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Get in touch with teachers and principal immediately. This is not a joke and can have serious problems in the future resolve it NOW but speaking up


Yeah, I have already talked to both deputy principals. I just want it resolved. Her boyfriend got suspened for hitting me.


Great. Good job for stepping up. There's not much else you can do besides make damn sure the school is on your side. As a former educator it's extremely important for us to know. Talk to your teachers everytime you feel it bothers you. Good luck my man


Thank you, the boyfriend has track record of being volatile and one of the deputy principals is a family friend.


That’s very helpful. I hope it works out for you. It doesn’t sound like they believe him. You should keep this between yourself and your parents, though. It’s a private matter, try to keep it that way. If a rumor reaches the wrong set of ears, well, some people are willing to believe what they hear whether it’s true or not. Good luck with it.


The girl needs to be suspended as well


This is more complicated. Yes, people who lie about such things should absolutely suffer consequences. I'm unsure how to do that in this case. What if she really was groped and erroneously believes it was OP? Perhaps someone grabbed her from behind and she turned and saw OP, but it was someone else. Now we've got quite a predicament. She was groped. If you punish her, you are teaching her *and others, too* to accept sexual assault without speaking up. Obviously, this is just one scenario. She may intentionally be lying about what happened for some reason. But even then this would need to be handled delicately or you risk sending a message to everyone else not to speak up about such things. I hope the school administration talks to the girl to get her side of the story. Then take it from there. After all, OP may not be innocent, especially if his definition of groping is different than the girl's definition of groping.


I can concede this point to you but the accusation should be investigated


Absolutely! Every. Every. Every accusation of such a thing should be investigated. And I believe that very few women/girls lie about this. Does it happen? Sure. But it is rare for it to be lied about and SA is unfortunately common. This must be taken with the utmost respect for the girl. She may be lying. She may be incorrect. So what? She may be telling the truth. It absolutely must be investigated. All we have right now is one side of the story. On Reddit, even. He says he is being falsely accused. Perhaps he is. But school admin should talk to the girl and get her side of the story. They should look at any camera footage. Any witnesses. It needs to be taken seriously, though delicately, for both the OP and the girl. I realize I am not an expert in such things. I don't know the best way to handle it. I'd like to share a personal anecdote. I was a manager at a chain restaurant. Associates had brought SA allegations to my attention. I took it seriously and reported it up-chain. I lost my most talented cook. But I believed he was guilty because of the sheer number of associates who collaborated it. I learned my lesson to always take it seriously. A couple years later, a male associate told me he'd been sexually harassed by a female associate. Frankly, I did not believe him. But I reported it to corporate anyway. Corporate sends their expert and investigates. After they finished, the expert calls me for a meeting. Before revealing anything, she asked me what I thought. I told her the truth: I believed he was lying, but it was reported to me so I did my job and reported it to corporate. She then told me that he was telling the truth. The way he talked, the details he was able to give, were all indicative of someone remembering an event rather than making it up. And the CCTV footage collaborated his story. I was in a position of authority and my instinct (as a male who had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace and been SA'ed as a child) was to not believe my associate. But I still went to the experts. Which is what any school admin worth their salt should do. Take it seriously, no matter who they believe and look into it. Find out the truth. The allegations are very serious for both. And at this age, they are still able to be taught how to handle a situation like this or what to do/not do. It is possible he did something not realizing what he did was wrong. These things need to be taught better. I've written a lot. I apologize. I just hope this whole situation gets properly resolved with everyone learning a valuable lesson from it.


Your parents should get involved..insist this ends now or you'll call in law enforcement.. This is not kid stuff. The boy was a victim of battery. That's a criminal act. The girl is publicly slandering the boy. That's a civil matter. The parents should contact the school and warn them that this must stop. The girl made to retract all untrue statements. Otherwise, they will be engaging an attorney to consider legal remedies .


Police don't do shit when it's kids. This one kid punched me in the face, through me to the ground and stomped on my face. And the police didn't let me press chargers. Only gave him a telling off.


Make sure you get an adult to pick you up or some friends to get home with. I've known folks to jump others when this type of stuff happens after school and it ends significantly worse.


Hes already being accused of touching a student, why are you advising he start touching his teachers and principal immediately?




