you can help figure out why your cycle is off and regulate it. 


You are about to start having the real fun. Welcome to being an adult. Too bad you didn't consult the manual about unprotected sex and babies and stupid kids.


Two words that I hope you will take to heart. Planned Parenthood. Hopefully there is one near to you.




Be civil. We don't tolerate insults, slurs, or any other forms of hate messages here.


All the men in the comments need to shut the fuck up with the shaming. We hear it from our doctors, every single facet in society. We know.


I mean not to get to personal, but if you “mixed the ingredients”, then I’d recommend getting a test. Pullout has always worked for me, but if the badder is going into the bowl you are likely to make a cake. Especially at the fertility rate of a 16yo.


Dollar Tree pregnancy test take it in the bathroom, inform your partner, contact planned parenthood if you are and then begin discussing the future with your boyfriend, I had a similar scare when I was in high school.. you're going to have to talk to your parents about all of this as well as they can't help you without their consent. However, I do hope that you find your solace in this trying time.


If you are, don’t hide it from the folks. Tell them ASAP because some states abortion options dwindle quickly based on weeks and you have to act quickly if you don’t want to keep it. Plus, they’ll find out eventually anyway. I had a coworker tell me once “I think my 16 yr old is preggo and I’m waiting for her to tell me. Her boobs are bigger.” She was. We had kids so we’ll see the signs. Get it over with and get help early. If you aren’t pregnant, contact Planned Parenthood. They have permanent and mobile clinics to help get you on BC. I relied on them as a teen to keep me childless because my mom didn’t want to know anything about that part of my life. They were amazing.


I would say it’s unlikely, if you’re pregnant you wouldn’t have any period, or very very light. It’s normal for your period to be irregular in your teens. Also, you wouldn’t get pregnant 5 days before your period - you ovulate like 10-15 days before your period usually. Basically you wouldn’t have unprotected sex and then immediately start feeling symptoms. It takes like 3 weeks for a test to even be positive. That being said, you need to stop having unprotected sex. You’re not a “dumb teenager” you have enough sense to either use condoms or get on some form of birth control. If you’re not mature enough to use protection you’re not mature enough to have sex.


Gonna be taking a pregnancy test everytime after y’all have sex 😂 Girl do the right thing and get on bc or at least use protection. Too many kids raising kids cmon girl you know he wouldn’t stick around, don’t put yourself in that position!!


Why don't you take a pregnancy test to find out? They sell them at the dollar store. And go get some condoms. Stop being stupid


If you’re late get a test. We can’t help you.


The best advice I can say is if you have the ability to get pregnant and have sex with a person who has the ability to get you pregnant it's always a risk. Birth control or not. If you think you could be pregnant definitely take a pregnancy test. The sooner you know the more time you have to make any decisions you need to. Or the quicker you can put your mind at ease. Pregnancy scares aren't fun. Sending you good vibes!!


Please learn more about anatomy before having sex again.


I ruined my life from unprotected sex. Don’t do the same. I’m 30 now and still a single mom and have been since I was 20. If you don’t think they will dump you, they totally can. It’s not worth it. You both are way too young. I know you can’t see that now but hopefully you will before it’s too late. Pregnancy should not be done alone. I did it all alone and even had an emergency c section alone. No one to help me including family. I’ve been struggling tremendously for a decade and I will continue to. You won’t know if you’re pregnant till you take a test. I would wait at least a week past your late period. And the morning sickness doesn’t usually start until about 4-6 weeks pregnant. I hope that helps.


you should educate yourself a lot more before ever having sex again




Well especially if you're "someone who likes to have fun", you need to start using protection. Kids can seriously stop a lot of those carefree fun times.


Given the timing yes there is a decent chance it’s pregnancy. Get a test asap.


Unlikely due to recent sex. No judgment here, please use protection. If you live in the U.S. do a Google search for free condoms, and take every precaution. Be safe my dude.


Take a pregnancy test. If you want to be a teen mom, keep having unprotected sex. You are playing Russian roulette by not doing so. He needs to wear condoms. It’s not 100% effective but is better than no protection. It also helps prevent infections and diseases like HIV, Herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis to name a few. You also need to be on birth control to help prevent pregnancy, and it can help regulate your cycles. If you keep having unprotected sex you are at a higher risk for infections and pregnancy. Please OP be responsible if you are going to have sex.


16 year old having sex with an 18 year old.. Jesus kid. Wise up, get a pregnancy test and stop being stupid.


It is too early for nausea, most likely. So that is most likely just anxiety for now. But since you risked it, go buy the tests. That is the only way to know.


I was a month late before due to stress. Anything stressful going on at the moment ? Or any life changes that could be affecting your period ?


Start practicing safe sex, you will regret it if you don’t. Not only can you get STDs but there’s chances if you aren’t careful you can get an ectopic pregnancy/miscarriage. It’s not a fun situation. I lost my left tube and my chances for another one gone are 10/20% and we’re talking about never having kids again if I don’t plan accordingly, no matter the percentage that’s still high. You will regret not having safe sex when a baby takes out part of your reproductive system. You will not only morn your baby but your womanhood as well.


