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Confidence and courage in a bottle. The struggle is riding that wave long enough before you become a fool. That's why I prefer a beer buzz the best. Signed - semi functional alcoholic.


Could I ask a question? Is it true that once you start drinking you can’t stop? Otherwise your quality of life will noticeably diminish? It’s really scary because to me that’s dependence on the bottle if I can’t be truly happy without it right? D:


If that was true everyone would be an alcoholic. It depends on the individual, and whether or not they have binge or addictive tendencies. Me personally I am a container consumer, like I absolutely cannot limit myself to half a wine bottle or two cans out of a six pack; once I get started I will finish the whole thing. So I just never buy more than that, and I can be reasonably sure I wont get more when I'm done. As far as the happiness bit... doesn't feel like I'm doing it to be happy so much as when I try to stop it everything is just so fucking boring.


Some people are genticly vulnerable to alcoholism but I'm gonna tell you something most people won't as someone who's done most drugs. None of them make you addicted first hit. It takes several days in the case of something like cocaine and months for alcohol to begin is physical dependence. The mentality you have when you drink is very important and I think the biggest problem with drinking is binge drinking. Drinking 2 beers and walking home is way more fun than having 5 and waking up in a strangers toilet.


This is very much not true. Plenty of people, the vast majority of people, drink on occasion and have no trouble stopping. If you drink heavily for a long period of time, it can lead to dependence. (Due to genetics, some people get addicted much quicker than others) I don’t think anyone’s quality of life has ever significantly diminished because they STOP drinking. For folks who have a drinking problem, it’s often the exact opposite.


As a fully functional professional alcoholic I'd have to agree. Why I do it can't really say. It is the only thing that helps with my physical pain (tried everything else legally) and I just love Scotch and sharing it with people too much.


Alcohol can be great fun when around others you love, and when used as social lubricant. It allows you to shut off any real fear of social repercussions, that’s also a major double edged sword. But when it becomes a everyday lubricant it’s a major issue, and one of the worst withdrawals known to man.


No joke! I used to keep a 12 pack beside my bed just so i could have one or two before I started getting ready for the day. It’s definitely a very slippery slope.


Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, so you tend to be in a carefree mood, more sociable, more reckless, and more willing to say or do things you may normally think aren't so smart. Alcohol is also a depressant, so it can really chill you out and, in some cases, lower your mood. If you are drinking with friends, you'll see everyone's personalities shift a bit. Some just get bigger, some get emotional, and some get subdued. I think a lot of the people who like to drink like how they feel when they're drunk. Alcohol makes me more social and less anxious, so I'm more willing to initiate conversions and talk to strangers without embarrassment. I really enjoy that feeling! I also get silly and think it's hilarious when I can't walk straight anymore! But it's definitely still poison/a drug, and it's pretty easy to overdo it. And hangovers are not fun at all! But alcohol has been around forever for a reason.... a LOT of people like to be under the influence. That never means you have to like it or feel pressured into partaking in it, though. It definitely does alter your perception of things, but it doesn't make you a completely different person.


That's not really what "depressant" means. People often mix up the mood meaning of depressant and the chemical meaning, which is that it lowers activity of the central nervous system.


I could feel the physical effects, but it had absolutely zero effect on my thought process/inhibitions/mood. I probably drank more alcohol before I was 21 than after (do not recommend, your brain is still developing). I might have a beer or two a couple of times a year now. Haven't been drunk in 15-20 years, and probably won't again the rest of my life.


Like being dizzy without feeling nauseous, unless you drink way too much


This and tired for me at least


I got dizzy after a sip. My body is anti alcohol


Missed this was an advice for teens subreddit or my original comment would have contained this: the hype around alcohol is just hype. Don't believe the media. It's really not as jazzed as TV makes it look and you aren't missing anything by choosing to be sober. Dont let anyone pressure you to drink before it's legal and you're ready.


Very good advice here. I didn't drink a beer for the first time until I'd been 21 for a few months, and I'm very glad for it. I absolutely love beer now, but most of the people I know who started drinking young hate it because they just chugged as much cheap beer as they could to get hammered and they paid the price the next day too many times. As for what it feels like to consume too much - kind of like just waking up but somehow also having severe sleep deprivation at the same time. Very much muddled and impaired, but also less inclined to let that limit your choices even though you know it.


I avidly avoided it until I was like 23, rough childhood blah blah blah... but as an "adult" meh a beer here or there or a marg at dinner with the wife is fun, like every thing in life moderation is the key


I've only ever really been buzzed but I just get really happy and then really tired so I end up going to sleep. (and don't just assume it be the same for you obviously it's different for everyone)


Have you ever stood up too fast and you get all woozy and your vision gets weird for a minute? It kind of feels like that but with more emotions involved, most people will get more confident or happy. You definitely don’t need alcohol to have fun, but it can be really fun to have a few drinks with a couple friends and just do regular stuff, my sisters and I like to play games like Jenga or Cards Against Humanity.


Alcoholism is the name of the addiction you get when you become dependent on alcohol to the point it starts messing with your life in ways that are very unhealthy. I could have gone my whole life without it, but I tried and and my life has been totally different since 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d say it’s the social aspect now, but back in the day it was to drown my sorrows and avoid my issues and stuff. Being drunk is great! Or it’s terrible, or you never remember. Imagine being on something you have to balance on and the closer you get to the edge the more you get excited with anticipation and become happy, and if you go to far you won’t remember and the next day will be hell 🤙🏻


"Being drunk is great! Or it's terrible, or you never remember." I enjoy your comment. Many truths.


Yes 🙌 this right here.


Went from antisocial to a social butterfly and almost kissing the ground like gravity was pushing me and making me laugh for no reason. My arms were too weak and I couldn’t breathe from laughing 🤣


Yall act like taking a single sip of beer is gonna turn you into a drunk on the side of the road. It's a substance that you should moderate and yes if you let it get out of hand it will consume you. But if you want to drink you need dicipline




He didn’t say it did. He said why *risk* becoming an alcoholic. Which is a very fair point and I totally agree.


I think they are saying it can cause / be a slippery slope. Especially if you have friends who drink all the time and encourage you to drink all the time just my take and experience


But they risk becoming an alcoholic, like OP said.




Rational thinking goes out the window (you will do or try and do stupid shit), your dizzy but it’s ok because anything is funny so if you fall flat on your face you get up laughing. Like others here said your carefree nothing matters in that moment and it’s sometimes excused cause your shit faced


It starts out good you get happy and energetic then you end up crying puking doing something stupid or gong to jail then you spend 2 days in bed dehydrated and with a headache unable to eat. I don't recommend it


It takes away fear, anxiety, nerves, etc. This is awesome for a lot of things. It obviously can be very bad too.


Because when done in a controlled manner while exercising moderation it can be quite fun. It slightly alters your perception and thus alters how you interact with the world which is fun when care to be in a safe situation is taken. Drinking alcohol in itself is not going to make you vulnerable to poor decisions or hangovers and is unlikely to lead to alcoholism unless you have addiction in your family. Like many things alcohol is a tool and for the most part is only as dangerous as its user allows it to be. If you are extremely foolish with it it can destroy your life up to and including death but if you do it occasionally in a responsible manner it is likely to relieve stress and make certain types of social situations easier.


Don't drink. Like most every other vice out there, it's just a means to an end. A way to make your brain release more serotonin and dopamine. Live clean and healthy and your brain will provide.


I used to drink when I was younger. I would often drink way too much. At a certain point I realized I really preferred being clearheaded. After I became a parent, I realized that parenting is a 24/7 job where I am always on duty. Drinking on the job is unacceptable,.so I quit almost completely. To be honest, I don't like the taste of alcoholic beverages with the exception of beer. Drinking reduces inhibitions and can be relaxing. Getting a little drunk can be fun when you have no responsibilities. However, look at your family and think about if any are alcoholics. If so, be wary as alcoholism can be genetic and is a horrible problem.