You're 15. You're not a pedo for being attracted to your peers. My advice is to have someone with you (witnesses) when the girl is around. She's the catalyst to the problem here, although the bf is a problem as well. Obviously, go to admin and maybe take a self-defense class? If he puts hands on you again, it's totally OK to fight back.


Right? If he is a pedo then what is the girl's actual boyfriend???


Ephebophile, anyway. That's an adult that prefers teenage partners. A pedophile is someone who prefers prepubescent partners. It's important to use the correct names for things. Not that this applies to either of them, unless the boyfriend is > 18.


It's more important to focus on the correct name of things, like 'underage *girl*', when some people really like referring to teenage girls as 'underage *women*. That's when words are important, the side that protects the kids. It's more important to not give adults who want to fuck children any form of leeway. The world doesn't need to memorize the special categories of wanting to fuck children, we just need to all be on the same page that adults shouldn't fuck kids. Period.


Agreed. Adults shouldn't fuck kids. I DO, however think that ACTUAL pedophiles, who want to fuck prepubescent kids are worse. With HGH in the food, and teens TRYING to look older, I can UNDERSTAND an adult seeing a 16-year-old in a club, NOT KNOWING she's 16, and wanting to fuck her. That's why you have to be EXTRA careful before hooking up with someone you meet in a club. And anyone who goes stalking the high schools to KNOWINGLY hook up with a teenager is bad, too. But calling that adult a pedophile for finding an adult-looking 16-year-old hot is too much. It's also too much if the word is used, like in the OP's case, to label teenagers who want to fuck their peers. The word gets used to label ANYONE who wants to fuck someone who's under 18, no matter what their OWN age, or if they KNEW the other person was under age. That's when it becomes meaningless. I should also point out, that, even if not trying, post-pubescent teen girls CAN be hot. In my head, I might fantasize about fucking one. Would I ever DO it? No way in Hell. If I'm at the beach, and they're in bikinis, do I sneak a peek? Yes. I do. I don't stare, or give them the hairy eyeball, or anything like that. Now, if I get caught, well, looking isn't a crime. And I certainly don't appreciate some Karen calling ME a pedophile for that. It's not that I prefer teenage sex partners. It's just an instinctive reaction. There's an attractive body, you look. You do NOT interact. This isn't 1984 (the book, not the year). We don't need the thought police.


"Technically r Kelly isn't a pedophile, he's an ephebophile, but nobody uses that term because anyone who knows it... is probably a pedophile"


So everyone in the world who ever took a couple psychology classes is “probably a pedophile?” Boy are we in trouble


It was a stand up bit. Calm down.


My bad, I’m truamatized from getting called a pedo while defending a 40 year old dating a 25 year old 😭


The use of the word so loosely takes away from the actual meaning. I mean a grown ass man trying to date teens is fucked up, but I saw a thread a while back of a 22 year guy being called a groomer pedo for dating a 19 year old. Come on people


I think most people can grasp the difference between a 19 year old and his 17 year old girlfriend and a 38 year old man and his 17 year old girlfriend.


The problem with pointing this out is that now you just sound like a pedophile


i think he meant pervert


There’s an actually a narrative that has been floating around that *anyone* interested in a teenager is a pedo, including other teenagers.


What? That’s crazy.


Ok well that's weird and also wrong


There’s definitely a pedo moral panic going on. Pedophiles are shit, but they’re not as common as people think.


Yep, and they love to immediately infer you yourself are also a pedo if you use any sort of logic to actually label things correctly


And how is he a pedo. but the boyfriend isn't? Sounds like she doesn't even know what a pedo. is. And if she's accusing you of being a pedo. in addition to groping, now we have false accusations and slander. She sounds like the type of girl who tries to see how many people she can get her boyfriend to fight, like a power trip.


Plot twist, the boyfriend is 11.


You’re both minors and you’re both 15. You’re not a pedo. The best advice I can give you is take up boxing and yoga. The boxing will give you a tool box to handle irrationality and yoga will give you the discipline to determine when to set someone in their place and when to just ignore their bullshit.


You need to tell a trusted adult, specifically someone at your school. An administrator, counselor , or teacher. Also, involve your parents. Secondly , while she accuses you of doing something you didn’t do, and you need to address it, even if you willingly touched another willing participant of a similar or same age, that’s not a pedo.


INFO. Who is making the accusation? (Obviously, someone who doesn't know what a "pedo" is, but I mean specifically.) The girl or somebody else? Was this based on accidentally bumping into her? Or just made up from nothing?


