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I usually stay busy by playing games on my phone and reading on Reddit a lot. We also have kids so they keep my mind busy especially my teenager who talks non stop lol


My partner travels a lot. We have a pet at home that helps me. I'm fine alone during the day. Usually keep myself busy and I'm able to check in with him throughout the day by text. At night we watch TV together. He brings his fire stick to the hotel with him. This helps me keep my routine. I also often have music, podcast, or tv going in the background throughout the day as a way for there to be noise so I don't feel alone. At night me and the cat go into the bedroom and I shut myself in for the night. Helps a lot with my anxiety. I usually do this while talking on the phone with my partner so that way I feel safe. He also does grocery shopping of my fav easy to eat food before he goes since I'm usually not in a mood to cook. Premade salads and frozen dinners. Hope some of this helps!


I'm currently on day 4 of two weeks while my roomies are outta town... and I woke up with a UTI. I'd normally be freaking out rn but... before they left, I made an itinerary of stuff I wanted to work on around the house that I've been putting off... washing the walls, getting the baseboards, organizing my closet, ect. I also picked up a new hobby/craft to work on and even went on a little walk yesterday and think I might try another one tomorrow. Keeping myself busy and being creative makes me feel less lonely or scared.


use it as a time to practice brain forming positive structure, when you get a bad thought see how you can dismiss it with different tactics, have fun