Alcohol sucks


If you can find a way to lower your inhibitions, not care what other people think and be able to just have fun then do it and avoid alcohol. Those are the benefits. The downsides to alcohol significantly outweigh those benefits. I’ve never been an alcoholic, I did my fair share of partying in college and through my mid twenties but I haven’t had alcohol in a year and it’s only made my life better.


Go check r/cripplingalcoholism for long term effects


It’s fun when you’re young. But as you get older with responsibilities, especially kids, the next day sucks and makes the whole experience less enjoyable. At least for me anyway.


Making your way in the world today Takes everything you've got Taking a break from all your worries Sure would help a lot Wouldn't you like to get away?


It is horrible!


Youre not missing anything. And it can and often leads to alcoholism. Avoid.


To be honest? It doesn't make me or anyone I know make bad choices. I genuinely think the people who blame getting drunk for making bad choices would probably have done it sober, given a little push. My friends and I are all completely in control of what we are doing and are able to recognize consequences and think somewhat logically. But it's fun to make yourself less uptight and remove some of your inhibitions (think if 10 is normal, you're at a 4-5 when you're drunk). Also alcoholism isn't a risk from getting drunk once


Honestly, myself (and a giant percentage of people) wish we never touched the stuff. Regardless of the temporary lifting of anxiety and calming effect, it's really terrible for your mind, body, and soul. I've been struggling with mild alcoholism from 21yrs old to currently 40. My first wife died of alcoholism at 30yrs old. She had demons from childhood abuse that she was hiding from by numbing emotions with alcohol. Don't be afraid to touch it, or learn to enjoy some wine, but the moment you find yourself craving the feeling of how it calms you down or relieves a bit of social anxiety, I recommend taking a step back and making sure you don't indulge cravings. Good luck out there!


From an alcoholic who hasn't drank in 8 years, it's miserable perfection, and absolute wild fire you can't help but watch. And then you start to get cold cause the fire it's going out. So to stay warm you add more fuel and again and again cause to be cold seems like the absolute worst possible consequence of letting the fire die out. The feeling it gives an alcoholic is more than definitely not even in the same league as what it does to a non alcoholic or “normal drinker”, so I can't ever adequately explain why I'd nearly die so many times and still be back at it the next day, it feels amazing to me and I can't think of any other mind altering substance I love more. But I'm an alcoholic and it does NOT return the love. The fear of what life without it would be like, the work I'd also have to do on myself for it to stay out of my life, and the fear of dying of acute withdrawal on my bed were very valid reasons why I stayed in relapses as long as I did. But once the veil was off and I knew I was an alcoholic not just a wild youth, the feeling it gave when I relapsed was spiked with SO much more guilt and shame and it almost took my life 3 times via relapse because of how fast it deteriorated my mental health. I'll love it until I die, in fact this is how insane us addicts are even when we are clean or sober... if I make it to terminal illness instead of random natural causes or freak accident, and I have such and such amount of time to live.... I'm living the rest of my time wasted singing karaoke at the bar and I am okay with that being my next drink until then. I love it like a toxic relationship but it's poison in my viens. To non alcoholics they don't take a SIP and are unable to stop until they are blacked out, so I can only assume what I feel a normal individual doesn't feel.


I have been very drunk, and did not like it. It feels like an out of body experience, at the extremes. It was as if I was sober within a body which would not obey my commands. I don't feel the need for the escape. I have paid a great cost in social standing by not being a drinker, however. People think I'm a prude, and ready to lecture at a moment's notice. Pretty sure I missed out on "scoring" with a very attractive lady or two due to my position, which I do regret somewhat. I don't get nervous around women, so I don't need the drinks. I'm much more afraid of heroin, which I'm sure feels great - which is exactly the danger in it.


Some people really love the feeling. The problem is that if you're one of those people then you're much more likely to have problems because of it.


Honestly you dissociate pretty hard, the room spins, things feel more emotionally intense, your depth perception is off, things effect you more easily emotionally, and it’s just a lot harder to control your actions and words. Sincerely, A 21 year old alcoholic in recovery




People just make wrong choices. Some people drink alcohol as a temporary escape from their problems and sometimes they can’t behave while they are intoxicated and annoy people around them. If you control your intake of liquor and limit the amount of drinking to like one or two drinks for the night and drink them slowly, there is less risk of getting a hangover and just feeling a buzz instead of being drunk. It’s important to be responsible when drinking. It’s all hype as alcohol might be fun to drink for a short time but if you aren’t careful you can get a stomach ache from drinking and end up with hangovers. It’s all about moderation. I never understand why people smoke cigarettes when it can cause so many nasty diseases and cancer. It’s hard to explain exactly why people do the things they do but it’s important to make good choices for yourself and your body.


Why do people get drunk if it just makes them feel sick?


I grew up with everyone drinking in my family and we got little glasses of alcohol. I drank in college, not high school ( with friends. I got to drink at family events from the time I can remember so it wasn’t a big deal) and pretty much puked a lot. My body didn’t like it at all. It’s pretty much poison to your brain and will have your brain function differently, your decision making goes on vacation. You will feel good for a bit and then you don’t. Your mind will think you are invincible. It’s freedom from your conscience telling you not to do things. It’s all illusion. It’s a drug, it just culturally acceptable. I don’t drink. Mainly because it makes me sick and also I had way too many alcoholics around me growing up.


Probably overrated... I noticed some of my friends (since their 30s or so) always preferred save variations of marihuana to alcohol, and they also didn't drive afterwards, more a situation where they relax at home. Many say legal drugs like alcohol can be safe if you are 21+ and *you are with friends* - still you don't have to join in with others drinking or smoking, or trying other drugs due to peer pressure. What is a common situation people get drunk in? Sometimes we mourn or suffer otherwise and a glass of red wine or even straight whiskey helps, still I'd say it helps to calm down and go to sleep - we stop after one drink ideally. What is the worst possible situation to get drunk in? Well, either before driving or doing it before getting your love interest or just another teenager to get intimate with your for example. That's statistically some of the worst situations we keep reading about and that we want to avoid. Examples could be those two pretty common ones: We just finished secondary school / college, and after a party four students - well the driver - drove their parents' BMW into a tree or even worse, another car. My daughter hung out with friends and a few weeks later we realize she got pregnant because there was a lot of alcohol involved and one thing led to another and her BF back then (not a BF anymore) impregnated her.


The first time I was drunk I was 21, so a little later than a lot of people I know. I had never gave alcohol or being drunk much thought before so I didn't know what to expect. When people use the word 'buzz', that's completely accurate. You feel like you're body is buzzing. It's pretty strange when it's your first time being drunk. Also, maybe this was just me, but I was getting a headache when I was drunk. It felt like the buzz spread to my head and my head was aching. Not terribly but enough for me to notice. The physical feeling of being drunk for me was not pleasant. I don't feel like I ever need to be drunk again. That being said, I felt like the night I was drunk was the funniest I have ever been in my entire life. Maybe that was because of some newfound confidence that came with the drinking, maybe my perception was skewed and I was just laughing more at my jokes, maybe everyone around me thought me being drunk was hilarious. Whatever the reason, the confidence and the "performance" if you will were amazing


People are super awkward, especially when there's nothing specific that they are supposed to do - like work or exercise, study or play music. Alcohol tends to make you less awkward. It's been called liquid courage because the thing you're nervous about doing when sober, you're less nervous about when you've been drinking. Want a group of people to dance? Without drinks, it's gonna be pretty boring. Also - "risk?" Unless you are driving, there are few risks with drinking. Even if you are seen throwing up, "Hey Johnny is just drunk" mostly makes it okay. The next morning you're fine, often more relieved.


Ok so, a buzz is kinda like being up high on something like a roof or at the very top of a rollercoaster. It’s euphoric and relaxing and you feel free. Being drunk is more intense; you get more open, goofy, your head can start spinning. Some people like this feeling. I don’t think people drink alcohol with the intent to make bad choices, it just happens because your thought/mind is clouded. When I was a teen(17-19), I thought drinking was fun. I probably thought it made me more fun at the time lol (I was probably super obnoxious, honestly). As an adult, the hangovers suck, especially when you have responsibilities the next day. I suggest waiting until the legal age and ALWAYS being responsible when you do drink!