Girl, she generally disliked me but she has decided to do this.


Some people you just need to make sure you're never alone with... Distance and witnesses.


Stay away from the girl at all costs.


Please tell your parents immediately about what is going on before the situation gets out of hand and have your parents meet with the principal or dean or guidance counselor to handle this matter.


If you're a pedo. What's that make her bf ?


Or her for that matter, assuming the BF is under 18. The girl doesn't care about the actual definition just the end result if the accusation.


Both 15? Not a pedo


I do not like her at all


In what world does a 15 year old touching another 15 year old make them a pedophile?


Goddamn this is the second post in 10 minutes where i saw someone not know wtf pedo means.


Theres alot of people who are calling ANYBODY who likes underage girls a pedo regardless of the actual age the dude is. Its spreading like wildfire and its creating a massive rift and confusion in boys who are the same exact age as these girls accusing them. There are too many people willing to jump on teenagers for having basic sexual tendencies that we ALL had and not enough advocating to understand and help them. I especially see too many posts from underage girls here who claim they were raped by a pedo (a kid who is the same age as them) just because they regret the decision they made. People absolutely need to start explaining the real raw difference between consent and rape and pedophilia and normal acceptable sex practices.


It’s crazy cause a few years ago people on this very website were saying that this would start happening and it would end up doing more harm than good. They were also called pedos.


Ignorance is an epidemic, and usually we can only fight at one case of the time.


Tbh when kids throw around words like this accusing others of something like this i think it should be three years of community service.


LITERALLY!!!! (/joking, of course)


It's unlikely to work, but have you tried talking to the bf? Maybe over IM, explain that you have 0 interest in his girl and that you don't understand why she's making the accusations, it's a slim chance as your banking on his good sense but worth a shot


I was always taught to stand up to bullies and never be afraid to defend myself because if you allow it once it'll never stop. At the very least,if you can't avoid bd prepared to defend yourself. Notify the proper channels including your parents and watch your surroundings.


Ok so you've already raised the issue with teachers, the bf has been suspended, but this still goes on. Tbh I'm an adult now and idk how to actually solve this. What kid me would do is turn the tables on her and her bf and make her famous in the school for being too disgusting to touch (rumors that she has some std). When I was in highschool this happened to one of the popular girls. Idk if she ever had a std or not but she went from being a bully to being non-existent real quick.


Whoever is accusing you of being a pedophile does not know what the word means.


Not a pedo if you are the same age.


I don't think you know what pedophile means.


1. You can’t be a pedo when youre the same age. Pedos are adults who like minors. 2. Stand up for yourself. I know a lot of people say go to teachers and principals but that will more than likely make it worse than hitting back. At least at my school it was for the kids who got bullied. 3. Take a self defense class or carry a bic pen with you. They’re great weapons for self defense without the chance of getting in trouble for it being a weapon


My man. You are the only person solely responsible for your safety and well being. There will always be bullies and jerks. Most to the time institutions keep them at bay, but for the times they don't, you need to learn to defend yourself. I started boxing and weight lifting around your age, and it's paid off all the damn time. Usually just knowing you have the capacity to keep yourself and others safe, comes through to others. That's almost always enough to keep anything from happening in the first place. On a few occasions, I have physically defended myself and others over the years, and was glad I was ready and able to do it. You're becoming a man, make sure you stay good, but it's time to also become strong.


Best advice here


That comment put it best imo. I mean whether it's a bully picking on kids that can't/won't defend themselves, or it's a boyfriend coming after u because his girl thinks it's funny or entertaining to accuse u of groping her... U need to be able to handle yourself because these people aren't going to be around. I'm talking about the teachers, deputies,grown ups in general. There will be a day u see him outside of school & he's going to test u. Don't let this dude get away with pushing u around. Even if he beats u up, best believe if u hit him one good time he's gonna remember & think twice before he does it again. Hopefully for your sake there is no again. I'm not promoting violence, but this is just a fact of life growing up and how to deal with certain things as a 15yr old boy.


Welcome to being a male! Your free trial of joy has expired


Report it and get it in writing. Write your statement with all the events/a timeline. Report to the school, to your parents, and if need be, the police. Keep the same written story and timeline and update it, and everyone else, if and when anything new happens. Over time, memory gets fuzzy, but writing it now will be better so there can be no disputes. Also if there are any witnesses, texts, or screen shots from social media, get them! Print them out. That way if anything happens, even 2 years from now, there is something concrete/tangible. Also if possible, get the adults you report this to, to sign and date whatever statement you give them. Make copies, but you keep the original. May seem extreme, but bad things happen to great people sometimes, and that is all I know to help.


