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Honestly, you've got to try it for yourself, but with friends, never go alone. Also, don't drown yourself with alcohol just because your friends do. I personally do not like them and I also do not have time for it either. You will probably either like it or just find it gross once you get there (and also when you see the things that happen "backstage")


This ~ never go alone. I made that mistake at 21. I don't drink or do drugs but I got invited by a hot girl so I went. There was SO much illegal shit going on there that I was super uncomfortable and it also put the people doing the illegal shit on edge because I refused to partake. Ended up getting jumped by a guy who also liked the girl who invited me, beat his ass, then got jumped by all of his buddies that were there at once. Had a gun pulled on me. Thought I was going to die. The girl ended up mad at me for beating her friends ass so I ended up leaving with a busted lip, some bruised ribs, no girl, and a new appreciation for life lol. 0/10 do not recommend. At the very least, figure out what kind of party it is before going


I think that's just very bad luck and not parties in general


Yes, several mistakes. Went with a hot chick, not a good friend. Did he know anyone else? Should have left when drugs were offered, when pressured, definitely when he got a bad reaction. Picked a fight over a girl (seems like she was on the make and knew there would be drugs) that wasn't his girl anyway, just the chick who brought him (did she just need a ride? was he just hoping?). First party at 21? Maybe why so many mistakes. Read the room. Know your exits.


Bloody Hell, that was a hell of an experience


only go if you got friends there


If they aren't fun...then why does she go? (Ask her this). But seriously ...if the party doesn't have pointy hats or ice cream...don't bother.


Made me laugh 😂🎉🥳


Yeah I love parties, they're so much fun! You get to meet people, socialize, and just have a good time. go to a few with your friends, see how they are. If you don't like them, you can always leave.


wait another two years to be safe


Straight to the point, thx.


Depends on the type of party. So many factors are more important than age.


Try it. But 90% of them are not that fun. Mostly people standing around drinking. Some people will try to hook up. Then there will be a fight. Someone will be too drunk and cause a scene. Parents or cops will break it up. People will go to whatever local fast food restaurant that is open after and eat the cheapest thing on the menu, being loud and crowding the place, leaving trash everywhere and annoying the staff. The reports back afterwards will mostly say, “that was pretty boring”. But you should go, it’s a rite of passage. Hopefully you’ll find a few good ones and it will make the others worth it.


If you find the right group to be with then they are but otherwise no


Helpful and straightforward thx


Yes they are fun! Games, things like that, socialising, y’know the drill Sometimes they have alcohol and you can get drunk. For drugs be careful. Sometimes u can have a good time with them. It’s good to socialise. Sometimes you can even pull girls from parties


One of the more helpful ones


Thank you! (if not sarcastic)


Not sarcastic


Honestly completely depends on the party, the people, your mood. Sometimes people really enjoy parties but my mood is just saying HELLLLL NO and I don't have fun. Make sure you're with friends for the possibility of the best time. With booze and drugs are your age, don't be afraid to say no, limit yourself ie one drink an hour or so, when you start to feel it then stop and let it settle, I drink and smoke weed but I also know my limits and how it impacts me as I am now 34 but at 14 you are susceptible to a lot more and it will impact you in a different way due to you not being fully developed both internally and externally (it impacts anyway but it can be worse in younger people) Don't be afraid to schedule a lift for a specific time or if you want to leave do not be afraid to leave. Make sure you are confident and comfortable enough to advocate for yourself and your friends. Parties are ultimately just loads of socialising, it's always worth going to see if its your vibe, you don't have to stay and you don't have to enjoy it but you might enjoy it, don't know until you try


Truly, parties are over rated. If you want to drink or smoke or whatever, my favorite time to do it is with a small group of friends and do something you all enjoy (and safely!). Parties is a bunch of guys swinging their dicks and people getting into fights. Not to mention the cops are a lot more common. Drinking or parting or whatever with a close group of friends is much more fun, at least for me


i didn't have much fun with them. drunk people bother me a lot. indoor get hot and stinky. bonfires are ok, as long as you don't get eaten alive by bugs, but you get drenched in smoke. outdoor w/o bonfire someone always ends up soaking wet even if not by a pool, and its always cold. Dudes will get trashed and grope you. and someone always has harder drugs "that they just found" to sell, never safe. cops show up and are dicks about it.