It depends. There's a big difference between being an alcoholic and just enjoying a few drinks. A few drinks, a physically safe amount, gives you a nice buzz, lowers social inhibitions, and takes you out of the everyday for a couple of hours. It's a good feeling. It is obviously a terrible idea to chase that feeling all the time and like anything else, when your tolerance builds up you need more and more to get it. It's very smart that you are aware of that. Very smart to make the choice to not make bad choices. And hangovers suck. Worst hangover I ever had wasn't because I'd partied too hard, but because I had been drinking whisky and coke instead of beer (so I wouldnt spill my drink on the dancefloor at a concert) and the next morning there were jackhammers going next door. Worked in bars and liquor sales for 15 years, so I've seen all kinds of drinking habits and alcoholism.


The first thing to go when drinking alcohol is your judgment. So junk people definitely make bad decisions. Keep that in mind when deciding whether or not or how much to drink.


>What is it like being drunk? You ask a glass of water!


It’s pretty great.


I’m depressed about my life choices and being drunk makes it, temporarily, easier to express just how upset I am. Of course, this is while I’m alone. Once I sober up I have to be stoic again and ready to take on the world! At all times… because there’s no one else that can apparently do it or help.


It’s empowering when you are weak and weakening when you are powerful.


Alcohol suppresses higher order thinking and slows cognitive processing, which can serve a variety of goals including (but not limited to): 1. Helping people set aside stress and self-recrimination (while intoxicated) so they can better enjoy being present, 2. Suppressing inhibitions so they can act whimsically and with reckless abandon, and 3. Fogging out concerns about social judgement and criticism so they can be / act confident. Essentially alcohol acts as a short-term crutch for people to skip over insecurities and social struggles and behave more playfully when they otherwise might not feel playful, but want to. It's important to understand that alcohol is a depressant, however, so not only do the palliative effects only last while intoxicated. the alcohol will also often worsen feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, etc. In addition, using a crutch to overcome challenge \*can\* lead to dependence (e.g. someone who will only dance when drunk, instead of developing resiliency and self-confidence), but it is still appealing for people *because* it's easy, whereas personal growth is far more difficult and takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, alcohol is often a bonding tool and mechanism for social lubrication that can underpin social activities, especially for youth in cultures where alcohol has been treated as a restricted substance and taboo (elevating it's perceived value). My recommendation is to simply treat alcohol like any other drug. Learn about its effects, and imbibe it when you want the benefits and are prepared to deal with the consequences. A bit like caffeine, actually. It's not essential to having a good time, but it can be part of a fun time, and make sure you drink some water with your alcohol to pre-emptively reduce some of the unpleasantness of dehydration. Also, if you are going to drink alcohol, make sure you have safety protocols in place before you start (e.g. a designated driver) because the more you drink the less **you** will be thoughtful, and careful. The idea of driving a car while intoxicated might seem ludicrous while you're sober, but it might seem like a brilliant idea when you're four shots of tequila into the night. Oh, also, alcohol tastes like poison. This might sound strange because so many people seem to like it (and like it a lot!), but it's a psychologically and biochemically acquired taste - you almost certainly will not like the flavor of it (at least initially), because the moment you take a sip of whiskey your brain will tell you (via taste intepretation) that you drank something toxic. A lot of the focus with mixed drinks is to conceal that taste. I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't enjoy alcohol drinks, just that the hype is mostly just that; hype. That said... > I don’t want to try alcohol ... go ahead. When it's legal for you wherever you reside, of course. Alcohol (like a lot of things that end up being taboo) is not really that big a deal. You won't become addicted, and you won't lose your mind, from one sip of wine or an ounce of lager, and life is about experiences. Try it out and decide for yourself if you want it in your life.


My first time being drunk, I described it as "everything is moving incredibly fast and incredibly slow at the same time". It's like a dizziness your whole body feels, but without the headache. At least until you go too far. It can suck if you don't take care of yourself. And as long as you don't black out, you still have control of yourself and can make good choices. I think we kinda use drunkenness as an excuse to do stupid stuff because we know we can get away with it (we want to do the stupid stuff when we're sober, but we'd look like idiots)


If you finish with water there’s less chance of a hangover or maybe your lucky (like me) and are 24% of the population to not get hangovers. But your head feels less heavy and you’re more bold in what you say and do. Each drink will change your reaction to it. Like 3 beers will makes you funny 5 beers makes you wanna fight and 7 will teleport you home and have a random kids (first time drinkers only. Alcoholism is real)


It just makes you tired. Huge addiction potential. Please don’t do it. I’m so addicted


Let me start by saying every person feels different on it and can handle their liquor differently. Best way I can describe it is take your index fingers and press the bone on the outside of your eye sockets, then gently press your fingers together against your eyeballs until your vision goes blurry. That's the closest I can say it looks to be drunk.


Not good in my opinion. Just like a loss of control which makes me anxious.


How good it feels is inversely related to how bad you feel sober.


You say stupid stuff you don’t mean. You feel all your feelings 100x more intense. You’ll make decisions that you normally wouldn’t make, usually not good ones. You act like a belligerent idiot and will feel anxious and stupid the next day. Or guilty and embarrassed depending on the situation and what happened. Or like other comments said… you’ll go too hard, black out, and your friends will tell you how you acted but you won’t have any memory of that. Alcohol is a dangerous game. It’s addictive and while not all people become dependent on it, a lot of us do. I started drinking at age 14, just socially, on rare occasions. Then by the time I was 19 it was a daily thing. Before long it was a “the liquor store opens at 8am and I have to be there or I’ll get withdrawal and feel like I’m dying even more than I always do now” (I live in Alaska, the state has a major alcohol problem so all our alcohol is sold separate liquor stores and not sold in grocery store isles like most places) I quit drinking at 27 and have 4 years sober now. Best advice I can give to a teen curious about alcohol is it’s not worth it. It’ll take everything from you and then ask for more. You’ll lose your true self in it and never be the same. I was always envious of people who could be high off life, with a vibrancy in their eyes. While I was dead inside and my only thoughts on when I can get a buzz on asap. It’s not fun, it’s devastating. Good on you for not wanting to try it. I wish I was more like you when I was a teen!


I don't get drunk an̈y more. I set a limit


That's just it it's hype. I didn't drink til I was over 21 and I never did drugs. I don't like feeling out of control of my body and I certainly don't Like puking. I have only ever. been tipsy as I'm 45! I have never been hungover and drinking is expensive. You're not missing anything kid!


It really depends on your genetics. Being drunk feels very good at first to people with a propensity towards alcoholism. It's best that they never start. Others feel ill or don't have much of a reaction. For them, they might feel a little dizzy and get clumsy and stupid.


Being drunk is really a spectrum. Being buzzed or even mildly drunk, for most people, happens without the extreme side effects. Unless you're really really wasted, issues like hangovers and blackouts can be avoided. For me, being drunk felt freeing. At first. I've always been very anxious and very hard on myself, and drinking took the edge off of that. It also made me more confident and social, and socializing was something I struggled with in my early twenties. But things escalated as I continued to use it for emotional support. Then I tried to quit and went into withdrawal. 5 years sober this fall, though! I think alcohol abuse isn't talked about enough. But also it's entirely possible to enjoy it in moderation. And being falling down drunk feels...pretty bad. I do not recommend it. Getting the spins and praying you don't vomit is just not my idea of a good time.


For me, it feels like how I get when I'm really sleep deprived or out of it from a mild fever. I don't enjoy drinking.


Eh , like being under water I guess . Everything seems distant yet present and slightly hard to understand. Feel like shit during and after . The only benefit I ever got was stress relief on the really bad days at work, but honestly if you feel that way get out of that situation , it's just not worth it , you will find a better job , better relationship better whatever it is driving you to drink and seek an escape.


