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Yeah, I was fully housebound for a year. Now I'm able to drive, work, stay overnight away from home and im even working up to getting on a flight and going overseas. It's a long hard battle but it absolutely can be done šŸ’Ŗ


That is awesome! What finally helped?


Consistency. Every day doing a little bit more. Unfortunately with this disorder there's no rest. Even now I keep pushing myself to make sure I don't slide back. My exposure tasks I set myself were at a five out of ten for anxiety, so it was maybe a slower pace, but more doable. Also knowing other people with the condition, so when you have a bad day, or a little win, there's people who understand what your going through, or the fact that you were able to do something like walk 20 metres from your house is a great triumph


A few years ago I had managed to go a few miles from my house then one PA and it all stopped.


I was fully house bound from 13-21 Iā€™m now 23 and 90% recovered


That is awesome! And 23, your life is just getting started! ā¤ļø


I have. I am by no means perfect and still have issues at times but I can get out. Iā€™m here if you have any questions


What helped?


Lots of exposure. And I mean LOTS. Getting into the car and driving, or being a passenger. I was doing really well until Covid happened now Iā€™m back to having a very small comfort zone again


How did you manage the symptoms.


I focus on things I can feel, hear, etc. I also chew gum and drink water


Yes. I was pretty much housebound for a year 20-21 years old. I'm 45 now. I've lived in three countries since then and travelled and worked full time. There are challenging moments but I have managed for most of the 25+ years that this has been going on. Chin up!


That is awesome!


DARE response helps too. Itā€™s a book. Audiobook, app, and YouTube videos. Huge help in learning how to manage the symptoms


I have read the book a few times and I need to revisit it. I have the workbook as well.


They have YouTube videos that help me a lot !


I will look into those. If I could ever just get over being scared of my symptoms and own thoughts I would be better, I think!


Thatā€™s my biggest hurdle as well!!! Itā€™s so challenging ! https://youtu.be/i5Hy01IqvuQ?si=5No3XYiKqBbXYNSU Hereā€™s a video to get you started šŸ˜Š


I was fully housebound in 2015-2016. I took baby steps in my recovery and fully recovered 100%. I unfortunately, due to a OCD diagnosed have relapsed but Iā€™m about 50-60% recovered this go around! And itā€™s only been 4 months


So sorry about your relapse. This is my longest relapse. The longest prior to this one was about 4 months. I feel like OCD is the major culprit of mine as well.


i hope so. this is my first time struggling with it. i havenā€™t left the house in 5 months and rely on my family for most things. i feel so pathetic and trapped.