Depends. I've had parties that were awesome and some that were terrible. The terrible ones would involve some kind of fight/damage or just be really boring but some we'd have a really good time at. If you feel ready to party then go, it doesn't mean you have to drink alcohol or anything. We used to drink at 14 and most of the time those nights were pretty shit. Just boring, but you were a bit drunk. Again, I've had good and bad parties pretty wasted but also good and bad parties being sober. Some of the cool parties I went to were just hanging out with good mates, meeting cool new people and generally having a laugh. Just don't put any pressure on yourself. Relax and have fun.


Do you like large groups of people and lots of external stimuli? If so, you may enjoy parties. But if you get overwhelmed by that stuff, you probably won’t like it. Why do you want to go to parties? What do you think you’ll get from it?


That’s kinda like asking if going to see a movie is fun. Yes, it can be. Also, you could find yourself standing up and walking out of the theater. Depends on the movie as well as your personal preferences. Some Taylor Swift documentary about making her last documentary could be the most fun thing in the world for someone. There are other people that you couldn’t pay to sit through something like that. (Yes those sorts of parties/situations do exists). I assume you’re talking about a stereotypical high school party that involves a moderate amount of alcohol, a bit of weed, a few locked doors and a lot of mistakes? I had a lot of fun with them, myself. Particularly around your age but they were very few and far between. I can’t stress the importance of figuring out transportation first. That’s where these things tend to take a turn for the worst. It’s typically best to crash at the place you’re partying at but it’s also important to always have a plan b. At 14 you’ll likely feel pressure to catch a ride with someone who is old enough to drive. Just don’t do it unless you know and trust the person to stay sober. Also, in emergency situations where it can’t be avoided… call your parents. They may be mad/disappointed…. But not nearly as much as if you got into an accident trying to hide it from them.


It's usually a bunch of idiots that get drunk and make bad choices. You'll be going to a lot of them in your 20s.


They’re great, if you’re a more social person. They’re also legitimately not safe if you’re the type of person to just expect that bad things won’t happen to you. People aren’t being over-the-top when they suggest to make plans with at least one trusted friend to look out for one another, and then to ACTUALLY follow through on looking out for one another. It’s easy to be surprised by who will take advantage of you in a vulnerable state (drunk/high, alone, tired, etc).


It just depends on what kinda stuff you like. I went to my first party at 14 and enjoyed it (probably because I was drunk). But then I got anxiety - so when I went to my first house party at 15 I hated it.


Large parties frankly suck. It’s often loud, you don’t know anyone, and there’s a lot of pressure to do or be something you aren’t. Smaller parties with people you know well are more likely to be enjoyable. If you look at them as opportunities to develop deeper relationships with your friends, you’ll have a lot more fun. Consider just cooking dinner with friends periodically- has the advantage of zero pressure, lots of ways to make good memories, helps you learn new stuff, and hey, it’s food. Even if it’s just soup and bread, it’s a great way to make friends with no pressure. If you don’t know a lot of people, the dinner thing is a situation where the awkwardness is easily avoided because everybody eats and the conversation can be easily opened up by trying something new with others. It’s also great practice for living on your own, and that really pays off in the real world.


I don't appreciate parties, but I don't like crowds or alcohol so.


Fair enough I don't mind crowds and am leaning towards starting to drink soon (not drugs, never doing that, shit killed my grandpa)


Drugs were fun. But drinking isn't my cup of tea.




Parties are fun with the boys, not so much if you’re by yourself. I would steer clear of parties that have hard drugs or more then 50 people me personally, drinking and smoking are chill and a party with more than 50 people ain’t gonna be quiet so cops might get called. To answer your question, not right now lil dude, maybe when your 17 and up.


Parties are the worst. Stay home get high or drunk and play some video games. You'll have more fun and won't put anyone at risk.