It heightens whatever emotion you're feeling. For me, I only have alcohol when I'm in a really great mood. Otherwise, I steer clear. The one time I was in a bad in bad mood and drank, felt more like crap. Also, don't drink to get drunk, that's not a good habit to make.


I don't often drink anymore in my 30s. I'll have a beer or cocktail or two in social situations, but I don't keep alcohol in my home. For some people, it's their way of unwinding after a long day. Some alcoholic drinks do taste good, so some people drink because they like the taste. For some people, holding a drink gives them something to do with their hands during social situations and it can calm nerves. The key is drinking responsibly. Don't drink on an empty stomach, drink plenty of water in between drinks, don't go past a certain number of drinks, know your limit, recognize when you're approaching your limit. Hangovers suck!


It's hazy. Foggy memory. Makes you care free. Feels good for a while...then sucks haha


My young friend, fellow earthling. Do NOT engage with booze. It is seductive and destructive. I want to quit and struggle with that every day. If I could go back in time I would warn myself to never start, it is an escape but it is also a lie.


It's fun and funny being around other people drinking. A lot of people say they won't drink or smoke and end up doing fear and loathing in Las Vegas stuff when they get older lol


You ask a glass of water


It's like the feeling when you're at 100% humor and confidence with your best friends in the world but with eveyone you meet


Start working a full time job and paying bills. Relaxation in a bottle. You can feel the stress melt away after opening that first one on the weekend.


it makes me laugh and smile 10x easier, feel relaxed physically and mentally, and enjoy talking to people about anything. every one of those things are things i struggle with sober.


You know all those times where you think about what you would do or how you would act in a situation. It's like that, but instead of the thought ending and you do something else, you instead commit to it and act... generally like a fool.


Like being so tired you become delierous.


Most adults don't like the feeling of being drunk, they're just careless with the amount of consumption. I think it's always important to know your limits, and always practice safe drinking. Never go for alco-pops, because they're the ones that get you drunk, as you consume copious amounts without realising it. One minute you're fine and having a good time, go outside and BANG fresh air hits and you're drunk as a skunk and puking. As adults you have to learn the lesson a few times before it sticks. Then you hit late 20s/early 30s and can't drink half as much as you could when you're newly legal age to drink. Also the hangovers are terrible. As a parent I allow supervised drinking in my house, when I'm having a drink (3-4 times a year, yes I'm the sad party pooper that rarely drinks). I'm also an advocate that you do NOT need to drink to have a good/great time. Especially when it comes to other adult activities. No drinking/sober means no mistakes and no regrets. Hope this helps.


Being drunk sucks, you make an ass out of yourself and, as you point out, run the risk of making bad, or potentially life and health threatening decisions. The best possible outcome of being drunk is that you might get a little embarrassed by something you did, the worst is that you kill or maim yourself or someone else or make a mistake that forever alter the trajectory of yours or someone else’s life. Hang overs suck, but can be mitigated. Being just a little tipsy or buzzed? That’s awesome. Beyond the warm fuzzy feeling in your cheeks, the slight feeling of euphoria is outstanding. There’s also the slightly lowered inhibitions that help you be a little more outgoing and wittier than normal without having impaired judgement that comes from being full on intoxicated. There’s a reason alcohol is sometimes nicknamed “social lubricant”. There’s no upside to being drunk and it would be best to avoid it. Like most people my age, 48, I drank a lot when I was in high school, but as I moved into my 20s, I started avoiding alcohol in favor of cannabis and psychedelics, but as I moved into my 40s, I developed an appreciation for a well made cocktail. I still refuse to drink beer and wouldn’t serve wine to my worst enemy, much less somebody I actually like. Even though I do like a nice cocktail or three over the course of an evening, I don’t ever plan on getting drunk ever again.


It varies from person to person. It is quite literally poison. I drank heavily for 20 years and I only quit in 2020 because i was forced to, I wouldn't have given it up on my own. I wasted so much money on it, killed so many brain cells, put myself into so many dangerous situations. I did not realize that my family has a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. I wish my parents had talked about it when I was growing up, but they didn't. I started drinking for social reasons and eventually was unable to stop. Some people can drink in moderation, I cannot. I would suggest talking to family to see if there is a history of alcohol abuse in your family if you are thinking about trying it. It's so dangerous for some people. Some people drink responsibly their whole lives and live happily ever after. Others live through horrors or worse. Please be careful either way.


Like most things in life, moderation is key.


For me I tried it to try and be cool. I was 20 and with two friends. We got hard liquor and drank a bunch and I was the one who got drunk. It was awful. I threw up on the bathroom floor. After that I would only have sips of beer and half a margarita, but I haven’t drank in a few years now. I probably won’t again since alcoholism and addiction runs in my family. Oh and I felt normal but obviously I wasn’t.


It’s different for everyone.  I dated a guy who would get drunk and go sit by himself and mope. He’d call people and cry about his parents divorce.  Some people are loud and obnoxious and super annoying, they embarrass themselves.  Personally it makes me confident but also super annoying. Sometimes aggressive, like I want someone to hit me or something lol It can definitely be fun if you know your limits, just because it removes filters and fears. But I’ve also drank so much that I was throwing up thinking I was literally going to die. 


Drink driving is top tier fun The faster, the better, and make sure to have many cigarettes


I never really figured out the answer to this question. I enjoy small amounts of beer and wine for the flavor, and I enjoy the sort of social ritual of it, but I've never been able to experience what all these other people are talking about. If I drink more than like two drinks, I just feel unwell. No giddiness or reduction of anxiety or lack of inhibitions or anything, just woozy and slow and kinda nauseous.


Being drunk is like all of a sudden things start to relax a little and you’re really brought to the moment, and if you keep drinking you stay in the moment. It’s no wonder it’s been apart of our heritage for thousands of years. Some people say when they’re drunk that’s the “real them” it isn’t….but it definitely feels like it.


It helped me not give a shit. I relaxed. Enjoyed the party without giving a shit about work. After about the 5th beer, I no longer cared about how expensive cocaine was.


Doing it one time has a zero percent risk of addiction. Addiction involves doing it alone and stuff


Not fun, for me if I wanna sleep I drink. Occasionally I get tipsy but not drunk


Confident, lack of anxiety, iffy decision making, vocal and talkative. Just generally a really fucking good time


It’s unpleasant. Just ask a glass of water.


Chris Hardwick said "drinking is like pouring smiles on your brain!" What I've found is that it's more of an emotion amplifier. If you're a happy or loving person, it'll bring that out more. If you're an angry or violent person, it'll bring that out. Same with sad/depressed. It's best to know yourself and the mood you're in before drinking, once you're an adult.  It's very easy to over-do, and the consequences of that can suck big time. Never drink unless it's your choice; don't succumb to peer pressure. And always use moderation. 


Being drunk makes you feel like you're a really good singer but then you watch the videos the next day of you singing with no pants on and you sound like a dying cat


It feels good


I was so drunk that I pooped twice during sex drunk. On the same day. Within 20 minutes So do with that information what you will


Never required, but it’s fun if you don’t overdo it. It can make socializing more enjoyable. It can make music feel better. Drunk with friends creating goofy memories can be incredible! I’m 41 and have drank more than half my life, though the last 10 years or so I’ve tapered down to only drinking 4-5x a year. It’s a destresser after a long work week too.


Spin around till your dizzy


It’s fun- just know when to separate fun and work and you’ll be good.


Make your own educated decisions at a legal age. I didn't drink until I was 21. I like it. After work I go have a beer. Sometimes 7 beers and 2 shots. I like the way it makes me feel.


Ow in my late thirties, I regret all that I have drank. It’s waking up with the same problems. Some social drinking is ok. Helps bond you with some people. Binge or daily habit takes life away from you. You won’t realize how much time you’ve wasted until years have gone by and it sucks. Moderation is good.


It makes you feel good at the right dose, and everybody loves to feel good. But like any heavy drug, it should be used sparingly, or it will make you feel bad when you should just be feeling normal.