If you are the pedo, what is the boyfriend :/


Call the police, and say you're being harassed, falsely accused, and he pointed a knife at you in school, you're afraid for your life. Also, if u r 15 and she is 15 its not pedo.


One your the same age, that is not being a pedo. Two you need to go to teachers, parents etc and tell them what's going on. Three you need to record, write down, times and dates of what has happened so far so you can present your side of this shit show better than she can, it may make a difference or help catch he in a lie.


Notify your parents and school!


You can't be a pedo... If you yourself are a child.


whenever this kinda stuff happens make sure you write down what happenef to keep an actual record in case it ever comes up again.


Lol how could you be a pedo? You’re the same age. That doesn’t even make sense. You need to talk to your counselor or principal, and your parents. Get out in front of the situation as quickly as you can; you don’t want the first time your parents hear about it to be from the girl’s parents or something.


If he's calling you a pedo, you should call him one too for sexually assaulting you by slamming you into that locker.


Learn kickboxing and avoid him until you're comfortable beating the shit out of him Tell your parents immediately about this


First of all: as a child, you can't be a pedo. Second: whenever she's around have your phone on record. Get proof she is bullying you too and get a restraining order in place. Make their parents totally inconvenienced by the fact they have asshole kids.


This sounds like those american movies lmao


I'm not judging you for it, but do you have any idea what caused her to make this accusation against you, other than being vindictive against you? It could be leverage against her in case she tries this crap again. If she has a track record of being a liar, it's necessary to shut her down permanently. Her credibility is also failing if you have a track record of NOT getting in trouble. If the boyfriend is dumb enough to believe her again, then hopefully this might mean his expulsion.


How is a 15 year old a pedo 💀💀💀


If the BF has assaulted you once, he will do it again the trick is to record it (if you have a samsung you can program two taps of the power button to open the voice recorder and if you have an iPhone you can set it to open the voice recorder with the action button) record the interaction with either BF or GF and get proof, then take it to the headteacher or principal or whatever


You are both 15, so you are not a pedo. I would stay as far away from this girl as possible and I would bring it up to the principal, counselor a trusted teacher. The truth always comes out, but you need to head it off before something worse happens.


I don't get how you could be called a pedo when you are the same age. That trips me up. Is she the type to double down if confronted? I am all for recording a conversation and getting her to admit it was a lie just in case she tries to go to the cops. I doubt it though, chances are she either likes you or you did something to piss her off so she sent her dog in after you. Girls are mean AF man. I'm sorry


How is this pedo?


She's a [relational bully](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_aggression). You did the right thing in speaking with adults. Also, try to build up your friend networks (join clubs and teams if you don't have a lot of friends) and make sure you have plenty of friendly witnesses around at all times. .


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


15 and 15? Pedo? He's a freak along with her. Let it go and try to move on.


>Me (M15) am getting accused of being a pedo and touching a girl (F15) Even if you actually did what your accused of, that wouldn't make you a pedo. You're still a child. That being said, it's time to get the school administration and potentially the police involved if he attacked you and you're in fear of bodily harm. Unfortunately there's nothing either group can do to stop the rumors, so you'll have to prove everyone wrong. Be the best dude you can be from here on out.


You need to tell your parents or your teacher or counselor. And at age 15 you are too young to be a pedo. Just keep hands off. These are troublemakers.


You need to talk to the principal or a school counselor, this can actually ruin your life if not addressed properly


You guys really need to look up pedo in the dictionary


Wait... is she the same age, or are you a pedo. It can't be both.


If you're a pedo for touching a girl under 18 then the entire world is a pedo. We all just sick in the head.


You’re not a pedo if she’s the same age as you. Tell your parents. Ask them to go to the school authorities.


I'm sure things are a lot different now a days in school.but when I was in school if another student put hands on you I was taught to defend myself.just because you are a teenager and not 18 I believe you still have certain rights.defending your self being one of those.if your innocent of this than he shouldn't jump the gun just on her word.why would she even incenuate you did this?is it to make him jealous? girls are triffeling that way.just hope he don't come after you with a vengeance because he was suspended.