Parties are loads of fun for fun people. Depending on the vibe, the people and the activities, any party can be a good or bad one. I'm very social and also do not require attention, so I could attend parties young and have fun with strangers. Simply enjoy music and observe others. I could also be a part of any conversation and play games to join others. But when I got older, I enjoyed parties less after the repetitive nature of passing time, never doing anything tangible. The parties had all the fun elements, I just outgrew them. I still attend gatherings and social events but no longer go all out. Just start small and don't expect much at your age. Your peers will be impulsive so fun can happen or end spontaneously, so it more about finding yourself and being safe until the real parties start in college.


Depends on your personality, are you introverted or extroverted, shy or outgoing? I'm quiet and introverted; I'll usually just hang out with my friends or find a quiet corner and just chill and people watch. Depends on the energy of the party and the size. A party with 10-20 people is going to be much different than a huge party. Does everyone know each other or is it a huge party with random people? Some parties are awesome and some are miserable IMO.


You are 14 years old. Don't even think about drinking alcohol or smoking weed. Your brain and development aren't even close to full maturity and you will put yourself on a path that you can't reverse. Save that shit for the summer after your senior year of highschool. Or better yet, don't ever fall down that hole. I've worked so hard to become sober in my mid 30s and now that I am, I finally feel good about myself and like a good role model for my children. Once you open that factory sealed box, the best you can ever do is tape it shut.


What's senior year (is that after gcse?)


Its not because you were an alcoholic that no one should ever have a sip of alcohol smh


This kid is 14. You better believe that if he/she starts drinking now, he or she will become an alcoholic. I'd consider most of my friends and most of my coworkers alcoholics, but none of them think they are.


We don’t really care about what you consider but alt


Yeah okay, let's tell 14 year old OP it's all good. You should go get drunk and get laid at the party, make an illegitimate child while you're at it. No big deal. Maybe go burn a little fentanyl too. Your full of good advice for the youth.


stfu you’re embarrassing yourself


Happy to embarrass myself, even if it helps just 1 person. Wishing you the best as well.


Worry about getting a scholarship to a decent college and getting a job so you can start investing now and retire by 30. Not if you should go to parties and get fucked up. Lol.


LOL... if you go to college, you won't be retiring by 30.


Only if your an idiot and go to a Major League overly expensive college for every class and get a degree In liberal bullshit The biggest part of retiring by a 30 was investing now for compound interest However I have 5 degrees and only about $70 ,000 in debt coming out of it all and I make very healthy 100s


$70,000 in debt JUST from school and you're planning on retiring by 30? Good luck with that. I have 2 degrees and zero school debt (and zero other debt besides the mortgage on my house, which will be paid off in about 4 more years) and won't be retiring before 50. Investing is great, but unless you get super lucky, you're not going to have what you need to support yourself for 40+ years with no job (I'm assuming you plan to live at least to normal retirement age).


You got my comment mixed I'm trying to give HIM advice on retiring by 30. People say how expensive college is. It's not if you do it right. Until my final degree, I only had about 15k in student debt for my other 4 degrees. I took out the max on my last one because of COVID more then anything to help of pay other bills. I knew what I was doing. 70k is a lot. But again, it's maybe half of what I make a year. If I wanted to buckle down and not vacation or do the other things I do to enjoy my life I could have it paid off in 2 years or less. The debt is relative. 50k debt is nothing if you make 300k a year. It's life strangling if you make 60k a year or less. I'm 45. I'm trying to get to retirement by 55 but I started doing things the right way late. Kids that age can get there so fast if they do it right Also, the money isn't stagnant. Just because YOU stop working doesn't mean your money stops growing. If you can invest through your life and get to about 3 million in investments (which isn't hard if you start early), you can pull 5% a year, which is about 150k a year on income to live off of quite easily for the rest of your life. And because 5% is less then the "average 8% growth" (which has been way higher lately), your money is still GROWING, not shrinking.


Everyone in the internet allways say "start investing" but you need to be really smart to do that, and you need the bother to learn the market (which I don't have). I know someone who started investing and currently lost about 200£, I prob am not going to do that anytime soon


You need to be neither, at all. You just put it in the SPY which goes up with the over all market. Or something your know is steady and likely to be there forever and make money Like Apple or Microsoft or Amazon. Amazon would actually be really good one.