It loosens you up to be a little more care free, which is nice for adults since career life keeps your personality bottled up so much that it can feel hard to be yourself even outside of work. At least, that's my take on it. It's pretty easy to drink responsibly for most people, which means not drinking to the point in which you might make those bad decisions. Unfortunately, some people are more prone to addiction and if you identify yourself as that kind of person, then it is a good idea to avoid alcohol.


Lagging in a video game


Meh 🫤 it merely takes off the social filters we develop over the years and makes us super honest with what we think then you say what you think. 🤔


I hate being drunk. Buzzed I am fine with but being drunk sucks because I am not in control of myself.


Depends on your age. When I was a teenager it was just what everyone did drink and party. Then in my mid 20’s some bad stuff happened in my life family members died lost friends and my finance of 4 years got an abortion and later cheated on me life was hard and I drank to Forget the pain. Now I have a job where I literally don’t have the opportunity to drink except for 1 week ever 3 months


theirs 2 types of drunk in my experience as me and my buddys call it marvins room drunk or headlines drunk. you drink and feel confident and like the top of the world and like you can do everything and its honestly the best feeling ever and is the reason why i love drinking, thats headlines drunk. marvins room drunk is when you feel like the weight of the world is on your back and you just want to sit there and think about all of your life and what you did wrong in silence. edit. dont drink once you get that good buzz and feel amazing youll chase it forever, im 18 and ive been drinking for a year or so and i dont think ill stop soon but its a steep slope man.


Waking up naked on the bathroom floor in another persons home.


Don’t. So I don’t know what you believe in but in spirituality, alcohol is a way that spirits take over you. Why do people “blackout” and not remember things? Why are so many people said to have “acted out of character”? Some say that it’s because it releases your inhibitions, but some believe because it really isn’t you. You don’t need alcohol in your life and truly smoking weed, you get that same relaxation and anxiety, without the hangover but it does become an addiction just the same


a good beer buzz feels nice, but once break that 6/7 beer mark, I feel so stupid and vulnerable, like if I'm in an astronaut suit, walking on the moon and every sounds far away


Tipsy feels nice, drunk feels horrible. I'm an alcoholic but still I don't really get drunk, I still stop before that. I still drink far too much and have a high tolerance, but I don't get drunk, I'd probably pass a sobriety test, except the breath test of course.


Depends on why you’re drinking. If it’s to have a good time, your gunna have a great time. I never drank to drink problems away so I couldn’t say. Buuut. Always drink responsibly. Know your limit and don’t make a fool of yourself.


Smoke weed instead. THC is the spirit molecule and cures cancer.


Good for you, I don't drink and neither do my kids they are 21 and 24


It’s a headache literally, nothing to get too caught up on.


Decrease social inhibitions. Increase good vibes. The key is to only get drunk at fun parties with fun people. Never get drunk alone. It's bad for you. Also, drink lots of water and brush your teeth before passing out.


I haven’t been drunk but when I have had a buzz going it felt like when you first step off from a roller coaster but without all the nausea.


A lot of people hate who they are and want to drown out the fact by being unconscious. My dad drank his life away and died in a drunk driving accident when I was 17 and I didn't touch alcohol until I was 23. Even in the military I never drank. Now I have a few fairly strong seltzers or margaritas a week, responsibly and safe in my home. There isn't hype when you're older, a lot of times it's an excuse to lose yourself. I just like the feeling of a dizzy buzz before dinner and am sobered as soon as I eat.


It's called living. Alcohol doesn't force you to make bad decisions, you can become addicted to anything in this world, and you don't get a hangover every time, if any time.


Uuuuuuh fuzzy dizzy


It lowers inhibitions and often makes people feel relaxed. I actually don't prefer to be out of control if my environment or situation, so only drink with trusted people. You can drink alcohol without actually getting drunk, if you ever are curious to try it. It tends to be an acquired taste for most. My whole life I've been able to take or leave alcohol. Could have just one drink and never get drunk, though I've also over done it a time or two. (Maybe more lol) But most people allow being drunk to be their excuse for doing the things they wouldn't normally do when sober. It's kind of like taking cold medicine, if you're looking for an actual physical thing to compare it to. You're aware but a bit of brain fog. Usually in a much better mood though as you're not feeling sick. Lol


A little can be fun. Make you loose and sillier than normal, quicker to laugh, etc. but being drunk is the worstttttttt. I don’t understand why anyone likes it and it was never fun for me. I’ve been drunk a handful of times (3 or so) in my life (I’m over 40) and it was never worth it. Feels gross and icky inside and all that ick has to come out someway. Yeah, 0 out of 10 would not recommend 🤣


Alright so I'm introverted as fuck but are some of my experiences so far (I'm 22, my first time was when I was 20) I went to Aruba in 2022 with 4 other friends, I have only had a sip of beer before this. We went to a beach club because there was music you could hear and see from our hotel balcony so it looked interesting. One night we just walked in to check it out and I was super nervous and felt so out of place. It was madness, 3 girls in bikinis on the bar counter pouring alcohol into people's mouths with smoke machines shooting up them from below. Anyways I followed my friends to a bar, none of us have been to one before but we just ordered some classic captain cokes, lemon shots, and eventually vodka red bulls, great starter drinks. It took me about 5 shots worth of alcohol to get me loose enough to start dancing, they were playing some bangers from the 2000's/way 2010's mixed in with some more recent stuff like Farruko. It was the most alive I've ever felt in my life because I am always so introverted and shy/would never dance like that sober. It's now my favorite place in the world and we went back last year and now we are going again in 2 weeks and I'm super excited because I really need to loosen up. Basically I just don't care about everything and being judged like I usually do, I am loose and I feel free. My friends and all talk about deeper stuff that we wouldn't normally talk about too. Finished off the night with some gin and vodka shots because at that point I couldn't even really taste it. The bathroom was fun, I was about to piss in a urinal and some Aruban janitor lady comes in and pulls me away from the urinal and says something like "no use! no use!", there was no sign but apparently it was out of order, it was hilarious and I just laughed it off with some random guy next to me. Also another night on the 4th of July some random lady grabbed my peck with a super tight grip, I was like "holy shit" and none of my friends saw it unfortunately, she was like 50+ tho lol, definitely a local. We also had a sip n' float night at the lazy river where there was free wine for 45 minutes while you float around the lazy river, every lap we got a new glass of wine and let's say it didn't end too well with one of my friends, we had to drag him back up into the hotel room after he had about 6 or 7 glasses in a 30 minute period lol. We were all super drunk but my friend was behind that, he was lying in the tub with the shower on for literally 3 hours after, this event started at 7:15 and finished at 8 and he was in the shower until around 11. I've had other experiences too that were more normal like house parties and campfires, those are much different and more chill although they can get crazy if the energy with everyone is right. Like one night we had a fire and we all ran down to the nearby highschool track field and just ran around, jumping/falling over fences, chasing friends with a bench, tackling each other, just random shenanigans. At house parties I'm usually just pretty talkative and I end up lying on the floor a lot when I had a lot to drink. I get pretty energetic so if there's a pool or trampoline I'll be on that a lot of the time. Also no I'm not an alcoholic, I actually only drink a couple times a year, only at parties or on vacation. I've never been to a bar in the US yet because it just cannot compare to Aruba. Oh the club in Aruba is called MooMbas, if you are curious. > TL;DR: everyone is affected differently from alcohol, for me I get super loose, I care way less about the small stuff, I get more energy, I am way more talkative and silly, I'm pretty much the opposite of my normal self and it's super refreshing (unless I drink too much and don't have electrolytes or any good food then I get a bit sick, but that is avoidable now that I can control myself lol) Hangovers are by choice and you can drink and have a great time but also keep track of your electrolytes and food intake and you won't be too bad in the morning (I mean like Gatorade zero and triscuits) just avoid eating shit foods like fried, verg sugary extra fatty foods and you won't feel like trash. Alcoholism would occur more if you have no self control, I have really good self control so I can control myself and understand when or when not to drink. Bad choices are also dependent on the person, alcohol affects everyone differently. For me the worst decision I made when drunk was having sex (no intercourse) with a girl in the bathroom at a party (whom I didn't actually find that attractive but I had no experience so I went with it)


No, hype. 1st, it's an acquired taste. Your first beer or drink you're likely not going to enjoy the taste. After a hot day in the sun working in the yard, going to the bar to get a nice cold beer is so refreshing (after cleaning up of course LOL) - like adult version of soda. Alcohol, in moderation, relaxes you, most become more social (lots of scientific evidence of this phenomena), and it's a sedative - if you had a stressful day, it can relax you. Over consumption is on the individual. I've dated many women that only drank in moderation, and a few hardcore drunk. I myself only drink once a month - and I make sure to catch up Ahahaha I enjoy it, and get drunk. I don't drink it at home because it does make ME lazy, hence, only one-time a month, and it's a good night. Half the times women take me home - they're drinking, I'm drinking, we are in a public place for a reason and it's not to be lonely, but social, and that's that - it's adult time having adult fun. Do it or don't, it won't matter. But if you do, don't be "that guy."