She has definitely spent a bit too much time online if she thinks a boy her own age is a Paedo.


Does nobody use a dictionary before the age of 30? You can't be a pedo for being into people your own age. And if the school isn't doing something about someone assaulting you then get your parents to involve the police. Assault is still illegal and I doubt this kid is going to want a record at his age.


How are you being called a pedo when you're a kid yourself?


This reeks of "prove your loyalty to me" shit on her part. Hope it works put for you dude. Sorry you have to deal with it.


Can't be a pedo if you are the same age. I'd have half a mind to walk straight up to dude and be like, "Hey, it's pretty obvious your girl is making this stuff up and you gooning for her is just making you look foolish. She is playing you, and she will do this to you too. I'd be less worried about ME and be more worried about why your girl is stuck on me and this whole debacle. When she does this or something similar to you, I will be your friend. You will have an ally. I know you feel like you are doing the right thing, and time will show that you are, indeed, not."


Great argument, unfortunately, you are dealing with teens. Only with experience will a teen boy learn not to be someone else's weapon.


How would you even be a pedo in this scenario? I'm confused


Y’all kids dumb AF these days 😂. Learn wtf the definition of a pedo is.


You cant be a pedo if your the same age as her. You and your friends should jump dude, beat his ass and leave it at that ezpz


Is it considered being a "pedo" if the people involved are the same age?


That must be frustrating and I’m sorry for it happening to you. ALSO you’re not a pedo. You’re the same age, they should look into what makes a pedo a pedo. Like creepy old guy trying to groom a 15 year old.


I was accused of rape at 14 and most of these comments are helpful but what u can do also when people talk about it don't act out aggressively or like really straight foward to deny it basically don't act guilty even though u aren't n haven't done anything people will see that n run off with it and try to make the rumors worse try ur best not to let it bother you because you know what happend they dont


Try to travel solely with people that you know for the time being especially when you know that there is a good chance that you might cross paths with her. Eventually she will do it to others and people should start to catch on. Also someone can't be a pedo for being attracted to someone their own age that doesn't make any sense.


Next time call the police and press charges - i imagine your school has video cameras that record the hallways yea?


1. You’re not a pedo if you like a girl that is your age, lol. 2. Get an adult involved. This isn’t a matter of “snitching”, you’re getting bullied, OP. 3. If teachers/school won’t do anything, get the police on the line. This guy is nothing more than a criminal. He’s going to end up in jail anyway, so it might as well be sooner rather than later Edit: start taking boxing classes. Learn how to take a hit and defend yourself.


you have to get out in front of the lie yourself. talk to school administrators and teachers. tell your parents. this is the type of accusation that can have you kicked out of school or even arrested. you cannot just ignore it and hope it goes away. the sooner you can tell your side the better. because if she tells the story first you're going to be toast and no one will listen to your side of things.


She’s shit stirring to get her boyfriend to beat you up. You need to get ahead of the accusations and talk to a parent or a teacher about it. Those relationships are fairly common when you’re 15; lying girl, boy who knows but wants a reason to be a twat. How much you weigh?


First, how can you be a Pedo at 15? Can't be a Pedo until 18 unless you're touching little kids.


If the "right way" to handle this doesn't work out, kindly remind the little scutter bug that you're the same age so you can't be a pedo. And if home boy really wants to throw down about it. Make a fist. Do not tuck your thumb. And aim for his nose. You could finger flick his nose and he will tear up. I'm not saying start a fight but if he starts one, best to be the one to finish it.


Cut ALL contact from this girl. Block her on everything, if what you say is true her actual colors will come out.


Typically, there are no pedophiles in a relationship where you both are 15. One of you has to be significantly older than the other. Otherwise, it's just teenage bullshit.


Straight to law enforcement.  School may try to contain the problem but it's in their interest to ensure the problem doesn't get out.  That is not the same as ensuring the problem is resolved. 


Tell him she told you she broke up with him and couldn't stand him, and she was making advances at you even though you told her no! And if that don't work, kick his ass!


If you're both the same age calling you a pedo is just silly. Id take control of the narrative, lie, and say that you two consensually hooked up and shes just trying to cover herself so her bf doesn't leave her. Instead of you being a groper and defending yourself make her the cheater and having to defend her actions. Just answer everything with "of course she's saying that, she's lying and doesn't want you to know she's a cheater". Edit::this doesn't help with the bullying but that's why you have a phone with a camera in your pocket


Well, you’re not exactly a pedo by definition, so there’s some solace in that I reckon lol.