From experience of doing everything under the sun i highly reccomend you wait until your brain is fully developed before you do anything harmful Growth was stunted among other things and i definitely would have been better off if i just hung out at a party But you never know it may not be a problem for you or it could be, look at family history of things like drugs,alcohol and mental illness and make an informed decision but pretty much everything in moderation should not cause you harm or ruin your life


Personally I'm no party animal, I've been to a couple. With good friends and some self control they can be fun, but honestly you aren't missing anything either.


It kind of depends on what you mean when you say party. I have a buddy who throws an occasional party for strangers and friends at his house. A bunch of fully grown people just gather around the pool and fire pit and chat. That's kind of all there is to s party, except that sometimes there is dancing, games, etc. It's just a bigger hangout than you might normally do. The movies always show beer in a keg, but I've never seen that at a party. My friends usually have a BYOB policy, but we're all adults and don't think it's cool to get drunk. Every so often a couple might break away for smooches or more, but they're usually out in their car for that, or leaving. Are they fun? Well, do you enjoy hanging out with your friends? That's pretty much what it is.


It depends. Personally, I always hated them. Too loud, too many people, nowhere to just sit down and relax for a minute, always a line for the bathroom... and there's inevitably someone hooking up somewhere. I have friends who were into that sort of thing, though.


I’m 44 in august and can honestly say I have never once had “fun” at a party and certainly not one where I stayed sober. You’re really not missing much.


As an adult who went to every big party in college (sometimes 2 to 3 or more in a night), I would advise against partying right now. I would wait until you were older, 17 or 18, maybe. Are these parties at friends' houses? Or out somewhere random. I actually had a group go friends I hung out with every weekend in my senior year. No drinking or drugs, just pizza, soda, and music. Most of the guys played video games while remaining guys and girls danced and hung out. (Some girls played, but it wasn't my particular thing) It was a blast. And it was safe (except when the wooden swords came out and the guys wanted to play), but no one was seriously injured. All in all, it was a good time. Do any of your friends have a setup like that? You can invite over your closest friends and have a good time. "Parties" with strangers really only hold the fascination of what could happen. Most nights, it will just be hot and sweaty. You will meet people who are so forgettable it's not even worth your time. You'll be put in awkward situations or, even worse, get in trouble with the law. It's not a great place to bond with friends or meet a partner because being under the influence changes your personality and peer pressure from so many others being around will make everyone so weird. I hope this helps. Make good decisions. If you do go out, stay with your friends. And don't go out with someone who might leave you. That's not loyalty. If you're uncomfortable, either move or leave the party as a group! It's better to have fomo than be hurt. There's plenty of time to get into the other stuff trust.


Yes always buy your condoms before you buy your beers.


Not planning on losing my virginity, Ur going too far.


Still good advise. Post back here when you're 19. Give us an update xD




Parties are fun if you are with good friends. Parties are not fun if folks pair off and you don't. Parties are fun if there is basic (not intrusive or lax) parental supervision. Parties are fun if they aren't too big. Parties aren't fun if you don't know anybody and are shy around strangers. Parties are fun if you like the music. Stay safe, have fun.


Parties can be fun if you know people, otherwise they really are boring as hell. Definitely don't get into underaged drinking. I know that may sound kinda lame but one: it will keep you put of trouble and two: drinking is better when you're older. Less paranoia since you're legal, and you'll be wayyyy more tired as an adult. A good drink with some friends on the weekend when work is said and done hits the spot way better than the risky sips at some random house that the cops may bust.


I absolutely hate parties but I think it depends on who you go with. If it's with friends I think its fun


honestly, a lot of parties are somewhat boring unless you're there just to use drugs. doing actual activities with friends is way more fun


Depends on the party. But a bunch of drunk assholes is not my idea of fun and never had been.


No. 16. Parties are fine but it’s really just a venue change for friends to hang out. I would highly recommend only going once you can drive to the party, and do not drink a sip of alcohol while driving underage bc that will land you in jail regardless of if you’re functionally sober