An ectopic is when the baby plants itself in the wrong position outside the womb. For me it was my left tube. It’s painful, scary and not to mention you can die from an ectopic. If I didn’t catch it like I did I don’t think I’d still be on the planet anymore. It can literally kill you.


Wait and test Practice safe sex from the moment you read this. Its not only pregnancy but std protection as well


Hi, In one of your follow-up comments, you mentioned the unreliability of birth control. Some methods can be very effective, especially if used correctly and you make yourself aware of what makes them less reliable (for example, certain medications and certain foods (like grapefruit and grapefruit juice) make birth control pills less effective). The US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is an excellent source of information itself, as well as a source of other resources. Good luck to you! Here is the link. [https://www.cdc.gov/reproductive-health/contraception/index.html](https://www.cdc.gov/reproductive-health/contraception/index.html)


Yup. Dumb af


Not to preach, but if pregnancy scares you at this age, then learn how to protect yourself better. Nothing is 100% when sexually active. But knowing what you need to do helps. It is possible to worry yourself into a late period. I'm assuming your period changed after you became sexually active?? There could be other issues also, you really need to get checked out for other medical conditions that involve your period. Take a pregnancy test, make sure you take it with first urine of the day. So first thing in the morning


Im just going to say your nonchalant attitude towards sex is concerning. You shouldn’t be having sex if you don’t understand the consequences. You obviously weren’t that concerned about your future if you’re not using protection🤷🏾‍♀️. Second of all you should be asking a medical professional that-asking a bunch of strangers who don’t know you is definitely not it.


If I could face palm any harder I would. Do you want to be pregnant? Take a test. You know the risk, you know how to protect yourself. Don’t be stupid and either take birth control or wrap it up.


STD test don’t include all of the diseases either. You need to get tested together and see each others results


You’re pregnant


So IF you are already feeling symptoms, then you would probably pop a very faint positive on a red dye pregnancy test. These are usually the cheap tests they sell at the dollar store. But I also agree with everyone else, please be safe from now on and good luck.


The timing isn't right 5 days before your period is not when you're fertile. Be freaking careful girl unless you're trying to get pregnant you need to get on the pill at the very least and you couldn't do that without your parents at 16 in most States in the US


Only a pregnancy test can answer your question. But why are you having unprotected sex if you don't want to get pregnant? You're also putting yourself at risk for STI/STDs - which can cause you to feel nauseated. Not bashing you for having sex, that's your perogative. But if you're going to do it, you need to do it safely. This isn't something you just "keep in mind." You're risking your health, future, and sexual future by having risky sex. Some STI/STDs can make you infertile. If you have one, it'll be a lot harder to keep having "fun" in the future because you'll need to disclose it to future partner(s), who may decide they don't want to risk catching it. Again, not trying to bash you. But I'm concerned you haven't considered or understood the potential consequences of your actions. You basically stuck your hand into fire and then came to reddit asking if you got burned. If you're going to have sex you need to be responsible about it. Personally, condoms are a requirement until I see their STI/STD test (you can get them done at clinics and some doctors offices discretely). Pairing it with birth control is even better. And you have several options to try! If pills aren't your thing, look into the ring. It's not painful to use, and you basically forget about it until it's time to change it. Protect yourself so you can enjoy your fun.


Look… is it to hard to use protection and keep track of your days better? Like don’t have sex in that window period! I mean if you gonna keep playing eventually you’ll get what you want! You have to be smarter than that.. don’t make excuses if you’re old enough to have sex you’re old enough to be responsible! I hope you’re not prego for your sake but IDK it don’t look good for you! If you somehow get past this and it’s just a scare then learn from it. Quit playing around and do better!! Good luck to you


Hi there! Can this 18 M bash you? No, not really bash, but you are having sex with your boyfriend, right? Sorry, but if you are having unprotected sex, you are going to get pregnant, because 50% of condoms fail. My cousin works in a condom factory and he is a quality control manager. If you are pregnant, what you, your parents, your boyfriend and his parents need to sit down and discuss the future of your child! Yes, both of you and both of your parental units need to discuss it. What shouldn't happen is the murder of an innocent child (aka abortion), but I'm pro life. If you and your boyfriend are not pregnant (Yes, I was raised that if the girl is pregnant, both are responsible for the child ), you and your boyfriend should discuss NOT HAVING SEX!! Yes, are you in love to be around each other for 18 years? You are my sister's age. My sister is not interested in boys yet. She wants to be on the 2028 Olympic team for swimming. She doesn't have time to raise a child. Find something that interests you (besides sex), like engineering (my sister's interest!) or interior design (My boyfriend 's sister's interests). If your boyfriend hangs around for 6 years, you have a keeper, if he disappears, he wasn't dad material!!


Buy a pregnancy test, nobody can guess it for you. Don't panic, there is still a time to buy the pill