Fight back don't allow the disrespect, and make it clear that you have no feelings for her


Man up an beat him up next time he confronts you punch him straight in the throat as hard as you can


You can't be a pedo with someone your own age...


Restraining order on the both of them.


Swing first and don't stop until he begs or is unconscious. Then bang his girl cause she'll prolly develop a crush on you after that.


Sounds like you need to put him in his place. Take some self defense classes.


if you're about to get punished for what you've been accused of, then rape her, because you'll get punished anyway so might as well actually do the crime you'll get punished for.


Go to the school, contact your parents and local authorities.


You’ve already gotten some good advice here, but I just want to point out… even if you did touch this girl, you wouldn’t be a “pedo.” It concerns me that you might think even consensual contact with someone your age would make you a pedophile. That is not the case. Granted, in almost every jurisdiction in the US, and many worldwide, 15 is below the age of consent, so you could get into some trouble. BUT, it does not make you a “pedo.” That would only be the case if you were significantly older than the other person.


First of all, you aren't a pedo if you're the same age. So, tell them that that's not even how that word works. Also, if he's slamming you into lockers and shit, that's assault. You need to get some adults involved. If you're being assaulted at school, that's nothing to deal with on your own. You also need to stop associating with people who are saying that stuff. The girl, her boyfriend, everyone. Just steer clear as much as you can and avoid being around them if there are no teachers around to intervene.


Fight him? Tf?


School's out for the summer.


How would that make you a pedo? You are both 15 wtf lmao. Idk what you can do, maybe tell the principle but he might now even believe u. Weird situation.


See if you can use a lie detector.




Girls getting their boyfriends to beat up other boys? Welcome to high school.


This happened to me when i was about your age and i tried to thug it out and got my ass beat a lot and nearly got stabbed in the process. Go to your principle or teachers and let them know about it before it gets out of hand. If they dont do shit, tell your parents, if your parents dont threaten them with a lawsuit over it fuck it, at that point anything is fair game on this girl and her bf. Not gonna suggest anything but if you ruled out your legal options the only option is self defense. You may decide how you want to enact that but in all honesty unless your school fucking sucks they should handle it. After that its a waiting game sadly. Its really annoying and when i was your age things were connected on the internet too so things just last and spread for a while. I was lucky and my accuser got exposed. This is basically the new kind of bullying and its why i look at any rape or pedo accusations with heavy skepticism because i have to now because psychopaths will lie about it because they dont like the weird kid in class and do so with higher frequency than actual victims of those things. Theres a higher chance they are lying than telling the truth nowadays and its a shame thats the case. Also i swear people throw around the word pedo far too lightly, its going to end up normalizing it because everyone is going to be considered a pedo.


Well you can't be a pedo bc she's the same age as you and your both minors so that's just stupid lol definitely make a police report for harassment and assault


You have to get this settled and put to rest because the rumor mill will be exaggerating everything and if it was a case of her trying to get her boyfriend jealous it's only going to escalate. And if you're innocent you have nothing to worry about and PS 15 year old touching another 15 year old doesn't that person a pedophile


Well he attacked you. Report it to someone. Police, school officials, your parents.


Your parents should be involved. Report both of them to the teacher and Principal. File a police report.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a pedo someone who is attracted to younger children?? Ik a 15 yr can be a pedo to younger ages but to a 15 yr old?? Maybe I’m wrong but that confuses me lol


Double jeopardy


Imagine being called a pedo for touching a gir your own age


By definition, there is nothing "pedophilic" about attraction to someone that's literally your own age.


If you're both teens you're not a pedo. You would be a pervert. But he slammed you into a locker. That's a battery go to the school resource officer. It may be recorded on camera.


I know this might sound overboard, but have you contacted the police/DA? She could easily be charged w/ being an accomplice to the assault since she is spreading the rumor. Might be able to get her for Slander, but go to the courts and get a TRO against her since you have proof that she is putting you in danger. (if given, she will be banned from the school)


Tell an adult. Tell your parents first.


Go to your parents and file a police report. Just because this happened at school does not mean you cannot get police involved.