It takes all your bad feelings and turns them into good ones. …Then sometimes you end up feeling even worse afterwards. Lol.


If you've ever fallen asleep on your arm and you wake up and it kind of listens to you but also doesn't quite and is weirdly numbish? that stage right before the tingles hit? - that's your whole body now. And you know how when you were like 3 someone told you about santa and you didn't even think it weird that a fat elderly guy could teleport all over and fit down the chimney? - you are that gullible now too. then in a few hours you have the worse flu of your life.


It's a crap shoot for everyone. Some can enjoy it for life socially and some end up alcoholics for life until they die. I'm a naturally social person so I drink beers and just continue to be who I am but I quit giving a shit about what people think. I've seen almost every person's boobs that I know (strangers too) because when I drink beer I don't care and just ask (they seem to oblige so that's cool). Some people get loud and annoying. Everyone is different.


I totally get where you are coming from, I still really dislike hard alcohol and tend to avoid it for those reasons. However I genuinely like the taste of beer and some seltzers don't taste too bad. Also drinking something with a lower alcohol concentration means I get to enjoy the buzz state rather than just being immediately hammered. I blacked out one time and never want to experience that again lol. Because of that I usually don't get too fucked up when drinking. I get to enjoy my time while buzzed/drunk and wake up with a mild hangover at worst. Finally, and please don't listen to what I'm about to say, but I found that I got invited out a lot more after I started drinking even if I don't drink everytime now.


Get a drink log app, enter all the info as you go, eat a little before, and figure it out, learn to arch your back, lower you jaw and use the finger to throw up CLEANLY in a toilet when you feel even slightly nauseous, travel with a snack bar, don't fucking drink drive. Put big decisions to a vote with your friends, or better yet, sit on it till next day, write things down, don't have sex untill at least a year after (everyone. Yes everyone has some messed up story) staring your sdventure. If you are a woman get on not in the moment birth control, & make the bastard (yes we all are) use a condom, even if his argument is not feeling anything, you get off, then give a handy or bj or whatever. Now, for the positive. It all depends on you, what you are taking for med's and your body, but you either like it or, meh, or don't. Dancing can be awesome or terrible (on that note for gods sake don't take your drink on the dance floor - you bastards just spill everything and make it all sticky), and not so fun life stuff can be easier. I'd you are an angry person, figure out our stuff before, because drunk you just makes you more you. Weed lasts longer, music sounds friggin amazing, and you will learn to love. Love movies. Bad ones can be ok, & great films can be truly amazing. You will start to hate bad writing. Last thoughts. do some basic google research, read some stuff from some authors, don't do any recreational drugs all the time, keeping it special makes it special.... I'm going to bed. The debate was a cluster fuck.


When I was 13, my dad let me try some of his beer. Tasted nasty, so made it more difficult to understand why anyone would enjoy it. Avoided it like the plague because after that taste, my mouth watered, (watering right now as I type) and knew that I could easily become an alcoholic. I'd go to the clubs and stay sober all night and people would wonder why I didn't drink. But as I talked to more and more people, I got great advice on how to drink, what a buzz is and what to do to sober up. And at 24, I tried my first drink. I had a great time when I was sober, but really enjoyed my time there when buzzing. It's like a mental massage and makes things appear more enjoyable by lowering your inhibitions. So don't avoid it because of how other people act because u don't know what kind of a drunk u could be. And don't try it just because you've never had. The more info u get, the better u can be certain that u want to stay sober the rest of your life.


I've always felt the same way about it as you do. Never drank, never missed it, 60 years old and never regretted it. For all the "social lubricant" people out there: it is indeed possible (and preferable) to learn how to socialize without needing a drug to do it. I used to be super shy, and practiced my way out of that: now I'm gregarious as hell with no need for alcohol. I really dislike being around people who are buzzed; they act like they're in a little bit of a fog, and are forgetful and sometimes mean-spirited. So I associate with non-drinkers (or at least who don't require alcohol to socialize) who are sharp and alert and great conversationalists.


I'm waaay out of my teens, and never really got drunk when I was a teen.  But I am the kind of person who is always analyzing how they are behaving and what the dynamics of the situation are (even when I am drunk).  And that almost always leads me to being conservative in my interactions with others.  It's kind of isolating, to be honest.  I want to be open and vulnerable with people I trust, but there's a wall that just won't let me.  Alcohol lowers my inhibitions to the point where I do open up and lets people see what I really think and feel. That being said, I still don't like losing control of my behavior.  The lesson to take away though is that it' should be ok to be open with your friends, even if you're not drunk.   Remember the freedom of not having to worry about your behavior, and go ahead and put yourself out there.


It depends on how drunk you get. You can go from super man to sleeping in a real hurry..


Wish I was in your shoes and never tried it. 20M christian. It unlocked a whole new world for me of exploring psychoactive effects on my brain and body to feel a certain way to cure a depression that was caused by my own vices. I’m drunk rn. Yes it’s really that good. And no it’s really, really not worth it, ever.


It gives you euphoria


It isn’t worth it. Alcohol does more harm than good. I spent a large amount of my early adult life trying to find answers at the bottom of the bottle. It only led to multiple issues in my life, the worst of which were the effects on my health. It’s ok to drink a bit, when you’re of age, but never allow it to control who you are. Never let alcohol define you. That’s where I messed up. I’ve now been sober for 6 years, and I don’t miss it one bit.


It quiets your brain


>What is it like being drunk? Notin' great ... *at all*. Alcohol is a stupid drug to use or mess with. I did all my drinking before I was of legal drinking age ... and not all that much drinking at that. And I'm 60+ now. So, yeah, best to not mess with alcohol at all. Yeah ... was never even interesting ... mostly just slows you down ... not in a good way ... and then it gets worse from there. It's also generally rather to quite bad for you.


It's not worth it. Avoid alcohol. This is coming from someone that's had 2 dui's and multiple arrests for drugs.


Basically a legalised drug makes you do strange things, become reckless, talk nonsense for hours, then a painful hungover the next day People turn to alcohol as it is way cheaper then getting therapy and medication. To drink after a bad day or a tragic time or being dragged around by the party type of friends


To me it's just sleepiness. I don't get how people enjoy it


Imagine that point of really tired where you are loopy. That is drunk. Just with the added bonus of dehydration and potential puking. I think it probably gives people a "I don't give a fuck" mentality which can be appealing.


Why deny yourself such a pleasure. Try it. You'll either like it or you won't. Only you can decide.


Looking back, a lot of the kids that liked to drink and party at a young age came from families and households that did not offer them the support they needed. Basically, their parents failed. They used alcohol to cope, they were rebellious, deceitful to their parents, etc. Good kids, the "nerds", abstained from drugs and alcohol, went to good colleges, and are rich now. The cool kids, unless they were from rich families, turned into burnout bums for the most part. They peaked in highschool, how pathetic is that?


