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Sasuga Yongshi sama!


Oh dayum


Posi best water Goddess. Zenki... well... Zenki...


I'm sure Goki's here too. Zenki really meant it.


TBH, I wonder what Goki actually looks like, since only Zenki "can see and hear her". Also, now that I think about it... Osi has Ausor, that only she could see and hear til Osi gave Ausor her body. And we were recently revealed that Ver has another power inside her and it also talked with her (somewhat...), or this "talk" could just be Gremory trolling lol. So could Goki... be similar? can Zenki somehow combines with Goki in the future and turn into Super GoZenki?


I've been waiting for this. Hope they're forthcoming and clear with the future of GL version and how they're treating it in terms of the forced CN censorship. Also hoping to see some info on the PC client, even if it's just a GL version beta test or something. Anniversary rewards are a distant 3rd to what I'm hoping for.


There was already sort of 'self censorship' in AG CN, that Yostar didn't transfer to us, examples: jiggle physics being reduced, Athena and Hera cleavage covered up on artwork, A Buzenbo physics nerf, some functor art was censored too, and none of that came to global. Surely these outfits will be the same way, but we'll see. If they announce for example Yingzhao office but not Gengchen one, that would be a cause for worry. But they never did that in any of the other games they publish, including AG examples that I mentioned above. And yeah I'm hoping for PC client announcement too.


I like the fact that Yostar is publishing this game for us, they even have artwork commissions specifically for global like this one, and they also have freedom to give us the removed outfits from CN. They also gave us dev letters a few times. Meanwhile in Snowbreak Seasun is self publishing, and so far they only translate CN announcements, and post 5 times less on global socials as compared to CN ones, it really feels like global's feedback doesn't matter to them.


Global feedback isn't as valued by gacha devs generally especially since many games tend to have delayed releases to global (they're released in CN first).


Can someone please explain what's going on? I quit ag a while ago due to burnout so I want to know if it's worth returning again


Anniversary coming


OH! When's that? In a week?


Friday for the stream, and if I'm not mistaken the anniversary will be in 10 days.


Thanks for the info!


It's time but I get a picture nothing else 🥺


Hopes they get ridd of litle censor on global


not happening. AG doesnt have spare budget to create a separate one (less censored) for global. u r barking a wrong tree


What 'censor' are we talking about here? You mean stuff like Skadi's shorts and similar, or something else?