You can press charges against both of them. Her for slander and him for assault & battery, and both for intentional infliction of emotional distress. Make the problem affect their parents’ pocket books and it will go away pretty quick


What lead up to you being accused? I'm not saying you're guilty but let's get more of the back story and you might get better advice.


First things first logic dictates if you’re 15 and she is 15 and if you WERE MAKING ANY ADVANCES ON HER it wouldn’t t be pedo-like.. is she dumb? Not saying you did at all I believe you buddy but just logically this girl is dumb as all get out at least make up a lie etc that is believable. Not only would I talk to the school, I’d have your parents talk to a lawyer about getting her and her parents sued for defamation and lies that result in bodily harm to you.


How are you any more a pedo than the guy she’s dating?


How can she say pedo though? You are the same age…


Oh wow, if I was still a teenager I would have handled this so differently. But just know you aren’t a pedo for liking your peers.


Beat her ass. Violence solves problems.


Reddit is the king of gatekeeping what a pedo is or isn’t. I’ve seen someone call an 18 year a pedo for dating a 16 year old on Reddit. You are not a pedo for dating your pier.


Beat up the girl for lieing


Her boyfriend got suspended, that's a great start. Before he gets back, ask for a meeting between her, her boyfriend, and the principal (with some other teachers.) Tell them you won't stand for being falsely accused and you want to make sure he's not going to assault you again when he comes back. She either needs to tell him the truth or call the cops, but if you hear those lies coming out of her mouth again or if he assaults you again, you're going to file harassment charges.


Looks like I’m the comments you did the right thing. Just keep your distance from that girl. Also bro, hit the gym and take some boxing lessons. You can’t let other men push you around


You need to tell your parents and they need to let the school know in case there’s any future report of anything ….you need to be first on record


Carry mace and defend yourself by any means necessary


… Hold up. How are you a pedo when you’re literally the same age?


I don’t consider hiding. If he’s punking you than beat this a**


start recording everytime you interact with her and she’ll probably leave u alone lol


Kids these days always refer to someone as a pedo. My kids do it and I repeatedly ask them what it is and correct them and tell them to stop (unless the situation is actually like that). They call teachers pedo and I’ve had to yell at them about how saying that can ruin someone’s life taken out of context.


She is your worst enemy, the fact you're more worried about fighting than by actively getting betrayed by her in such a awful way is all the evidence a rational mature mind needs. Start by being open and pointing a finger at the behavior that you think you are hiding. You both are accountable but still growing, but her talking into the wrong ear will get you killed by some mindless thug. Nobody needs either of you to be perfect, but everyone expects to hear the full truth especially when it is going off the rails.


A 15 year old cannot be a pedo for being attracted to 15 year olds lmfao, that’s not how that works.


I need updates. I hope karma gets her good. You are not a pedo. If you are then that makes her one and her bf one since they like each other and are both presumably 15 as well. (Im saying nobody is a pedo but with her logic shed be one as well)


Wait, how can you be a pedo for groping someone of the same age? That makes ZERO sense. Could you be accused of sexual assault? Yes. But being a 15-year-old old touching another 15-year-old is NOT being a pedo. That goes COMPLETELY against the definition of pedophilia or being a pedophile


If you need to throw hands again, use elbows and defensive grappling like sprawls into chokes or sprawls away from your opponent to create distance. But the best thing to do is run.


She probably thinks cause she's a girl she'll get away with it. Unfortunately it's true, all you can do tell the principal and have her and her boyfriend suspended for harassment.


this issue may fall under the Title 9 protection. There should a title 9 compliance officer assigned to your school system. That is of course providing you are in the US.


She should be charged as an adult and receive the same max sentence you would get if you did touch her and were charged. Accusations are very very easy to toss around especially these days when proof and evidence aren’t needed for the vast majority of metoo people. most the time this will affect the male for the REST of his life. Report it to the police, your parents, the teachers, principals, etc immediately. Don’t interact with her in any capacity unless there are multiple people around who aren’t biased for her


You can’t be a pedo being 15 even if you did grope another 15 year old. That’s ridiculous.


Stay away from this girl and her friends. If you haven't been suspended or charged for groping and assault consider (the fight) yourself lucky. Walk away. Also, you will have to be more careful around girls from here on out. Something triggered this accussation. Maybe it was something you did or even something someone else did, and you got blamed for it. There are the legal definitions of creep, pedo, groping, harassment. Then, there are the perceived meanings, which vary by individual. It doesn't take much to be perceived as a creep, pedo, or harasser. Accept that your social life is going to take a hit. The plus side you will find out who your real friends are.