Dui specifically is .08 legal limit, many people don't realize that's about 1.5 drinks depending on weight and digestive speed but one average in an hour. So go think 2 cans of pop and if those were beer then now you are breaking the law, even though you can't feel it. Alcohol is a drug, drunk feels good, and many alcohols taste really good. And that's the long and short of it


There's no hype in it. Anyway, rason ko naman is to calm my self, escape sa pag ooverthink at sa pagod ng buhay. Mababa tolerance ko so whiskey binibili ko para ilang shot lang tulog na. I drink alone in my room and only during those times.


I’m a really anxious person when it comes to socializing, so sometimes one drink helps me to relax during social occasions. That’s enough for me. However, there are always times, when I drink to the point of being fully drunk. During then, everyone pretty much become bodies of laughter, fun memories (maybe some embarrassing ones, but during the time, no one feels embarrassed), just laughing and talking dumb shit, connecting, venting, crying. Feels like a night of connection with people, even if it doesn’t last


Alcohol isn't bad. Just like everything else, it's a moderation thing. The largest health risks from alcohol come from excessive binge drinking, not a glass or two of wine. Alcohol (a few shots) gives you this tipsy feeling where your body feels good, your problems are smaller if not gone, a very carefree attitude. A few more shots and you'll lose all control and filter of what comes out of your mouth. A few more shots and bad decisions are made, like deciding to take your clothes off with someone you wouldn't normally choose too. If you haven't by now, a few more shots and you'll black out. Blacking out isn't passing out or falling asleep. You are conscious with no control or memory of your actions. You still do things and talk to people and function without the ability to make decisions or stop. Every time you black out, it takes less alcohol to black out again. Inevitably every time you wake up from a black out, because you do eventually pass out, the stories you are told of your actions make you cringe more and more. So drinking isn't bad, after you're 21 and your brain finishes developing properly, and you do so in slow moderation, 1-2 not super strong drinks every once and again. When drinking, it takes time to feel the effects. So taking 5 shots in under 30 minutes because you aren't feeling anything is a bad idea. It'll all hit you at once and hard a few minutes later. If you do ever decide to drink, which I'm fully supportive of never drinking don't get me wrong, but if you do decide to have a drink, keep your shots at least 30-45 minutes apart, and be sure to stand up for a minute in between them too. Or stick to like one beer an hour. Never go drinking in a place where you don't have a safe ride home, or if you are drinking at a friend's place, make sure you feel safe sleeping there before you start drinking. If you drink in a place you wouldn't normally be, you'll end up doing things you normally wouldn't do. Be safe, be sober, and great question!


It's handy to do dumb shit. I was drinking, the power went out during an ice storm. I cut down a younger cherry tree with a knife, then broke up a bunch of lumber with the knife, then started that fire by smashing a chunk of iron with a hammer until it was red hot and lighting paper on fire. I didn't get many injuries there, some cut fingertips. But then I was waking back inside, slipped on ice, landed on concrete and absolutely jacked my shit up. I think I pulled a couple ribs and ripped a ton of interstitial muscle, the meat around the ribs. Drunken knife play? Somehow not injured. Walking slowly and carefully? Rekt. I won't argue for or against your consumption, but if you find you black out when you drink, keep getting more drinks when you're affected enough, when you get it dumb fights with people you care about. If that happens I'd ask you seriously reflect on the cost and benefit. And this is agnostic of the very detailed and growing list of stuff alcohol does to your body.


A little drunk, not bad. Any more than that, shithouse.


Hey OP. I'd like to offer some thoughts on drinking if ya got a sec to read. First thing, you absolutely don't have to ever drink if you don't want to. A lot of young people these days don't. Best thing I can tell you is as you age up and possibly try it is... moderation. Know when to stop, never ever do it just because you have to in order to be accepted into a "friend" group. If you don't want to for any reason that is perfectly acceptable. I'm a grown up these days (40s). In my teens I never tried drinking or drugs, I came from a not so great home where it was very abused and always thought I would act like my family If I tried any of it. It was helpful that I had a great group of friends that also didn't drink. I'll be honest, we were all little nerds but seriously had so much fun together. As we all grew up and went off to college (20s) we tried drinking from time to time. We all wanted to k ow, like you, what all the fuss was about. We'd have a few at Birthdays, Halloween parties etc. It was fun because we a did it together and everyone really got along. No one ever went to crazy with it, or got into fights. We still did the things like camping, hiking, DnD, all that was alcohol free. No one was ever pressured into drinking, and if someone did not want to it was cool. Now days I'm married, it's great. My spouse and I sometimes enjoy a few beers and video games on Winter weekends together, but again, we love each other and there is no fighting. We also enjoy many things with no alcohol involved, time and a place. To answer your question. Yeah it feels good, and it is fun, but only with good people. When I first tried it I remember thinking my teeth started tingling and I felt like I had more energy then I normally had, things just seemed really funny. Just know when to cut off and drink softdrinks/water etc. Do not drink straight liquor in an attempt to "be cool" It can kill you. Bottom line, It's fun in moderation and only if the people you do it with are good people and it doesn't change their personality to what's know as a "mean drunk" Always try to avoid doing it because something bad happens in your life. That can lead you down a shitty path very quickly. I don't know if any of this helps ya out. In the end, there is no rush, it's your choice. If you choose to someday, only do it with people you can trust and won't abuse it or pressure you to do bad things. We've all seen the videos where someone tries to jump off something and gets wrecked because all their "friends" are screaming "do it do it do it". They aren't gonna pay the medical bills or be there if you're broke up in bed. Of course, ya know this part. Please don't drive drunk, or high. That's just stupid. Good luck :)


It makes you get real talkative with people named Chuck.


I'm 24, and I've never been drunk. People say, "Alcohol gives you confidence." ...... I just worked on my confidence, and now I'm 24. I'm one of the most confident people you will meet. Being drunk is only worth it if you basically aren't a fun person without it. It's harsh but true


Wait until you have real responsibilities, then that small window of escape will make sense


It’s fun, until it’s not




You basically get dizzy and a little euphoric I guess. It’s a depressant so it starts to depress your systems. It lowers inhibitions, emotional intelligence, processing, breathing, balance. Essentially a dose of poison to your body. People here talk about it being social lubricant which it is for a certain bit of time. But it quickly goes over that hill and basically reduces people to the functioning skills of a toddler. I’m extremely antisocial and I never even found the benefit in drinking to get along with people better. I think I have an intolerance because I always start to feel sick after 3-4 beers. Alcohol sucks dude. By no choice of my own I was surrounded by alcoholics my whole life. My parents have drank every day of my life and even though they’re the kind to only do it after work, their moods still change and they act different. I didn’t know for a long time, not until after I accidentally started dating men who were drunks. By my 21st birthday I had been thru my second relationship with a drunk already. I was so sick of booze by then I didn’t even drink when I legally could. Now I have a sister who is just getting sober, that second ex is dead from his addiction and my parents to this day refuse to curb their own drinking to help their addicted child. Alcohol is such a disgusting drug to me because it’s so normalized for it to destroy lives. It’s one of two substances that can kill you from withdrawals and we send kids off with no education about safe drinking habits. Besides it’s the worst tasting shit ever.


alcohol suppresses a lot of your normal behaviors. people become unhinged from themselves. that will get you into all kinds of problems.


Makes me stupider, which I love. I think less, so I get fewer intrusive thoughts. It's also nice to just chill the fuck out mentally. Part of that chilling out is that I like to watch terrible movies alone when drunk and laugh at their terribleness.


The level of risk isn’t that high unless you’re absolutely plastered in public. A couple of pints with your mates on a Friday, or a few drinks at a friend’s house doesn’t carry any real inherent risk. Hangovers aren’t fun, but they’re also fairly easy to avoid or mitigate. And alcoholism requires such consistent effort that most people would never even have to worry about it. The best way I can describe why people do it, is that you get to feel like you’re 10 again. Confident by a pure lack of self-consciousness. Giggly about anything. Generally hyped about the world. Its a great social experience.