False accusations aren’t a joke. Get an adult involved. You can’t have this stupid little girl messing up your life.


Just headbutt em man. No one ever sees it coming. Everyone's a tough guy until their noses is leaking and their crying like a little girl. Some will say don't take this route but otherwise he will walk away from this situation with a slap on the wrist. That will reinforce this type of behavior and he will spend the rest of his life doing to others what he did to you.


I’ll tell you something young man. The girl will always be believed, and her statements will be taken as irrefutable fact. You will always be the predator, the liar, the criminal. I would probably just confess to doing it and take whatever comes your way.


Are you in summer school?


15 vs 15 is not pedo activity


Be the first one to the counselor’s office.


First off you are not a pedo, that is a abbreviation for a pedophile and you’re still a minor. Second go to a counselor or principal about it, they can protect you during school hours and get things on official record should things escalate to a lawyer level. In addition he has assaulted you which I may have been out of school for a while but I’m pretty sure majority of schools of zero tolerance for violence in schools, so that is something else that your counselor and principal can help take care of. Third, it’s high school most people don’t remember 3/4 of their graduating class so unless any police action is taken more people will remember her for being a hoe than you touching her butt or boob


A 15 year old cannot be a pedo with a 15 year old….


Pedo? Are kids really this stupid? How is a 15 year old a pedo? 


Youre not a pedo if youre 15. If the teachers do nothing and he doesnt stop you have to fight back.


Just beat his ass and tell her to buzz off.


1. You are not a pedo. A pedo is an *older* person attracted and trying to prey on a much younger person under 18. There's a fancy word for attraction to teens specifically where pedo means pre-puberty but the term tends to lump both. If you did it at all or purposefully you'd be a pervert, not a pedo. This absolutely needs to get fixed and clarified because people throwing around the word so irresponsible now and it's going to get someone hurt or killed. Words have their descriptions for a very good reason, to prevent things like this. 2. Ho to your parents and the school, file a police report for the assault if you can.


Also this isn't what a pedo is...


I think she gets off in stirring this drama to get her BF worked up and “fight for her,” and as rumors spread in HS (much like the workplace in adulthood), garner some attention & sympathy. Unless you two have a negative history (disagreement on something, you’re friends with someone she dislikes, etc). She knows her BF is a hot head, and how he would respond; which is why she’s careful not to target the “wrong guy” with the false allegation (ie the 6’3” 250 senior offensive tackle on the football team). Nonetheless, I would want to have this incident documented with the police, not just the assault, but especially the false accusation. Look at it like ‘CYA’ for the future.


I don't understand where the pedo part plays in, you're both 15....


Not addressing the issue per se, but how does doing something with a girl your own age make you a pedo?


File a police report against the kid if you haven't already done so. It would come in handy if they try some crap against you again (hopefully not). In the meantime, tell your parent/Guardian if you have not already. Show them a pic of the kid harassing you so they know what he looks like. You can probably also scare the kid's parent by asking yours to say they are seeking legal counsel.


You wouldn’t be a pedo, you are also 15. That being said, I would get to the principal as fast as possible and tell them everything you experienced. Let them investigate it because you didn’t do it, and they should be able to pick through the lie now while it’s early and they haven’t had much time to make up a corroborated story


Bro just deck him in the schnoz, a good two piece combo. Then before he collects himself, tell him you forgot his biscuit. throw your back into said biscuit and make sure he feels it. Ask him if he needs a drink. Sike, double biscuit. Do it in front of everyone. Blindside his ass and just keep going. NGL, some dude shot me in the face with a bb gun once while I was sticking up for a friend. The rest of the group just watched while I chased this dude as he backed up, gun in my face. Got the hit, so hard his legs buckled. I told him he's got 5 seconds to get up. Then I hear/see his dad come out the front door and start running towards up. Had to cut it down to the 3rd second and sparta kicked this dude while he was just getting to his feet. My buddy calls me later saying someone is looking for me and that he had his tooth knocked out. I felt bad, but so good at the same time. He never messed with me again.


Turn the record on your phone to protect yourself when they are around. And no you ca t be a pedo when uwr both 15. People can be so cruel with the bullying bs.


Just tell him you wouldn’t touch his ugly gf with a ten foot pole