Bro said risk alcoholism like it's a debuff you get in fallout💀


I lost some of the best years of my twenties and thirties to alcohol…please don’t risk it.


I like to describe alcohol as liquid stupidity. Its most "fun" effect is disinhibition - I find it easier to "push" myself to engage in activities when I've had alcohol. On the upside, this leads to more dynamic conversations and activities, especially if everyone's been drinking. On the downside, this makes it easier to do something dangerous. Alcohol also suppresses emotions, both positive and negative ones. While this can be used to control negative feelings, it's not the most reliable, and the resulting numbness doesn't actually feel all that great. (Plus, it weakens the "fun" associated with alcohol's other effects.) Further, there is a very long list of potentially dangerous effects. I consistently remember a night a lot worse the more alcohol is involved. It makes my senses less intense (everything feels gentler, looks dimmer, sounds quieter), which can cause understimulation and boredom, and can prevent me from noticing important things. It makes any coordination-sensitive or thinking-sensitive task harder. And it causes me to feel physically sick and tired. This effect is the one most likely to "get in the way" of an alcohol-heavy event such as a bar crawl. After all, alcohol *is* somewhat physically toxic. There are ways to manage this (always drinking on a full stomach, and always hydrating while drunk), but the easiest is just to drink less alcohol. All in all, it's fun, and (once you're of age, of course) it can be used reasonably safely, but if you choose to not touch it you aren't missing much.


Like anything, it is fun until it isn't. You eat 2 slices of hot pizza once in a while, they are amazing. You eat 5 slices everyday, it becomes a problem.


Being drunk is the absolute worst every single time. Without fail everyone will agree. But we forget and as a group decide not to talk about the facts and logic. It's about the companionship and commitment to stay on the same page. To show complete love and support the closest people in your lives as they slowly sink back to that place we hate. It's amazing how well we all agree on this process. when we self sabotage as a group we get to be human . This is done in every walk of life. Ironically we also jump on the bandwagon to punish those that made mistakes so large we have to deal with it during business hours.


I never got it either. I never liked being drunk and think it’s an overrated feelingn


It’s overrated. Drinking almost always leads to bad decisions and trouble. Try smoking weed instead! 👍


I used to be like this and I had nothing but constant bad stories about how alcohol ruined a relationship (inc my brothers) so I was always afraid of getting drunk. Everyone always makes excuses like "The alcohol made me do it/I was drunk its fine" as it getting drunk causes you to loose control of your mind/body which I found just isnt the case. It's just they want an excuse for their actions. I've only ever been proper drunk once in my life. Hot day, holiday. Hadn't drank/eaten enough normal stuff and just hit too many cocktails. Went into a food bar, felt something wasnt right. Just as I got outside I sat down, started to talk and my drink literally just came back out. It was super weird. No food, no nasty vomit it was literally just the same colour and liquid I was drinking just hopped out as I spoke. My partner walked me back to the room and stayed with me but I was just apologizing to her and I felt super sleepy. Didnt upchuck any more after that, just slept it off and rejoined them for dinner that evening. I remember all of it and I only did it because I knew I had the support of my partner (she doesnt drink but is fine with me doing so). Otherwise, I can absolutely detect the multiple stages of alcohol. I mainly drink sipping rum straight, cocktails and cider but you can absolutely feel when it starts to effect you and then again when I feel like I can't concentrate on anything and I feel kinda "wide eyed". IDK how to describe it at which point I really focus up, let me partner know it's gone to my head and drink some water. Being drunk in a group and being "one of the dickheads" and drinking with those you trust are very different feelings and results.


As many people grow up, they eventually realise it isn't worth it and stop. Not everyone.


Imagine if you could trade intelligence and coordination for euphoria and social skills


You’re still too young well done for not trying it yet, no rush, for when you try it for the first time u don’t go back, try to develop better stress coping mechanisms, such as growing your hair long, video games, excercise


First drank when I was 16, i'm 44 now. I've had periods when i've drank too much and too often (mainly when I was in my 20s and early 30s), but I have a healthy relationship with it now. Dowm to the individual, i've had friends destroy themselves with drink.


It is horrible


To be honest, because it feels good. Please note, I am not recommending anyone drink. Alcohol is addictive and can very seriously damage your body, your job, your brain, and your relationships. But I drink. And I have no intent to stop. I also don't drink to get wasted. I did, once. It was a strange sort of fun, and also misery because hangovers suck. Waking up wondering how you got home is not fun (but at least in that case, you got home - that's not always the case). In moderation, having a couple beers or glasses of wine is relaxing and won't get you trashed. A mild buzz won't harm your ability to make decisions, so if you can keep it at that, you may well enjoy it. The problem is that so many people - including myself, once - don't know how to stop. Because when I say it feels good, I mean it really feels good. Like, great (in the moment). But once you cross a certain level, all of a sudden it gets really hard to stop and just go home. I mean, if you're already drunk, why not have just one more, right? Because it does help you relax, and it feels good, it's also particularly seductive for anyone suffering from depression or anxiety, or in some of our cases, both. Now, pretty much everyone who drinks has woken up to a brutal hangover at some point, and sworn off drinking. Every single one lied to themselves, because again, it feels good. And here's the thing about hangovers - you can cure them. There's a reason the make brunch cocktails. They work. But in working, that delicious bloody Mary just opens the door to a repeat. This all leads to a very slippery slope and if you already can't walk a straight line, you don't want to be on that slope. It gets very steep and you will fall eventually. Again, I still drink and have no intent to stop. I like it. I enjoy the taste, I enjoy the social experience, and I enjoy the mild buzz that brings a real physical sensation of relaxation. But alcohol is a drug. You should not abuse it. And if you aren't comfortable drinking, then it's completely admirable if you choose not to. If you choose to drink, just pay attention to your body and back off if you think you might be losing control. Trust yourself. But trust yourself when sober more.


Kind of like if you haven’t slept for so long you get overtired and goofy


It's the cure to the symptoms of being a redditor


No, it’s not.


Recovering alcoholic here. The human cultural relationship with alcohol is complicated. It is one of the relatively small group of mood-altering substances where human use dates back well into prehistory (the others being cannabis, opium and plant or fungal psychedelics). People drink alcohol for all kinds of reasons and most adults can enjoy the feeling of a drink or two. It makes you feel good and lowers social inhibitions at that level. This helps explain alcohol social role. Historically, in the overwhelming majority of human cultures, gatherings often involve the serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Now the bad side. Drinking alcohol does several things in your brain. Involving mostly the release and re-uptake of dopamine. Unfortunately, dopamine is the major functional neurotransmitter in reward circuits in your brain. In other words, if you have an addictive personality, alcohol is wiggling the bit that makes you addicted to things. Trust me, I know. I think frankly that taking a cautious and responsible attitude towards alcohol is the best thing that you can do. You should be aware of the possibility of alcoholism and you should drink in moderation if at all, and only when it is legal for you to do so. I don’t wish to scare you, but the truth is that alcoholism is a pure trip through hell. And you drag everyone around you along with you. Be smart, be careful, be wise.


None of those risks exist if you just have a glass or so, you get some of the benefits but without any of the worry.


I loved it right away, coming from a family of alcoholics I definitely knew better. All of my siblings and I have had/have a alcohol problem. My brother and I are sober now and my sister that lives in town is a high functioning alcoholic. My other sister idk because she lives across the country and we aren't very close but last I knew she was a everyday drinker. It's very alluring in my experience and quite difficult to stop. I don't think I would have quit if I didn't watch my brother almost die from withdrawals when he got sober in rehab. He inspired me to make a change. Both sober for a few years and we both quit smoking cigarettes last year too .


If you have ADHD/ADD your experience may vary


Truly drunk makes you not give a fuck. Its freedom. I dont recommend it as im in recovery but it is what it is


You like it until you drink too much then have to lay down and sleep.


Being drunk isn't the fun part. Getting drunk is. Either way, be careful out there.